Since 1999 the chance a public school student being killed by a gun in school is 1 in 614,000,000

Nah, seriously, I'm all for having armed guards at schools.

If you're first phone call after the shooting starts is to the cops whom you expect to show up with guns....doesn't it make sense to have a trained, skilled armed guard there already?

My only question is where does it end? You want the guards at day care centers too? What about on school buses?
The poster I was replying to complains about Democratic gun free schools as being soft targets. Parkland had an armed guard but he continues to call it a gun free school. So I’m looking for something that will serve as an example of what he wants to see? I’m guessing something in between one armed guard and one sitting in every classroom. So what is it?

One guard to cover 45 acres of multistory buildings and common areas isn't enough. Having trained teachers is the best, most cost effective means of protecting students. Several TX school districts have been using them for some years now.

For example?

CNN report found that 170 districts in the state of Texas have policies allowing teachers or administrators to exercise their right to bear arms on campus.

The Texas Education Agency reported in 2014 that there are 1,247 public school districts across the state. That means less than 14 percent of districts exercise concealed carry policies.

The CNN report followed one district in a rural community north of Dallas where a program not only arms teachers, but it includes annual training on handling active shooters.
Teachers armed at select school districts in Texas
So in a school like Parkland, how many teachers and or armed security guards should there be at a minimum?
The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252

You are correct. Kids are statistically safe from gun violence in schools. Safer than in their own homes.

Therefore, gun free schools is not something that leads to school shootings.

Glad we agree.
Nah, seriously, I'm all for having armed guards at schools.

If you're first phone call after the shooting starts is to the cops whom you expect to show up with guns....doesn't it make sense to have a trained, skilled armed guard there already?

My only question is where does it end? You want the guards at day care centers too? What about on school buses?
The poster I was replying to complains about Democratic gun free schools as being soft targets. Parkland had an armed guard but he continues to call it a gun free school. So I’m looking for something that will serve as an example of what he wants to see? I’m guessing something in between one armed guard and one sitting in every classroom. So what is it?

One guard to cover 45 acres of multistory buildings and common areas isn't enough. Having trained teachers is the best, most cost effective means of protecting students. Several TX school districts have been using them for some years now.

For example?

CNN report found that 170 districts in the state of Texas have policies allowing teachers or administrators to exercise their right to bear arms on campus.

The Texas Education Agency reported in 2014 that there are 1,247 public school districts across the state. That means less than 14 percent of districts exercise concealed carry policies.

The CNN report followed one district in a rural community north of Dallas where a program not only arms teachers, but it includes annual training on handling active shooters.
Teachers armed at select school districts in Texas
So in a school like Parkland, how many teachers and or armed security guards should there be at a minimum?

As many that are:
1) Qualified
2) Mentally and emotionally stable
3) Fully trained with periodic updates in training
4) Willing to become a target

They will definitely need to be compensated.
The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252

You are correct. Kids are statistically safe from gun violence in schools. Safer than in their own homes.

Therefore, gun free schools is not something that leads to school shootings.

Glad we agree.

I don't know the statistics on "gun free" schools being something that leads to shootings.

I do KNOW that 7/24 coverage by the news media definitely influences future maladroits to want their 15 minutes of fame.

Studies indicate that the more media attention a shooter gets, the more likely the event will inspire a future mass shooter. For example, a 2015 study found that after a mass shooting, there was an increased chance of another one occurring in the next 13 days.
A 2017 study found that media coverage of a mass shooting may increase the frequency and lethality of future shootings, but the contagion period might not be within the first two weeks, but instead might inspire the frequency of mass shootings in the future.

Does Media Coverage Inspire Copy Cat Mass Shootings? | National Center for Health Research
Gun free zones...

Suppose one little old lady in ten carries a gun,” Friedman wrote. “Suppose that one in ten of those, if attacked by a mugger, will succeed in killing the mugger instead of being killed by him … The number of muggers declines drastically, not because they have all been killed but because they have, rationally, sought safer professions.”

David Kopel, a self-identified life-long Democrat who is research director at the Independence Institute in Colorado and associate policy analyst at the Cato Institute, has written prolifically on gun control. “Simply put, if not for gun control, Hitler would not have been able to murder 21 million people,” Kopel wrote in National Review.

The work of R. J. Rummel, a political science professor at the University of Hawaii, documents 169,202,000 people who were killed during the 20th century by governments practicing democide — defined as politically motivated genocide, mass murder, or other purposeful killing.
According to Rummel’s scholarly research, the Soviet Union killed 61,911,000. Maoist China killed 35,236,000.
The Nazis killed 20,946,000
. Other smaller totalitarian dictatorships killed the rest.
These numbers do not include casualties of war. All these countries were turned into gun-free-zones before the killing began.
Do gun-free zones actually encourage more mass shootings? | Libertarian Party
The poster I was replying to complains about Democratic gun free schools as being soft targets. Parkland had an armed guard but he continues to call it a gun free school. So I’m looking for something that will serve as an example of what he wants to see? I’m guessing something in between one armed guard and one sitting in every classroom. So what is it?

One guard to cover 45 acres of multistory buildings and common areas isn't enough. Having trained teachers is the best, most cost effective means of protecting students. Several TX school districts have been using them for some years now.

For example?

CNN report found that 170 districts in the state of Texas have policies allowing teachers or administrators to exercise their right to bear arms on campus.

The Texas Education Agency reported in 2014 that there are 1,247 public school districts across the state. That means less than 14 percent of districts exercise concealed carry policies.

The CNN report followed one district in a rural community north of Dallas where a program not only arms teachers, but it includes annual training on handling active shooters.
Teachers armed at select school districts in Texas
So in a school like Parkland, how many teachers and or armed security guards should there be at a minimum?

As many that are:
1) Qualified
2) Mentally and emotionally stable
3) Fully trained with periodic updates in training
4) Willing to become a target

They will definitely need to be compensated.
What if it’s one, like in Parkland. You good with that? If not then tell me what the standard is going to be?
One guard to cover 45 acres of multistory buildings and common areas isn't enough. Having trained teachers is the best, most cost effective means of protecting students. Several TX school districts have been using them for some years now.

For example?

CNN report found that 170 districts in the state of Texas have policies allowing teachers or administrators to exercise their right to bear arms on campus.

The Texas Education Agency reported in 2014 that there are 1,247 public school districts across the state. That means less than 14 percent of districts exercise concealed carry policies.

The CNN report followed one district in a rural community north of Dallas where a program not only arms teachers, but it includes annual training on handling active shooters.
Teachers armed at select school districts in Texas
So in a school like Parkland, how many teachers and or armed security guards should there be at a minimum?

As many that are:
1) Qualified
2) Mentally and emotionally stable
3) Fully trained with periodic updates in training
4) Willing to become a target

They will definitely need to be compensated.
What if it’s one, like in Parkland. You good with that? If not then tell me what the standard is going to be?

Again... I gave you the answer to TEACHERS!!!!
Now if Parkland, want to hire more than TEACHERS that's OK but they and other schools are not going to depend on "TEACHERS" to meet the need.
The common sense statement is if a teacher wants, is qualified, is stable, is trained and WILLING to be a target... how many TEACHERS do you think that would be?
I don't know. But it is AN OPTION.... Do you understand "OPTIONS"?
It shouldn't be THE ONLY solution which I interpret your responses as what you think is the case.
Logical rational people understand the reality of the world.
Until the MSM stops putting these shooters on nightly news/headlines we'll have more regardless of how many armed teachers there are.
The point of the thread is NOT arming teachers but DISARMING the false and FAKE headlines by the MSM! Used to sell advertising.
Why is it you don't take the MSM to task for encouraging these shooters?
For example?

CNN report found that 170 districts in the state of Texas have policies allowing teachers or administrators to exercise their right to bear arms on campus.

The Texas Education Agency reported in 2014 that there are 1,247 public school districts across the state. That means less than 14 percent of districts exercise concealed carry policies.

The CNN report followed one district in a rural community north of Dallas where a program not only arms teachers, but it includes annual training on handling active shooters.
Teachers armed at select school districts in Texas
So in a school like Parkland, how many teachers and or armed security guards should there be at a minimum?

As many that are:
1) Qualified
2) Mentally and emotionally stable
3) Fully trained with periodic updates in training
4) Willing to become a target

They will definitely need to be compensated.
What if it’s one, like in Parkland. You good with that? If not then tell me what the standard is going to be?

Again... I gave you the answer to TEACHERS!!!!
Now if Parkland, want to hire more than TEACHERS that's OK but they and other schools are not going to depend on "TEACHERS" to meet the need.
The common sense statement is if a teacher wants, is qualified, is stable, is trained and WILLING to be a target... how many TEACHERS do you think that would be?
I don't know. But it is AN OPTION.... Do you understand "OPTIONS"?
It shouldn't be THE ONLY solution which I interpret your responses as what you think is the case.
Logical rational people understand the reality of the world.
Until the MSM stops putting these shooters on nightly news/headlines we'll have more regardless of how many armed teachers there are.
The point of the thread is NOT arming teachers but DISARMING the false and FAKE headlines by the MSM! Used to sell advertising.
Why is it you don't take the MSM to task for encouraging these shooters?
Yes I very much understand the realities of the world. You want to arm teachers and pay them more for taking on this responsibility. So now are schools hiring people because they will be defenders or because they are the best teachers? Schools do a lot for bumps in funding so is it possible that many will take advantage of this and the quality of our teachers takes a hit?

What if nobody in a school wants to be an armed defender? Frankly I think it is a silly idea but I’m open to the debate. I think it better to integrate more police, ex police and ex vets for security purposes. But we have people here calling Parkland a gun free zone even though there was an armed guard. So back to my original question. For a school like Parkland, how many armed defenders would you consider needed for adequate minimum security?
Nah, seriously, I'm all for having armed guards at schools.

If you're first phone call after the shooting starts is to the cops whom you expect to show up with guns....doesn't it make sense to have a trained, skilled armed guard there already?

My only question is where does it end? You want the guards at day care centers too? What about on school buses?
The poster I was replying to complains about Democratic gun free schools as being soft targets. Parkland had an armed guard but he continues to call it a gun free school. So I’m looking for something that will serve as an example of what he wants to see? I’m guessing something in between one armed guard and one sitting in every classroom. So what is it?

One guard to cover 45 acres of multistory buildings and common areas isn't enough. Having trained teachers is the best, most cost effective means of protecting students. Several TX school districts have been using them for some years now.

For example?

Is you freaking google broke, there's 172 school districts that allow teachers and staff to be armed, take your pick.

TX schools allow armed teachers - Bing

Nah, seriously, I'm all for having armed guards at schools.

If you're first phone call after the shooting starts is to the cops whom you expect to show up with guns....doesn't it make sense to have a trained, skilled armed guard there already?

My only question is where does it end? You want the guards at day care centers too? What about on school buses?
The poster I was replying to complains about Democratic gun free schools as being soft targets. Parkland had an armed guard but he continues to call it a gun free school. So I’m looking for something that will serve as an example of what he wants to see? I’m guessing something in between one armed guard and one sitting in every classroom. So what is it?

One guard to cover 45 acres of multistory buildings and common areas isn't enough. Having trained teachers is the best, most cost effective means of protecting students. Several TX school districts have been using them for some years now.

For example?

Is you freaking google broke, there's 172 school districts that allow teachers and staff to be armed, take your pick.

TX schools allow armed teachers - Bing

I’m not looking for districts that allow teachers to carry. I’m fine with that if that’s what the communities want. I’m asking for an example of how many armed guards and/or teachers it takes per student or per building to consider a school safe and secure?
The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252

You are correct. Kids are statistically safe from gun violence in schools. Safer than in their own homes.

Therefore, gun free schools is not something that leads to school shootings.

Glad we agree.

I don't know the statistics on "gun free" schools being something that leads to shootings.

I do KNOW that 7/24 coverage by the news media definitely influences future maladroits to want their 15 minutes of fame.

Studies indicate that the more media attention a shooter gets, the more likely the event will inspire a future mass shooter. For example, a 2015 study found that after a mass shooting, there was an increased chance of another one occurring in the next 13 days.
A 2017 study found that media coverage of a mass shooting may increase the frequency and lethality of future shootings, but the contagion period might not be within the first two weeks, but instead might inspire the frequency of mass shootings in the future.

Does Media Coverage Inspire Copy Cat Mass Shootings? | National Center for Health Research

You want to talk about the media being complicit in mass shootings? Really,
Nah, seriously, I'm all for having armed guards at schools.

If you're first phone call after the shooting starts is to the cops whom you expect to show up with guns....doesn't it make sense to have a trained, skilled armed guard there already?

My only question is where does it end? You want the guards at day care centers too? What about on school buses?
The poster I was replying to complains about Democratic gun free schools as being soft targets. Parkland had an armed guard but he continues to call it a gun free school. So I’m looking for something that will serve as an example of what he wants to see? I’m guessing something in between one armed guard and one sitting in every classroom. So what is it?

One guard to cover 45 acres of multistory buildings and common areas isn't enough. Having trained teachers is the best, most cost effective means of protecting students. Several TX school districts have been using them for some years now.

For example?

Is you freaking google broke, there's 172 school districts that allow teachers and staff to be armed, take your pick.

TX schools allow armed teachers - Bing

I’m not looking for districts that allow teachers to carry. I’m fine with that if that’s what the communities want. I’m asking for an example of how many armed guards and/or teachers it takes per student or per building to consider a school safe and secure?

That can only be determined by an on site risk assessment for each location. There is no one size fits all formula.

that stat is misleading - we should look at the numbers since 2000

yes, I agree that leftists make too much political hay out of these tragedies, and I think that one of the answers is arming teachers that can pass special training

but these events are up dramatically in the last decade (of coarse, Jug Ears never did anything about it)

we need to make schools not such soft targets
The poster I was replying to complains about Democratic gun free schools as being soft targets. Parkland had an armed guard but he continues to call it a gun free school. So I’m looking for something that will serve as an example of what he wants to see? I’m guessing something in between one armed guard and one sitting in every classroom. So what is it?

One guard to cover 45 acres of multistory buildings and common areas isn't enough. Having trained teachers is the best, most cost effective means of protecting students. Several TX school districts have been using them for some years now.

For example?

Is you freaking google broke, there's 172 school districts that allow teachers and staff to be armed, take your pick.

TX schools allow armed teachers - Bing

I’m not looking for districts that allow teachers to carry. I’m fine with that if that’s what the communities want. I’m asking for an example of how many armed guards and/or teachers it takes per student or per building to consider a school safe and secure?

That can only be determined by an on site risk assessment for each location. There is no one size fits all formula.

How about Parkland? How many armed defenders would you want to see at that school?
The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252

You are correct. Kids are statistically safe from gun violence in schools. Safer than in their own homes.

Therefore, gun free schools is not something that leads to school shootings.

Glad we agree.

I don't know the statistics on "gun free" schools being something that leads to shootings.

I do KNOW that 7/24 coverage by the news media definitely influences future maladroits to want their 15 minutes of fame.

Studies indicate that the more media attention a shooter gets, the more likely the event will inspire a future mass shooter. For example, a 2015 study found that after a mass shooting, there was an increased chance of another one occurring in the next 13 days.
A 2017 study found that media coverage of a mass shooting may increase the frequency and lethality of future shootings, but the contagion period might not be within the first two weeks, but instead might inspire the frequency of mass shootings in the future.

Does Media Coverage Inspire Copy Cat Mass Shootings? | National Center for Health Research

You want to talk about the media being complicit in mass shootings? Really,

YES.. I REALLY do and more importantly... I am not saying that...researchers are. Words from a mass killer...
Does media coverage of mass murders encourage others to kill?
The most compelling anecdotal evidence of a copycat effect may have come from the
26-year-old who killed 10 students at Umpqua Community College in Oregon in 2015.

In a blog post about the television journalist who killed two of his former colleagues in Virginia earlier that year, he wrote,
“I have noticed that so many people like him are all alone and unknown,
yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are.
A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone.
His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day.
Seems the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight.”

Now from researchers:
Writing in The Atlantic in 2012, sociologist Zeynep Tufekci argued that the news media ought to tone down coverage of shooting sprees in the same way they modulated their coverage of suicides when it was feared that such deaths had become “contagious” in the 1980s. Among Tufekci’s recommendations:
Avoid specifying the killer’s choice of weapons, avoid quoting his writings or utterances, delay releasing the suspect’s name
and, to not add to the traumatizing of victims and their loved ones, resist the urge to interview victims and loved ones.

Does media coverage of mass murders encourage others to kill?

So WHERE is YOUR proof that MSM blasting the airwaves 7/24 DOESN"T INFLUENCE these weak minded people that want their 15 minutes of FAME?
The odds of a terror attack are even less. Yet cons what to ban people from entire regions because of terror concearns .
The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252

You are correct. Kids are statistically safe from gun violence in schools. Safer than in their own homes.

Therefore, gun free schools is not something that leads to school shootings.

Glad we agree.

I don't know the statistics on "gun free" schools being something that leads to shootings.

I do KNOW that 7/24 coverage by the news media definitely influences future maladroits to want their 15 minutes of fame.

Studies indicate that the more media attention a shooter gets, the more likely the event will inspire a future mass shooter. For example, a 2015 study found that after a mass shooting, there was an increased chance of another one occurring in the next 13 days.
A 2017 study found that media coverage of a mass shooting may increase the frequency and lethality of future shootings, but the contagion period might not be within the first two weeks, but instead might inspire the frequency of mass shootings in the future.

Does Media Coverage Inspire Copy Cat Mass Shootings? | National Center for Health Research

You want to talk about the media being complicit in mass shootings? Really,

YES.. I REALLY do and more importantly... I am not saying that...researchers are. Words from a mass killer...
Does media coverage of mass murders encourage others to kill?
The most compelling anecdotal evidence of a copycat effect may have come from the
26-year-old who killed 10 students at Umpqua Community College in Oregon in 2015.

In a blog post about the television journalist who killed two of his former colleagues in Virginia earlier that year, he wrote,
“I have noticed that so many people like him are all alone and unknown,
yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are.
A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone.
His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day.
Seems the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight.”

Now from researchers:
Writing in The Atlantic in 2012, sociologist Zeynep Tufekci argued that the news media ought to tone down coverage of shooting sprees in the same way they modulated their coverage of suicides when it was feared that such deaths had become “contagious” in the 1980s. Among Tufekci’s recommendations:
Avoid specifying the killer’s choice of weapons, avoid quoting his writings or utterances, delay releasing the suspect’s name
and, to not add to the traumatizing of victims and their loved ones, resist the urge to interview victims and loved ones.

Does media coverage of mass murders encourage others to kill?

So WHERE is YOUR proof that MSM blasting the airwaves 7/24 DOESN"T INFLUENCE these weak minded people that want their 15 minutes of FAME?

Blah. Blah. Blah.

Your own thread title tells us that we need not worry about school shooters.

Why not just be consistent.

More guns in schools are not needed for student safety.

Next fake outrage. Asshole.
Which red state school has the kind of security that you’d like to model?

Teachers/staff can apply for a license and special release to carry concealed at school.

Also, public universities are no longer "gun-free" zones, meaning anyone with a license can carry concealed on any state college or university campus.

That's what caused the whole "cocks not glocks" campaign at the burnt orange school for the retarded hippie in Austin.
One guard to cover 45 acres of multistory buildings and common areas isn't enough. Having trained teachers is the best, most cost effective means of protecting students. Several TX school districts have been using them for some years now.

For example?

Is you freaking google broke, there's 172 school districts that allow teachers and staff to be armed, take your pick.

TX schools allow armed teachers - Bing

I’m not looking for districts that allow teachers to carry. I’m fine with that if that’s what the communities want. I’m asking for an example of how many armed guards and/or teachers it takes per student or per building to consider a school safe and secure?

That can only be determined by an on site risk assessment for each location. There is no one size fits all formula.

How about Parkland? How many armed defenders would you want to see at that school?

I'm several hundred miles away, have never been on the campus. If you want to pay me to put together a qualified team and do a risk assessment, great. Otherwise stop asking stupid questions that can't be accurately answered without one.


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