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Single-payer HC plan IS the answer......

Canadians are coming to the U.S. to get treated because they are waiting too long in Canada

here's what a Canadian wrote......

I love these questions from Americans. I live in Vancouver, on the west coast about 2 hours north of Seattle.

Healthcare - We pay monthly in BC to our medical system. It is called BC medical and, right now, it is $232…for a family of four. They just announced April 1st they are cutting it in half. Hence, any extended healthcare, including dental, is generally less than $200.00 per month and that pays for your prescriptions, therapists, eye-care and a host of other services. So…what are the restrictions on using our healthcare system….none! Ambulance…paid, need prosthetics…paid, need 5 years of aftercare and therapy…paid. By the way, we are just starting construction on our 5th new hospital in 15 years…free to use of course. So what does this get you. Our Vancouver General Cancer research center is one of the top 5 in the world. Our UBC hospital houses the premier genealogical research facility in the world.

Canada has worst ER/referral wait times in 11 developed countries

What has always amazed me is that right wingers would rather send an ever increasing amount to pay for their HC premium to a private insurance company that ONLY cares about profits.......

........rather than choosing to send a much smaller payment to the federal government (a-la, Medicare) that is not in the "business" of making huge profits over the plan.

It isn't a smaller payment to the government...that payment is hidden by the massive taxes you will pay for everything else in your life, for healthcare that sucks.....for a government bureaucrat to decide which procedures the government can afford to do with shrinking resources because the costs have sky rocketed because no one cares to keep the costs under control.....and the loss of Doctors as it becomes worthless to be a Doctor because you become nothing more than another government clock puncher.............
Canadians are coming to the U.S. to get treated because they are waiting too long in Canada

here's what a Canadian wrote......

I love these questions from Americans. I live in Vancouver, on the west coast about 2 hours north of Seattle.

Healthcare - We pay monthly in BC to our medical system. It is called BC medical and, right now, it is $232…for a family of four. They just announced April 1st they are cutting it in half. Hence, any extended healthcare, including dental, is generally less than $200.00 per month and that pays for your prescriptions, therapists, eye-care and a host of other services. So…what are the restrictions on using our healthcare system….none! Ambulance…paid, need prosthetics…paid, need 5 years of aftercare and therapy…paid. By the way, we are just starting construction on our 5th new hospital in 15 years…free to use of course. So what does this get you. Our Vancouver General Cancer research center is one of the top 5 in the world. Our UBC hospital houses the premier genealogical research facility in the world.

The truth....


If Universal Health Care Is The Goal, Don't Copy Canada

Amongst industrialized countries -- members of the OECD -- with universal health care, Canada has the second most expensive health care system as a share of the economy after adjusting for age. This is not necessarily a problem, however, depending on the value received for such spending. As countries become richer, citizens may choose to allocate a larger portion of their income to health care. However, such expenditures are a problem when they are not matched by value.
The most visible manifestation of Canada’s failing health care system are wait times for health care services. In 2013, Canadians, on average, faced a four and a half month wait for medically necessary treatment after referral by a general practitioner. This wait time is almost twice as long as it was in 1993 when national wait times were first measured.

Long wait times in Canada have also been observed for basic diagnostic imaging technologies that Americans take for granted, which are crucial for determining the severity of a patient’s condition. In 2013, the average wait time for an MRI was over two months, while Canadians needing a CT scan waited for almost a month.

These wait times are not simply “minor inconveniences.” Patients experience physical pain and suffering, mental anguish, and lost economic productivity while waiting for treatment. One recent estimate (2013) found that the value of time lost due to medical wait times in Canada amounted to approximately $1,200 per patient.

There is also considerable evidence indicating that excessive wait times lead to poorer health outcomes and in some cases, death. Dr. Brian Day, former head of the Canadian Medical Association recently noted that “[d]elayed care often transforms an acute and potentially reversible illness or injury into a chronic, irreversible condition that involves permanent disability.”

And more on Canada...

The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care

Mountain-bike enthusiast Suzanne Aucoin had to fight more than her Stage IV colon cancer. Her doctor suggested Erbitux—a proven cancer drug that targets cancer cells exclusively, unlike conventional chemotherapies that more crudely kill all fast-growing cells in the body—and Aucoin went to a clinic to begin treatment. But if Erbitux offered hope, Aucoin’s insurance didn’t: she received one inscrutable form letter after another, rejecting her claim for reimbursement. Yet another example of the callous hand of managed care, depriving someone of needed medical help, right? Guess again. Erbitux is standard treatment, covered by insurance companies—in the United States. Aucoin lives in Ontario, Canada.

When Aucoin appealed to an official ombudsman, the Ontario government claimed that her treatment was unproven and that she had gone to an unaccredited clinic. But the FDA in the U.S. had approved Erbitux, and her clinic was a cancer center affiliated with a prominent Catholic hospital in Buffalo. This January, the ombudsman ruled in Aucoin’s favor, awarding her the cost of treatment. She represents a dramatic new trend in Canadian health-care advocacy: finding the treatment you need in another country, and then fighting Canadian bureaucrats (and often suing) to get them to pick up the tab.

And the truth.......that Canadians don't see until it is too late.....

My health-care prejudices crumbled not in the classroom but on the way to one. On a subzero Winnipeg morning in 1997, I cut across the hospital emergency room to shave a few minutes off my frigid commute. Swinging open the door, I stepped into a nightmare: the ER overflowed with elderly people on stretchers, waiting for admission. Some, it turned out, had waited five days. The air stank with sweat and urine. Right then, I began to reconsider everything that I thought I knew about Canadian health care. I soon discovered that the problems went well beyond overcrowded ERs. Patients had to wait for practically any diagnostic test or procedure, such as the man with persistent pain from a hernia operation whom we referred to a pain clinic—with a three-year wait list; or the woman needing a sleep study to diagnose what seemed like sleep apnea, who faced a two-year delay; or the woman with breast cancer who needed to wait four months for radiation therapy, when the standard of care was four weeks.
Single-payer HC plan IS the answer......

The Question: How can we destroy healthcare in the US and bankrupt the country?
It isn't a smaller payment to the government...that payment is hidden by the massive taxes you will pay for everything else in your life, for healthcare that sucks.....for a government bureaucrat to decide which procedures the government can afford to do with shrinking resources because the costs have sky rocketed because no one cares to keep the costs under control.....and the loss of Doctors as it becomes worthless to be a Doctor because you become nothi

Boy, Hannity sure has you as a disciple......


U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

US Health-Care System Ranks as One of the Least-Efficient - Bloomberg

U.S. health care system ranks lowest in international survey - CBS News

10 Countries With the Most Well-Developed Public Health Care ...

The 36 Best Healthcare Systems In The World - Business Insider

Single-payer HC plan IS the answer......

The Question: How can we destroy healthcare in the US and bankrupt the country?

Time for a diaper change????
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Now that even the slow-witted Trump has admitted that "who knew that health care reform would be so hard"........it is time for democrats to use the single-payer option as the benchmark of what we must enact have a BETTER and CHEAPER health care insurance plan to cover EVERYBODY (remember that it was Trump who listed those 3 factors that I've place in caps as the reason for voting for him.)

The rest of the civilized planet has long adopted the single-payer system.....and the option has proven cheaper with other countries' citizens having longer lives and less morbidity.

Who would LOSE under such a single payer system???
Insurance companies' CEOs and their board members.

Who would WIN under such a single payer system???
ALL of us.....
Single payer would be fine only if its 100% voluntary, an "opt in"...
no one should be forced into the cancer that is socialism.

Do you believe that hospitals should turn away those who put out?
Single payer = indentured servitude for those that work in the healthcare industry.

The left truly are an immoral people.

Plus there's the legality of the idea: There isn't a thing in the enumerated powers of the Constitution that grants the federal government the power to run healthcare. You'll need an amendment. Good luck with that.

So if you do get your amendment, can we all look forward to VA-like care?

Monumentally stupid idea.
Single payer = indentured servitude for those that work in the healthcare industry.

How so?

The only difference is who pays.

Single payer = indentured servitude for those that work in the healthcare industry.

Sure, because NOT being able to play golf each and every Friday is tantamount to picking cotton in the hot Alabama sun.

Single payer = indentured servitude for those that work in the healthcare industry.

Sure, because NOT being able to play golf each and every Friday is tantamount to picking cotton in the hot Alabama sun.

So, a little involuntary servitude is OK, as long as it for those overpaid, under-worked health care workers. Wow ... it's not very often that you guys reveal your plans so honestly. How refreshing.

It isn't a smaller payment to the government...that payment is hidden by the massive taxes you will pay for everything else in your life, for healthcare that sucks.....for a government bureaucrat to decide which procedures the government can afford to do with shrinking resources because the costs have sky rocketed because no one cares to keep the costs under control.....and the loss of Doctors as it becomes worthless to be a Doctor because you become nothi

Boy, Hannity sure has you as a disciple......


U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

US Health-Care System Ranks as One of the Least-Efficient - Bloomberg

U.S. health care system ranks lowest in international survey - CBS News

10 Countries With the Most Well-Developed Public Health Care ...

The 36 Best Healthcare Systems In The World - Business Insider

Fake News.
You should become a doctor and only treat Medicare patients.

I have a better idea.......Doctors want to be licensed?...
Revoke licenses for REFUSING to see a sick person because they're on Medicare.......US citizens in their elderly years should NOT be treated as second class inconveniences because there's not enough money in Medicare to take Fridays off to go play golf....

There once was a Hippocratic Oath....what happened???

Revoke licenses for REFUSING to see a sick person because they're on Medicare

Excellent idea! One sure way to increase the number of doctors is to force them to work more for less.

There once was a Hippocratic Oath....what happened???

The government fucked it up.

Todd, I get it. You hate government. What do you believe?

Thoreau wrote, "that government governs best, which governs least". So I'm thinking you've read Thoreau and others transcendentalists, which I did in high school (Civil Disobedience) and during my freshman year at CAL.

I grew up, and realized pragmatism works best, and with a mind to seek compromise solutions can be found without violence; few zero sum games (and Brinkmanship) produce a satisfactory conclusion, and more rarely without the threat or use of violence.

But I digress, why do you hate government, and what would you replace it with, Brook Farm?
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Sure, why not? Since Medicare underpays

Hey, moron.......WHO exactly established the amount that you...in your ever-lasting "wisdom".....now conclude that doctors are UNDERPAID by Medicare ???

When was the last time you saw a doctor picking up aluminum cans to buy a hamburger???
Doctors who accept medicare patients limit the number they see. My doctor limits his medicare patients to ten percent of his practice. Even so, I primarily see his PA. If I'm sick, I don't see him at all. I'm directed to urgent care and a salaried doctor. Wait six hours and wham. Medicare doctor.

The schedules doctors are paid are abysmal. I've seen them. An office call is $15.00. Chiropractors are paid ONE DOLLAR per visit.

So look for the schedules.

My friends that can afford it use concierge medical care. Their doctor comes to their home.

Unless the government intends a form of slavery they will have failure with single payer.
Canadians are coming to the U.S. to get treated because they are waiting too long in Canada

here's what a Canadian wrote......

I love these questions from Americans. I live in Vancouver, on the west coast about 2 hours north of Seattle.

Healthcare - We pay monthly in BC to our medical system. It is called BC medical and, right now, it is $232…for a family of four. They just announced April 1st they are cutting it in half. Hence, any extended healthcare, including dental, is generally less than $200.00 per month and that pays for your prescriptions, therapists, eye-care and a host of other services. So…what are the restrictions on using our healthcare system….none! Ambulance…paid, need prosthetics…paid, need 5 years of aftercare and therapy…paid. By the way, we are just starting construction on our 5th new hospital in 15 years…free to use of course. So what does this get you. Our Vancouver General Cancer research center is one of the top 5 in the world. Our UBC hospital houses the premier genealogical research facility in the world.
Why do so many Canadians come here and pay for medical care?
All socialist entitlement programs should be an "opt in"...
if they were worth the paper they were printed on they would not require everyone's participation. Lol
OK. Can I opt out of paying for bombing the fuck out of Syria and Afghanistan? Can I opt out of paying for security agencies tracking my purchases and emails? Can I opt out of paying for the failed War on Drugs? Can I opt out of paying for bankster bailouts? Cool beans! I'd opt in for healthcare if I can opt out of some of those things.
Canadians are coming to the U.S. to get treated because they are waiting too long in Canada

here's what a Canadian wrote......

I love these questions from Americans. I live in Vancouver, on the west coast about 2 hours north of Seattle.

Healthcare - We pay monthly in BC to our medical system. It is called BC medical and, right now, it is $232…for a family of four. They just announced April 1st they are cutting it in half. Hence, any extended healthcare, including dental, is generally less than $200.00 per month and that pays for your prescriptions, therapists, eye-care and a host of other services. So…what are the restrictions on using our healthcare system….none! Ambulance…paid, need prosthetics…paid, need 5 years of aftercare and therapy…paid. By the way, we are just starting construction on our 5th new hospital in 15 years…free to use of course. So what does this get you. Our Vancouver General Cancer research center is one of the top 5 in the world. Our UBC hospital houses the premier genealogical research facility in the world.
Why do so many Canadians come here and pay for medical care?

Stop bringing up inconvenient facts!

Nat is "special".

An office call is $15.00

That's a genuine bargain. Four patients an hour, means $60 an hour. To pay the doctor, nurse, reception, insurance, rent, utilities, equipment hire, office expenditures, and taxes. To make that pittance a person has to spend an average of $225,000 for 12 years of post secondary education.

And medicate pays $1 a visit.

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