Zone1 Since BLM is it harder for the police to kill black people

If black lives matter, why do so many black men kill other black men, as well as black women and black children? Why do so few black men marry the mothers of their children and raise those children properly?

Black Lives Matter is a shakedown organization that takes millions of dollars from gullible, virtue signaling whites, and spends the money buying mansions for themselves.
Because blacks who kill other blacks are prosecuted and go to prison. BLM a protested the fact that police were not held accountable
Because blacks who kill other blacks are prosecuted and go to prison. BLM a protested the fact that police were not held accountable
Blacks have always been characterized by a high crime rate. A criminal justice system that is effective for whites is insufficiently harsh for blacks. Before the civil rights movement that was understood in the United States, and especially in the South.

I do not care what the police do to black criminals. I want the police to protect me from black criminals.
BLM is not protesting blacks being killed by whites

They are protesting unarmed blacks being killed by police and not being held accountable.
Bullshit. Name one case of that. That is so rare it's insignificant and didn't happen in 99% of the numerous cases they protested.

They're spreading hate for American civilization and "white" people.
Bullshit. Name one case of that. That is so rare it's insignificant and didn't happen in 99% of the numerous cases they protested.

They're spreading hate for American civilization and "white" people.
That is why we have BLM
You guys keep saying it is so rare, it was a one time occurrence and yet it happened again and again.
Dating back to Rodney King

BLM held cops accountable and the whole country is better for it
That is why we have BLM
You guys keep saying it is so rare, it was a one time occurrence and yet it happened again and again.
Dating back to Rodney King

BLM held cops accountable and the whole country is better for it
You're so gullible. OK, name the incidents where factually that occurred as your black pals BLM said it did. Do it. I'm waiting.
You're so gullible. OK, name the incidents where factually that occurred as your black pals BLM said it did. Do it. I'm waiting.
Is this just a case of you blaming the victim in every case?
If so, I am not playing

Why don’t you start your smear the victim BS with Rodney King?
Is this just a case of you blaming the victim in every case?
If so, I am not playing

Why don’t you start your smear the victim BS with Rodney King?
So, you're lying, right? You can't name one case, can you?! BLM didn't even exist back then. You need to provide one case that your heroes, BLM, protested involving a racist cop that was factual. Get to it.
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So, you're lying, right? You can't name one case, can you?! BLM didn't even exist back then. You need to provide one case that your heroes, BLM, protested involving a racist cop that was factual. Get to it.

Rodney King was the first high profile cases

You didn’t notice the protests?
Rodney King was the first high profile cases

You didn’t notice the protests?
Before my time and does not involve BLM at all, who you claimed protested racist cops. BLM didn't hold protests for Rodney King. You're inability to support your claim exposes your, and BLM's, fraud. How embarrassing.
That is why we have BLM
You guys keep saying it is so rare, it was a one time occurrence and yet it happened again and again.
Dating back to Rodney King

BLM held cops accountable and the whole country is better for it
Usually someone wins the Powerball lottery or the Mega Millions Lottery, but it is rare. Still there will be several winners of each every year when because there are hundreds of millions if not billions of tickets sold. There are hundreds of millions of interactions of police with civilians, black and white, every year. Most people kill by cops are resisting arrest and posing a danger to the cops and are just killings by the cops. Yes there are unjust killings by cops every year in the US, but the number of those unjust killing usually can be counted on one hand. Now compare the number of unjust cop killings to the number of murders by criminals. The murders by criminals are several orders of magnitude larger than unjust killings by cops, and if we make cops hesitant to do their jobs the murders by criminals will increase. It's the Ferguson effect.
What a ridiculous response
You should know better

We have 2.5 million in our prisons, a disproportional number are black. You implying that because many murders go unsolved proves blacks are not prosecuted is ridiculous

You made a ridiculous comment.. That "blacks that kill other blacks go to prison". I SMASHED that misconception of yours. You should thank me for the links and working on improving your facts.

YOU were the one saying that all black on black murderers go to prison. It's not even a matter of "many" --- ITS HARDLY ANY in deep Blue cesspools of gang warfare..
You made a ridiculous comment.. That "blacks that kill other blacks go to prison". I SMASHED that misconception of yours. You should thank me for the links and working on improving your facts.

YOU were the one saying that all black on black murderers go to prison. It's not even a matter of "many" --- ITS HARDLY ANY in deep Blue cesspools of gang warfare..
Are you serious?
Your defense is not all murders are solved?

That is the best you got?
This does not belong in the Clean Debate Zone.
You shouldn't be able to put up a thread that is (obviously) purposefully inflammatory and from someone who has a long history of doing just that.
No different than taking any number of threads in other areas - and plop it in CDZ where you are not supposed to address that fact.
It diminishes the value of the CDZ, and can make it a safe haven for trolling
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Are you serious?
Your defense is not all murders are solved?

That is the best you got?

Obviously, you dont remember IMPLYING that ALL black/black murders ARE convicted (end in prison) I can't help you remember when you say silly things like that.

And it's not even CLOSE TO all. It's APPROXIMATELY NONE.
libs only ever talk about police violence vs blacks but never against whites of black cops killing whites.
why do white and black libs always live in white gated rich communities? I know- they are all racist.
my ex boss ; hiswife works in Detriot at a hospital; shes a pharmacist- every shift literally all the black nurses steal painkillers and drugs.
Statistical evidence and scientific studies prove a correlation between violent crime and race. Blacks commit violent crimes at six-times the rate of White people. That is an enormous difference between those races.

In my city, black males are just 13% of the population but commit 85% of homicides.
Your evidence is just junk science. Other factors play a bigger part. Skin colour is not a factor in any way.

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