Since Pittsburgh

There will be another mass gun slaughter in the next few weeks or so. Probably at a school. It’s not even newsworthy. The synagogue shooting wouldn’t have made the news if not for its relation to the emboldening of right wing extremism by the Trump administration. Even then, the shock and anger was much shorter than the Parkland shooting or others before it. Eventually it will just be local news.

Why is it that the Left is busy trying to decriminalize drugs that kill far more people but want to take all the guns?

Very odd, don't you think?
How many have died from marijuana overdose? Take your time to look it up. And nobody wants to take all the guns, you hysterical nutjob.

Sure you do. It would make your street violence much more effective.
Yeah everybody knows how violent the average pot smoker is


How does one measure the number of auto fatalities caused by weed or medical mishaps or other such issues?
There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.
A hell of a lot more dead black criminal thugs killed by other black criminal thugs in the same period of time, building toward thousands by year’s end as usual. Far far bigger problem than mass shooters, in the real world anyway.
Yep, we off more of ourselves that an ISIS wet dream, but that's the price one $$'s in a gun culture. Oh and, for those fools that wish to lament me as some libtard, i'm a heavily armed redneck, so are my friends.....

and......for you weak minded 2nd amendment parrots

my guns bigger than yours!

how'd ya like me now?

Yep, we off more of ourselves that an ISIS wet dream, but that's the price one $$'s in a gun culture. Oh and, for those fools that wish to lament me as some libtard, i'm a heavily armed redneck, so are my friends.....

and......for you weak minded 2nd amendment parrots

my guns bigger than yours!

how'd ya like me now?


So are you saying that you are part of the problem or is it everyone but you?
Good Q Votto

i really dunno, it's been a friggin' monday, all i can say is if i run outta Jamesons i'm definitely going to be a forkin' problem to somebody
There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

That is a lie, there have not been 10 mass shootings you doofus.

The Gun Violence ARchive lists shootings that are not mass shootings to lie about the number of mass shootings...gang members shooting each other over a dice game or girlfriend is not a mass shooting..... They do this to lie about the number of mass shootings we have.... if you want a real counter for mass shootings you need to use Mother Jones....

Don't worry, Mother Jones is a rabidly, anti-gun, left wing site......

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Top one.

Police: Shooter in custody after Watertown shooting

Hispanic criminal popping off shots at a club, for reasons unknown.

Remember when you tried to pretend that it was Trump supporters doing this shit?

Anyway, our problem is primarily urban democrat areas of high minority population and high crime, and high single motherhood.

The Gun Violence Archive lies.....just as you showed here..... this is not a mass shooting but they don't care...this is just one of the many reasons you can't trust anti-gunners. Their obsession with guns has made them deranged and they will do anything to get their way...
There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

That is a lie, there have not been 10 mass shootings you doofus.

The Gun Violence ARchive lists shootings that are not mass shootings to lie about the number of mass shootings...gang members shooting each other over a dice game or girlfriend is not a mass shooting..... They do this to lie about the number of mass shootings we have.... if you want a real counter for mass shootings you need to use Mother Jones....

Don't worry, Mother Jones is a rabidly, anti-gun, left wing site......

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
Which ones arent mass shootings ? We havent had any over here by the way.
There will be another mass gun slaughter in the next few weeks or so. Probably at a school. It’s not even newsworthy. The synagogue shooting wouldn’t have made the news if not for its relation to the emboldening of right wing extremism by the Trump administration. Even then, the shock and anger was much shorter than the Parkland shooting or others before it. Eventually it will just be local news.

Why is it that the Left is busy trying to decriminalize drugs that kill far more people but want to take all the guns?

Very odd, don't you think?
How many have died from marijuana overdose? Take your time to look it up. And nobody wants to take all the guns, you hysterical nutjob.
Yep, we off more of ourselves that an ISIS wet dream, but that's the price one $$'s in a gun culture. Oh and, for those fools that wish to lament me as some libtard, i'm a heavily armed redneck, so are my friends.....

and......for you weak minded 2nd amendment parrots

my guns bigger than yours!

how'd ya like me now?


Sorry...more lives are saved by guns in this country than are taken by criminals who use them....criminals the democrat party keeps letting out of jail over and over again.

According to the CDC, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminal attacks....the Department of Justice puts the number at 1.5 million times a year.....and those are just two studies on the topic....
There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

That is a lie, there have not been 10 mass shootings you doofus.

The Gun Violence ARchive lists shootings that are not mass shootings to lie about the number of mass shootings...gang members shooting each other over a dice game or girlfriend is not a mass shooting..... They do this to lie about the number of mass shootings we have.... if you want a real counter for mass shootings you need to use Mother Jones....

Don't worry, Mother Jones is a rabidly, anti-gun, left wing site......

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
Which ones arent mass shootings ? We havent had any over here by the way.

Yes....because of dumb almost had 4....all stopped through dumb luck and nothing to do with your gun laws....and before those, you average about one every 10 years....the last one happened after you banned guns...

Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.

Here is the updat, the original is below..

Yep.....this 19 year old got bombs and a glock 19 and 94 rounds of 9mm ammo on the dark web in Britain in order to murder people at the University he used to attend..........

I guess their gun control laws stopped him...right? Or was it pure, dumb luck.....?


British teen sentenced to life for planned school attack

Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting in a nursery?

Your criminals have illegal do your gun control laws stop them from entering a church, a school or a mall and shooting people? Since they already have the illegal gun?
There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

That is a lie, there have not been 10 mass shootings you doofus.

The Gun Violence ARchive lists shootings that are not mass shootings to lie about the number of mass shootings...gang members shooting each other over a dice game or girlfriend is not a mass shooting..... They do this to lie about the number of mass shootings we have.... if you want a real counter for mass shootings you need to use Mother Jones....

Don't worry, Mother Jones is a rabidly, anti-gun, left wing site......

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
Which ones arent mass shootings ? We havent had any over here by the way.

The very first one...

And they lie about the definition of a mass shooting, it isn't 4 or more injured or killed, it is 4 killed....and there can't be any other underlying criminal behavior to the shooting, which the Gun Violence Archive does not document since most of these are criminals shooting at other criminals.....

You'll notice a lot of these are Night Club shootings....they don't go into details on these, which means it is one criminal shooting at another criminal because in an actual mass public shooting they would cover it in the news as a mass shooting....

A criminal shooting at other criminals...

Mass Shootings in 2018 | Gun Violence Archive

Rio Nightclub Shooting: Suspect in Jail, Five Victims Treated & Released

Here....a gang shooting..... Shot 2018-10-25 at 12.17.48 PM.png
There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

That is a lie, there have not been 10 mass shootings you doofus.

The Gun Violence ARchive lists shootings that are not mass shootings to lie about the number of mass shootings...gang members shooting each other over a dice game or girlfriend is not a mass shooting..... They do this to lie about the number of mass shootings we have.... if you want a real counter for mass shootings you need to use Mother Jones....

Don't worry, Mother Jones is a rabidly, anti-gun, left wing site......

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
Which ones arent mass shootings ? We havent had any over here by the way.

Again..... Mother Jones, the rabid, anti-gun site has a detailed list of actual mass public shootings....the Gun Violence Archive is a hack site that uses criminal gang violence to inflate their numbers...
There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

That is a lie, there have not been 10 mass shootings you doofus.

The Gun Violence ARchive lists shootings that are not mass shootings to lie about the number of mass shootings...gang members shooting each other over a dice game or girlfriend is not a mass shooting..... They do this to lie about the number of mass shootings we have.... if you want a real counter for mass shootings you need to use Mother Jones....

Don't worry, Mother Jones is a rabidly, anti-gun, left wing site......

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
Which ones arent mass shootings ? We havent had any over here by the way.

The very first one...

And they lie about the definition of a mass shooting, it isn't 4 or more injured or killed, it is 4 killed....and there can't be any other underlying criminal behavior to the shooting, which the Gun Violence Archive does not document since most of these are criminals shooting at other criminals.....

You'll notice a lot of these are Night Club shootings....they don't go into details on these, which means it is one criminal shooting at another criminal because in an actual mass public shooting they would cover it in the news as a mass shooting....

A criminal shooting at other criminals...

Mass Shootings in 2018 | Gun Violence Archive

Rio Nightclub Shooting: Suspect in Jail, Five Victims Treated & Released

Here....a gang shooting..... Shot 2018-10-25 at 12.17.48 PM.png
So "injured" doesnt count in the US but near misses do in the US,
You are a fucking clown.
There will be another mass gun slaughter in the next few weeks or so. Probably at a school. It’s not even newsworthy. The synagogue shooting wouldn’t have made the news if not for its relation to the emboldening of right wing extremism by the Trump administration. Even then, the shock and anger was much shorter than the Parkland shooting or others before it. Eventually it will just be local news.

Why is it that the Left is busy trying to decriminalize drugs that kill far more people but want to take all the guns?

Very odd, don't you think?
How many have died from marijuana overdose? Take your time to look it up. And nobody wants to take all the guns, you hysterical nutjob.

Sure you do. It would make your street violence much more effective.
Yeah everybody knows how violent the average pot smoker is


Is Pot the hardest drug you've ever done?
For the millionth time, the overwhelming majority of America's gun violence is black on black and we have 40 million blacks making Swiss cheese out of each other. If you sort gun statistics by race, white Americans commit the tiny amount of gun crime equal to some European countries.
For the millionth time, the overwhelming majority of America's gun violence is black on black and we have 40 million blacks making Swiss cheese out of each other. If you sort gun statistics by race, white Americans commit the tiny amount of gun crime equal to some European countries.
The ghetto thugs are of no threat to the rest of us. The MAGA killers have been on a roll the last couple weeks and they`re a threat to everybody. Churches, synagogues, yoga schools, Kroger etc.
There have been 10 mass shootings in the US.

10 peope have been killed and 41 have been injured.

But it was a week ago.

If you leave out blacks and Latinos who kill each other like crazy, America’s gun homicide rate is just as low if not lower than countries in Europe. If your country had tens of millions of blacks and Latinos, you’d have the same problem.

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