Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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why do you think the republican party has been sanctioned by the courts over and over for cheating?
Pesky details. :)

Yeah you white boys hate dealing with those things like details, facts and the truth. :lol:

Apparently, it is you who hate dealing with things like details, facts and the truth.

You very clearly stated no one could free slaves. Then you used a example of a state law that did not accomplish what you claimed and then when it was pointed out that your example was lacking, you lied to cover up your failure.

You deserve our pity.


go get the quote you are rambling on about immy
why should this country allow you to cheat black people just because you benefit from cheating them?
Quote: Originally Posted by Lonestar_logic View Post

My blood pressure is fine but thanks for your concern.

No as Immie pointed out and I overlooked you actually didn't prove your point. You stated NO ONE could free a slave but that's false, everyone could except black slave owners in Alabama.
slaves couldn't

Well slaves didn't own any slaves that they could set free so on that point you're right.

The only point was I proved you were wrong. Thats all my point ever was. Just because you looked like an ass assuming it was something else is not anyones fault but your own.

You didn't prove shit.

You said NO ONE could free a slave, the fact is every slave owner could free a slave except for black slave owners in Alabama.

You're getting about as retarded as TDM
Now admit the arguement you and immie are using to claim Ascel said something is stupid
your a terrible person

If you disagree with TM you are a racist by default, but also smarter than her, also by default.

Just sayin

no there are racist that exist.

Im just pointing out these brain dead fucks for all to see.

Proper labeling is not a crime

Like I said. Disagree with TM and you are a racist.

Does not matter if you really are or not, TM lives in her own universe where what she says is truth. What an oddball
Prove it.

Prove what? Be specific. I dont want you claiming that I was not on point.

I said Jews were killed by the millions compared to the numbers of slaves killed here.

You said...."So were Africans."

Prove that million of Africans were killed during slavery here in the US.

Please quote where you said that and what makes you think I was just talking about on US soil? You are way too slow for me dude.

No they were just killed by the millions.

So were Africans.

Prove it.
You stated NO ONE could free a slave but that's false, everyone could except black slave owners in Alabama

you said this

and it was fucking wrong huh
If you disagree with TM you are a racist by default, but also smarter than her, also by default.

Just sayin

no there are racist that exist.

Im just pointing out these brain dead fucks for all to see.

Proper labeling is not a crime

Like I said. Disagree with TM and you are a racist.

Does not matter if you really are or not, TM lives in her own universe where what she says is truth. What an oddball

fuck off racist
Well slaves didn't own any slaves that they could set free so on that point you're right.

The only point was I proved you were wrong. Thats all my point ever was. Just because you looked like an ass assuming it was something else is not anyones fault but your own.

You didn't prove shit.

You said NO ONE could free a slave, the fact is every slave owner could free a slave except for black slave owners in Alabama.

You're getting about as retarded as TDM

Sorry clown you said there were no laws. I proved you wrong....again....and again.
Well you and Immie are retarded but I excuse you. I merely showed you that you were wrong as you invariably are. Your words deal with that.

You showed no such thing. But keep on lying to yourself.
But I did. There was at least one law I posted. Only one was needed to make you wrong. You even made reference to it. You look worse getting owned when you lie about it. Everyone can see what you posted in my post dumbass.

That law doesn't apply to every one so your "no one" can free a slave doesn't cut it.
It's often hard to tell real conservatives from 'bear raid' conservatives (non-conservatives claiming to be conservative to voice such radical right positions that it just makes conservatives look really bad.) Why conservatives are loosing seats and will loose to another Democrat in the upcoming Presidential election. Every time some actual conservative weighs in, another right of Atila the Hun chimes in just looking batpoop crazy.
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