Simple question on electric vehicles, where does the electricity to recharge them come from?

When a developer puts in a new subdivision, where does the electricity come from?
you are very confused, typical of someone who is educated but not intelligent. Everything I posted is true, if you had the brains of a toad (no offence to Jerry Nadler) you would know that.

Liberalism destroys everything it touches, the USA is about to end because we have allowed liberalism to control our educational system, our government, and our culture. This will not end well, it never does. If we refuse to learn from history we are doomed to repeat it, and we are seeing exactly that in the USA today.
Why Have a Union With a Colony of the United Nations?

Here's some history. When the Eastern Roman Empire seceded from the Western Roman Empire, it lasted for a thousand years longer.
like a typical brain dead lib, abu disagrees with facts.
All We Get From the Green Gang Is Gangrene

It's not his fault. His Liberal genes make him fact-intolerant. If he sticks to fact-free media, he'll be all right. At the elite universities, all Liberals are instructed about what precautions to take to avoid all the dangerous truths lurking in the world they'll have to face after graduation. Ignorance is bliss, after all.
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Actually I was the only one posting Facts (as always) you male Blmbo.
Your question was answered/Busted you disingenuous low IQ MAGAt.
You're a low IQ @hole, gratuitously demonizing 'liberalism' in every post, as if it's as bad as your MAGAt-ism/Trump-licking.`
Damn, you got triggered. Lulz.
'THEY' are always trying to convince us that progress is innovations are good. 'THEY' (gov't and their lobbyists) have ruined electric lights, our automobiles, heating our homes, appliances, and now our cars and our means to get around. Things do not last, they wear out quickly, the improvement is debatable. It almost looks like they're doing this intentionally.
Nobody has said it better
those acts were bi partisan, the EPA has done more harm than good. Liberalism is a mental disease, you just proved it once again. Actually you liberals have a defective gene, its been identified as DRD4. Do some research into your illness, you might learn something. Lets go Brandon!!!!!
Bullshit. HR 3199 amending the FWPA may have been bipartisan in the Senate but it was opposed by Republicans in the House as was HR-6518 as seen below.


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Bullshit. HR 3199 amending the FWPA may have been bipartisan in the Senate but it was opposed by Republicans in the House as was HR-6518 as seen below.

View attachment 699986
so you don't see that some republicans voted for it in that pretty chart you posted? hmmm, i also see some demofks said Nay. wait, how can that be. Can't make it up how fking stupid you are.

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