Since the libs hate oil so much...


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
I would love to see the oil industry go on strike. Let's see how well the world works for one day without oil.
that poster just loves oil coporations more than they love humans or this country
Not a bad idea, actually.

Back in '99 when oil was $12 or so a barrel, and gasoline was $1.00/gallon foreign countries were dumping their product on our markets at below cost- which is illegal under international trade law.

Did anyone give a flying fuck? Nope.

So thousands of U.S. companies went out of business, tens of thousands lost their jobs in the oil and gas industry, domestic production fell, imports rose... and no one connected the dots.

I'd like to see a symbolic statement- not a "strike" per se. Maybe a "Million Barrel March" on Washington. Gather up the people who are really the ones finding and producing oil in this country- the Independents- and get together in D.C. Stand up some drilling rigs on the Mall, maybe tow in a pumpjack or two and plug them in so people can watch them bob up and down.

This message board is proof positive that the general public does not know nor do they care who gets that gasoline to their vehicles. As long as it's cheap. There's no recognition, no appreciation. Never was and never will be.

I know $4 and $5 gasoline is really hurting consumers. Hell, I buy gasoline too. But I have no sympathy whatsoever for the bitching and moaning and finger-pointing. And when that Fuck-For-Brains President stands up in front of the camera lambasting oil companies, he simply perpetuates the ignorance and foments the mis-guided hatred for the very people that bust their asses and risk their capital so U.S. consumers can queue up at Taco Bell- burning a gallon of gas while waiting in line for a 99 cent burrito.

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