Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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This author really hits the nail on the head, some posters on this thread are really described here:

" We recognize three distinct grades among us; namely, the wealthy or those who have acquired money, supporting their families in the style that aristocratic Americans do; the working class including those engaged in business, professors, tradesmen, and the daily laborers; the third and last class includes the shiftless, worthless, and thoroughly degraded. Many prejudiced white people affect to know but one grade, and that the lowest always, and promptly charge all crimes committed by that class to the Colored people
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, taking that class as a criterion by which to judge the entire people, placing men like Frederick Douglass on a par with this degraded class, in speaking to him about them as "your people." (This describes these cock-suckers to a tee! :lol: )They know as well as they know anything, that Mr. Douglass has no more dealings or association with that class of Colored people, than Chauncey M. Depew has with the roughs and thugs of New York. It really makes me feel hurt to hear white men who, I believe, know better than to talk that way, men who will never reach Mr. Douglass's standing, if they live to be old as Methuselah."

We will find a way to get the trailer trash paying their due. Dont worry.

What the fuck do trailer trash owe you?

The money their ancestors owed for burning crosses on our lawns because the rich white business owners told them they were poor because we were taking their jobs. Dont you know your history?

Yup. History shows that the biggest amount of racial discrimination, against the largest number of people, is the 50 years from when affirmative action started right up to now. And reparations needs to be paid to all those white victims.

They should only be paid however, by those who are responsible for the misdeeds. That means no whites or Asians should have to pay anything, since they are the ones who have been victimized. And not all blacks should pay either, since many of them don't support affirmative action. Only those people (white, black or any color) who have supported and pushed AA, should pay into this reparations fund, and ALL whites who have been in the US workforce since 1963, should receive this money.

So, you can get started now with $200/month paid into a special reparations fund to compensate white workers.
Well, since nobody is going to read this anyway, I post this: Blacks ripped this off from the Japanese demands of reparations in the 70's. But the major difference between the two: The Japanese had survived confiscation of their personal rights and property in their lifetime: Blacks, well...they are barrowing off of past issues long past. Too many questions here on this, so. Perhaps it isn’t something that can or should answered.
Well, since nobody is going to read this anyway, I post this: Blacks ripped this off from the Japanese demands of reparations in the 70's. But the major difference between the two: The Japanese had survived confiscation of their personal rights and property in their lifetime: Blacks, well...they are barrowing off of past issues long past. Too many questions here on this, so. Perhaps it isn’t something that can or should answered.

Circa 1895:

" The history of this country, especially that portion of it south of Mason and Dixon's line, shows that the labor of these people had for two hundred years made the country tenable for the white man, had cleared away the dense forests and produced crops that brought millions of money annually to that section, which not only benefitted the South, but the North as well. It does seem to me, that a Christian Nation, which had received such wealth from the labor of a subjugated people, upon setting them free would, at least, have given them a square meal. Justice seems to demand one year's support, forty acres of land and a mule each.

Did they get that or any portion of it? Not a cent. Four million people turned loose without a dollar and told to "Root hog or die!" Now, whose duty was it to feed them? Was it the former masters' or that of the general governments which had conquered the masters, and in order to make that victory complete freed their slaves? My opinion is that the government should have done it."

Sounds like a request for Reparations to me................ He certainly wasn't the first to make such a request.
Well, since nobody is going to read this anyway, I post this: Blacks ripped this off from the Japanese demands of reparations in the 70's. But the major difference between the two: The Japanese had survived confiscation of their personal rights and property in their lifetime: Blacks, well...they are barrowing off of past issues long past. Too many questions here on this, so. Perhaps it isn’t something that can or should answered.

:lol: Where did you get your information from?

"Proposals for Black reparations after Jefferson and the American Colonization Society were made after the war ended by Thaddeus Stevens, congressman from Pennsylvania and Charles Summer, senator from Massachusetts. Stevens took the lead. He insisted that it was not enough merely to free the slaves. Nor would it be enough, even to give the slaves the right of suffrage. In addition justice demanded that they be granted an economic foundation. But how could this economic foundation justly be obtained? Reasoning logically Stevens concluded that it should best come from the wrongdoers who had harmed the slaves through their wrongdoing and proposed accordingly that the government confiscate land from the rebels and distribute it to the slaves, each freedman getting forty acres"
What the fuck do trailer trash owe you?

The money their ancestors owed for burning crosses on our lawns because the rich white business owners told them they were poor because we were taking their jobs. Dont you know your history?

So not only are you owed reparations from the descendants of people who actually made fortunes off of your ancestors because some of that wealth should've been yours, but now you actually want to punish some other white people because their ancestors were dicks, even if there's nothing those people have gained off the backs of your ancestors?

You're proposing we punish people for other peoples' crimes, not in favor of taking away things that might should belong to someone else, but just to punish them since the people who deserve punishing are gone?

You're pretty fucked. I think I've been wasting time trying to use logic with you. HAve a good 'un :)

No they just need to pay their taxes. See the question. This is not about individual accountability because those people are all dead. He asked what did they owe me. They owe it to me to pay their damn taxes.
Blacks begging for reparations show what a weak race of slaves they are. Whites are a race of masters and conquerers. You want to know the difference between master and slave, superior and inferior? The master, the superior man, takes what he wants. The slave, the inferior man, the parasite, begs for scraps.
Well, since nobody is going to read this anyway, I post this: Blacks ripped this off from the Japanese demands of reparations in the 70's. But the major difference between the two: The Japanese had survived confiscation of their personal rights and property in their lifetime: Blacks, well...they are barrowing off of past issues long past. Too many questions here on this, so. Perhaps it isn’t something that can or should answered.

Thats exactly why some of their heirs got their reparations for the ones that were dead. If you are going to post something at least verify before you look stupid.
so what I hear you saying is you have it pretty good here. you are in a better position then you would have been in had your ancestors not been brought over here.

Where did I say that? For starters, not all of my ancestors were "bought here" (that's a nice sanitary way of putting it) from Africa, others were Natives of this continent and others emigrated here from Scotland and Ireland.
Of course I have it great here, as do most Americans, but that wasn't my point. My point, as illustrated in that book I linked to, is that there's no reason for "the Blacks" to "go back to Africa", WE ARE AMERICA, THIS IS OUR COUNTRY as well as any other ethnicity who resides here. African descendants in this country have been here as long as the original white people who came here, and longer than the recent immigrants who are Americans.
The people in Africa were doing their own thing until the Arab Muslims and European "christians" decided to rape their continent of people and resources. If the Europeans had it so good, why did they decide to go and steal other lands in different continents, all while claiming to be "christians"? If they were such hard workers, why did they get African slaves to do the work, when there were poor whites who needed the work?

I just read this page (written in 1890):

" We are now classed as a "Negro" race. Webster says the word "Negro" applies to black men of southern Africa, or their descendants. While there are a

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few pure black men among the Colored people of the United States, at the most, not over one-fifth, the other four-fifths are mixed, in a lesser or greater degree, with the white race, and this process of mixing has been going on for over two hundred years. Children take their nationality from their mothers and not their fathers; so that every child whose mother is a white or a Colored American, is an American to all intents and purposes, and cannot be otherwise. These mixed bloods married, and begat children, who were Americans. Though they were deprived of their liberty by American law, they could not be called Africans any more than the white Americans could be called Europeans, and this forces me to state that there is no such a thing as a Negro race in this country. We are Colored Americans and this, I think is the proper name for us."

Now I just call us Americans instead of "colored-Americans". The above supports my assertion as to who was "classifying" who............

Dont you love it when they tell you what you are without asking your permission? I always tell them to go kick rocks.
Well, since nobody is going to read this anyway, I post this: Blacks ripped this off from the Japanese demands of reparations in the 70's. But the major difference between the two: The Japanese had survived confiscation of their personal rights and property in their lifetime: Blacks, well...they are barrowing off of past issues long past. Too many questions here on this, so. Perhaps it isn’t something that can or should answered.

:lol: Where did you get your information from?

"Proposals for Black reparations after Jefferson and the American Colonization Society were made after the war ended by Thaddeus Stevens, congressman from Pennsylvania and Charles Summer, senator from Massachusetts. Stevens took the lead. He insisted that it was not enough merely to free the slaves. Nor would it be enough, even to give the slaves the right of suffrage. In addition justice demanded that they be granted an economic foundation. But how could this economic foundation justly be obtained? Reasoning logically Stevens concluded that it should best come from the wrongdoers who had harmed the slaves through their wrongdoing and proposed accordingly that the government confiscate land from the rebels and distribute it to the slaves, each freedman getting forty acres"

Black Reparations (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

I'm sixty years old, and, have a rather personal perspective on this. The entire historical aspect of this sprouts from the lawsuits filed by Japanese Americans that had their property taken from them and the forced interment. IN THEIR LIFE TIME.I know this all to well, for various reasons. The esoteric reasons you quote here are neither apropos or relevant. Black activist in later years seem to feel they can finesse this issue as if it was similar. The Japanese, well, they got reparations. So…this black reparations thing., What does Obama need pay? What if my mother was Japanese and my father was Black? Who determines who owes whom what and how much and….let’s don’t get ridiculous.
Blacks should repay Whites by leaving, the sooner the better.

Why would we leave you a nation we built. :cuckoo:

Slaves don't build nations, masters do. Picking cotton and doing various tasks we told you to do does not equal building a nation.

That is like saying the horse that was used to plow the field is the farmer, not the farmer himself.
Blacks should repay Whites by leaving, the sooner the better.

Why would we leave you a nation we built. :cuckoo:

Slaves don't build nations, masters do. Picking cotton and doing various tasks we told you to do does not equal building a nation.

That is like saying the horse that was used to plow the field is the farmer, not the farmer himself.

Not talking about the slaves even though they put in work. I'm talking about how we educated Europeans not once but twice. Without Africans you wouldn't know what day it was or how to add 2+2. You would still be back in Europe eating each other. :cuckoo:
why would we leave you a nation we built. :cuckoo:

slaves don't build nations, masters do. Picking cotton and doing various tasks we told you to do does not equal building a nation.

That is like saying the horse that was used to plow the field is the farmer, not the farmer himself.

not talking about the slaves even though they put in work. I'm talking about how we educated europeans not once but twice. Without africans you wouldn't know what day it was or how to add 2+2. You would still be back in europe eating each other. :cuckoo:

slaves don't build nations, masters do. Picking cotton and doing various tasks we told you to do does not equal building a nation.

That is like saying the horse that was used to plow the field is the farmer, not the farmer himself.

not talking about the slaves even though they put in work. I'm talking about how we educated europeans not once but twice. Without africans you wouldn't know what day it was or how to add 2+2. You would still be back in europe eating each other. :cuckoo:


European Cannibalism

Cannibals of the Stone Age - Series 1 - Episode 1 - Cannibals of the Stone Age - Channel 4

In the German hamlet of Herxheim, archaeologists excavating a 7000-year-old mass grave of up to 1000 Stone Age people have concluded that the site was not a Neolithic graveyard, as previously assumed, but a killing field where hundreds of men, women and children met a grisly fate.

Scholars now believe that Stone Age Europe was much more violent than previously thought, and some scientists believe the bodies in Herxheim were murdered, cooked and cannibalised in sacrificial rites that drew participants from hundreds of miles away.

It's a possibility that calls into question much of what we thought we knew about civilisation, and forces us to face the fact that cannibalism and human sacrifice may be undeniable parts of our human history.
LOL, Blacks "educated" the Whites into giving up Cannibalism 7000 years ago, even though there were no blacks there. That is why you guys do it today in Africa? LOL

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LOL, Blacks "educated" the Whites into giving up Cannibalism 7000 years ago, even though there were no blacks there. That is why you guys do it today in Africa? LOL

Blacks were there until they turned white. Thats what you are. You cannot produce melanin. Its an adaption to the ice age. Once you came out of the caves and started Greece we taught you in Egypt how to read, write, and do math. :lol:
Women, me, your mom, we have also been oppressed in times passed, how much do we get? Then there are gays, lefties, Irish Catholics, red haired people, not to mention Indians . What if, I am a descendant of a German and Jewish ? .Doesn’t this topic seem a tad ridiculous? Reparation for living victims of crimes endured in their lifetime....That is reasonable. Who do I sue to get all my money someone else suffered for? How much do I get? WHO do I sue for something that doesn’t affect me now that wasn’t an issue in my lifetime? Who? How much do I get/ Who determines my relative suffering and what it’s worth monetarily? Who pays for it? Perhaps, that is why this isn’t a serious issue, because it’s silly.
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