Single-payer HC plan IS the answer......

Why do so many Canadians come here and pay for medical care?

they DON'T..........The Canadian HC system pays for their care in the U.S......PLUS, those Canadians get a nice vacation when they visit a doctor in Florida.
Canadians are coming to the U.S. to get treated because they are waiting too long in Canada

here's what a Canadian wrote......

I love these questions from Americans. I live in Vancouver, on the west coast about 2 hours north of Seattle.

Healthcare - We pay monthly in BC to our medical system. It is called BC medical and, right now, it is $232…for a family of four. They just announced April 1st they are cutting it in half. Hence, any extended healthcare, including dental, is generally less than $200.00 per month and that pays for your prescriptions, therapists, eye-care and a host of other services. So…what are the restrictions on using our healthcare system….none! Ambulance…paid, need prosthetics…paid, need 5 years of aftercare and therapy…paid. By the way, we are just starting construction on our 5th new hospital in 15 years…free to use of course. So what does this get you. Our Vancouver General Cancer research center is one of the top 5 in the world. Our UBC hospital houses the premier genealogical research facility in the world.

You can hear from a Canadian how well the system worked for her mother.
Why do so many Canadians come here and pay for medical care?[/QUOTE]

LEARN something ......Canadians don't fully pay for their US medical care.

From a Canadian study

.......In selected circumstances, more formal arrangements have been negotiated between provincial payers and U.S. providers. Provinces have always reimbursed individuals, subject to pre-approval and negotiated payments, who are required to travel to the United States to obtain highly specialized services not available in their home province. More recently, several Canadian provincial payers have established temporary contracts with U.S. providers for specific services.

Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians’ Use Of Health Care Services In The United States
All socialist entitlement programs should be an "opt in"...
if they were worth the paper they were printed on they would not require everyone's participation. Lol
OK. Can I opt out of paying for bombing the fuck out of Syria and Afghanistan? Can I opt out of paying for security agencies tracking my purchases and emails? Can I opt out of paying for the failed War on Drugs? Can I opt out of paying for bankster bailouts? Cool beans! I'd opt in for healthcare if I can opt out of some of those things.
That's why the federal government is the enemy of the country, the collective never works for the individual. Fact
Why do so many Canadians come here and pay for medical care?

they DON'T..........The Canadian HC system pays for their care in the U.S......PLUS, those Canadians get a nice vacation when they visit a doctor in Florida.

Because they don't have enough resources in their own country, dumb ass

Canadians could expect to wait 9.8 weeks for medically necessary treatment after seeing a specialist in 2014, the researchers found, three weeks more than the time physicians considered to be clinically "reasonable."

The public health care system sends some Canadians abroad for treatment partly because of a lack of available local resources, the report says.
You brought it up, pick one, or pick a combination of several. Grow a pair of balls and tell us what single payer you want.

I did.......So, now, what's your next bitching talking point?
Dental care, perhaps, Bucktooth???

You did? Sorry I missed it. Please tell me again which country(s) system you want to model, or direct me to the post where you selected one.

I'm such a sweetheart, don't you think?....back on post #72......

The 16 countries with the world's best healthcare systems

No, I read that post. Are you suggestion that all those 16 countries have the same system? Hmm, perhaps you didn't read the link in your own post, or perhaps you believe that all single payer systems are the same. Why don't you read/research the systems of each of these and tell me the one(S) you want to emulate here? Or maybe that is just more effort than you are prepared to expend for such a insignificant topic. Some liberals on this board just like to say "single payer" and think that is all we need to do. The reality is quite different unfortunately. Yea, all those countries have different systems and they continue to evolve. Do you prefer Germany's system over Japan's, or maybe you are partial to the system in France or Sweden or Norway. Seriously, which one do you like for the USA?
Why don't you read/research the systems of each of these and tell me the one(S) you want to emulate here?

Not my job and certainly not YOURS......Our "illustrious" congress and the moron in the WH had almost a decade. researchers and funds to figure out how American "exceptionalism" could improve on the best of systems that other countries have developed....

But, the bottom line in what a call "single payer" is that health care should NOT be treated as yet another capitalistic enterprise where "profits" rule over morality.
No vet is being forced to work for a wage or fee to which they did not voluntarily agree. Can't say the same if you impose single payer on healthcare workers.

you can draw your own fucked up conclusion as fits your biases...This forum is certainly not the best place to correct stupidity.

Yet another logical fallacy, ignoring the point completely in the process.

Color me shocked.
Why don't you read/research the systems of each of these and tell me the one(S) you want to emulate here?

Not my job and certainly not YOURS......Our "illustrious" congress and the moron in the WH had almost a decade. researchers and funds to figure out how American "exceptionalism" could improve on the best of systems that other countries have developed....

But, the bottom line in what a call "single payer" is that health care should NOT be treated as yet another capitalistic enterprise where "profits" rule over morality.

health care should NOT be treated as yet another capitalistic enterprise where "profits" rule over morality.

Exactly! We need more enterprises like the VA and the DMV where profits and customer service and satisfaction never come into play.
Single payer = indentured servitude for those that work in the healthcare industry.

The left truly are an immoral people.

Plus there's the legality of the idea: There isn't a thing in the enumerated powers of the Constitution that grants the federal government the power to run healthcare. You'll need an amendment. Good luck with that.

So if you do get your amendment, can we all look forward to VA-like care?

Monumentally stupid idea.
Single payer = indentured servitude for those that work in the healthcare industry.

How so?

The only difference is who pays.

If you're a healthcare worker, you should be free to work for a wage or a fee you believe is adequate for the labor you're provide, just like any industry.

But with single payer, you all of a sudden have the right to demand that my sister, who is a nurse, care for you.

Using government-backed compulsion to force someone to labor on another's behalf....perhaps you're right, that's not indentured servitude, that's slavery.

And WHO pays is also a moral issue. Forcing me to fund your scheme is simple theft. You should have no more a right to take my money because you're sick anymore than I should be able to rob the grocery store because I'm hungry.
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Now that even the slow-witted Trump has admitted that "who knew that health care reform would be so hard" is time for democrats to use the single-payer option as the benchmark of what we must enact have a BETTER and CHEAPER health care insurance plan to cover EVERYBODY (remember that it was Trump who listed those 3 factors that I've place in caps as the reason for voting for him.)

The rest of the civilized planet has long adopted the single-payer system.....and the option has proven cheaper with other countries' citizens having longer lives and less morbidity.

Who would LOSE under such a single payer system???
Insurance companies' CEOs and their board members.

Who would WIN under such a single payer system???
ALL of us.....
There NEVER were 46 million uninsured Americans!
What might or might not happen??

You do know that you will one day get sick right? Do you plan on not seeking medical treatment?
Well if it comes down to money I don't have to worry about it. But the fact remains insurance/single payer is not healthcare… LOL

You have hundreds of thousands of dollars just sitting in the bank in case you get sick?

Why do I somehow doubt that.
I have lots, lots of collectible firearms/antiques... and have been out of debt for 20+ years. Have you ever heard of preventive care? Lol

I'd ask if you're actually this dumb but I already know the answer.

Tell me about the preventive care for cancer and car accidents. I'm interested to learn how you figured out the miracle of ever-lasting health.

So your plan regarding cancer and/or car accidents is to get someone else to pay for it...quite a plan. Get a fricken job.

You. I only want you to pay for it. You owe me.
Ahhh, besides being an idiotic poster on here, you're a part time CEO for a HC insurance company???

No. Just someone with enough morality not to take handouts from the Government. For me "single payer means being cut off from all medical services.
For me "single payer means being cut off from all medical services.

Well, that's because your dumber than a box of used matches, then......

Virtually ALL other industrialized countries have some version of a single payer system in HC....and THEIR citizens pay less and live longer...Strange the way that works, isn't it?

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