Slate Writer Struggles With Racial Difference

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Ultimately comes to weird conclusions, but at least acknowledges that yes, there is a such thing as inherited racial differences.

Months ago, I wrote a series on race, genes, and intelligence. Everything about it hurt: the research, the writing, the reactions, the regrets. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about it. I've been struggling to reconcile two feelings that won't go away: that what I wrote was socially harmful and that I can't honestly renounce the evidence I presented. That evidence, which involved the proposed role of heredity in trait differences by race, is by no means complete or conclusive. But it's not dismissible, either. My colleague Stephen Metcalf summarized the debate better than I did: "It's a conflict between science and science."

When you find yourself in a dilemma this difficult, sometimes the best thing to do is let it sit in your head until you find a way to make sense of it within your value system. I think I'm beginning to find the answer that works for me: I was asking the wrong question.

In last fall's series, I asked myself why I was writing about such an ugly topic. "Because the truth isn't as bad as our ignorant, half-formed fears and suspicions about it," I concluded. "And because you can't solve a problem till you understand it." I wrote my commitment on a piece of paper and leaned it against my computer monitor: The truth doesn't care what you want.

Now there's a concept.
Though I eschew the "ha, nobody responded to this" second post to a self-started thread, I'll make an exception here.

Here's a damn LIBERAL on a LIBERAL blog owning up to genetic differences between races, albeit spinning 'em as hard as he can. So, I'll let liberals off the hook and just concentrate on "colorblind conservatives": WHAT SAY YOU?
Ultimately comes to weird conclusions, but at least acknowledges that yes, there is a such thing as inherited racial differences.

Rethinking race and genes. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

Months ago, I wrote a series on race, genes, and intelligence. Everything about it hurt: the research, the writing, the reactions, the regrets. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about it. I've been struggling to reconcile two feelings that won't go away: that what I wrote was socially harmful and that I can't honestly renounce the evidence I presented. That evidence, which involved the proposed role of heredity in trait differences by race, is by no means complete or conclusive. But it's not dismissible, either. My colleague Stephen Metcalf summarized the debate better than I did: "It's a conflict between science and science."

When you find yourself in a dilemma this difficult, sometimes the best thing to do is let it sit in your head until you find a way to make sense of it within your value system. I think I'm beginning to find the answer that works for me: I was asking the wrong question.

In last fall's series, I asked myself why I was writing about such an ugly topic. "Because the truth isn't as bad as our ignorant, half-formed fears and suspicions about it," I concluded. "And because you can't solve a problem till you understand it." I wrote my commitment on a piece of paper and leaned it against my computer monitor: The truth doesn't care what you want.

Now there's a concept.

The truth doesn't care what you want. It is either that or go back to burning witches.
Though I eschew the "ha, nobody responded to this" second post to a self-started thread, I'll make an exception here.

Here's a damn LIBERAL on a LIBERAL blog owning up to genetic differences between races, albeit spinning 'em as hard as he can. So, I'll let liberals off the hook and just concentrate on "colorblind conservatives": WHAT SAY YOU?

We all get that Paris Hilton definitely couldn"t figure out what the hell to do in the rain forest. A lot of Andover preppies wouldn't last long in West Roxbury, without the fat wallet, either.....

And in either place, book learnin' doesn't mean much. We learn the skills where we have to live.

Blacks and other minorities have higher rates of high blood pressure, and diabetes. Is it Race or is it stress because of race based issues in the culture they are in but not really a part of?

Sickle cell is a mutational compensation to combat malaria. Positive, or negative?
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The truth doesn't care what you want.

That's exactly why the truth has so few friends.
What is an Andover preppy and what is West Roxbury?

Andover is a Massachusetts prep school where America's most influenctial scions go to learn how superior they are compared to everyone else. That way, they don't develop guilt complexes when they grow up, take over the family business and screw up everybody else's lives.

West Roxbury is a Black slum in Boston where Boston's least influential people are sentenced to live because Black poverty is a crime in America.
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