Since when does the Constitution say the President can unilaterally appropriate $300 BILLION?

His student loan forgiveness scheme is clearly unconstitutional until and unless it is passed by both houses of Congress. Spending must originate in the House. Once again Biden acts like a Dictator.

Pretty odd don't you think that OTOH, Biden is stumping for an increase of 87,000 IRS agents because we need more money then on the other hand, gives away 300 billion he's not even legally entitled to?
Legally he can't do it.....but as long as Democrats run congress he can spend whatever the Hell he wants...when he wants....for whatever the fuck he wants.
Can you name any members of the GOP opposed to this who have denounced the action as an unconstitutional giveaway?

I know it's misappropriation of funds....but the DOJ is also controlled by the criminal Democrats so nobody will press charges.
What you are describing there is a political coup, isn't it? I mean, wasn't our government designed around a series of CHECKS AND BALANCES to prevent this exact thing?
Yeah I think Biden would end up losing if someone brought a suit. Maybe that's part of the calculus: force some right winger to sue and then make them look like the Grinch come November.
As they say in sports….No flag, no foul.

Biden just helped millions of highly educated workers escape $20,000 in debt. This is good for ALL of America
How is fucking taxpayers in the ass good for them? If they're highly educated, they should have no problem paying off their debt. I paid off my student loans. Why should I cover theirs?
I knew you were just a stupid troll.

You are one of those morons who can't identify a woman because you aren't a biologist, right?

Guess what?

It is Constitutional until ruled otherwise
Start there
What about the poor restaurant owner that took SBA covid disaster loans... or the Carpenter that took out an SBA loan to buy tools.... will those loans be forgiven too?... because if not this tuition relief is illegal..... a government loan is a government loan and you can't treat one American differently than another American.....
Guess what?

It is Constitutional until ruled otherwise
Start there
Haven't heard one word from you on the deficit and our national debt... so when Trump wins again and is president any complaining about debt by you will be laughed at.....
When a Fiat Currency starts spiraling out of control this is what happens. This is not cancelling debts it is passing it on to someone else.
What about the poor restaurant owner that took SBA covid disaster loans... or the Carpenter that took out an SBA loan to buy tools.... will those loans be forgiven too?... because if not this tuition relief is illegal..... a government loan is a government loan and you can't treat one American differently than another American.....
that's what I heard this morning and it is illegal to depict for only one loan type. ooops.
As they say in sports….No flag, no foul.

Biden just helped millions of highly educated workers escape $20,000 in debt. This is good for ALL of America
They will have to pay it sometime. Either now, or later via higher taxes. Yet there are those who worked during collage, and paid it off as they went and they will have to pay twice.

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