Single-payer HC plan IS the answer......

Why don't you read/research the systems of each of these and tell me the one(S) you want to emulate here?

Not my job and certainly not YOURS......Our "illustrious" congress and the moron in the WH had almost a decade. researchers and funds to figure out how American "exceptionalism" could improve on the best of systems that other countries have developed....

But, the bottom line in what a call "single payer" is that health care should NOT be treated as yet another capitalistic enterprise where "profits" rule over morality.

Ok, what if I say I'm good with treating healthcare different from other capitalistic enterprises where profit does not rule over morality? Here is the bottom line, you say it isn't your job to figure out, which is a cop out from a weak mind. Like a bratty child, you stomp your feet and say gimme single payer like Luxembourg, Japan, or Singapore, but you can't take the next step to examine those systems to understand why they work well, and therefore don't understand why they won't work here if employed by our federal government like you want. Run along little child.
You're, not your

You were saying something about dumb???

yes, my mistake.......I guess then that your argument "wins"...and my argument based on a spelling error "loses".......Correct?
You brought it up, pick one, or pick a combination of several. Grow a pair of balls and tell us what single payer you want.

I did.......So, now, what's your next bitching talking point?
Dental care, perhaps, Bucktooth???

You did? Sorry I missed it. Please tell me again which country(s) system you want to model, or direct me to the post where you selected one.

I'm such a sweetheart, don't you think?....back on post #72......

The 16 countries with the world's best healthcare systems
and which one of those is actually a national single payer system?

You don't know do you?

What Can The US Learn From The French Health Care System?

France does not have a true single-payer system.
and which one of those is actually a national single payer system?

You don't know do you?

Did you see the U.S. on that list???.............NO

Does it make a difference if you choose to call a BETTER system "national single payer"..??? ................NO

Do those other 16 countries pay LESS and live LONGER?...Yes or No?

So what the fuck do you want?
and which one of those is actually a national single payer system?

You don't know do you?

Did you see the U.S. on that list???.............NO

Does it make a difference if you choose to call a BETTER system "national single payer"..??? ................NO

Do those other 16 countries pay LESS and live LONGER?...Yes or No?

So what the fuck do you want?
Do you see that France does not have single payer insurance?

Do you know why it doesn't have single payer insurance?

Because it has failed everywhere it has been tried but you still want it.
Now that even the slow-witted Trump has admitted that "who knew that health care reform would be so hard" is time for democrats to use the single-payer option as the benchmark of what we must enact have a BETTER and CHEAPER health care insurance plan to cover EVERYBODY (remember that it was Trump who listed those 3 factors that I've place in caps as the reason for voting for him.)

The rest of the civilized planet has long adopted the single-payer system.....and the option has proven cheaper with other countries' citizens having longer lives and less morbidity.

Who would LOSE under such a single payer system???
Insurance companies' CEOs and their board members.

Who would WIN under such a single payer system???
ALL of us.....
open market.
Well, that's because your dumber than a box of used matches, then......

Virtually ALL other industrialized countries have some version of a single payer system in HC....and THEIR citizens pay less and live longer...Strange the way that works, isn't it?

No. It's because I place a higher value on the health of my Soul than on that of my body.

I literally could not care less whst anyone outside this country has, does, wants, likes, etc... I'm an American citizen, not a world citizen. My morals and my beliefs on the laws of this nation prevent me from taking any money from the Government. Always have and always will.
Do you see that France does not have single payer insurance?

Do you know why it doesn't have single payer insurance?

Because it has failed everywhere it has been tried but you still want it.

MORON....."single payer" is a catch all phrase implying that only ONE entity is entrusted to provide health care....and that entity is a government one....

Find a grown up to explain it to you......
Why don't you read/research the systems of each of these and tell me the one(S) you want to emulate here?

Not my job and certainly not YOURS......Our "illustrious" congress and the moron in the WH had almost a decade. researchers and funds to figure out how American "exceptionalism" could improve on the best of systems that other countries have developed....

But, the bottom line in what a call "single payer" is that health care should NOT be treated as yet another capitalistic enterprise where "profits" rule over morality.

health care should NOT be treated as yet another capitalistic enterprise where "profits" rule over morality.

Exactly! We need more enterprises like the VA and the DMV where profits and customer service and satisfaction never come into play.

Hey Todd, quite being a dick. Nat has a dream that a country which can't run a decent healthcare system for a group of 9 million people in the VA will somehow come up with a great one for 330 million people. Hey Nat, why don't we hire Switzerland to run our VA system? They are kicking ass with their system for 9 million people, ranked 3rd best in the world, so we should just pay them to run our VA.

Nat- check this shit out about the Swiss system- let me know if this will make you happy. This is just one passage, but do some heavy lifting and read the entire article.

Why Switzerland Has the World's Best Health Care System
Features of the Swiss health sysetm

Swiss citizens buy insurance for themselves; there are no employer-sponsored or government-run insurance programs. Hence, insurance prices are transparent to the beneficiary. The government defines the minimum benefit package that qualifies for the mandate. Critically, all packages require beneficiaries to pick up a portion of the costs of their care (deductibles and coinsurance) in order to incentivize their frugality.
and which one of those is actually a national single payer system?

You don't know do you?

Did you see the U.S. on that list???.............NO

Does it make a difference if you choose to call a BETTER system "national single payer"..??? ................NO

Do those other 16 countries pay LESS and live LONGER?...Yes or No?

So what the fuck do you want?

Nat- your mental laziness and lack of depth is on full display. You post a link to a list of the best healthcare systems in the world, cite the fact that US is not on the list, and then scream you want free healthcare for everybody, or whatever the hell you want. Take the next step dude! Examine the other systems and understand why they seemingly work so well. Anybody can google search, not everybody can actually read and understand what google finds. That's the hard part, and you either can't or won't do it.
Nat- check this shit out about the Swiss system- let me know if this will make you happy. This is just one passage, but do some heavy lifting and read the entire article.

Why Switzerland Has the World's Best Health Care System
Features of the Swiss health sysetm

Yes...that makes me "happy" and DO ask the SWISS to run our VA.....but, your only problem then is to ADMIT that we are not the "exceptional" God-loves us best, country on the planet........and that will not go over well within your ilk.
Nat- your mental laziness and lack of depth is on full display. You post a link to a list of the best healthcare systems in the world, cite the fact that US is not on the list, and then scream you want free healthcare for everybody, or whatever the hell you want. Take the next step dude! Examine the other systems and understand why they seemingly work so well. Anybody can google search, not everybody can actually read and understand what google finds. That's the hard part, and you either can't or won't do it.

yes, bucktooth........the MAIN problem with our fucked up and expensive health care MY laziness in not coming up with what this country should do.....

Is that REALLY your fucking argument???.................................LOL
Do you see that France does not have single payer insurance?

Do you know why it doesn't have single payer insurance?

Because it has failed everywhere it has been tried but you still want it.

MORON....."single payer" is a catch all phrase implying that only ONE entity is entrusted to provide health care....and that entity is a government one....

Find a grown up to explain it to you......
MORON single payer means there is ONE and only ONE payer.

Words mean things in case you didn't know that yet
Nat- check this shit out about the Swiss system- let me know if this will make you happy. This is just one passage, but do some heavy lifting and read the entire article.

Why Switzerland Has the World's Best Health Care System
Features of the Swiss health sysetm

Yes...that makes me "happy" and DO ask the SWISS to run our VA.....but, your only problem then is to ADMIT that we are not the "exceptional" God-loves us best, country on the planet........and that will not go over well within your ilk.

Ah, so now you want to divert from YOUR thread topic and discuss why American exceptionalism is a fallacy. Sorry, with respect to the OP I'll stick to the thread topic.

So you want the Swiss to run our VA system. You're a cruel heartless bastard. Many of those in the VA can't afford to buy their own insurance like those in Switzerland do. Now what?
Is the question, 'How most quickly to get the federal deficit to 20 Trillion?'

Here, mull this over:

United States

> Health expenditure per capita: $8,713
> Expenditure as a pct. of GDP: 16.4%
> Obesity rate: 35.3%
> Life expectancy: 78.8



> Health expenditure per capita: $4,904
> Expenditure as a pct. of GDP: 11.0%
> Obesity rate: 11.7%
> Life expectancy: 82.0

Countries spending the most on health care

I love when you left wing idiots post stupid shit like this. You actually think, and want intelligent people to believe, that the only reason for these numbers is single payer.

In a fair and just world, people as stupid as you are would not be allowed to talk.
Nat- your mental laziness and lack of depth is on full display. You post a link to a list of the best healthcare systems in the world, cite the fact that US is not on the list, and then scream you want free healthcare for everybody, or whatever the hell you want. Take the next step dude! Examine the other systems and understand why they seemingly work so well. Anybody can google search, not everybody can actually read and understand what google finds. That's the hard part, and you either can't or won't do it.

yes, bucktooth........the MAIN problem with our fucked up and expensive health care MY laziness in not coming up with what this country should do.....

Is that REALLY your fucking argument???.................................LOL

My argument is you can't cite a single payer system that will work here in the US. Your list of the 16 greatest healthcare systems has 16 different systems, some are single payer types, some are not. You have not studied or researched the topic of your own thread, yet you pretend to want to have a substantive discussion, but you don't know enough about your topic to engage in one. That is my argument! You're lazy and uninformed, some would classify you as a typical bleeding heart liberal, all emotion, no brain.
Well if it comes down to money I don't have to worry about it. But the fact remains insurance/single payer is not healthcare… LOL

You have hundreds of thousands of dollars just sitting in the bank in case you get sick?

Why do I somehow doubt that.
I have lots, lots of collectible firearms/antiques... and have been out of debt for 20+ years. Have you ever heard of preventive care? Lol

I'd ask if you're actually this dumb but I already know the answer.

Tell me about the preventive care for cancer and car accidents. I'm interested to learn how you figured out the miracle of ever-lasting health.

So your plan regarding cancer and/or car accidents is to get someone else to pay for it...quite a plan. Get a fricken job.

You. I only want you to pay for it. You owe me.

Sure hope you're not holding your breath.

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