Since when does the Constitution say the President can unilaterally appropriate $300 BILLION?

Don't worry. Some Republican will call a press conference and explain how this is unconstitutional overreach.


Haha so true. I mean no matter what we do, Republicans wont do shit except whine and put John Kennedy on Fox News giving another of his hillbilly twanged analogies.
His student loan forgiveness scheme is clearly unconstitutional until and unless it is passed by both houses of Congress. Spending must originate in the House.

Once again Biden acts like a Dictator.

To be fair, he's not spending the money...the money already has been spent....the colleges and universities already got it. The loans to the students were just forgiven.
As they say in sports….No flag, no foul.

Biden just helped millions of highly educated workers escape $20,000 in debt. This is good for ALL of America
No. It’s not. There is no free lunch. That forgiveness comes at a significant cost. Let’s just call it $300 BILLION.

That is more money we don’t have. It will be “created.” It’s basically just printing lots more c notes each one worth less and less. It’s more inflation. That’s terrible for al of us. It’s higher taxes. That’s bad for all people who are taxpayers. It continues to incentivize colleges to charge to much for the “education” they provide. It is fine with the bakers because what the borrowers don’t pay, the rest of us have to.

It’s a scheme. And apparently it’s a “plan” to concoct another Executive Order. Those have the effect of law but aren’t laws. They are supposed to exist to detail administrative plans for how to execute laws. Laws are supposed to come from Congress. Congress no doubt will be said to have authorized this newest delegation of authority. But the devil will be in the details.
“We had nothing to do with taking out those loans!!”……..says Americas business owners who posted jobs for decades that said “4 year degree preferred/or required”
Not sure you even have a point here. But if that's your Hail Mary, it's a big fail.
Don't worry. Some Republican will call a press conference and explain how this is unconstitutional overreach.

No need.... it's a separations of powers thing from the US CONSTITUTION... I know facts are not your strong point...
Quick question, Troll:

Does the Constitution give the President power to appropriate money? This is a yes or no.

Depends on the circumstances and how it is done. On occasion, the president CAN use EO's to spend money, but it depends on how it is done. You guys didn't bitch when Trump did it for his border wall, why are you yelling about education? Oh's because it's Biden doing it...............sorry...........forgot.

“We had nothing to do with taking out those loans!!”……..says Americas business owners who posted jobs for decades that said “4 year degree preferred/or required”
wow....thats an incredible reach even for a retard.
No. It’s not. There is no free lunch. That forgiveness comes at a significant cost. Let’s just call it $300 BILLION.

That is more money we don’t have. It will be “created.” It’s basically just printing lots more c notes each one worth less and less. It’s more inflation. That’s terrible for al of us. It’s higher taxes. That’s bad for all people who are taxpayers. It continues to incentivize colleges to charge to much for the “education” they provide. It is fine with the bakers because what the borrowers don’t pay, the rest of us have to.

It’s a scheme. And apparently it’s a “plan” to concoct another Executive Order. Those have the effect of law but aren’t laws. They are supposed to exist to detail administrative plans for how to execute laws. Laws are supposed to come from Congress. Congress no doubt will be said to have authorized this newest delegation of authority. But the devil will be in the details.
Don't forget all the new federal government we'll need to administer that crap. A brand new office of the already high performing Dept. of Education no doubt.
“We had nothing to do with taking out those loans!!”……..says Americas business owners who posted jobs for decades that said “4 year degree preferred/or required”

You want a high school grad to work on your emergency appendix that has been ruptured? You can't even make apt analogies. What a business owner requires has nothing do with an irresponsible person who takes out a loan and then begs for it to be forgiven.

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