Simple question on electric vehicles, where does the electricity to recharge them come from?

Bullshit. HR 3199 amending the FWPA may have been bipartisan in the Senate but it was opposed by Republicans in the House as was HR-6518 as seen below.

View attachment 699986
Green Is the Color of Bread Mold

Such nature-worshiping foolishness also increased windspeed. Before that Greenie Zero-Growth tactic, I used to feed stray cats outside on paper plates. That changed when the wind, stronger because the previous hydrocarbon density had thickened the air, which was now thinner, blew away the paper plates before the cats could chow down.
During the Libbie Lockdown, great gusts frequently blew sidewalk trash all over the place.
Actually I was the only one posting Facts (as always) you male Blmbo.

It tells you where power generation and American industry is going.
It's been over 2/3 since 2016. (more than enough to power the current EVs)
Your question was answered/Busted you disingenuous low IQ MAGAt.

You're a low IQ @hole, gratuitously demonizing 'liberalism' in every post, as if it's as bad as your MAGAt-ism/Trump-licking.

you just do not understand, must be your defective liberal gene. EVERYONE supports new forms of energy, but not if they cost more than the current forms and are unreliable. Wind and solar are unreliable and very expensive. it also takes millions of gallons of fossil fuels to produce solar panels and windmill blades. and do you understand that every windmill needs 50 gallons of lubrication oil in order to operate? and yes, they leak that oil into the environment frequently. They also kill millions of birds every year. Why do you hate birds?
Your Evasion Refuted

Wouldn't China report millions of death in order to appear that they suffered as much as anyone else and so can't be accused of creating the virus to attack the West?

No. China would lie about their number of dead.
Just like they lie about everything. To make themselves look better.
Where does it come from? Try to answer truthfully if you can.
YOU ****** DOPE, it comes from power plants which are increasingly Renewable Energy plants: Wind and Solar.
(app 20% and growing fast).
Ergo using less fossil fuel.
One could even use any home renewable power as well.

I just had to bump up your Breathtaking Stupidity.
Nearly as dumb as your Fellow TEN WORD TROLL ToddsterHarriet.

You are both 10-Word Trolls.

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YOU ****** DOPE, it comes from power plants which are increasingly Renewable Energy plants: Wind and Solar.
(app 20% and growing fast).
Ergo using less fossil fuel.
One could even use any home renewable power as well.

I just had to bump up your Breathtaking Stupidity.
Nearly as dumb as your Fellow TEN WORD TROLL ToddsterHarriet.

You are both 10-Word Trolls.

Retard we do not have enough electricity NOW for our needs without converting every vehicle to electric when we do that, we will be VERY VERY short on power, and renewables can't make up the difference.
Retard we do not have enough electricity NOW for our needs without converting every vehicle to electric when we do that, we will be VERY VERY short on power, and renewables can't make up the difference.
Power from Renewables IS doing that and has been for years.
How do you think we got to over 20% NOW?
92% of new power is renewable now.
I have a thread on it for a Year still on page one.
What going up more, Gasoline or Electric bills?

Renewables made up 92% of new generating capacity in the U.S. in the first half of 2021​

[...]" recently released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)...

FERC’s latest monthly “Energy Infrastructure Update” report (with data through June 30, 2021) reveals that renewable energy sources accounted for 91.6% – or 10,940 megawatts (MW) – of the 11,940 MW of new capacity added during the first six months of the year. Wind led the capacity additions with 5,617 MW, followed closely by solar (5,279 MW). Further, wind and solar were the only sources of new capacity additions in June 2021.

Renewables now provide more than a quarter (25.1%) of total U.S. available installed generating capacity. A year ago, their share was only 23.0%. Wind is now more than a tenth (10.4%) of the nation’s generating capacity while utility-scale solar is nearly five percent (4.9%) … and that does not include distributed (e.g., rooftop) solar.

Moreover, FERC data suggest that renewables’ share of generating capacity is on track to increase significantly over the next three years (i.e., by June 2024). “High probability” generation capacity additions for wind, minus anticipated retirements, reflect a projected net increase of 21,129 MW while solar is foreseen growing by 44,385 MW. By comparison, net growth for natural gas will be only 13,241 MW. Thus, wind and solar combined are forecast to provide roughly five times more new net generating capacity than natural gas over the next three years.

If these numbers materialize, by June 2024, renewable energy generating capacity should account for almost 30 percent (29.4%) of the nation’s total available installed generating capacity.
Power from Renewables IS doing that and has been for years.
How do you think we got to over 20% NOW?
92% of new power is renewable now.
I have a thread on it for a Year still on page one.
What going up more, Gasoline or Electric bills?

Renewables made up 92% of new generating capacity in the U.S. in the first half of 2021​

[...]" recently released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)...

FERC’s latest monthly “Energy Infrastructure Update” report (with data through June 30, 2021) reveals that renewable energy sources accounted for 91.6% – or 10,940 megawatts (MW) – of the 11,940 MW of new capacity added during the first six months of the year. Wind led the capacity additions with 5,617 MW, followed closely by solar (5,279 MW). Further, wind and solar were the only sources of new capacity additions in June 2021.

Renewables now provide more than a quarter (25.1%) of total U.S. available installed generating capacity. A year ago, their share was only 23.0%. Wind is now more than a tenth (10.4%) of the nation’s generating capacity while utility-scale solar is nearly five percent (4.9%) … and that does not include distributed (e.g., rooftop) solar.

Moreover, FERC data suggest that renewables’ share of generating capacity is on track to increase significantly over the next three years (i.e., by June 2024). “High probability” generation capacity additions for wind, minus anticipated retirements, reflect a projected net increase of 21,129 MW while solar is foreseen growing by 44,385 MW. By comparison, net growth for natural gas will be only 13,241 MW. Thus, wind and solar combined are forecast to provide roughly five times more new net generating capacity than natural gas over the next three years.

If these numbers materialize, by June 2024, renewable energy generating capacity should account for almost 30 percent (29.4%) of the nation’s total available installed generating capacity.
Moron while it goes up coal and nuclear goes DOWN. the net gain is miniscule. Look at California they have rolling black outs because they don't have enough power,
Moron while it goes up coal and nuclear goes DOWN. the net gain is miniscule. Look at California they have rolling black outs because they don't have enough power,
No, false.
Solar cost is down 90% since 2010 and gets more efficient every year.
Fossil Fuels can only get more expensive, and worldwide is controlled by OPEC+Russia. YOUR Friends.

Re-enlist, you need to be taking orders not thinking.
YOU ****** DOPE, it comes from power plants which are increasingly Renewable Energy plants: Wind and Solar.
(app 20% and growing fast).
Ergo using less fossil fuel.
One could even use any home renewable power as well.

I just had to bump up your Breathtaking Stupidity.
Nearly as dumb as your Fellow TEN WORD TROLL ToddsterHarriet.

You are both 10-Word Trolls.

your stupidity is legend. wind and solar will never replace oil and gas, there just isn't enough space on the planet to hold enough solar panels and windmills to generate the power to run the world's economy. And the amounts of fossil fuels required to produce panels and windmills and batteries is staggering. Are you aware that each windmill requires 50 gallons of lubricating oil in order to operate and that many of them leak that oil onto the ground? Are you aware of all the electric cars that caught fire during and after the hurricane in Florida and the east coast? The proper answer to our energy needs is "all of the above". Senile Joey has made us dependent on countries that hate us for our energy needs and he has reduced our strategic reserves to unsafe levels to please you idiot climate change cultists
your stupidity is legend. wind and solar will never replace oil and gas, there just isn't enough space on the planet to hold enough solar panels and windmills to generate the power to run the world's economy.
There is easily enough space. That has been demonstrated here repeatedly.

And the amounts of fossil fuels required to produce panels and windmills and batteries is staggering.
It is not. What is staggering is the amount of fossil fuels NOT used over the course of the lifetime of those panels and windmills and other non-emitting technologies.
Are you aware that each windmill requires 50 gallons of lubricating oil in order to operate and that many of them leak that oil onto the ground?
Are you kidding me? Do you actually think that's a meaningful argument? Do you think steam turbines and THEIR generators don't use lubricating oil? Give me a fucking break.
Are you aware of all the electric cars that caught fire during and after the hurricane in Florida and the east coast?
I am aware that flooding can lead to fires in EVs. Are you aware that even with that, ICE cars suffer fires at 5-10 times the rate of EV fires and that flooding will destroy them as well
The proper answer to our energy needs is "all of the above".
It is "all of the above" at the moment, but we need to move away from fossil fuels as quickly as we can. You disagree, of course, but I will go with the advice of 99+% of the world's climate scientists when they tell us we need to reduce GHG emissions.
Senile Joey has made us dependent on countries that hate us for our energy needs
It astounds me to see Trump fans badmouthing Biden's intellect and cognitive skills when they've been practically worshipping a man who seems incapable of putting a syntactically valid sentence together or ever learning how to do so (or anything else for that matter). We have been dependent on foreign oil for decades - long before Biden was elected. If you think this is a valid criticism, perhaps its your own cognitive skills you should be worried about.
and he has reduced our strategic reserves to unsafe levels to please you idiot climate change cultists
Are you stupid? He pulled oil out of the strategic reserves to replace some of the supply lost by sanctions placed against Russia for the invasion of Ukraine.
Are you stupid? He pulled oil out of the strategic reserves to replace some of the supply lost by sanctions placed against Russia for the invasion of Ukraine.

Really? Did it have anything to do with lowering the price of gas before the election?
If society would focus on Nuclear and Hydro plants
You might tell the democrats that. Jay Inslee and his green goons in the state of WA have actively campaigned for scuttling four hydroelectric dams on the lower snake river for years.
hope you don't live in california, they have banned charging EVs at night to keep the grid from blowing up. So how do you store your "excess" solar power? A big battery in your attic? How much did that cost and how long will it last?
And how long before it blows up and burns your house down like many EVs are doing--God forbid you get any salt water on it.

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