Six Republicans vote against investigating Russia for War Crimes

Where do they find this stuff? Create a B.S. bill that's designed to do nothing but add another (expensive) useless bureaucratic level of government and blame republicans for not signing on while the doddering old fool in the W.H. watches the Country fall apart.
Like all those 2020 election audit?
It Looks to me like you’ve been swallowing way too much western oligarchy controlled media.
Supporting Ukraine, the United Sates, NATO, and other advanced democracies is clearly repugnant to Putin bum kissers.
And yes folks you can see it for yourself either people don’t understand the role of the ICC or see the US as the worlds police man. So where was Congress and cabbage patch man when the invasion looked imminent? Why didn’t Congress mobilize and send defensive weapons to Ukraine? Talk is cheap and so is Congress! Now they want to wash their hands.
You weren't paying attention. Lloyd Austin personally delivered $60 ,million in weapons and other aid to Ukraine in September 2021
Three Republicans say they will vote for that dumbass affirmative action Negro to be on the Supreme Court. A hate filled bitch that doesn't even know how to spell Constitution no less knowing what is in it.

If you want to condemn Republicans for being idiots then start with those three RINO bozos.
The DemoKKKrats' wet dream. Look at all of you warmongering.
Thats your answer to what you quoted from "DemoKKKrat" that is telling you, just like Biden and all other "DemoKKKrat"s are telling you, that we don't want to get into all out war with Russia?

Seriously moron?
Lol. Wrong. You haven’t paid attention. I’m against all war period.

WAR IS THE CRIME. The worst war criminals are those who plan wars, profit from wars, convince their citizens to go to war, and reject diplomacy that would prevent war.

I can accept that with the caveat that in reality Diplomacy is never the "end all" to everything.
There are some people on the face of this Earth that answer to nothing other than bare naked mortal aggression.

The House on Wednesday passed a bill that would direct President Biden to prepare a report on the government’s efforts to collect and examine evidence related to war crimes and other atrocities committed during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.....

GOP Reps. Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Warren Davidson (Ohio), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Thomas Massie (Ky.) and Scott Perry (Pa.) all opposed the bill.

This is the heart of the new GOP folks. Covering up war crimes for Putin and Russian troops. Yeah, we know where their loyalties lay.
Voting against a meaningless bill is not the same as covering up (or even seeking to cover up) Putin’s war crimes.

Out of curiosity, why do you support utterly meaningless Congressional bills?
Three Republicans say they will vote for that dumbass affirmative action Negro to be on the Supreme Court. A hate filled bitch that doesn't even know how to spell Constitution no less knowing what is in it.

If you want to condemn Republicans for being idiots then start with those three RINO bozos.
And now a word from our resident racist contigent.
Voting against a meaningless bill is not the same as covering up (or even seeking to cover up) Putin’s war crimes.

Out of curiosity, why do you support utterly meaningless Congressional bills?
Why do you support utterly meaningless audits of the 2020 election?
You are welcome to swallow both Russian and Chinese propaganda if your tastes so dictate, but China is now calling for an investigation into the atrocities in Ukraine that the Putin bum kissers in the GOP won't support.
An investigation, wow. You really are a rube.
An investigation, wow. You really are a rube.
The Putin bum kissers are wreaking havoc in the GOP, Sunshine.

Trump Official Dubs Six GOP Reps. 'Vlad's Cover-Up Crew' for War Crime Vote


I can accept that with the caveat that in reality Diplomacy is never the "end all" to everything.
There are some people on the face of this Earth that answer to nothing other than bare naked mortal aggression.

I doubt that but many Americans are conditioned to believe that, as I once did. It helps to keep the war profiteers flush.
Here I thought we were talking about China. How pathetic.
No, in this thread we're discussing an investigation into Russia's atrocities in Ukraine that even China supports, but Putin bum kissers in the GOP oppose.
No, in this thread we're discussing an investigation into Russia's atrocities in Ukraine that even China supports, but Putin bum kissers in the GOP oppose.
Russia withdrew from ICC, so what's the point? The US did too. This is silly posturing. The only effect this will have is reciprocity upon us in our next war. That is what you idiots are asking for.

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