Skid row, coming to a city near you!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
The moral crisis of Skid Row, LA's most notorious neighborhood (

California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

The primary reason?

Over the past 30 years, activists and political leaders have successfully shifted public policy regarding addiction and disorder away from a so-called punitive model that relies on prohibition, incarceration and abstinence, and moved toward a “harm-reduction” approach that takes widespread drug use as a given and attempts to reduce rates of infection and other negative effects. In other words, instead of treating drug use like a crime, they are instead focusing on giving them free housing and clean needles, etc.

Couple that with a state having outrageous taxation and real estate prices that no one can afford, and what you are left with is a mass exodus from the Democrat controlled state into other ones, while the homeless population explodes exponentially that is left behind.

The situation is so bad it looks like the governor will be recalled.

But as Californians move to other states, especially like Texas, they will no doubt vote for the same types of people that destroyed the state they are fleeing from

Leftism is really a metastasis, and with the democrats now in full control of elections across the country, and on the verge of adding some 20 million democrat voting illegals, and God only know what else to rig elections, it is worth while looking at what the entire nation will now become. The only difference, being, there will be no where else to run.
The moral crisis of Skid Row, LA's most notorious neighborhood (

California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

The primary reason?

Over the past 30 years, activists and political leaders have successfully shifted public policy regarding addiction and disorder away from a so-called punitive model that relies on prohibition, incarceration and abstinence, and moved toward a “harm-reduction” approach that takes widespread drug use as a given and attempts to reduce rates of infection and other negative effects.

Couple that with a state having outrageous taxation and real estate prices that no one can afford, and what you are left with is a mass exodus from the Democrat controlled state into other ones, while the homeless population explodes exponentially that is left behind.

The situation is so bad it looks like the governor will be recalled.

But as Californians move to other states, especially like Texas, they will no doubt vote for the same types of people that destroyed the state they are fleeing from

Leftism is really a metastasis, and with the democrats now in full control of elections across the country, and on the verge of adding some 20 million democrat voting illegals, and God only know what else to rig elections, it is worth while looking at what the entire nation will now become. The only difference, being, there will be no where else to run.
Republicans for more incarceration! Put more citizens in prisons!
The "harm reduction" experiment was trieed in Europe ad was a massive failure....Little wonder that the moonbats whose main path to advancement is failure adopted the idiotic policy in Murica.
The moral crisis of Skid Row, LA's most notorious neighborhood (

California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

The primary reason?

Over the past 30 years, activists and political leaders have successfully shifted public policy regarding addiction and disorder away from a so-called punitive model that relies on prohibition, incarceration and abstinence, and moved toward a “harm-reduction” approach that takes widespread drug use as a given and attempts to reduce rates of infection and other negative effects.

Couple that with a state having outrageous taxation and real estate prices that no one can afford, and what you are left with is a mass exodus from the Democrat controlled state into other ones, while the homeless population explodes exponentially that is left behind.

The situation is so bad it looks like the governor will be recalled.

But as Californians move to other states, especially like Texas, they will no doubt vote for the same types of people that destroyed the state they are fleeing from

Leftism is really a metastasis, and with the democrats now in full control of elections across the country, and on the verge of adding some 20 million democrat voting illegals, and God only know what else to rig elections, it is worth while looking at what the entire nation will now become. The only difference, being, there will be no where else to run.
Republicans for more incarceration! Put more citizens in prisons!
Not me.

I prefer taking the bulk of the punishment out on the dealers.

I favor capital and corporal punishment more than incarceration.

As for the addicted, I like the approach in Far Eastern countries where drug addiction is cut in half every year. Each time they are apprehended they are sent to rehab. But then 3 strikes and you are out and off to prison for life.

But Left wing radicals like yourself would blow a gasket if drug dealers, who take the lives of about 200 people a day, had their lives taken away for murdering so many people. And you would rather let the addicted do as they please giving them free housing and clean needles.
The moral crisis of Skid Row, LA's most notorious neighborhood (

California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

The primary reason?

Over the past 30 years, activists and political leaders have successfully shifted public policy regarding addiction and disorder away from a so-called punitive model that relies on prohibition, incarceration and abstinence, and moved toward a “harm-reduction” approach that takes widespread drug use as a given and attempts to reduce rates of infection and other negative effects.

Couple that with a state having outrageous taxation and real estate prices that no one can afford, and what you are left with is a mass exodus from the Democrat controlled state into other ones, while the homeless population explodes exponentially that is left behind.

The situation is so bad it looks like the governor will be recalled.

But as Californians move to other states, especially like Texas, they will no doubt vote for the same types of people that destroyed the state they are fleeing from

Leftism is really a metastasis, and with the democrats now in full control of elections across the country, and on the verge of adding some 20 million democrat voting illegals, and God only know what else to rig elections, it is worth while looking at what the entire nation will now become. The only difference, being, there will be no where else to run.
Republicans for more incarceration! Put more citizens in prisons!
The moral crisis of Skid Row, LA's most notorious neighborhood (

California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

The primary reason?

Over the past 30 years, activists and political leaders have successfully shifted public policy regarding addiction and disorder away from a so-called punitive model that relies on prohibition, incarceration and abstinence, and moved toward a “harm-reduction” approach that takes widespread drug use as a given and attempts to reduce rates of infection and other negative effects.

Couple that with a state having outrageous taxation and real estate prices that no one can afford, and what you are left with is a mass exodus from the Democrat controlled state into other ones, while the homeless population explodes exponentially that is left behind.

The situation is so bad it looks like the governor will be recalled.

But as Californians move to other states, especially like Texas, they will no doubt vote for the same types of people that destroyed the state they are fleeing from

Leftism is really a metastasis, and with the democrats now in full control of elections across the country, and on the verge of adding some 20 million democrat voting illegals, and God only know what else to rig elections, it is worth while looking at what the entire nation will now become. The only difference, being, there will be no where else to run.
Republicans for more incarceration! Put more citizens in prisons!
Not me.

I prefer taking the bulk of the punishment out on the dealers.

I favor capital and corporal punishment more than incarceration.

As for the addicted, I like the approach in Far Eastern countries where drug addiction is cut in half every year. Each time they are apprehended they are sent to rehab. But then 3 strikes and you are out and off to prison for life.

But Left wing radicals like yourself would blow a gasket if drug dealers, who take the lives of about 200 people a day, had their lives taken away for murdering so many people. And you would rather let the addicted do as they please giving them free housing and clean needles.

Sorry, snowflake :itsok:
California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

It's the entire west coast from Mexico to Canada the left have wrecked CA, OR, and WA. Democrats on the east coast would never put up with the crap these left wing loons on the west coast pull.
Leftists see it, and they recognize it is not sustainable, and then they rig elections to see to it that no one can challenge their failed policies.

Again, Leftism is a metastasis. It spreads and spreads until it kills everything.
WE can thank Ronnie Ray Goon for closing all the insane asylums and making them live out in the cold.
The moral crisis of Skid Row, LA's most notorious neighborhood (

California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

The primary reason?

Over the past 30 years, activists and political leaders have successfully shifted public policy regarding addiction and disorder away from a so-called punitive model that relies on prohibition, incarceration and abstinence, and moved toward a “harm-reduction” approach that takes widespread drug use as a given and attempts to reduce rates of infection and other negative effects.

Couple that with a state having outrageous taxation and real estate prices that no one can afford, and what you are left with is a mass exodus from the Democrat controlled state into other ones, while the homeless population explodes exponentially that is left behind.

The situation is so bad it looks like the governor will be recalled.

But as Californians move to other states, especially like Texas, they will no doubt vote for the same types of people that destroyed the state they are fleeing from

Leftism is really a metastasis, and with the democrats now in full control of elections across the country, and on the verge of adding some 20 million democrat voting illegals, and God only know what else to rig elections, it is worth while looking at what the entire nation will now become. The only difference, being, there will be no where else to run.
Republicans for more incarceration! Put more citizens in prisons!
Not me.

I prefer taking the bulk of the punishment out on the dealers.

I favor capital and corporal punishment more than incarceration.

As for the addicted, I like the approach in Far Eastern countries where drug addiction is cut in half every year. Each time they are apprehended they are sent to rehab. But then 3 strikes and you are out and off to prison for life.

But Left wing radicals like yourself would blow a gasket if drug dealers, who take the lives of about 200 people a day, had their lives taken away for murdering so many people. And you would rather let the addicted do as they please giving them free housing and clean needles.

Sorry, snowflake :itsok:
Can you not read? You give me an article on legalizing pot when the entire article and drug problem on the Left coast involves other drugs?

Then again, the approach that is taken in these Left wing states seems to be a tolerance for drugs like heroin and meth, so they may as well be legal.

Of course, your article takes the unashamedly racial angle, that somehow this is all some sort of white superracist conspiracy.

Leftism is not only a cancer, it is a mental illness.
California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

It's the entire west coast from Mexico to Canada the left have wrecked CA, OR, and WA. Democrats on the east coast would never put up with the crap these left wing loons on the west coast pull.
Leftists see it, and they recognize it is not sustainable, and then they rig elections to see to it that no one can challenge their failed policies.

Again, Leftism is a metastasis. It spreads and spreads until it kills everything.

It continues to spread out of California as we speak, Arizona, Colorado, Montana. What's hilarious to me is, east coast Democrats would NEVER put up with the crap west coast control freak Democrats pull.
The moral crisis of Skid Row, LA's most notorious neighborhood (

California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

The primary reason?

Over the past 30 years, activists and political leaders have successfully shifted public policy regarding addiction and disorder away from a so-called punitive model that relies on prohibition, incarceration and abstinence, and moved toward a “harm-reduction” approach that takes widespread drug use as a given and attempts to reduce rates of infection and other negative effects.

Couple that with a state having outrageous taxation and real estate prices that no one can afford, and what you are left with is a mass exodus from the Democrat controlled state into other ones, while the homeless population explodes exponentially that is left behind.

The situation is so bad it looks like the governor will be recalled.

But as Californians move to other states, especially like Texas, they will no doubt vote for the same types of people that destroyed the state they are fleeing from

Leftism is really a metastasis, and with the democrats now in full control of elections across the country, and on the verge of adding some 20 million democrat voting illegals, and God only know what else to rig elections, it is worth while looking at what the entire nation will now become. The only difference, being, there will be no where else to run.
Republicans for more incarceration! Put more citizens in prisons!
Not me.

I prefer taking the bulk of the punishment out on the dealers.

I favor capital and corporal punishment more than incarceration.

As for the addicted, I like the approach in Far Eastern countries where drug addiction is cut in half every year. Each time they are apprehended they are sent to rehab. But then 3 strikes and you are out and off to prison for life.

But Left wing radicals like yourself would blow a gasket if drug dealers, who take the lives of about 200 people a day, had their lives taken away for murdering so many people. And you would rather let the addicted do as they please giving them free housing and clean needles.

Sorry, snowflake :itsok:
Can you not read? You give me an article on legalizing pot when the entire article and drug problem on the Left coast involves other drugs?

Then again, the approach that is taken in these Left wing states seems to be a tolerance for drugs like heroin and meth, so they may as well be legal.

Of course, your article takes the unashamedly racial angle, that somehow this is all some sort of white superracist conspiracy.

Leftism is not only a cancer, it is a mental illness.
I didn't read that article. I just recognize you as an old conservative that wants mass incarceration of Americans, who would definitely be annoyed that marijuana is about to be legalized.
California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

It's the entire west coast from Mexico to Canada the left have wrecked CA, OR, and WA. Democrats on the east coast would never put up with the crap these left wing loons on the west coast pull.
Leftists see it, and they recognize it is not sustainable, and then they rig elections to see to it that no one can challenge their failed policies.

Again, Leftism is a metastasis. It spreads and spreads until it kills everything.

It continues to spread out of California as we speak, Arizona, Colorado, Montana. What's hilarious to me is, east coast Democrats would NEVER put up with the crap west coast control freak Democrats pull.
Now that the GOP is gone, perhaps this will be the new political fighting. Between east and west coast looney Leftists.

New York does not have much room to talk with the likes of Cuomo sending Covid patients into nursing homes and having the largest Pandemic crisis in the nation while blaming Trump the whole time. The blood of each and every Covid death in nursing homes was on the hands of Cuomo, but the press will never acknowledge, it, and if you did, you would probably be banned from social media and maybe even lose your job

But that is what happens in a fascist nation.
The moral crisis of Skid Row, LA's most notorious neighborhood (

California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

The primary reason?

Over the past 30 years, activists and political leaders have successfully shifted public policy regarding addiction and disorder away from a so-called punitive model that relies on prohibition, incarceration and abstinence, and moved toward a “harm-reduction” approach that takes widespread drug use as a given and attempts to reduce rates of infection and other negative effects.

Couple that with a state having outrageous taxation and real estate prices that no one can afford, and what you are left with is a mass exodus from the Democrat controlled state into other ones, while the homeless population explodes exponentially that is left behind.

The situation is so bad it looks like the governor will be recalled.

But as Californians move to other states, especially like Texas, they will no doubt vote for the same types of people that destroyed the state they are fleeing from

Leftism is really a metastasis, and with the democrats now in full control of elections across the country, and on the verge of adding some 20 million democrat voting illegals, and God only know what else to rig elections, it is worth while looking at what the entire nation will now become. The only difference, being, there will be no where else to run.
Republicans for more incarceration! Put more citizens in prisons!
Not me.

I prefer taking the bulk of the punishment out on the dealers.

I favor capital and corporal punishment more than incarceration.

As for the addicted, I like the approach in Far Eastern countries where drug addiction is cut in half every year. Each time they are apprehended they are sent to rehab. But then 3 strikes and you are out and off to prison for life.

But Left wing radicals like yourself would blow a gasket if drug dealers, who take the lives of about 200 people a day, had their lives taken away for murdering so many people. And you would rather let the addicted do as they please giving them free housing and clean needles.

Sorry, snowflake :itsok:
Can you not read? You give me an article on legalizing pot when the entire article and drug problem on the Left coast involves other drugs?

Then again, the approach that is taken in these Left wing states seems to be a tolerance for drugs like heroin and meth, so they may as well be legal.

Of course, your article takes the unashamedly racial angle, that somehow this is all some sort of white superracist conspiracy.

Leftism is not only a cancer, it is a mental illness.
I didn't read that article. I just recognize you as an old conservative that wants mass incarceration of Americans, who would definitely be annoyed that marijuana is about to be legalized.
No, you hear and see what you want, which is why you are a fascist Leftist.

What actually IS you either are unwilling or unable to see.
The moral crisis of Skid Row, LA's most notorious neighborhood (

California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

The primary reason?

Over the past 30 years, activists and political leaders have successfully shifted public policy regarding addiction and disorder away from a so-called punitive model that relies on prohibition, incarceration and abstinence, and moved toward a “harm-reduction” approach that takes widespread drug use as a given and attempts to reduce rates of infection and other negative effects.

Couple that with a state having outrageous taxation and real estate prices that no one can afford, and what you are left with is a mass exodus from the Democrat controlled state into other ones, while the homeless population explodes exponentially that is left behind.

The situation is so bad it looks like the governor will be recalled.

But as Californians move to other states, especially like Texas, they will no doubt vote for the same types of people that destroyed the state they are fleeing from

Leftism is really a metastasis, and with the democrats now in full control of elections across the country, and on the verge of adding some 20 million democrat voting illegals, and God only know what else to rig elections, it is worth while looking at what the entire nation will now become. The only difference, being, there will be no where else to run.
Republicans for more incarceration! Put more citizens in prisons!
Not me.

I prefer taking the bulk of the punishment out on the dealers.

I favor capital and corporal punishment more than incarceration.

As for the addicted, I like the approach in Far Eastern countries where drug addiction is cut in half every year. Each time they are apprehended they are sent to rehab. But then 3 strikes and you are out and off to prison for life.

But Left wing radicals like yourself would blow a gasket if drug dealers, who take the lives of about 200 people a day, had their lives taken away for murdering so many people. And you would rather let the addicted do as they please giving them free housing and clean needles.

Sorry, snowflake :itsok:
Can you not read? You give me an article on legalizing pot when the entire article and drug problem on the Left coast involves other drugs?

Then again, the approach that is taken in these Left wing states seems to be a tolerance for drugs like heroin and meth, so they may as well be legal.

Of course, your article takes the unashamedly racial angle, that somehow this is all some sort of white superracist conspiracy.

Leftism is not only a cancer, it is a mental illness.

They can never look to the root of the problem. It's always a diversion to screaming about racism and diving into their emotions. There is no substance with these people. Its sorrowful.
California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

It's the entire west coast from Mexico to Canada the left have wrecked CA, OR, and WA. Democrats on the east coast would never put up with the crap these left wing loons on the west coast pull.
Leftists see it, and they recognize it is not sustainable, and then they rig elections to see to it that no one can challenge their failed policies.

Again, Leftism is a metastasis. It spreads and spreads until it kills everything.

It continues to spread out of California as we speak, Arizona, Colorado, Montana. What's hilarious to me is, east coast Democrats would NEVER put up with the crap west coast control freak Democrats pull.
Now that the GOP is gone, perhaps this will be the new political fighting. Between east and west coast looney Leftists.

New York does not have much room to talk with the likes of Cuomo sending Covid patients into nursing homes and having the largest Pandemic crisis in the nation while blaming Trump the whole time. The blood of each and every Covid death in nursing homes was on the hands of Cuomo, but the press will never acknowledge, it, and if you did, you would probably be banned from social media and maybe even lose your job

But that is what happens in a fascist nation.
I'm in. It would be a popcorn moment to see elite East Coasters welcome in the tent cities and crime. Can you imagine them walking through a tent city to go to a restaurant?
The moral crisis of Skid Row, LA's most notorious neighborhood (

California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

The primary reason?

Over the past 30 years, activists and political leaders have successfully shifted public policy regarding addiction and disorder away from a so-called punitive model that relies on prohibition, incarceration and abstinence, and moved toward a “harm-reduction” approach that takes widespread drug use as a given and attempts to reduce rates of infection and other negative effects.

Couple that with a state having outrageous taxation and real estate prices that no one can afford, and what you are left with is a mass exodus from the Democrat controlled state into other ones, while the homeless population explodes exponentially that is left behind.

The situation is so bad it looks like the governor will be recalled.

But as Californians move to other states, especially like Texas, they will no doubt vote for the same types of people that destroyed the state they are fleeing from

Leftism is really a metastasis, and with the democrats now in full control of elections across the country, and on the verge of adding some 20 million democrat voting illegals, and God only know what else to rig elections, it is worth while looking at what the entire nation will now become. The only difference, being, there will be no where else to run.
Republicans for more incarceration! Put more citizens in prisons!
Not me.

I prefer taking the bulk of the punishment out on the dealers.

I favor capital and corporal punishment more than incarceration.

As for the addicted, I like the approach in Far Eastern countries where drug addiction is cut in half every year. Each time they are apprehended they are sent to rehab. But then 3 strikes and you are out and off to prison for life.

But Left wing radicals like yourself would blow a gasket if drug dealers, who take the lives of about 200 people a day, had their lives taken away for murdering so many people. And you would rather let the addicted do as they please giving them free housing and clean needles.

Sorry, snowflake :itsok:
Can you not read? You give me an article on legalizing pot when the entire article and drug problem on the Left coast involves other drugs?

Then again, the approach that is taken in these Left wing states seems to be a tolerance for drugs like heroin and meth, so they may as well be legal.

Of course, your article takes the unashamedly racial angle, that somehow this is all some sort of white superracist conspiracy.

Leftism is not only a cancer, it is a mental illness.

They can never look to the root of the problem. It's always a diversion to screaming about racism and diving into their emotions. There is no substance with these people. Its sorrowful.
The root of the problem for Leftists will always be systemic racism and the GOP and a free market.

Once they completly destroy those three things, which is only a matter of time now, I reckon the chimps will have to start eating themselves. But at least they can still die with the notion that they were a victim of those three evils.
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The moral crisis of Skid Row, LA's most notorious neighborhood (

California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

The primary reason?

Over the past 30 years, activists and political leaders have successfully shifted public policy regarding addiction and disorder away from a so-called punitive model that relies on prohibition, incarceration and abstinence, and moved toward a “harm-reduction” approach that takes widespread drug use as a given and attempts to reduce rates of infection and other negative effects.

Couple that with a state having outrageous taxation and real estate prices that no one can afford, and what you are left with is a mass exodus from the Democrat controlled state into other ones, while the homeless population explodes exponentially that is left behind.

The situation is so bad it looks like the governor will be recalled.

But as Californians move to other states, especially like Texas, they will no doubt vote for the same types of people that destroyed the state they are fleeing from

Leftism is really a metastasis, and with the democrats now in full control of elections across the country, and on the verge of adding some 20 million democrat voting illegals, and God only know what else to rig elections, it is worth while looking at what the entire nation will now become. The only difference, being, there will be no where else to run.
Republicans for more incarceration! Put more citizens in prisons!
Not me.

I prefer taking the bulk of the punishment out on the dealers.

I favor capital and corporal punishment more than incarceration.

As for the addicted, I like the approach in Far Eastern countries where drug addiction is cut in half every year. Each time they are apprehended they are sent to rehab. But then 3 strikes and you are out and off to prison for life.

But Left wing radicals like yourself would blow a gasket if drug dealers, who take the lives of about 200 people a day, had their lives taken away for murdering so many people. And you would rather let the addicted do as they please giving them free housing and clean needles.

Sorry, snowflake :itsok:
Can you not read? You give me an article on legalizing pot when the entire article and drug problem on the Left coast involves other drugs?

Then again, the approach that is taken in these Left wing states seems to be a tolerance for drugs like heroin and meth, so they may as well be legal.

Of course, your article takes the unashamedly racial angle, that somehow this is all some sort of white superracist conspiracy.

Leftism is not only a cancer, it is a mental illness.

They can never look to the root of the problem. It's always a diversion to screaming about racism and diving into their emotions. There is no substance with these people. Its sorrowful.
Dude you spend decades supporting the war on drugs which created millions of ex-convicts, a significant amount of which later became homeless because of how it ruined their lives, and your answer is more incarceration. Go fuck yourself.

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