Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Where will the U.S. get that money from?
Why should taxpayers pay for something that no longer exists?
Why should taxpayers whose family came to America after the Civil War pay for anything?
Why should people pay for something they had nothing to do with ?
What unpaid Black Labor?
They had housing, clothing, furniture &,food they got money for personal needs, as well as doctoring when they were sick. Some got their own land to farm.
Many got land to farm after the war.
The vast majority of owners was not cruel to their slaves because each one that was bought cost plenty of money at the time.
The Plantation owners got what they dissevered which was;
Many large plantations were hard hit as the Civil War went on. Even the wealthiest land baron had little purchasing power when all he had in the bank were worthless Confederate notes, and many planters found themselves scrimping to survive toward the end of the war. Plantation owners also faced the wrath of invading Union forces, many of whom saw the Southern plantation as the embodiment of Southern evil. It wasn't uncommon for Union forces to vandalize and even destroy plantation homes, steal personal belongings, set free the slaves, and harass or attack the owners if they were home.
How about the Northern Families who lost sons and fathers to free them.

Of course what I said is not to infer that the life of a slave was pleasant. Even under the best circumstances, slaves were still considered nothing more than property, and even the best-treated slave still dreamed of freedom.

Slavery was abhorrent but the wealthy plantation owners were punished greatly for it and people today should not have to pay anything to blacks now because of what happened 150 or so years ago.

1. The US will get the money the same place they get money for wars and other things it deems important enough to tax people for.

2. Reparations exist to repair a wrong. The US allowed slavery and made laws to accommodate it.

3. Immigrants after the civil war take on the debt of all Americans.

4. See #2

5. The Black labor that went into building this nation for generations. some and many is not reflect of all Black slaves. Many is laughable to say the least. Unless you meant the land given back to the southern slave owners after reconstruction was destroyed.

6. I cant believe you even used this but then again a white person has no point of reference about what cruel is.

7. Dont really care what happened to the plantations owners nor do I feel sorry for them as they got their land back and were allowed to recreate their system of racial oppression by the US government. Look up the Black Codes and read up on Jim Crow before you shed a tear for white southern plantation owners. Besides what does that have to do with reparations.

8. Northern families fought to keep the Union intact. it was not to free slaves. They got paid with their checks from the US government and again it has nothing to do with reparations for Black people. Bringing that up is a diversion from the point that anything given extra to white union soldiers does nothing to repair the damage done by the US to Black people.

9. Please explain why the US should not have to pay when they failed to pay before? Please explain why Black people should not reap the benefits conferred on this country that they have been left out of. Its a consist pattern of fuckups starting with the founding fathers. The least one can do is atone for your mistakes. People with no morals are the only people that dont get that.

Regarding #1, ah, I see you must be a politician! You want to strap our great-great-great-great grandchildren with more debt to make yourself richer.

Why didn't you just say so? I'm certain that if you had and you told everyone you were a Democrat, you could easily get 50% of the vote without even trying.

If memory serves me correctly Republicans started wars that we financed. One that was a complete hoax and you are still paying for it. Our great great great great grandchildren will be strapped with much worse than debt if the racial issue is not resolved. The white opposition to it is amazing and reeks of the willful stubbornness of a tow headed slow child.
Southern whites should have grown their own cotton and tobacco. The fact that they are obviously able to do so means that black slaves were unnecessary to the U.S. economy.

The worst mistake white in the United States and in the pre Revolutionary colonies made was the slave trade.

Without blacks there would be a much lower crime rate. Consequently we would need to spend much less money on the criminal justice system. The downtown areas of our once proud cities would be centers of civilization. They would be known for atmospheric restaurants and taverns, book stores, used book stores, theaters, art galleries, museums, and so on.

Instead the inner cities are asphalt jungles, known for crime and moral depravity. The term "asphalt jungle" is appropriate. Wherever blacks go they carry with them the barbarism of the African jungle.

The earliest civilizations were Caucasian and Oriental. The Nubians and the Ethiopians maintained urban civilization, but these were learned from whites.

Southern whites tried that but died from being too weak to handle the conditions. If they had been up to the task they would have never created the slave trade nor the silly notion of white superiority.

White people never created a civilization until Greece. The African continent has the earliest examples of civilization in Kush and Kemet and the foundation of all sciences, math, philosophy, and medicine. This is documented. Without Black people you would not even exist because you are only Black people that adapted to the ice age and turned white as a survival adaptation to the lack of sun.

Haven't you ever heard of white share croppers. They managed fine.

The ancient Egyptians were Caucasians. This is clear both from the paintings they left of themselves and Nubians, and from DNA taken from their mummies.

Never heard of white share croppers. They must not have managed fine if they needed slaves did they?

Thats funny DNA says that Egyptians were sub-saharan. Here is my proof where is yours cave ape? Trust me if you post what I think you are going to post I will embarrass your ass.

The King Tut Gene

The Thuya Gene
The US owes Black people. Face it this country probably wouldnt exist if it were not for Black people.

Excuse me. Look at Canada. Right now Canadians are making the mistake of letting blacks immigrate. They still have a much lower crime rate than the United States.

In Canada the murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 1.6. In the United States it is 4.7. If you look at the following website you will see that there is a strong correlation between the murder rate of a country and the racial composition of that country.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The murder rate is a good way of evaluating the entire crime rate of a country, because murders are more likely to come to the attention of the police.
What would happen if blacks actually got reparations? Most would quit the low skill jobs they have. They would spend the money on drugs, alcohol, flashy clothes, and flashy cars.

Soon most would be poor again.

Its not any of your business what would be done with it. No one is consulting you on that nor is it anything you need to worry about. Concentrate on getting out of your trailer park before you tackle more complicated matters.

What you said brings to mind what people said when the slaves were freed. Most whites thought Blacks would just die out. How is it all these years later you still have the same mentality as those dumbasses did when everything they thought was proven wrong?
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The US owes Black people. Face it this country probably wouldnt exist if it were not for Black people.

Excuse me. Look at Canada. Right now Canadians are making the mistake of letting blacks immigrate. They still have a much lower crime rate than the United States.

In Canada the murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 1.6. In the United States it is 4.7. If you look at the following website you will see that there is a strong correlation between the murder rate of a country and the racial composition of that country.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The murder rate is a good way of evaluating the entire crime rate of a country, because murders are more likely to come to the attention of the police.

I always thought you were a dumb fuck. You do realize there are already a lot of Blacks in Canada? What a fucking retard you are. :lol:
Thats funny DNA says that Egyptians were sub-saharan. Here is my proof where is yours cave ape? Trust me if you post what I think you are going to post I will embarrass your ass.

The King Tut Gene

The Thuya Gene

Recently-leaked DNA test results prove ancient Egyptian royal Pharaoh Tutankhamen, aka King Tut, is 99.6% Western European.

The results were mistakenly leaked in the American cable television show Royal Blood: King Tut Unwrapped. The tests were conducted to find out if a newly-discovered mummy was the boy king’s father.

King Tut DNA 99.6% Western European
Thats funny DNA says that Egyptians were sub-saharan. Here is my proof where is yours cave ape? Trust me if you post what I think you are going to post I will embarrass your ass.

The King Tut Gene

The Thuya Gene

Recently-leaked DNA test results prove ancient Egyptian royal Pharaoh Tutankhamen, aka King Tut, is 99.6% Western European.

The results were mistakenly leaked in the American cable television show Royal Blood: King Tut Unwrapped. The tests were conducted to find out if a newly-discovered mummy was the boy king’s father.

King Tut DNA 99.6% Western European

I even warned you and you were still dumb enough to post it. :lol: Well you asked for it so I will oblige. Those results are from what some company claimed they got from a TV show. The geneticists that actually conducted the test called them out on their claim. Read up and enjoy.

King Tut Related to Half of European Men? Maybe Not | Personal Genomics | Tutankhamen's Relatives | LiveScience

A personal genomics company in Switzerland says they've reconstructed a DNA profile of King Tutankhamen by watching the Discovery Channel, claiming the results suggest more than half of Western European men are related to the boy king. But researchers who worked to decode Tut's genome in the first place say the claim is "unscientific."

You have to be some kind of retard to think the results are real. :lol:

Scam Alert: King Tut?s DNA | Doug's Archaeology

Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun (Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject.
You're not going to get reparations or anyone to believe your fairy tales about accomplishments of black Africans Asc. You'll have to make do with food stamps. I know you think it's a bitch, but at least you're getting something for nothing.
You're not going to get reparations or anyone to believe your fairy tales about accomplishments of black Africans Asc. You'll have to make do with food stamps. I know you think it's a bitch, but at least you're getting something for nothing.

I can only put information out there for you to learn MeatHead. I cannot help the willfully ignorant people of the world like you.
You cant debate the points and reach an agreement on the merit before discussing numbers? That was an amateurish fail!

You're arguing for reparations, and can't even explain how much each slave should receive?
I know you're bad at math, but that's ridiculous, even for a stupid lib like you.

You have to establish the fact they are indeed owed before you start talking about money. You guys are crying about that. I see you have no experience at all in these matters. Your approach is amateurish.

You have to establish the fact they are indeed owed before you start talking about money.

I agree, you have failed to establish that fact.
Let me know when you work up a number they were owed.
I'll check your math.
You're arguing for reparations, and can't even explain how much each slave should receive?
I know you're bad at math, but that's ridiculous, even for a stupid lib like you.

You have to establish the fact they are indeed owed before you start talking about money. You guys are crying about that. I see you have no experience at all in these matters. Your approach is amateurish.

You have to establish the fact they are indeed owed before you start talking about money.

I agree, you have failed to establish that fact.
Let me know when you work up a number they were owed.
I'll check your math.
That's only fair.
Why no takers?
Are they fakirs? :eusa_liar:
What would happen if blacks actually got reparations? Most would quit the low skill jobs they have. They would spend the money on drugs, alcohol, flashy clothes, and flashy cars.

Soon most would be poor again.

Well, surprises never cease in this forum. Many of you have stated that "most blacks don't work", and "live off of free shit" (whatever that means).

So I suppose a "low skilled job" is a change for the better?

On a more serious note, there will be no reparations paid to any black people in America. Ever.

First of all, the process of determining who would receive it would be a logistical nightmare. Besides that, If it came to pass, there would be anarchy in the streets.

What would happen if blacks actually got reparations? Most would quit the low skill jobs they have. They would spend the money on drugs, alcohol, flashy clothes, and flashy cars.

Soon most would be poor again.

That's a good question, Friends. Instead of seeking reparations, which would soon be spent and gone, many black youth were recently described by Jason Whitlock as "The Black KKK." (follow-up to commentary) They are targeting whites all over the country, and the Obama government in some unholy partnership with the media is keeping it quiet, commentaries removed from being online, etc.
You're arguing for reparations, and can't even explain how much each slave should receive?
I know you're bad at math, but that's ridiculous, even for a stupid lib like you.

You have to establish the fact they are indeed owed before you start talking about money. You guys are crying about that. I see you have no experience at all in these matters. Your approach is amateurish.

You have to establish the fact they are indeed owed before you start talking about money.

I agree, you have failed to establish that fact.
Let me know when you work up a number they were owed.
I'll check your math.

Naw I havent failed. Your whiteness has not allowed you to grasp the facts. I'll let you know a number when you can debate the facts and come to the only logical conclusion that Black people are owed reparations. I'll check your logic for flaws.
How about if extend food stamps, welfare and AA for another generation? That should cover it.


None of those programs were initially created for the sole benefit of the black population, and dismantling of them would be detrimental to all racial groups in America.

The fact is that at its inception welfare excluded the black population in America.

Blacks and the History of Welfare
You've more than made up for it.

I have not personally "made up for anything". Just simply stated a historical fact.
What would happen if blacks actually got reparations? Most would quit the low skill jobs they have. They would spend the money on drugs, alcohol, flashy clothes, and flashy cars.

Soon most would be poor again.

That's a good question, Friends. Instead of seeking reparations, which would soon be spent and gone, many black youth were recently described by Jason Whitlock as "The Black KKK." (follow-up to commentary) They are targeting whites all over the country, and the Obama government in some unholy partnership with the media is keeping it quiet, commentaries removed from being online, etc.

That was an amazing lead in to something that has nothing to do with reparations. White people are funny when they want to change the subject. There was no transitional sentence at all. Did you leave something out? :lol:
What would happen if blacks actually got reparations? Most would quit the low skill jobs they have. They would spend the money on drugs, alcohol, flashy clothes, and flashy cars.

Soon most would be poor again.

That's a good question, Friends. Instead of seeking reparations, which would soon be spent and gone, many black youth were recently described by Jason Whitlock as "The Black KKK." (follow-up to commentary) They are targeting whites all over the country, and the Obama government in some unholy partnership with the media is keeping it quiet, commentaries removed from being online, etc.

That was an amazing lead in to something that has nothing to do with reparations. White people are funny when they want to change the subject. There was no transitional sentence at all. Did you leave something out? :lol:
We paid reparations. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers died for blacks in the war years of 1865. The congress passed three Constitutional Amendments right away, Amendment 13, the Emancipation Proclamation that freed all American slaves and made the practice of enslaving people against the law. The 14th Amendment granted former slaves citizenship and entitled them to equal protection under the law. The 15th Amendment gave black men the right to vote.

Post civil war saw a century of building of black schools and colleges to ensure that blacks could read, write, and participate in a Democracy and education of their own children as they saw fit.

After World War II, Eisenhower realized how greatly patriotic black men and women were who valiantly served in the Armed Forces, and ran for president, determined to make equal rights for blacks have some teeth, as in equal opportunities in education by opening formerly white schools to blacks, and pushing passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 to make their entrance into the American dream a reality if they reached out and took their opportunities.

In the late 50s, 60s, and 70s, housing was built to ensure that black children would have a roof over their heads and that homelessness and destitution among the black population would be abolished. Head Start and No Child Left Behind programs sought to put black children on an equal footing with their peers of all other races.

It's been an endless funding to do the right thing for blacks, and what do they do in repayment?

They form Black Panther groups, and allow children to join hatred groups to target white elderly people in 100 cities for severe punishments, seven generations of paying through the nose to ensure they would be protected.

We cannot, unfortunately, protect human beings from the killing and maiming spree that is going on, with each infringement celebrated and encouraged by Al Sharpton, the "rev" Jesse Jackson, and the NAACP.

It's gotten to be a rip off and revenge fest against the wrong people.

The people they should not be mad at are those who fought to free them from the pulpit and the battlefield. The people they should not be mad at are the great majority of movers and shakers who built schools, medical facilities, and health clinics in and near black communities, and later, incorporated blacks into every white neighborhood in the nation.

Yet, they target some of the very people descended from those who defended them.

I'm seeing false witnesses being pampered and unpunished, and a complete reversal to mad dogism among blacks. They have squandered their inheritance and opportunities.

It's time to wash our hands of the existing ingratitude for all the money that has been spent improving lives for the black.

At the bottom line of this balance sheet, nobody is owed a living by those seeking to run the country.

Mob rule has got to go.
That's a good question, Friends. Instead of seeking reparations, which would soon be spent and gone, many black youth were recently described by Jason Whitlock as "The Black KKK." (follow-up to commentary) They are targeting whites all over the country, and the Obama government in some unholy partnership with the media is keeping it quiet, commentaries removed from being online, etc.

That was an amazing lead in to something that has nothing to do with reparations. White people are funny when they want to change the subject. There was no transitional sentence at all. Did you leave something out? :lol:
We paid reparations. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers died for blacks in the war years of 1865. The congress passed three Constitutional Amendments right away, Amendment 13, the Emancipation Proclamation that freed all American slaves and made the practice of enslaving people against the law. The 14th Amendment granted former slaves citizenship and entitled them to equal protection under the law. The 15th Amendment gave black men the right to vote.

Post civil war saw a century of building of black schools and colleges to ensure that blacks could read, write, and participate in a Democracy and education of their own children as they saw fit.

After World War II, Eisenhower realized how greatly patriotic black men and women were who valiantly served in the Armed Forces, and ran for president, determined to make equal rights for blacks have some teeth, as in equal opportunities in education by opening formerly white schools to blacks, and pushing passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 to make their entrance into the American dream a reality if they reached out and took their opportunities.

In the late 50s, 60s, and 70s, housing was built to ensure that black children would have a roof over their heads and that homelessness and destitution among the black population would be abolished. Head Start and No Child Left Behind programs sought to put black children on an equal footing with their peers of all other races.

It's been an endless funding to do the right thing for blacks, and what do they do in repayment?

They form Black Panther groups, and allow children to join hatred groups to target white elderly people in 100 cities for severe punishments, seven generations of paying through the nose to ensure they would be protected.

We cannot, unfortunately, protect human beings from the killing and maiming spree that is going on, with each infringement celebrated and encouraged by Al Sharpton, the "rev" Jesse Jackson, and the NAACP.

It's gotten to be a rip off and revenge fest against the wrong people.

The people they should not be mad at are those who fought to free them from the pulpit and the battlefield. The people they should not be mad at are the great majority of movers and shakers who built schools, medical facilities, and health clinics in and near black communities, and later, incorporated blacks into every white neighborhood in the nation.

Yet, they target some of the very people descended from those who defended them.

I'm seeing false witnesses being pampered and unpunished, and a complete reversal to mad dogism among blacks. They have squandered their inheritance and opportunities.

It's time to wash our hands of the existing ingratitude for all the money that has been spent improving lives for the black.

At the bottom line of this balance sheet, nobody is owed a living by those seeking to run the country.

Mob rule has got to go.

No you the US has never paid reparations. People dying in wars for their country is not giving reparations to Black people. It only highlights your bitterness that white people died and a side consequence was that "legally" Blacks were no longer slaves.

Post civil war saw a very short period of failed reconstruction where again the US did not live up to what it was supposed to do for Black people. That again was not reparations as this established public schooling for poor whites as well as Black people. Read your history.

After that period up until 1965 we had the iron grip of Jim Crow rolling back all the small gains experienced in the failed reconstruction. Reconstruction failed because the US did not do what was right. They let the south institute Jim Crow against all logical reason proving the civil was not for slavery.

After finally winning the right to actually be citizens programs that benefit specifically Black people were few or non existent. This is inspite of centuries of government mandated white AA and headstart programs for whites like the homestead acts.

Due to the actions of the US generations of Blacks passed down behaviors that stunted future generations. To reward us for finally achieving full citizenship the government instituted another population control mechanism in mass incarceration. The Black cities were flooded with police, drugs were brought in to tear apart the fabric of Black communities, and a war on crime was declared before this happened raising the specter that this was intentional.

Give me a break. The US owes more than just reparations for slavery. They owe for trying to wipe us out.
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