Since Parkland, MANY gun owners embrace reforms

Many of them are marching and lobbying politicians also.

Tom Galinat, 35, a farmer and hunter who owns nine guns, traveled last month from his home in Peacham, Vt., to Montpelier, the state capital, with a firm goal in mind: Convince lawmakers to enact a ban on high-capacity magazines.

Jonathan Leach, 56, a policy analyst in Augusta, Me., and the owner of about 10 guns, testified before Maine legislators in favor of a bill to let judges order people deemed dangerous to surrender their firearms. Mr. Leach said he wanted to serve as a counterweight to gun rights enthusiasts he knew would speak against the idea.

And as thousands of demonstrators gathered in Nashville in March for student-led marches against gun violence, R. Sterling Haring, 33, a doctor and the owner of several guns including an assault-style rifle, addressed the crowd. When wounded children were flown to his hospital after a shooting at a Kentucky school in January, he said, he decided it was his duty to push for stronger gun control.

“I honestly believe that God-fearing, gun-owning Americans should be leading the debate on gun laws,” Dr. Haring said in an interview on Monday, after learning of another shooting, which killed four people at a Waffle House a few miles from his house. “It just makes sense to me that if I own weapons, I should be the first one to be advocating for safety with those weapons.”​

Mucho Mas (with apologies to 2aguy and the many fetishists who actually believe people want to "grab 'em" ;-)

Do Gun Owners Want Gun Control? Yes, Some Say, Post-Parkland
Those people are plants, more frivolous gun control laws will only increase violent behavior. Because the only people that will obey the laws are law-abiding people. The vast majority of criminals are repeat offenders. Firearms have no control over people most people learn that in grade school.
Most gun owners are responsible for their own actions. Most don't want children gunned down in schools. But, they can't compete with enormous bribes from the NRA to our R congress.
Progressives let violent criminals go free early, And light on criminal control
Most gun owners are responsible for their own actions. Most don't want children gunned down in schools. But, they can't compete with enormous bribes from the NRA to our R congress.
And most – if not all – Congressional Republicans would still oppose appropriate, Constitutional firearm regulatory measures even without the backing and money from the NRA; firearm regulatory measures that have nothing to do with the availability of particular types of firearms.
Progressives know nothing of firearms, They get all their information from Hollywood types that are child molesters
Same old lies, that have been refuted enough times before.

As long as the Second Amendment remains in effect, every single gun control law, and every single proposed gun control law, is flatly illegal. legislators act criminally by passing them, Presidents and Governors act criminally in signing them into law, and judges and police act criminally in enforcing and upholding them.

The only way for any such laws to be legitimate is first for the Constitution to be Amended, in order to overturn the Second Amendment.

If there really was the degree of public support that this article claims for various violations of the people's right to keep and bear arms, then there absolutely would be a credible effort underway—if not already completed—to thus amend the Constitution. Where is the effort to ratify an amendment to overturn the Second Amendment? There is no such effort,because nobody in a position to initiate it believe that there is nearly enough public support to give any such effort any plausible chance of success. And the level of public support that it would take to guarantee the success of such an effort is less than the levels of support that this article claims for the various policies that would require such an Amendment before they could legitimately be enacted.

Those claimed levels of public support for violating the Second Amendment are flat-out lies, and those who spread them—including you—know damn well that they are lies.

Dude, that's just silly. SCOTUS has already ruled that states are free to create their own rules and they also upheld the nationwide ban on assault-style weapons. Scalia even agreed that the 2nd amendment is not without limits. Ditto on most amendments.

So your contention that legislators, presidents, governors etc are acting criminally is flat out hogwash.
AR15s are not so called assault weapons, they are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less
Is a 6 month waiting period and $500 in fees just to keep a revolver in your apartment infringement or not?

This additional silliness ^ has been brought to you by Marty!

Answer the question. Yes or No.

What a goofball - such legislation would never in a million years pass.

It's actually the law in NYC...

So is it infringement or not?

Well, if that is the case, it may explain why gun deaths in NYC are at historic lows.

How does NY compare to other states in gun-caused deaths?
New York Has 3rd Fewest Gun Deaths In Nation, Report Shows
NYC saw historically low number of shootings in 2016; murders also down
New York City on pace to record lowest murder tally in decades - CNN

No, it is not an infringement and their laws have been upheld.
People are buying more guns and ammo
Americans want more pointless gun control about like the world wants more Venezuelan Dictators

The actual number of Americans who actively crave more gun controls is actually VERY small if not insignificant.

It's just that the Loons screaming for bigger government and open borders and spewing all the gun propaganda are hysterical emotional fruitcakes and like Kathy Griffin, have extraordinarily loud mouths.
Yep, the ideas progressives have are pointless, Gun control has never been about guns it’s always been about control
I sell firearms and ammo for a living, sure it spikes during dictatorships like Obama’s. But gun sales are consistent and rising...
I sell firearms and ammo for a living, sure it spikes during dictatorships like Obama’s. But gun sales are consistent and rising...

Yes I know - But you live in La La Flyover territory. Those folks are perpetually afraid ...
My links speak for themselves - As a gun salesman, you should vote DEM!!
AR15s are not so called assault weapons, they are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less

Tell that ^ to all the dead kids who were killed by the weapon of choice for kooks and crazies.

Moron, it isn't the weapon of choice, the hand gun is the weapon of moron.
I sell firearms and ammo for a living, sure it spikes during dictatorships like Obama’s. But gun sales are consistent and rising...

Yes I know - But you live in La La Flyover territory. Those folks are perpetually afraid ...
My links speak for themselves
Na, Everyone has firearms in “flyover territory” They outnumber people many, many times over, there’s no reason to be scared firearms. Violent crime is basically nonexistent due to firearm ownership Here...
People kill people firearms do not, firearms have no control over people, most people learn that in grade school
Na, Everyone has firearms in “flyover territory” They outnumber people many, many times over, there’s no reason to be scared firearms. Violent crime is basically nonexistent due to firearm ownership Here...
People kill people firearms do not, firearms have no control over people, most people learn that in grade school

You're very amusing, although I'm quite tired of the old man sig - find something new please.
Yes, we've heard .. perpetually fearful folk need 20 guns instead of a paltry 10.
Where you live there is very little violent crime .... BECAUSE there are very few PEOPLE :wink:
Tell that ^ to all the dead kids who were killed by the weapon of choice for kooks and crazies.


....tell that to the 6,500 kids killed while texting & driving or worse the hands of their DEMOCRAT PARENTS since your 17 were killed.

What's that?

You don't give a FLYING FUCK about children dying??? You only care about destroying RIGHTS?
Yeah...thought so.

AR15s are not so called assault weapons, they are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less

Tell that ^ to all the dead kids who were killed by the weapon of choice for kooks and crazies.

That would be pistols.

Really? - Look at the worst mass shootings of late and tell it to us again.

Dont need to.
I already know that the worst mass shootings have been committed with hand guns.

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