Simple question on electric vehicles, where does the electricity to recharge them come from?

Sort of like how PV cells can capture photons and convert them into electricity and still warm the surface of the planet to more than it would without them. Lib math.
Sort of like how PV cells can capture photons and convert them into electricity and still warm the surface of the planet to more than it would without them. Lib math.
was that a spin on the dime there?
Only THOSE HORRIBLE WHITE PEOPLE had the mental ability to harness nuclear energy,

And by that you mean the Jews and Italians, correct? Because MANY of the original scientists who discovered the ability to harness this were Jewish and Italian.

The first patent for an atomic bomb was by a Hungarian Jew.

Let's dial back the White nationalism. This isn't StormFront. You should go over there with your ignorance of the history of science.
Sort of like how PV cells can capture photons and convert them into electricity and still warm the surface of the planet to more than it would without them. Lib math.

Yes, lower albedo solar panels will warm the planet more than without them.
Killer Viruses Can Only Survive in What Primitive Nature-Worship Calls "Clean Air"

I've read this several times now and I'm not entirely certain what your point is. I assume that you threw a small blood clot and it manifested as TIA. You had a minor stroke and your hands bashed out a non-sense sentence.

Do you want to have another go 'round with it?
I've read this several times now and I'm not entirely certain what your point is. I assume that you threw a small blood clot and it manifested as TIA. You had a minor stroke and your hands bashed out a non-sense sentence.

Do you want to have another go 'round with it?
seriously, you have no idea what he meant? hahahhaahahahahaahahahahahahaha
let me be clear Oil will deplete sooner or later, so we better start looking hard at the alternative ways to lower ourselves.
We Are Living in the Shadows of the Shallows. We Need to Dig Deeper.

The amount of undiscovered oil left is equivalent to the amount of salt water in all the oceans. They both come from similar processes. The Gloom-and-Doom Peak Oil myth has been around since the 1880s, when Rockefeller was advised to get out of the oil business before it all runs out.

A decadent world wallows in the escapism of Outer-Space wanderings while we've barely scratched the surface of the Earth's resources. Escapism, pessimism, and fatalism makes the removal of the powerful cliques that spread those attitudes absolutely necessary if we are ever to go forward again. Stuck in reverse because of our self-appointed rulers paralyzing the driveshaft, Mankind will become insignificant if we don't get back to practical exploration. The planet is begging to be made useful. It has abundant raw resources; it is an object to be used, but it is being frustrated by the useless vermin who think it is a sacred and untouchable Goddess.

Trustfundie Treehuggers are motivated by the fact that uninhibited development of natural resources is the only cause of class mobility, which used to be the Story of America. They are terrified of that threat, which would push them out of our way.
We Are Living in the Shadows of the Shallows. We Need to Dig Deeper.

The amount of undiscovered oil left is equivalent to the amount of salt water in all the oceans. They both come from similar processes. The Gloom-and-Doom Peak Oil myth has been around since the 1880s, when Rockefeller was advised to get out of the oil business before it all runs out.

A decadent world wallows in the escapism of Outer-Space wanderings while we've barely scratched the surface of the Earth's resources. Escapism, pessimism, and fatalism makes the removal of the powerful cliques that spread those attitudes absolutely necessary if we are ever to go forward again. Stuck in reverse because of our self-appointed rulers paralyzing the driveshaft, Mankind will become insignificant if we don't get back to practical exploration. The planet is begging to be made useful. It has abundant raw resources; it is an object to be used, but it is being frustrated by the useless vermin who think it is a sacred and untouchable Goddess.

Trustfundie Treehuggers are motivated by the fact that uninhibited development of natural resources is the only cause of class mobility, which used to be the Story of America. They are terrified of that threat, which would push them out of our way.
yep, just as i told another poster in another thread. We'd never run out.

This is about hating american citizens. it's all it is.
We Are Living in the Shadows of the Shallows. We Need to Dig Deeper.

The amount of undiscovered oil left is equivalent to the amount of salt water in all the oceans. They both come from similar processes. The Gloom-and-Doom Peak Oil myth has been around since the 1880s, when Rockefeller was advised to get out of the oil business before it all runs out.

A decadent world wallows in the escapism of Outer-Space wanderings while we've barely scratched the surface of the Earth's resources. Escapism, pessimism, and fatalism makes the removal of the powerful cliques that spread those attitudes absolutely necessary if we are ever to go forward again. Stuck in reverse because of our self-appointed rulers paralyzing the driveshaft, Mankind will become insignificant if we don't get back to practical exploration. The planet is begging to be made useful. It has abundant raw resources; it is an object to be used, but it is being frustrated by the useless vermin who think it is a sacred and untouchable Goddess.

Trustfundie Treehuggers are motivated by the fact that uninhibited development of natural resources is the only cause of class mobility, which used to be the Story of America. They are terrified of that threat, which would push them out of our way.

May I ask where you think oil comes from?

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