Since 1999 the chance a public school student being killed by a gun in school is 1 in 614,000,000

The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252
And your chance of being killed by a Muslim terrorist is 1 in 3.64 billion.

Those odds go up considerably if you happen to work in a major landmark or are at a major outdoor public gathering.
Odds stay the same.
You might want to check up conditional probability.
As in your chance of being a victim of a school shooting is higher in states with lax gun laws?

School Shootings Are More Frequent In States With Lax Gun Laws

Oddly, my state has very "lax" gun laws and there hasn't been a single significant serial school shooting on record that I can recall. So in other words, while crime goes down everywhere else there is a plurality of guns, you think it only goes UP when it comes to schools? Maybe our problem isn't the schools, the laws, the NRA OR the guns, maybe we just need to get government out of educating our kids? Not even the private schools have the problem of kids wanting to come in with firearms and kill all the faculty and students!
And your chance of being killed by a Muslim terrorist is 1 in 3.64 billion.

Those odds go up considerably if you happen to work in a major landmark or are at a major outdoor public gathering.
Odds stay the same.
You might want to check up conditional probability.
As in your chance of being a victim of a school shooting is higher in states with lax gun laws?

School Shootings Are More Frequent In States With Lax Gun Laws

Oddly, my state has very "lax" gun laws and there hasn't been a single significant serial school shooting on record that I can recall. So in other words, while crime goes down everywhere else there is a plurality of guns, you think it only goes UP when it comes to schools? Maybe our problem isn't the schools, the laws, the NRA OR the guns, maybe we just need to get government out of educating our kids? Not even the private schools have the problem of kids wanting to come in with firearms and kill all the faculty and students!
I’ve lived in states with significant landmarks, airports and crowded events...and not a single Muslim terrorist attack.
Those odds go up considerably if you happen to work in a major landmark or are at a major outdoor public gathering.
Odds stay the same.
You might want to check up conditional probability.
As in your chance of being a victim of a school shooting is higher in states with lax gun laws?

School Shootings Are More Frequent In States With Lax Gun Laws

Oddly, my state has very "lax" gun laws and there hasn't been a single significant serial school shooting on record that I can recall. So in other words, while crime goes down everywhere else there is a plurality of guns, you think it only goes UP when it comes to schools? Maybe our problem isn't the schools, the laws, the NRA OR the guns, maybe we just need to get government out of educating our kids? Not even the private schools have the problem of kids wanting to come in with firearms and kill all the faculty and students!
I’ve lived in states with significant landmarks, airports and crowded events...and not a single Muslim terrorist attack.

Good! Then you agree that current gun laws are working just fine.
Odds stay the same.
You might want to check up conditional probability.
As in your chance of being a victim of a school shooting is higher in states with lax gun laws?

School Shootings Are More Frequent In States With Lax Gun Laws

Oddly, my state has very "lax" gun laws and there hasn't been a single significant serial school shooting on record that I can recall. So in other words, while crime goes down everywhere else there is a plurality of guns, you think it only goes UP when it comes to schools? Maybe our problem isn't the schools, the laws, the NRA OR the guns, maybe we just need to get government out of educating our kids? Not even the private schools have the problem of kids wanting to come in with firearms and kill all the faculty and students!
I’ve lived in states with significant landmarks, airports and crowded events...and not a single Muslim terrorist attack.

Good! Then you agree that current gun laws are working just fine.
Nah, seriously, I'm all for having armed guards at schools.

If you're first phone call after the shooting starts is to the cops whom you expect to show up with guns....doesn't it make sense to have a trained, skilled armed guard there already?

My only question is where does it end? You want the guards at day care centers too? What about on school buses?

Won't work.

A school shooter will just kill the armed guard first and then he has the run of the place.

Even if the guard is undercover...the students will quickly figure out that he is a guard.
So in a school like Parkland, how many teachers and or armed security guards should there be at a minimum?

As many that are:
1) Qualified
2) Mentally and emotionally stable
3) Fully trained with periodic updates in training
4) Willing to become a target

They will definitely need to be compensated.
What if it’s one, like in Parkland. You good with that? If not then tell me what the standard is going to be?

Again... I gave you the answer to TEACHERS!!!!
Now if Parkland, want to hire more than TEACHERS that's OK but they and other schools are not going to depend on "TEACHERS" to meet the need.
The common sense statement is if a teacher wants, is qualified, is stable, is trained and WILLING to be a target... how many TEACHERS do you think that would be?
I don't know. But it is AN OPTION.... Do you understand "OPTIONS"?
It shouldn't be THE ONLY solution which I interpret your responses as what you think is the case.
Logical rational people understand the reality of the world.
Until the MSM stops putting these shooters on nightly news/headlines we'll have more regardless of how many armed teachers there are.
The point of the thread is NOT arming teachers but DISARMING the false and FAKE headlines by the MSM! Used to sell advertising.
Why is it you don't take the MSM to task for encouraging these shooters?
Yes I very much understand the realities of the world. You want to arm teachers and pay them more for taking on this responsibility. So now are schools hiring people because they will be defenders or because they are the best teachers? Schools do a lot for bumps in funding so is it possible that many will take advantage of this and the quality of our teachers takes a hit?

What if nobody in a school wants to be an armed defender? Frankly I think it is a silly idea but I’m open to the debate. I think it better to integrate more police, ex police and ex vets for security purposes. But we have people here calling Parkland a gun free zone even though there was an armed guard. So back to my original question. For a school like Parkland, how many armed defenders would you consider needed for adequate minimum security?

So if NO teacher wants to be an armed teacher Fine! BFD! Why though is is a "silly idea"? What makes it silly?
YES it would be better to integrate! But again why not have the same people at are as the latin word "Educator" meaning "to lead"
The Latin word ducere, meaning “to lead,” and its form ductus give us the roots duc and duct. Words from the Latin ducere have something to do with leading.
So why not have again
A) if the teacher is motivated
B) Qualified
C) Trained
D) Mentally and emotional stable(which would be a given wouldn't it? I mean want a mental defective teaching your kid?)

Again you are making too much of a simple idea. If the teacher wants to be armed then why not let them??? Why is it so complicated?
I’m not closed to the idea but you are making it sound much more simple then it actually is. You are talking, funding, training and safety. Teachers are there to educate first and foremost, that shouldn’t get lost. Also the fact that many parents may not feel comfortable with armed teachers. I school 20 minutes away from where I live had an ex cop doing a gun safety course and the gun was accidentally discharged earlier this year. Accidents happen because people are idiots. So yeah, not as simple as you make it all sound
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Which red state school has the kind of security that you’d like to model?

Teachers/staff can apply for a license and special release to carry concealed at school.

Also, public universities are no longer "gun-free" zones, meaning anyone with a license can carry concealed on any state college or university campus.

That's what caused the whole "cocks not glocks" campaign at the burnt orange school for the retarded hippie in Austin.
Which school? How many armed defenders per student? What’s required to determine a school safe?

Just getting rid of the democrat gun free zone status will do the trick....since we know from actual mass shooters that they target democrat gun free zones.....armed guards are nice, but trained and armed staff are better since shooters can't know who is and isn't carrying a gun, which will make them stop targeting schools

Parkland had an armed deputy .

Who didn't go into the building. He was one guard for a campus of 3,000 people and over 10 separate buildings....and then he didn't go in......
How many armed guards should a school like Parkland have? And how many times do I need to ask you?
I took a peak at the article listed in the OP because the claim of the title did not include a length of time. The probability of 1 in 614,000,000 is for only one day in school. Thus if we assume a student attends school 12 school years at 180 days per school year, the probability of being murdered in school is 1 in 284,259 for the 12 year period.
By your calculations, at least 100,000 kids should die in school shootings every year.
Do you agree that the 1 in 614,000,000 is the probability of a student being killed on any one given day in school?
Maybe, but did I misunderstand you on the to 1 in 280,000? Is that per 12 year period?
Yes! Since that is how long a kid is expected to attend school. So with approximately 51 million kids in grades 1 -12, you could expect about 20 students killed per year. (240 per 12 years).

Using your numbers it would make the odds of a kid being shot in school on any given day at 1/459,000,000.

Nah, seriously, I'm all for having armed guards at schools.

If you're first phone call after the shooting starts is to the cops whom you expect to show up with guns....doesn't it make sense to have a trained, skilled armed guard there already?

My only question is where does it end? You want the guards at day care centers too? What about on school buses?
The poster I was replying to complains about Democratic gun free schools as being soft targets. Parkland had an armed guard but he continues to call it a gun free school. So I’m looking for something that will serve as an example of what he wants to see? I’m guessing something in between one armed guard and one sitting in every classroom. So what is it?

Its a fair question...what would be the model for a school if the NRA drew it up? Are we talking about a "hardened" target where there is a central office opening and closing doors for students like they have in jails....are we talking about just adding guards....or what?

There is a company that is marketing locks that are activated by gunfire. I can see pros and cons to this type of tech, but you never know, with the right design it could help to isolate a shooter.


Why not just keep the doors locked like they already are?
I took a peak at the article listed in the OP because the claim of the title did not include a length of time. The probability of 1 in 614,000,000 is for only one day in school. Thus if we assume a student attends school 12 school years at 180 days per school year, the probability of being murdered in school is 1 in 284,259 for the 12 year period.
By your calculations, at least 100,000 kids should die in school shootings every year.
Do you agree that the 1 in 614,000,000 is the probability of a student being killed on any one given day in school?
Maybe, but did I misunderstand you on the to 1 in 280,000? Is that per 12 year period?
Yes! Since that is how long a kid is expected to attend school. So with approximately 51 million kids in grades 1 -12, you could expect about 20 students killed per year. (240 per 12 years).

Using your numbers it would make the odds of a kid being shot in school on any given day at 1/459,000,000.

Yes, my numbers are off in the post you quoted as stated in posts 82 and 83.
Nah, seriously, I'm all for having armed guards at schools.

If you're first phone call after the shooting starts is to the cops whom you expect to show up with guns....doesn't it make sense to have a trained, skilled armed guard there already?

My only question is where does it end? You want the guards at day care centers too? What about on school buses?
The poster I was replying to complains about Democratic gun free schools as being soft targets. Parkland had an armed guard but he continues to call it a gun free school. So I’m looking for something that will serve as an example of what he wants to see? I’m guessing something in between one armed guard and one sitting in every classroom. So what is it?

Its a fair question...what would be the model for a school if the NRA drew it up? Are we talking about a "hardened" target where there is a central office opening and closing doors for students like they have in jails....are we talking about just adding guards....or what?

There is a company that is marketing locks that are activated by gunfire. I can see pros and cons to this type of tech, but you never know, with the right design it could help to isolate a shooter.


Why not just keep the doors locked like they already are?

Did you have trouble comprehending my post? I don't think I advocated any changes, just pointed out possibilities.

Nah, seriously, I'm all for having armed guards at schools.

If you're first phone call after the shooting starts is to the cops whom you expect to show up with guns....doesn't it make sense to have a trained, skilled armed guard there already?

My only question is where does it end? You want the guards at day care centers too? What about on school buses?
The poster I was replying to complains about Democratic gun free schools as being soft targets. Parkland had an armed guard but he continues to call it a gun free school. So I’m looking for something that will serve as an example of what he wants to see? I’m guessing something in between one armed guard and one sitting in every classroom. So what is it?

Its a fair question...what would be the model for a school if the NRA drew it up? Are we talking about a "hardened" target where there is a central office opening and closing doors for students like they have in jails....are we talking about just adding guards....or what?

There is a company that is marketing locks that are activated by gunfire. I can see pros and cons to this type of tech, but you never know, with the right design it could help to isolate a shooter.


Why not just keep the doors locked like they already are?

Did you have trouble comprehending my post? I don't think I advocated any changes, just pointed out possibilities.


Correcting a problem that does not exist is liberal-level stupidity.
The poster I was replying to complains about Democratic gun free schools as being soft targets. Parkland had an armed guard but he continues to call it a gun free school. So I’m looking for something that will serve as an example of what he wants to see? I’m guessing something in between one armed guard and one sitting in every classroom. So what is it?

Its a fair question...what would be the model for a school if the NRA drew it up? Are we talking about a "hardened" target where there is a central office opening and closing doors for students like they have in jails....are we talking about just adding guards....or what?

There is a company that is marketing locks that are activated by gunfire. I can see pros and cons to this type of tech, but you never know, with the right design it could help to isolate a shooter.


Why not just keep the doors locked like they already are?

Did you have trouble comprehending my post? I don't think I advocated any changes, just pointed out possibilities.


Correcting a problem that does not exist is liberal-level stupidity.

I see denial ain't just a river in Egypt. A problem definitely exist, it's just not with the shiny object the regressives are using to try to deny Americans their constitutional rights. It's with the decaying society the regressives have created over the last 7-8 decades. The current manifestations of that decay are proof positive of that fact.

Regressives create problems and then pretend to be the white knight with the only solutions. Of course those solutions never include reversing the policies that created the problem in the first place, it always involves more government control and a consistent chipping away at personal freedom.

Its a fair question...what would be the model for a school if the NRA drew it up? Are we talking about a "hardened" target where there is a central office opening and closing doors for students like they have in jails....are we talking about just adding guards....or what?

There is a company that is marketing locks that are activated by gunfire. I can see pros and cons to this type of tech, but you never know, with the right design it could help to isolate a shooter.


Why not just keep the doors locked like they already are?

Did you have trouble comprehending my post? I don't think I advocated any changes, just pointed out possibilities.


Correcting a problem that does not exist is liberal-level stupidity.

I see denial ain't just a river in Egypt. A problem definitely exist, it's just not with the shiny object the regressives are using to try to deny Americans their constitutional rights. It's with the decaying society the regressives have created over the last 7-8 decades. The current manifestations of that decay are proof positive of that fact.

Regressives create problems and then pretend to be the white knight with the only solutions. Of course those solutions never include reversing the policies that created the problem in the first place, it always involves more government control and a consistent chipping away at personal freedom.

What was the golden era when everything was peachy and great before the regressives took over and started degrading it?
Since 1999 the chance a public school student being killed by a gun in school is 1 in 614,000,000

it would be less if we get rid of these dangerous liberal projects

today Broward County school and law enforcement officials

admitted that cruz was in a diversionary program

In Mass. he would’ve been denied a gun lic and wouldn’t even have a pistol, never mind an AR.

Florida law lets anyone buy a gun.
he should have been denied one in that state too fuck wad

but liberal policies prevented him from being ineligible to own a firearm

like i said retard "dangerous liberal polices"

Only because if fed law . Not Florida law .

Nice to know that you’d be for legistlation that would add juvenile records to background checks ! How gun control of you !

the state adopted the diversion law shithead
There is a company that is marketing locks that are activated by gunfire. I can see pros and cons to this type of tech, but you never know, with the right design it could help to isolate a shooter.


Why not just keep the doors locked like they already are?

Did you have trouble comprehending my post? I don't think I advocated any changes, just pointed out possibilities.


Correcting a problem that does not exist is liberal-level stupidity.

I see denial ain't just a river in Egypt. A problem definitely exist, it's just not with the shiny object the regressives are using to try to deny Americans their constitutional rights. It's with the decaying society the regressives have created over the last 7-8 decades. The current manifestations of that decay are proof positive of that fact.

Regressives create problems and then pretend to be the white knight with the only solutions. Of course those solutions never include reversing the policies that created the problem in the first place, it always involves more government control and a consistent chipping away at personal freedom.

What was the golden era when everything was peachy and great before the regressives took over and started degrading it?

If you're over 50 and can't recognize the decline in the moral fabric of this country over the years, just says you're part of the problem. The programed destruction of the nuclear family, removing discipline from the schools and the home and encouraging deviant behavior, trying to portray it as somehow normal are just a few of the examples. It's all part of the regressive utopian vision, own it, but spare me the crocodile tears when undisciplined kids kill other kids.

Its a fair question...what would be the model for a school if the NRA drew it up? Are we talking about a "hardened" target where there is a central office opening and closing doors for students like they have in jails....are we talking about just adding guards....or what?

There is a company that is marketing locks that are activated by gunfire. I can see pros and cons to this type of tech, but you never know, with the right design it could help to isolate a shooter.


Why not just keep the doors locked like they already are?

Did you have trouble comprehending my post? I don't think I advocated any changes, just pointed out possibilities.


Correcting a problem that does not exist is liberal-level stupidity.

I see denial ain't just a river in Egypt. A problem definitely exist, it's just not with the shiny object the regressives are using to try to deny Americans their constitutional rights. It's with the decaying society the regressives have created over the last 7-8 decades. The current manifestations of that decay are proof positive of that fact.

Regressives create problems and then pretend to be the white knight with the only solutions. Of course those solutions never include reversing the policies that created the problem in the first place, it always involves more government control and a consistent chipping away at personal freedom.


I was addressing your post regarding door locks. Try reading it again!

There is no problem with door locks.
So 50 million kids at 180 days or 9 billion kid days per year on 171 billion kid years over 19 years.

What you talking about? What is a kid day?

Obviously you weren't in school that day when multiplication was taught.
50 million kids go to school 180 days a year. That's 9 billion times during one year a kid could have been killed.
9 billion times 19 years equals 171 billion kid days when one kid could have been shot.
...but yet with astronomical odds like that these stupid filthy ass Liberals want to take firearms away from the tens of millions of law abiding gun owners.

They want to do it "for the children".


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