Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Asc, once again, I will personally pay for your passage on a tramp steamer (one way) to Nigeria where you can tell them about their glorious past.:lol: Not luxury perhaps, but relative to your distant ancestor...

This offer will expire soon.
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Quote: Originally Posted by Lonestar_logic View Post

My blood pressure is fine but thanks for your concern.

No as Immie pointed out and I overlooked you actually didn't prove your point. You stated NO ONE could free a slave but that's false, everyone could except black slave owners in Alabama.

So what part of that is confusing? The "everyone" part? Everyone meaning everyone that was able to free a slave, excluding slaves and non slave owners of course.

I really think you're confusing yourself. Perhaps it's time for your medication and nap.
You showed no such thing. But keep on lying to yourself.
But I did. There was at least one law I posted. Only one was needed to make you wrong. You even made reference to it. You look worse getting owned when you lie about it. Everyone can see what you posted in my post dumbass.

That law doesn't apply to every one so your "no one" can free a slave doesn't cut it.

What does that have to do with you stating there were no laws? There was one. I posted it. You are stupid for what you said. Lifes tough sometimes. :lol:
Supreme Court denies RNC bid to end voter fraud consent decree - Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has refused to lift a 30-year consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its efforts to end fraudulent voting.

The justices without comment turned down an appeal from RNC lawyers who said the decree has become “antiquated” and is “increasingly used as political weapon” by Democrats during national campaigns.
no there are racist that exist.

Im just pointing out these brain dead fucks for all to see.

Proper labeling is not a crime

Like I said. Disagree with TM and you are a racist.

Does not matter if you really are or not, TM lives in her own universe where what she says is truth. What an oddball

fuck off racist

Turn your rep on asshole..

You are a racist and a bigot, but most of all you are a troll, that spams the forum with your
insanity. No one else can barely get a word in without you calling them a racist. I hope that everyone that despises your lying mouth, would put you on ignore. It is the only thing that would shut your trap.

Anyone that cannot get a long with Pops has serious issues
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Quote: Originally Posted by Lonestar_logic View Post

My blood pressure is fine but thanks for your concern.

No as Immie pointed out and I overlooked you actually didn't prove your point. You stated NO ONE could free a slave but that's false, everyone could except black slave owners in Alabama.

So what part of that is confusing? The "everyone" part? Everyone meaning everyone that was able to free a slave, excluding slaves and non slave owners of course.

I really think you're confusing yourself. Perhaps it's time for your medication and nap.

The part where you initially said "no laws". There was at least one and I haven't even looked for more. How did you miss that?
Prove what? Be specific. I dont want you claiming that I was not on point.

I said Jews were killed by the millions compared to the numbers of slaves killed here.

You said...."So were Africans."

Prove that million of Africans were killed during slavery here in the US.

Please quote where you said that and what makes you think I was just talking about on US soil? You are way too slow for me dude.

That was the discussion you butted in on dumbass. But go ahead and feign ignorance you stupid fuck.

Are you and TDM twins? I swear you two are identical.
they have been caught so many times cheating black voters over the years they cant get out of the decades old consent decree
I said Jews were killed by the millions compared to the numbers of slaves killed here.

You said...."So were Africans."

Prove that million of Africans were killed during slavery here in the US.

Please quote where you said that and what makes you think I was just talking about on US soil? You are way too slow for me dude.

Prove it.

That was the discussion you butted in on dumbass. But go ahead and feign ignorance you stupid fuck.

Are you and TDM twins? I swear you two are identical.

Thats not an answer to my question. Why did you lie and say you said something you didn't and then sanitize your reply so it wouldn't show in your response? Everyone can see you lied. :lol:
I said Jews were killed by the millions compared to the numbers of slaves killed here.

You said...."So were Africans."

Prove that million of Africans were killed during slavery here in the US.

Please quote where you said that and what makes you think I was just talking about on US soil? You are way too slow for me dude.

Prove it.

That was the discussion you butted in on dumbass. But go ahead and feign ignorance you stupid fuck.

Are you and TDM twins? I swear you two are identical.

Your just as stupid and evil as every racist I have ever met
Supreme Court denies RNC bid to end voter fraud consent decree - Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has refused to lift a 30-year consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its efforts to end fraudulent voting.

The justices without comment turned down an appeal from RNC lawyers who said the decree has become “antiquated” and is “increasingly used as political weapon” by Democrats during national campaigns.

On what basis do you claim this SCOTUS decision never took place?
I agree with GreenBean. If anyone alive today, was a slave (as we knew them in the early years of this nation), they should receive either a mule and forty acres, or at least financial reimbursement for the years as a slave and a completely free education.
My family heritage consists of poor farmers that immigrated from Ireland into Canada (coming into the U.S. in the 1880's) never having had slaves, to the other side of my family consisting of poor yankee farmers who didn't own slaves and some native americans.....WAIT!!! My heritage is partially native american. I should be reimbursed for the suffering my native american ancestors endured at the hands of the evil federal government and expansionists. I'll take a million dollars please.
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