Since Parkland, MANY gun owners embrace reforms

Many of them are marching and lobbying politicians also.

Tom Galinat, 35, a farmer and hunter who owns nine guns, traveled last month from his home in Peacham, Vt., to Montpelier, the state capital, with a firm goal in mind: Convince lawmakers to enact a ban on high-capacity magazines.

Jonathan Leach, 56, a policy analyst in Augusta, Me., and the owner of about 10 guns, testified before Maine legislators in favor of a bill to let judges order people deemed dangerous to surrender their firearms. Mr. Leach said he wanted to serve as a counterweight to gun rights enthusiasts he knew would speak against the idea.

And as thousands of demonstrators gathered in Nashville in March for student-led marches against gun violence, R. Sterling Haring, 33, a doctor and the owner of several guns including an assault-style rifle, addressed the crowd. When wounded children were flown to his hospital after a shooting at a Kentucky school in January, he said, he decided it was his duty to push for stronger gun control.

“I honestly believe that God-fearing, gun-owning Americans should be leading the debate on gun laws,” Dr. Haring said in an interview on Monday, after learning of another shooting, which killed four people at a Waffle House a few miles from his house. “It just makes sense to me that if I own weapons, I should be the first one to be advocating for safety with those weapons.”​

Mucho Mas (with apologies to 2aguy and the many fetishists who actually believe people want to "grab 'em" ;-)

Do Gun Owners Want Gun Control? Yes, Some Say, Post-Parkland
Never underestimate how stupid liberals are.
Na, Everyone has firearms in “flyover territory” They outnumber people many, many times over, there’s no reason to be scared firearms. Violent crime is basically nonexistent due to firearm ownership Here...
People kill people firearms do not, firearms have no control over people, most people learn that in grade school

You're very amusing, although I'm quite tired of the old man sig - find something new please.
Yes, we've heard .. perpetually fearful folk need 20 guns instead of a paltry 10.
Where you live there is very little violent crime .... BECAUSE there are very few PEOPLE :wink:
And lots of firearms...
Many of them are marching and lobbying politicians also.

Tom Galinat, 35, a farmer and hunter who owns nine guns, traveled last month from his home in Peacham, Vt., to Montpelier, the state capital, with a firm goal in mind: Convince lawmakers to enact a ban on high-capacity magazines.

Jonathan Leach, 56, a policy analyst in Augusta, Me., and the owner of about 10 guns, testified before Maine legislators in favor of a bill to let judges order people deemed dangerous to surrender their firearms. Mr. Leach said he wanted to serve as a counterweight to gun rights enthusiasts he knew would speak against the idea.

And as thousands of demonstrators gathered in Nashville in March for student-led marches against gun violence, R. Sterling Haring, 33, a doctor and the owner of several guns including an assault-style rifle, addressed the crowd. When wounded children were flown to his hospital after a shooting at a Kentucky school in January, he said, he decided it was his duty to push for stronger gun control.

“I honestly believe that God-fearing, gun-owning Americans should be leading the debate on gun laws,” Dr. Haring said in an interview on Monday, after learning of another shooting, which killed four people at a Waffle House a few miles from his house. “It just makes sense to me that if I own weapons, I should be the first one to be advocating for safety with those weapons.”​

Mucho Mas (with apologies to 2aguy and the many fetishists who actually believe people want to "grab 'em" ;-)

Do Gun Owners Want Gun Control? Yes, Some Say, Post-Parkland
Never underestimate how stupid liberals are.

The idiot thinks the 2nd is about hunting.:cuckoo:
Ya know what makes me wanna reach through the Internet and slap these bitches like Dr.Scum?


Then they want all the LAW ABIDING people to give up THEIR rights to make amends for THEIR STUPID SOCIAL POLICIES.

Sick of it folks.
Ya know what makes me wanna reach through the Internet and slap these bitches like Dr.Scum?


Then they want all the LAW ABIDING people to give up THEIR rights to make amends for THEIR STUPID SOCIAL POLICIES.

Sick of it folks.

Well you just go on ahead and be "sick of it" ..

NOBODY is asking you to give up your right to own as many guns as you please.

*Assuming of course you're not a Kook which MAY be debatable :wink:

Cut it out with that brand of STOOPID.

Thanks in advance!
The SAFE act didn't include the stuff I am talking about with regards to revolvers, which flow from the Sullivan Act in the 1930's.

Try actually reading what you reference.

Prove me wrong, cocksucker.

Any time the Sullivan Act is mentioned, it should be pointed out that its author, Timothy Sullivan, was a violent criminal gangster before he became a politician, and that the Sullivan Act was specifically crafted to give bhis criminal gang an advantage over law-abiding citizens on whom it intended to prey, as well as over rival criminal gangs.

Modern gun-control advocates are not as transparent about their motives as Timothy Sullivan was, but deep down, the motive is the same—they are on the side of violent criminals, and against that of law-abiding citizens. DrHate is no exception.
Tell that ^ to all the dead kids who were killed by the weapon of choice for kooks and crazies.


....tell that to the 6,500 kids killed while texting & driving or worse the hands of their DEMOCRAT PARENTS since your 17 were killed.

What's that?

You don't give a FLYING FUCK about children dying??? You only care about destroying RIGHTS?
Yeah...thought so.


Or the thousands of kids killed every day via abortion.

Congress could not possibly be any less interested.

And I'm laughing.... a month ago progressives were all giddy about David Hogg. The guy has disappeared and is irrelevant. He will reemerge at the marches and the idiot progresses will get all giddy again.... and Congress will go back to bed.

Taking bows for marches, banners and symbols = ghey.
A majority of gun owners have favored appropriate, Constitutional firearm regulatory measures long before Parkland.

And most – if not all – Congressional Republicans would still oppose appropriate, Constitutional firearm regulatory measures even without the backing and money from the NRA; firearm regulatory measures that have nothing to do with the availability of particular types of firearms.

There can be no such thing. The Second Amendment explicitly forbids government from infringing the people's right to keep and bear arms. Any measures from government, which interfere in any way with the people's exercise of this right, are blatantly illegal and unconstitutional.
I agree and also it is a means to overthrow the government when it becomes repressive. It states that in the constitution. As long as the voting booth and our votes are not infringed guns are not needed, but they are the backup for our freedom.
Many of them are marching and lobbying politicians also.

Tom Galinat, 35, a farmer and hunter who owns nine guns, traveled last month from his home in Peacham, Vt., to Montpelier, the state capital, with a firm goal in mind: Convince lawmakers to enact a ban on high-capacity magazines.

Jonathan Leach, 56, a policy analyst in Augusta, Me., and the owner of about 10 guns, testified before Maine legislators in favor of a bill to let judges order people deemed dangerous to surrender their firearms. Mr. Leach said he wanted to serve as a counterweight to gun rights enthusiasts he knew would speak against the idea.

And as thousands of demonstrators gathered in Nashville in March for student-led marches against gun violence, R. Sterling Haring, 33, a doctor and the owner of several guns including an assault-style rifle, addressed the crowd. When wounded children were flown to his hospital after a shooting at a Kentucky school in January, he said, he decided it was his duty to push for stronger gun control.

“I honestly believe that God-fearing, gun-owning Americans should be leading the debate on gun laws,” Dr. Haring said in an interview on Monday, after learning of another shooting, which killed four people at a Waffle House a few miles from his house. “It just makes sense to me that if I own weapons, I should be the first one to be advocating for safety with those weapons.”​

Mucho Mas (with apologies to 2aguy and the many fetishists who actually believe people want to "grab 'em" ;-)

Do Gun Owners Want Gun Control? Yes, Some Say, Post-Parkland
They need to be "Baker Act" for mental exams. Police should have the total right do have them looked at by a Doctor.
mental health shooting.jpg
Well you just go on ahead and be "sick of it" ..
NOBODY is asking you to give up your right to own as many guns as you please.
*Assuming of course you're not a Kook which MAY be debatable :wink:
Cut it out with that brand of STOOPID.
Thanks in advance!

Don't hand me your Progressive brand of horse shit. You jackwads want nothing less than an incremental revocation of the 2nd.

Your constant pleading to deny people arms such as AR15's that give at least some meaning to the 2nd Amendment is proof and your phony examples of the VERY FEW who have been killed by them is pathetic and inconsistent with someone respecting the Constitution and an insult to people who pose no threat to others.

Whether or not I'm a "kook" may be debatable......but that question is settled in your should have kept your mouth shut.....nuff said.
They need to be "Baker Act" for mental exams. Police should have the total right do have them looked at by a Doctor.

You have to be very careful how much Authority you hand out and to whom. In Nazi Germany, remember that the State "Authority" said Jews were sub human and had no rights and thus Nazi Police were sometimes free to execute them for offenses as minor as inappropriate looks.

Always remember that Authority is only safe in unsoiled hands and those bound by natural Justice and not man made "Justice"..

There are Police who would use such laws against citizens breaking no laws and undeserving of such actions. In Broward County Florida, the Sheriff has openly and publicly stated more than once that he feels civilians don't need to be armed. Obviously he is lacking in a basic understanding of the US Constitution he swore to uphold.

He's the EXACT SAME sheriff whose deputies were told to stand down while high school children in Parkland were being shot recently.

Any time ANYONE says Police should have "Total Rights" to do things that could possibly be abused, I say that is what "Due Process" is for.
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