Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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TDM, you have repeatedly been asked not to contact me via the visitors board. I want all discussions between you and I in the open. Even though others can view that board if they care to, most do not bother.

Please stop. I cannot help that you cannot read. The discussion about that topic started three or four years ago. I never said that the case started three or four years ago. You are simply to stupid to understand facts.

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The liar disappeared. I have a feeling she is off looking for the first time she brought that issue up. I have a feeling she will find it five years ago and call me a liar about it because my estimate was short.

And for the record, I did not buy it at first, but later after looking in to it, I realized that there had been Republican malfeasance and admitted it. I suspect she will come back with one of my early responses. I WILL NOT BE SEARCHING FOR MY LATER RESPONSES as she will invariably demand.

I call myself an American.................. Who made the racial designations in this country? It certainly wasn't Black people, it was the White ruling class in this country that passed Jim Crow laws, anti-miscegenation laws , the Black codes, covenants and restrictions on deeds barring the sale to Black people, laws set to keep free Black people from trades, laws both facto and de facto to keep Black people from exercising their rights as citizens of this country, etc. etc.

Thanks for the laugh though!!!

It didn't come from black people? Damn, you don't even know where the term came from? Jesse Jackson is the one who popularized the term.

That's correct, the racial designations in this country were enacted by the White ruling class. The poster asked a general question and I answered it. I don't refer to myself as an "African-American", I refer to myself as an American. I really don't care where that term came from.

You cared where the term came from when you thought it came from a white person. :lol:
LOL where are MY reparations? The Irish were once enslaved. Many people of other ethnicities were also enslaved. Time to move on people. Everyone nowadays has an equal opportunity to be what they want to be. I am not talking about the haves and have-nots, just generally people of all races in this country.

Sure it is...when you can compensate the aggrieved.

Sadly, the time to have done that was 1866 back when we knew who the former slaves were.

Instead we allowed the South to reconstitute slavery under Jim Crow systems.

Now about the best we can do is affirmative action and even THAT we've fucked up (on purpose, I believe, incidently)

The Democrat Party has kept blacks enslaved for many years...... it really bothered them when Republican Abraham Lincoln freed them. Now, blacks have grown to love the slavery that the Democrats are more than happy to keep them in. Truly amazing to watch just how stupid and uninformed people can be.

How so? How are "they" allegedly enslaved by the Democrats? They have more representation and leadership in the Democrat party than they do in any other party. It's truly amusing and amazing to see how hateful, bigoted, and ignorant some people can be when they spew their bigotry towards people. Some people specialize on trying to make the minority of Black people who are not doing well, be the face of the majority of Black people who are doing well. It's an agenda that has been amongst some white people in this country since it's inception. Alexander Hamilton spoke about it here:
"I foresee that this project will have to combat much opposition from prejudice and self-interest. The contempt we have been taught to entertain for the blacks, makes us fancy many things that are founded neither in reason nor experience, and an unwillingness to part with property of so valuable a kind will furnish a thousand arguments to show the impracticability or pernicious tendency of a scheme which requires such a sacrifice."

Read this book and educate yourself on the Black Americans and their contributions to this country:
Edward A. Johnson (Edward Austin), 1860-1944. A School History of the Negro Race in America, from 1619 to 1890, with a Short Introduction as to the Origin of the Race; Also a Short Sketch of Liberia.

who do you think the KKK were? I'll give you a hint, not the republicans. Who do you think pushed to free the slaves? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't the democrats
So we did them a favor kidnapping them? Don't ever say that in public. You wouldn't survive.

it was wrong, no doubt about that. But given the choice today, how many african american ancestors of slaves would choose to be repatriated to their homelands vs maintaining their lives here?

Our "homeland" is right here in America. Would you like to be "repatriated" to a land that has been raped of it's resources and good people for centuries by Europeans? This is Our country, we belong here and we aren't going anywhere. We have a long history here.

Edward A. Johnson (Edward Austin), 1860-1944. A School History of the Negro Race in America, from 1619 to 1890, with a Short Introduction as to the Origin of the Race; Also a Short Sketch of Liberia.

so what I hear you saying is you have it pretty good here. you are in a better position then you would have been in had your ancestors not been brought over here.
I'm white actually.

Kidnapping is a criminal offense, while at the time slavery wasn't, on the criminal count alone reparations are justified.

When are you going to get your reparations from the Egyptians for enslaving the Jews? :eusa_whistle:
Asclepias, I made progress. I just paid back the slavic side of my ancestry with the germanic side of my ancestry. I deposited $20 dollars as an honorary amount, and gawd willing, will put in more money over time.

Let the healin' begin!
It didn't come from black people? Damn, you don't even know where the term came from? Jesse Jackson is the one who popularized the term.

That's correct, the racial designations in this country were enacted by the White ruling class. The poster asked a general question and I answered it. I don't refer to myself as an "African-American", I refer to myself as an American. I really don't care where that term came from.

You cared where the term came from when you thought it came from a white person. :lol:

LOL, you are certainly lacking in reading comprehension. Thanks for the laugh! :lol:
The Democrat Party has kept blacks enslaved for many years...... it really bothered them when Republican Abraham Lincoln freed them. Now, blacks have grown to love the slavery that the Democrats are more than happy to keep them in. Truly amazing to watch just how stupid and uninformed people can be.

How so? How are "they" allegedly enslaved by the Democrats? They have more representation and leadership in the Democrat party than they do in any other party. It's truly amusing and amazing to see how hateful, bigoted, and ignorant some people can be when they spew their bigotry towards people. Some people specialize on trying to make the minority of Black people who are not doing well, be the face of the majority of Black people who are doing well. It's an agenda that has been amongst some white people in this country since it's inception. Alexander Hamilton spoke about it here:
"I foresee that this project will have to combat much opposition from prejudice and self-interest. The contempt we have been taught to entertain for the blacks, makes us fancy many things that are founded neither in reason nor experience, and an unwillingness to part with property of so valuable a kind will furnish a thousand arguments to show the impracticability or pernicious tendency of a scheme which requires such a sacrifice."

Read this book and educate yourself on the Black Americans and their contributions to this country:
Edward A. Johnson (Edward Austin), 1860-1944. A School History of the Negro Race in America, from 1619 to 1890, with a Short Introduction as to the Origin of the Race; Also a Short Sketch of Liberia.

who do you think the KKK were? I'll give you a hint, not the republicans. Who do you think pushed to free the slaves? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't the democrats

That was then, this is now.
Asclepias, I made progress. I just paid back the slavic side of my ancestry with the germanic side of my ancestry. I deposited $20 dollars as an honorary amount, and gawd willing, will put in more money over time.

Let the healin' begin!

Foodstamps dont count. It needs to be real currency. No EBT. :lol:
it was wrong, no doubt about that. But given the choice today, how many african american ancestors of slaves would choose to be repatriated to their homelands vs maintaining their lives here?

Our "homeland" is right here in America. Would you like to be "repatriated" to a land that has been raped of it's resources and good people for centuries by Europeans? This is Our country, we belong here and we aren't going anywhere. We have a long history here.

Edward A. Johnson (Edward Austin), 1860-1944. A School History of the Negro Race in America, from 1619 to 1890, with a Short Introduction as to the Origin of the Race; Also a Short Sketch of Liberia.

so what I hear you saying is you have it pretty good here. you are in a better position then you would have been in had your ancestors not been brought over here.

Where did I say that? For starters, not all of my ancestors were "bought here" (that's a nice sanitary way of putting it) from Africa, others were Natives of this continent and others emigrated here from Scotland and Ireland.
Of course I have it great here, as do most Americans, but that wasn't my point. My point, as illustrated in that book I linked to, is that there's no reason for "the Blacks" to "go back to Africa", WE ARE AMERICA, THIS IS OUR COUNTRY as well as any other ethnicity who resides here. African descendants in this country have been here as long as the original white people who came here, and longer than the recent immigrants who are Americans.
The people in Africa were doing their own thing until the Arab Muslims and European "christians" decided to rape their continent of people and resources. If the Europeans had it so good, why did they decide to go and steal other lands in different continents, all while claiming to be "christians"? If they were such hard workers, why did they get African slaves to do the work, when there were poor whites who needed the work?
We will find a way to get the trailer trash paying their due. Dont worry.

What the fuck do trailer trash owe you?

The money their ancestors owed for burning crosses on our lawns because the rich white business owners told them they were poor because we were taking their jobs. Dont you know your history?

So not only are you owed reparations from the descendants of people who actually made fortunes off of your ancestors because some of that wealth should've been yours, but now you actually want to punish some other white people because their ancestors were dicks, even if there's nothing those people have gained off the backs of your ancestors?

You're proposing we punish people for other peoples' crimes, not in favor of taking away things that might should belong to someone else, but just to punish them since the people who deserve punishing are gone?

You're pretty fucked. I think I've been wasting time trying to use logic with you. HAve a good 'un :)
Our "homeland" is right here in America. Would you like to be "repatriated" to a land that has been raped of it's resources and good people for centuries by Europeans? This is Our country, we belong here and we aren't going anywhere. We have a long history here.

Edward A. Johnson (Edward Austin), 1860-1944. A School History of the Negro Race in America, from 1619 to 1890, with a Short Introduction as to the Origin of the Race; Also a Short Sketch of Liberia.

so what I hear you saying is you have it pretty good here. you are in a better position then you would have been in had your ancestors not been brought over here.

Where did I say that? For starters, not all of my ancestors were "bought here" (that's a nice sanitary way of putting it) from Africa, others were Natives of this continent and others emigrated here from Scotland and Ireland.
Of course I have it great here, as do most Americans, but that wasn't my point. My point, as illustrated in that book I linked to, is that there's no reason for "the Blacks" to "go back to Africa", WE ARE AMERICA, THIS IS OUR COUNTRY as well as any other ethnicity who resides here. African descendants in this country have been here as long as the original white people who came here, and longer than the recent immigrants who are Americans.
The people in Africa were doing their own thing until the Arab Muslims and European "christians" decided to rape their continent of people and resources. If the Europeans had it so good, why did they decide to go and steal other lands in different continents, all while claiming to be "christians"? If they were such hard workers, why did they get African slaves to do the work, when there were poor whites who needed the work?

I just read this page (written in 1890):

" We are now classed as a "Negro" race. Webster says the word "Negro" applies to black men of southern Africa, or their descendants. While there are a

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few pure black men among the Colored people of the United States, at the most, not over one-fifth, the other four-fifths are mixed, in a lesser or greater degree, with the white race, and this process of mixing has been going on for over two hundred years. Children take their nationality from their mothers and not their fathers; so that every child whose mother is a white or a Colored American, is an American to all intents and purposes, and cannot be otherwise. These mixed bloods married, and begat children, who were Americans. Though they were deprived of their liberty by American law, they could not be called Africans any more than the white Americans could be called Europeans, and this forces me to state that there is no such a thing as a Negro race in this country. We are Colored Americans and this, I think is the proper name for us."

Now I just call us Americans instead of "colored-Americans". The above supports my assertion as to who was "classifying" who............
"We have not and cannot have face pride, because we know nothing of a mother country; nothing of a united people; nothing of the different nations in Africa, from which some of our ancestors were purchased or stolen. We are here by the will of God, and He will in His own time and in His own way shape our destiny. For the present, in my opinion, we are here to show the sin and wickedness of the American people, and we are here to stay. This is our country; our coming here being co-existent with that of our white brother, we know no other; we have contributed our full share to make it what it is; we have defended it in all its wars, before and since the
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Declaration of Independence
, and we will defend it against all nations. We are Americans as truly as any others in this land; this is our home, and its flag is our. flag. "
More powerful words:

" I have been unable to find a case in history, ancient or modern, where a people had been held in subjugation and ignorance so long, and reduced to such a state of immorality, that they had not the slightest conception of; or respect for the marital relations, and especially the moral law. This was the condition of the Colored people at the close of the war. It is unnecessary for me to ask, who was responsible for this crying shame, or whether it was the fault of the Colored people. In my opinion it was and is the sin of the American people who had gone to Africa and stolen little children from their virtuous homes and parents, brought them here, reared them as they reared their cattle, and of the rights of humanity, the laws of morality and Christianity itself, reduced them to slavery, and robbed them of all conceptions of chasity and virtue.I have said this crime was committed by the American people, and I say this, because nearly every one of the original thirteen States, which formed the United States, July 4, 1776, held slaves or recognized property in them. But the most absurd of all absurdities, is to hear white people prating about the immoral conduct of Colored people when, as a matter of fact, they are responsible whatever they see in us to condemn, for we are what they made us."
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