Skid row, coming to a city near you!

The moral crisis of Skid Row, LA's most notorious neighborhood (

California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

The primary reason?

Over the past 30 years, activists and political leaders have successfully shifted public policy regarding addiction and disorder away from a so-called punitive model that relies on prohibition, incarceration and abstinence, and moved toward a “harm-reduction” approach that takes widespread drug use as a given and attempts to reduce rates of infection and other negative effects. In other words, instead of treating drug use like a crime, they are instead focusing on giving them free housing and clean needles, etc.

Couple that with a state having outrageous taxation and real estate prices that no one can afford, and what you are left with is a mass exodus from the Democrat controlled state into other ones, while the homeless population explodes exponentially that is left behind.

The situation is so bad it looks like the governor will be recalled.

But as Californians move to other states, especially like Texas, they will no doubt vote for the same types of people that destroyed the state they are fleeing from

Leftism is really a metastasis, and with the democrats now in full control of elections across the country, and on the verge of adding some 20 million democrat voting illegals, and God only know what else to rig elections, it is worth while looking at what the entire nation will now become. The only difference, being, there will be no where else to run.

More right wing blather from Rupert Murdoch and the Billionaire Right Wing Media, promoting the tired and failed policies of the American Republican Party.

Republicans need to spend some time putting together a viable platform with some fresh ideas that actually reflect conservative values of balanced budgets and small government, instead of spending all of their time lying about Democrats.

Leftists come here and criticized Trump's policies, and why they were wrong. The Trump Cult comes here and lies about the Bidens. Previously, they came here and lied about the Clintons and Obama. In 2020, the Republican Party had no programs, ideas, or programs, other than "We're with Stupid. We're all in with the guy who killed 400,000 Americans and crashed the economy. You'll have to elect him to find out how he proposes to get us out of this".

And now they claim Trump wasn't voted out of office.

Watching the naked power struggle of the Trump Cult in the Republican Party cling to Trump while the sane people try to hack that branch off the tree, and kill it's root, brings me joy.
California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

It's the entire west coast from Mexico to Canada the left have wrecked CA, OR, and WA. Democrats on the east coast would never put up with the crap these left wing loons on the west coast pull.
Leftists see it, and they recognize it is not sustainable, and then they rig elections to see to it that no one can challenge their failed policies.

Again, Leftism is a metastasis. It spreads and spreads until it kills everything.
And that is the issue. Progs can not help themselves. They must spread their self professed wizen ways of living to all. Believing they are helping and do to an extent. They also have left a trail of despair and hopelessness as they march through each of their agendas using the same issues they created by helping and pushing their version of justice.

Oh bullshit. What you got? What is Trump offering beside more chaos, mismanagement and incompetence? Oh and the crazy. You've got lots and lots of crazy, and the American people are sick of being sick, and they're sick of watching the crazy old man in the White House fuck things up.
California, and especially LA, has become the homeless capital of the world.

It's the entire west coast from Mexico to Canada the left have wrecked CA, OR, and WA. Democrats on the east coast would never put up with the crap these left wing loons on the west coast pull.
Leftists see it, and they recognize it is not sustainable, and then they rig elections to see to it that no one can challenge their failed policies.

Again, Leftism is a metastasis. It spreads and spreads until it kills everything.
And that is the issue. Progs can not help themselves. They must spread their self professed wizen ways of living to all. Believing they are helping and do to an extent. They also have left a trail of despair and hopelessness as they march through each of their agendas using the same issues they created by helping and pushing their version of justice.

Oh bullshit. What you got? What is Trump offering beside more chaos, mismanagement and incompetence? Oh and the crazy. You've got lots and lots of crazy, and the American people are sick of being sick, and they're sick of watching the crazy old man in the White House fuck things up.
Trump did not ph uk anything up. The system has been that way for a long time. He tried to bring manufacturing jobs here. He tried to bring high paying jobs here. He made us energy self sufficient. Enough that gas and energy prices stabilized. He kept the peace. He wanted other nations to pay their fair share for NATO. The medical program ACA is not a good one. and only the privileged Maverick screwed that up. Just to start. What happened was that he is an outsider. And what he did was show us how many people in the media and entertainment industry are deep state shills. He showed the true colors of politicians. Their real faces. Prices of living are going to group the next few years. Inflation is going to rise. Taxes are going to rise in state, local, city and federal levels. With all the talk about the rich, guess who is going to pay?

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