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Single payer system within 7 years

Medicare is a single payer system,
Not really since Medicare Advantage (aka "Medigap") is covered by private insurance plans.

If it is good enough for people over 65, it should be good for all,
Sure why not, Medicare is only $27 TRILLION underwater in long term liabilities, might as well go ahead and make it $200 TRILLION, what the hell, the coming generations aren't going to be able to pay it anyways.

Medicare Advantage and Medigap are two completely different programs. Medicare Advantage is a program within Medicare. Medigap is a Medicare supplement. You are mistaken.
Medicare is a single payer system,
Not really since Medicare Advantage (aka "Medigap") is covered by private insurance plans.

If it is good enough for people over 65, it should be good for all,
Sure why not, Medicare is only $27 TRILLION underwater in long term liabilities, might as well go ahead and make it $200 TRILLION, what the hell, the coming generations aren't going to be able to pay it anyways.

Pay more taxes and it is covered.

Let/make even welfare recipients pay health tax, so all would have skin in the game. That would cut down on trips to emergency with a drippy nose. Stop frivolous law suits. Take care of yourself with proper diet and exercise.

Stop believing that you will get instant and immediate attention and never have to wait for anything. In other words, get real. You have to pay for your health one way or another, by higher taxes or otherwise.

Welfare recipients pay more taxes? They don't pay anything now! We would have to pay them to pay for Medicare, which isn't cheap BTW!

Why would we want to rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic?

And NO Bail Outs for The Insurance Companies since they are the IDIOTS along with OBAMA who helped write OBAMACARE and thought they were going to get incredibly rich off of the taxpayers, as did THE GOV.

Phuck both of them.

Take Socialism and shove it up Lefty's ASS!

We don't need more FDR style Socialsm and their IDIOTIC "Better Deal" since they all told us, America was already GREAT, and nothing needed to be done to fix anything.

"Health Care IS NOT MY PROBLEM!"
Chuck Schummer

Make The Democrats, Make a Better Pizza!
On Fox News, Charles Krauthammer predicts America will have single-payer health care within 7 years

The recent passage of a tweak on Obamacare by the GOP is viewed with disdain by pretty much everyone, just like when the Dims passed Obamacare and were rounded up and thrown out of office.

According to some, however, this will only lead to a single payer in a very short time.

The GOP acted like a bunch of Dims yesterday as they tweaked, not repealed, Obamacare. They were not even very sure what was in the bill, Nancy Pelosi style. They did not even wait for a CBO analysis of what exactly they were voting for. Then they all went to the White House to celebrate like a bunch of retards. Of course, the main objective in Washington is simply to "get things done" that work 100%, 100% of the time for 100% of the population. This is nothing short of a socialist mentality. And since socialism is nothing but a never ending quest for the unattainable, the drum beat will continue for a single payer system
You can't beat free shit...if you're a politician.
I kind of agree with Kauthammer except I think it may take a little longer than 7 years. If the Democrats takeover congress and the oval office in 2020 it probably will be within 7 years.
If we are not going to have a free market with heathcare, we may as well go to single payer. Obamacare and Trumpcare both suck worse.

No, you have even begun to see suck yet!
So you think that drugs developed in the US should cost Americans more than in any other country?

How do you stop other countries from stealing our new drug intellectual property? Spell it out.

We don't.

Here's the thing. When Jonas Salk invented the Polio vaccine, he published the formula and made it available to anyone who wanted to produce it to get it onto the market faster.

A drug shouldn't cost any more than it's cost to produce. Period. The drug companies don't operate like that.


Simple fact- drug companies are not going to develop drugs, do all the expensive R & D if they are not allowed to make a profit once the drug is developed and approved by the FDA. It cost hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars to develop and get a drug to market. Those cost have to be recovered or the drug companies will go out of business and there will be none left to develop drugs. It's kind of an economic reality that liberals like to ignore.
A) Where are NEW drugs going to be developed?
Cost to Develop New Pharmaceutical Drug Now Exceeds $2.5B
A benchmark report estimates that the cost of bringing a drug to market has more than doubled in the past 10 years
CSDD’s finding, a bellwether figure in the drug industry, is based on an average out-of-pocket cost of $1.4 billion and an estimate of $1.2 billion in returns that investors forego on that money during the 10-plus years a drug candidate spends in development. The center’s analysis drew from information provided by 10 pharmaceutical companies on 106 randomly selected drugs first tested in humans between 1995 and 2007.

The study concludes that another $312 million is spent on postapproval development—studies to test new indications, formulations, and dosage strengths—for a life-cycle cost of $2.9 billion,
Cost to Develop New Pharmaceutical Drug Now Exceeds $2.5B

B) So what country in this world has developed more Drugs then the USA???
Obama Care Will End Drug Advances and Europe's Free Ride (Unless China Steps in)
Ninety five percent of the new drugs coming on the market are developed for sale in the United States. They are paid for by American consumers, while other countries, such as Canada, Germany and France, free ride at our expense. The United States is the last major country that allows the market to set prices high enough to compensate pharmaceutical companies for their R&D investments. Obama Care will increasingly control pharmaceutical prices as costs rise and federal and state funds fall short. Major pharmaceutical advances will stop (How well will government labs work?), and the rest of the world will lose along with Americans.
Obama Care Will End Drug Advances and Europe's Free Ride (Unless China Steps in)

C)What is the success rate of a drug???
report released today by the biotech industry’s national trade group finds less than one of every 10 drugs that enter clinical trials is ultimately approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
The report is sponsored by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, or BIO. Its reported success rate, of 9.6 percent, is less than the success rate cited in a widely cited 2014 study by Tufts University’s Center for the Study of Drug Development, which set the rate of success at 11.8 percent, or one in eight.
So you think that drugs developed in the US should cost Americans more than in any other country? :rolleyes:

So you think that drugs developed in the US should cost Americans more than in any other country?

How do you stop other countries from stealing our new drug intellectual property? Spell it out.

yeah, it's a pity dubya made that deal with big Pharma.... we should be able to use our bargaining power to lower the price of prescription drugs.

or do you want to pretend it wasn't dubya who made that deal?

No! We need to lessen the Rx drugs impact on cost by using less Rx drugs. People don't take responsibility for their own health. They want a pill to fix high cholesterol, weight, sleep, high blood pressure and the list go on. Rather than change their diet and life style which is more effective and cost less. It just takes the patient taken on ownership for their health.

No we use our bargaining power to negotiate lower prices. We shouldn't pay more for the same meds here than they do elsewhere

You so understand that's the issue, right?

The rest of your rant is silly and pointless.

Of course you can't follow the facts as your attention span is less then 5 seconds! You haven't read a word that I put up because as is wont with people like you..
So you think that drugs developed in the US should cost Americans more than in any other country?

How do you stop other countries from stealing our new drug intellectual property? Spell it out.

We don't.

Here's the thing. When Jonas Salk invented the Polio vaccine, he published the formula and made it available to anyone who wanted to produce it to get it onto the market faster.
A drug shouldn't cost any more than it's cost to produce. Period. The drug companies don't operate like that.


We don't.

Exactly. So why are you whining?

A drug shouldn't cost any more than it's cost to produce.

Currently, a new drug that gains approval in the US costs $2.6 billion.

What a brilliant observation: "should cost any more than it's cost to produce"!
GEEZ are you an economic idiot?
So let's play a game for someone like you with deficit intelligence.
Assume you are an evil drug company.
Assume you spent $2.6 billion to develop a drug. Where did you get the $2.6 billion to develop?
Assume you start marketing the drug and it doesn't sell enough to re-coup the $2.6 billion? What then my economic illiterate?
See right away you run into a problem.
A) Where did you get the $2.6 billion to develop?
B) What do you do if it doesn't sell $2.6 billion?
C) NOW what do you do with the hundreds of employees, the people that put up the $2.6 billion? Come economic illiterate EXPLAIN what you would do?
Single payer has failed everywhere it has been tried but you morons still want it

Seems to me that the only "Failed" system is ours. No one is talking about getting rid of single payer in Canada or the NHS in the UK.

And your source? Of course you don't put a link to it because you and your ilk are dishonest also I guess you and the above researcher just don't know how to shop around

Or we know how bad big Pharma is ripping is off. The spend billions to keep the status quo, but they easily send the same drugs to "Socialized Medicine" countries and charge whatever they are told they are going to get.
Simple fact- drug companies are not going to develop drugs, do all the expensive R & D if they are not allowed to make a profit once the drug is developed and approved by the FDA. It cost hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars to develop and get a drug to market. Those cost have to be recovered or the drug companies will go out of business and there will be none left to develop drugs. It's kind of an economic reality that liberals like to ignore.

Bullshit. Most research is done by universities, not drug companies.
Simple fact- drug companies are not going to develop drugs, do all the expensive R & D if they are not allowed to make a profit once the drug is developed and approved by the FDA. It cost hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars to develop and get a drug to market. Those cost have to be recovered or the drug companies will go out of business and there will be none left to develop drugs. It's kind of an economic reality that liberals like to ignore.

Bullshit. Most research is done by universities, not drug companies.
YOU are a LIAR! Prove it! Where is YOUR proof?
After all, is drug discovery really the mission of an academic institution?
No doubt these campus leaders have been seduced by royalty streams that some universities have been receiving as the results of collaborations that professors have had with pharmaceutical companies over the years. An example is the discovery of the multibillion dollar lung cancer drug, Alimta, which came from the lab of Professor Edward C. Taylor at Princeton in collaboration with Lilly. Princeton received $524 million in royalties from 2005 – 2012 all from Alimta sales.
But pharmaceutical companies will still need to supplement their remaining R&D organizations by bringing in new drug candidates from outside its own walls. While many start-up companies and biotechs are already such a source, universities are jumping into drug discovery research in a way that I hadn’t appreciated until earlier this month when I was an invited speaker at the Academic Drug Discovery Consortium (ADDC) conference held in Nashville.
Universities Stepping Up Efforts To Discover Drugs

Most recently, Pfizer announced a new drug discovery collaboration with the University of California at San Diego in August worth more than $50 million over five years. The partnership offers researchers at UC San Diego access to Pfizer’s antibody libraries and technology, which the company hopes will speed up the drug discovery process. In turn, Pfizer will receive intellectual property rights.

A number of similar drug discovery research collaborations established over the past two years include partnerships between Gilead Sciences and Yale School of Medicine, Sanofi-Aventis and Columbia University Medical Center, and the University of Pennsylvania and AstraZeneca.

Although the relationship between Big Pharma and academia has existed for decades, this new wave of partnerships is different, according Dr. Glen Gaulton, executive vice dean and chief scientific officer at the University of Pennsylvania’s Pearlman School of Medicine, which is currently collaborating with AstraZeneca.

“Historically it was industry largely identifying what they needed exactly, be it research or trials, and then reaching out to established, distinguished labs or clinicians to collaborate,” said Gaulton. “Now they [pharmaceutical companies] are meeting with academic institutions and saying ‘We’re looking for a new approach in cardiovascular cures or Alzheimer’s disease.’ They are saying, ‘Work with us and work with our scientists in industry to help plan, at a more intimate level, where opportunities lie.'”

Dr. Joseph Schlessinger, Chairman of Pharmacology Department at Yale University, agrees. “Usually collaborations were much smaller; they funded a particular target,” he said. “There was nothing in the dimension of 10 million a year” — the amount Yale stands to profit from their collaborative partnership with Gilead Sciences, brokered in March of 2011.
Academia and Big Pharma Partner to Put New Drugs on the Market
Single payer has failed everywhere it has been tried but you morons still want it

Seems to me that the only "Failed" system is ours. No one is talking about getting rid of single payer in Canada or the NHS in the UK.

And your source? Of course you don't put a link to it because you and your ilk are dishonest also I guess you and the above researcher just don't know how to shop around

Or we know how bad big Pharma is ripping is off. The spend billions to keep the status quo, but they easily send the same drugs to "Socialized Medicine" countries and charge whatever they are told they are going to get.

"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
Single payer has failed everywhere it has been tried but you morons still want it

Seems to me that the only "Failed" system is ours. No one is talking about getting rid of single payer in Canada or the NHS in the UK.

And your source? Of course you don't put a link to it because you and your ilk are dishonest also I guess you and the above researcher just don't know how to shop around

Or we know how bad big Pharma is ripping is off. The spend billions to keep the status quo, but they easily send the same drugs to "Socialized Medicine" countries and charge whatever they are told they are going to get.

but they easily send the same drugs to "Socialized Medicine" countries and charge whatever they are told they are going to get.

How can we stop those countries from ripping off our new drug IP?
Any suggestions?
Single payer has failed everywhere it has been tried but you morons still want it
Keep mouthing those talking points. :rolleyes:
for your reading pleasure

single payer failures - Google Search
The 16 countries with the world's best healthcare systems

Which of those countries have two significant minority populations whose poor lifestyle and overall health drag down the average life expectancy like in US?
Single payer has failed everywhere it has been tried but you morons still want it
Keep mouthing those talking points. :rolleyes:
for your reading pleasure

single payer failures - Google Search
The 16 countries with the world's best healthcare systems

And the COMBINED population with the LARGEST Japan at 30% is 417 million... Combined.
What is the USA.... 323 million!
You have absolutely NO IDEA of how health care works in the rest of those countries either.
For example... YOU HAVE to pay 17% in Australia as a co-pay regardless.
Plus... Canada..
Contrary to popular belief among Americans, health care is not entirely free for Canadians. Dental, ambulance and many other services as well as prescription medications must be paid for out of pocket or they're covered through a combination of public programs and private health insurance.
About two-thirds of Canadians have such insurance.
The Fraser Institute, a Canadian public policy think tank, estimates that 52,513 Canadians received non-emergency medical treatment in the U.S. and other countries in 2014, a 25 percent jump from the roughly 41,838 who sought medical care abroad the previous year.
Baby Charlie!!!! I don't think anyone will forget Baby Charlie from Britain. That one alone will kill off single payer. ouch, one sick infant and the idea that government can take your children and kill em.

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