Since Co2 does nothing, what does cause Earth climate change?

People that say climate change is not man-made.
Co2 is only one part of the climate, and science has shown that temperature v co2 do not correlate -


Please explain why temperature decreased and co2 increased in the Mesozoic eta
Climate change is not a debatable issue.

just as to the SUB, supporting Israel is not a debatable issue.

RELIGION of another form....

Climate change is a science. Earth climate change is about ice. Ice on Earth is about land near the poles, and land moves...

90% on land mass Antarctica
7% on land mass Greenland

Your side cannot answer basic questions like why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland, but no such ice north of Arctic Circle on Alaska.

Your side just claimed we have the warmest ever oceans, which was followed up by a DUD of a cane season. Can you see why that is a problem....

If the oceans really were warm, we should have had a RECORD cane season....
A fossil fuel whore, is someone who does the bidding for the fossil fuel industry. I definitely do not do that. You apparently do.
It's worse than that I get paid close to 500K a year by big oil companies to decommission their old wells, pipelines and platforms. How great is that!!!
Climate change is not a debatable issue.
Sure it is. But only until colder temperatures or failed warming projections materialize. Then idiots like you will be arguing you knew all along AGW was fake.
Climate change is not a debatable issue.
It is a debatable issue because I want to know why science contradicts itself, and thus what influence money and narrative in today's political climate has distorted science. Many moons back, I'm from a geological background. Why does science today make major earth decisions based on a few hundred years?

So to claim specifics either way, just shows that that person has a poor understanding of geological time, or they have pseudo moralistic stances, or an agenda.

Edit - plus you didn't explain why temperature decreased and co2 increased in the Mesozoic era.
And what do you believe is driving your natural warming trend?
The planet naturally warming up to its pre-glacial temperature like it always does after a glacial period before the next glacial is triggered by a disruption of heat flow from the Atlantic to the Arctic.


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