Since Pittsburgh

There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

If you leave out blacks and Latinos who kill each other like crazy, America’s gun homicide rate is just as low if not lower than countries in Europe. If your country had tens of millions of blacks and Latinos, you’d have the same problem.
Pretty much all the mass shooters are white.
Since I started this thread there havent been any mass shootings in the US. Lets take a moment and appllaud that milestone.
There will be another mass gun slaughter in the next few weeks or so. Probably at a school. It’s not even newsworthy. The synagogue shooting wouldn’t have made the news if not for its relation to the emboldening of right wing extremism by the Trump administration. Even then, the shock and anger was much shorter than the Parkland shooting or others before it. Eventually it will just be local news.
------------------------------------------------------- vast majority of Americans live very nicely and there are 310 - 320 million Americans in the USA and thats not counting the 20 - 30 million illegal aliens Tommy and BlackFlag .And we Americans have over half a billion guns in the USA .
in fact i think that Americans have more guns than most countries Militarys BlackFlag and Tommy .
There will be another mass gun slaughter in the next few weeks or so. Probably at a school. It’s not even newsworthy. The synagogue shooting wouldn’t have made the news if not for its relation to the emboldening of right wing extremism by the Trump administration. Even then, the shock and anger was much shorter than the Parkland shooting or others before it. Eventually it will just be local news.
------------------------------------------------------- vast majority of Americans live very nicely and there are 310 - 320 million Americans in the USA and thats not counting the 20 - 30 million illegal aliens Tommy and BlackFlag .And we Americans have over half a billion guns in the USA .
Yes and that’s how we know there will be another mass gun slaughter in the next few weeks
and the Vast Majority of Americans will just go about their daily business same as they do when their neighbor gets killed in a car crash or drowns in a swimming pool BlackFlag .
we live in a nation where we have about 300 million firearms in the hands of about 80 million people; myself included.

that is reality.

So, the real question is, 'How do we arm the other 220 million?'.

There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

If you leave out blacks and Latinos who kill each other like crazy, America’s gun homicide rate is just as low if not lower than countries in Europe. If your country had tens of millions of blacks and Latinos, you’d have the same problem.
Pretty much all the mass shooters are white.

Except they aren’t. Also, mass shooters are just a drop in the bucket of overall violence in the US, which the vast majority is perpetrated by blacks and Latinos.
There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

If you leave out blacks and Latinos who kill each other like crazy, America’s gun homicide rate is just as low if not lower than countries in Europe. If your country had tens of millions of blacks and Latinos, you’d have the same problem.
Pretty much all the mass shooters are white.
Nope, that is a complete lie, but thanks for openly displaying your racism.
There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

If you leave out blacks and Latinos who kill each other like crazy, America’s gun homicide rate is just as low if not lower than countries in Europe. If your country had tens of millions of blacks and Latinos, you’d have the same problem.
Pretty much all the mass shooters are white.

Except they aren’t. Also, mass shooters are just a drop in the bucket of overall violence in the US, which the vast majority is perpetrated by blacks and Latinos.
He doesnt care about minority violence. He only wants to complain about the super niche category of "white mass shooters".
There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

If you leave out blacks and Latinos who kill each other like crazy, America’s gun homicide rate is just as low if not lower than countries in Europe. If your country had tens of millions of blacks and Latinos, you’d have the same problem.
Pretty much all the mass shooters are white.

wrong....many are, but not all, and the majority of gun murder in the United States is committed by minorities in democrat party controlled cities....
Since I started this thread there havent been any mass shootings in the US. Lets take a moment and appllaud that milestone.

Meanwhile, average out 1.1 million defensive gun uses each year and we can applaud the Americans who used their guns, legally, to save lives today...
There will be another mass gun slaughter in the next few weeks or so. Probably at a school. It’s not even newsworthy. The synagogue shooting wouldn’t have made the news if not for its relation to the emboldening of right wing extremism by the Trump administration. Even then, the shock and anger was much shorter than the Parkland shooting or others before it. Eventually it will just be local news.
------------------------------------------------------- vast majority of Americans live very nicely and there are 310 - 320 million Americans in the USA and thats not counting the 20 - 30 million illegal aliens Tommy and BlackFlag .And we Americans have over half a billion guns in the USA .
Yes and that’s how we know there will be another mass gun slaughter in the next few weeks

we don't have to wait a few weeks for the lives saved by Americans with guns....that happens every single day...women who are not raped, men and women who are not robbed or murdered.....thanks to having a gun in the home or on their person.....

Guns save lives.
There will be another mass gun slaughter in the next few weeks or so. Probably at a school. It’s not even newsworthy. The synagogue shooting wouldn’t have made the news if not for its relation to the emboldening of right wing extremism by the Trump administration. Even then, the shock and anger was much shorter than the Parkland shooting or others before it. Eventually it will just be local news.
------------------------------------------------------- vast majority of Americans live very nicely and there are 310 - 320 million Americans in the USA and thats not counting the 20 - 30 million illegal aliens Tommy and BlackFlag .And we Americans have over half a billion guns in the USA .
Yes and that’s how we know there will be another mass gun slaughter in the next few weeks

we don't have to wait a few weeks for the lives saved by Americans with guns....that happens every single day...women who are not raped, men and women who are not robbed or murdered.....thanks to having a gun in the home or on their person.....

Guns save lives.
There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

That is a lie, there have not been 10 mass shootings you doofus.

The Gun Violence ARchive lists shootings that are not mass shootings to lie about the number of mass shootings...gang members shooting each other over a dice game or girlfriend is not a mass shooting..... They do this to lie about the number of mass shootings we have.... if you want a real counter for mass shootings you need to use Mother Jones....

Don't worry, Mother Jones is a rabidly, anti-gun, left wing site......

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
Which ones arent mass shootings ? We havent had any over here by the way.

The very first one...

And they lie about the definition of a mass shooting, it isn't 4 or more injured or killed, it is 4 killed....and there can't be any other underlying criminal behavior to the shooting, which the Gun Violence Archive does not document since most of these are criminals shooting at other criminals.....

You'll notice a lot of these are Night Club shootings....they don't go into details on these, which means it is one criminal shooting at another criminal because in an actual mass public shooting they would cover it in the news as a mass shooting....

A criminal shooting at other criminals...

Mass Shootings in 2018 | Gun Violence Archive

Rio Nightclub Shooting: Suspect in Jail, Five Victims Treated & Released

Here....a gang shooting..... Shot 2018-10-25 at 12.17.48 PM.png
So "injured" doesnt count in the US but near misses do in the US,
You are a fucking clown.

No, moron..... what counts is if there is an underlying connection to another crime vs. a mass public shooting where the only crime is the shooting of innocent people in a public place.... gang members shooting at each other is not a mass public shooting....
For the millionth time, the overwhelming majority of America's gun violence is black on black and we have 40 million blacks making Swiss cheese out of each other. If you sort gun statistics by race, white Americans commit the tiny amount of gun crime equal to some European countries.
The ghetto thugs are of no threat to the rest of us. The MAGA killers have been on a roll the last couple weeks and they`re a threat to everybody. Churches, synagogues, yoga schools, Kroger etc.

what Maga killers....? The one guy sent fake bombs to democrats..... the synagogue shooter hated Trump, so he wasn't a MAGA killer, and he hated Israel...both hating Trump and hating Israel are democrat party activities...not conservative activities... Then you have the shooter at the baseball field...a left wing, bernie sanders supporter....

Again, What MAGA killers?

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