Simple question on electric vehicles, where does the electricity to recharge them come from?

May I ask where you think oil comes from?
Ecotopians Listen to Little Green Men

From biomass accumulated over millions of years, most of it deposited much deeper than the oil geeks are smart enough to drill. Every inch on the earth's surface has oil and gas somewhere beneath, often in many different layers (strata).

Anticipating this abundance, one of the GreenHead witch-doctorates came up with the denial lie that it takes tons of biomass to produce an ounce of petroleum.
Ecotopians Listen to Little Green Men

From biomass accumulated over millions of years, most of it deposited much deeper than the oil geeks are smart enough to drill. Every inch on the earth's surface has oil and gas somewhere beneath, often in many different layers (strata).

So you don't really know anything about petroleum in detail? But you are sure the "oil geeks" aren't smart enough to know where the oil is? Interesting position.

Anticipating this abundance, one of the GreenHead witch-doctorates came up with the denial lie that it takes tons of biomass to produce an ounce of petroleum.

If you actually want to learn about petroleum just ask. Your personal ignorance of the topic isn't necessarily a hindrance and can be changed.
You know this is not correct. It has been the lefties who have consistently fought pollution. The GOP used to actually care as well when Nixon was around but they quickly realized there's more money without regulation.

This is a gross mischaracterization.

Just because you don't understand the science doesn't make it any less real.

Speaking as someone who has been involved in alternative energy sources for transportation (my second postdoc) I can say that the free market is good but not fast enough. Now that denialists have kept us from addressing the topic for decades the choices are going to get harder and the solutions won't be as easy a fix as a simple "market fix".

Remember leaded gasoline? YOu may be too young but for many of us who lived through that change I can tell you the free market wasn't moving fast enough. Government mandates came in and it worked fine. We all survived. Same with acid rain. Remember that? Yeah, we fought it and won. We leveraged SOME free market stuff but we also required mandates from the government to ensure that the market didn't crush some people for doing the right thing.

All of this requires you have an appreciation for history and science. Something you clearly lack.
you are very confused, typical of someone who is educated but not intelligent. Everything I posted is true, if you had the brains of a toad (no offence to Jerry Nadler) you would know that.

Liberalism destroys everything it touches, the USA is about to end because we have allowed liberalism to control our educational system, our government, and our culture. This will not end well, it never does. If we refuse to learn from history we are doomed to repeat it, and we are seeing exactly that in the USA today.
you are very confused, typical of someone who is educated but not intelligent. Everything I posted is true, if you had the brains of a toad (no offence to Jerry Nadler) you would know that.

Liberalism destroys everything it touches, the USA is about to end because we have allowed liberalism to control our educational system, our government, and our culture. This will not end well, it never does. If we refuse to learn from history we are doomed to repeat it, and we are seeing exactly that in the USA today.
The establishment of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the creation of the EPA are due to the efforts of liberals and accomplished despite the resistance of conservatives. I suggest you check the public record.
The establishment of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the creation of the EPA are due to the efforts of liberals and accomplished despite the resistance of conservatives. I suggest you check the public record.
those acts were bi partisan, the EPA has done more harm than good. Liberalism is a mental disease, you just proved it once again. Actually you liberals have a defective gene, its been identified as DRD4. Do some research into your illness, you might learn something. Lets go Brandon!!!!!
you are very confused, typical of someone who is educated but not intelligent. Everything I posted is true, if you had the brains of a toad (no offence to Jerry Nadler) you would know that.

Liberalism destroys everything it touches, the USA is about to end because we have allowed liberalism to control our educational system, our government, and our culture. This will not end well, it never does. If we refuse to learn from history we are doomed to repeat it, and we are seeing exactly that in the USA today.
Increasingly the electricity is coming from renewables, of course!
Is there a reason you didn't think of that genius?
It's obvious.
See my MANY OPs on this page on renewables Dominating new power generation, (85% last year) in case you are blind as a bat and just want to put in your low IQ/MAGAt 2c.

Increasingly the electricity is coming from renewables, of course!
Is there a reason you didn't think of that genius?
It's obvious.
See my MANY OPs on this page on renewables Dominating new power generation, (85% last year) in case you are blind as a bat and just want to put in your low IQ/MAGAt 2c.

yes, NEW power generation. 85% of virtually nothing is virtually nothing.
yes, NEW power generation. 85% of virtually nothing is virtually nothing.
Actually I was the only one posting Facts (as always) you male Blmbo.

It tells you where power generation and American industry is going.
It's been over 2/3 since 2016. (more than enough to power the current EVs)
Your question was answered/Busted you disingenuous low IQ MAGAt.

You're a low IQ @hole, gratuitously demonizing 'liberalism' in every post, as if it's as bad as your MAGAt-ism/Trump-licking.

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It tells you where power generation and American industry is going.
It's been over 2/3 since 2016. (more than enough to power the current EVs)
Your question was answered/Busted you disingenuous low IQ MAGAt.

You're a low IQ @hole, gratuitously demonizing 'liberalism' as if it's as bad as your MAGAt-ism/Trump-licking.

well since new coal, oil, nuclear, and gas fired power plants are not approved the only option is the solar, wind, and renewables that have never worked. Europe will freeze this winter and thousands will die because of this stupidity. What exactly is offensive about "make america great again"? Why do you hate the country you live in? Why do you hate our constitution and our freedoms? its amazing how stupid you libs are, has to be that defective gene. (look it up, its called DRD4)
well since new coal, oil, nuclear, and gas fired power plants are not approved the only option is the solar, wind, and renewables that have never worked. Europe will freeze this winter and thousands will die because of this stupidity. What exactly is offensive about "make america great again"? Why do you hate the country you live in? Why do you hate our constitution and our freedoms? its amazing how stupid you libs are, has to be that defective gene. (look it up, its called DRD4)
1. Other plants can be approved. Renewables are now cheaper (see my many OPs/FACTS), and not subject to to foreign control and giant Price Hikes.
2. Had Europe not depended on Russian Gas, and built more renewables they'd clearly be better off. Ooops/Stooopid.
Oil is controlled by the Arabs and Russia you Stupid cvmstain.

"Why do I hate the constitution?" !!!
You are MENTAL DEFECTIVE who can't keep your OCD politics ("Liberalism", etc) out of every post.
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Not if you include the cost of battery backup storage required for base loading the electric grid.

That would double to triple the cost of renewables.
at least.

Demofks are still crickets explaining just how they are cheaper.
Where does it come from? Try to answer truthfully if you can.
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