Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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There is a panic. The proof is in your harsh denial. I know I'm going to get it one way or another. Again slave owners are not who I am targeting. Its the US who allowed it to go on and passed laws to make it happen. The US has never given Black people a handout. Why do you think reparations is a issue? Name just one handout that Black people received that whites did not receive first, more of it, and complain about when Blacks were finally included. I'll wait for you to come up with something. My guess is that the best you can muster is "well you are not getting shit". Thats what you have to fall back to when you know your argument is weak.
One way or the other? Really? How? Where are you at now? :popcorn:

Yes one way or another. It can be protracted or it can be quick.


How? You'll figure it out.

In my home.

Asc-hole, you have no clue at all, do you? You pretend to know it all, but in the end, you're not close to getting a check, and probably not even working on it, just complaining.
Whites have White history day everyday. There are no Black colleges that exclude white students. TV consists of WET the majority of the time ect. If you want to make it offical and name it White whatever I could care less. It already exists. There is no special privileges for Black people that we don't take and white people like you complain about. Privileges are not the issue because you are not in a position to grant me privileges. Besides what does that have to do with monetary compensation?

Whites have "white history" every day? When's the last time you saw CNN or CBS "celebrate" some white dude for some notable achievement while noting his race? If you answered "never" you are correct. When I go to my local grocery store they have posters and billboards celebrating "black history." Don't get me wrong ... I applaud anyone of any race for doing something beneficial or noteworthy but I'm not too fond of giving special notoriety based on his or her race. That's racism any way you cut the pie.
Why do you call yourselves AFRICAN americans?

I call myself an American.................. Who made the racial designations in this country? It certainly wasn't Black people, it was the White ruling class in this country that passed Jim Crow laws, anti-miscegenation laws , the Black codes, covenants and restrictions on deeds barring the sale to Black people, laws set to keep free Black people from trades, laws both facto and de facto to keep Black people from exercising their rights as citizens of this country, etc. etc.

Thanks for the laugh though!!!

You're a lemming, I've seen those bullshit papers that "enlightened" blacks read where I work. You read that Farrakhan garbage and then feel a need to lecture everyone else about the real truth. Everything wrong with you asswipes is the white man's fault...... and yet Africa is a pit of 4th world black white people to hold them down and yet the only decent place on the continent was South Africa and it was destroyed by that asshole Mandela. Left to do what they want when in power, you end up with Detroit or New Orleans, little pockets of civilization surrounded by worthless ghetto. Why don't you lead your "people" to do something worth while........ we are all very bored with all of your bull shit and you're heading for a serious beat down.....understand that bro?

9. Please explain why the US should not have to pay when they failed to pay before? Please explain why Black people should not reap the benefits conferred on this country that they have been left out of. Its a consist pattern of fuckups starting with the founding fathers. The least one can do is atone for your mistakes. People with no morals are the only people that dont get that.

The mistake we made was bringing you people to our country.

Blacks have benefited from living in a civilization vastly superior to anything they have ever created on their own. They have a much higher standard of living than blacks in Africa or Haiti.

You have nerve complaining about "People with no morals."

Whites do not benefit from the presence of blacks. We suffer from a much higher crime rate. Our tax money supports the illegitimate children created by black fly by night lovers who have no sense of responsibility and shame.

Whites should have the confidence to point our fingers at blacks and say, "You should be ashamed. You should be ashamed of all the crimes you commit, all the illegitimate children you give birth to, and your low intelligence."

We owe you people nothing Asclepias. You owe us plenty.

There is no "we", "they" or "you" as far as one or a couple of individuals speaking for an entire group of people, no matter if one is black, white or any other so called "race".

The bitter truth, like it or not, is that unless YOU are personally a part of the very small percentage of individuals who the control the vast majority of the wealth of this nation, you are not a significant factor in this society.

Those who do in fact control the wealth, do not view you any differently than anyone else here.

To them, you are no better than any blacks, browns, or any one else who resides here, and truth be told, you are just as dispensable as any day laborer standing outside of The Home Depot wishing for a job for one day, or the everyday man who is just trying to make ends meet.

You do not personally have any impact on supporting anyone besides yourself, nor does anyone "owe" you or anyone else anything remotely resembling a debt of gratitude for just being here.

Like most, you likely have all that you can handle just fending for yourself, so get off of your high horse, look in your mirror and "point" at your own reflection.

That is all that you or anyone else can control.
One way or the other? Really? How? Where are you at now? :popcorn:

Yes one way or another. It can be protracted or it can be quick.


How? You'll figure it out.

In my home.

Asc-hole, you have no clue at all, do you? You pretend to know it all, but in the end, you're not close to getting a check, and probably not even working on it, just complaining.

When you start calling me names in anger that just lets me know you are frustrated. I'm not pretending to know anything. I'm laying out the case for reparations. You can disagree all you want to but dont get emotional. it makes you look silly. In the end reparations will be paid one way or another. No I am not working on it. Others are. No I'm not complaining. I am discussing the OP. You white people are complaining about my stance on the issue. By far the whites on here are crying about everything regarding reparations to the point they cant even stay on topic and discuss the issue without calling names.
Whites have "white history" every day? When's the last time you saw CNN or CBS "celebrate" some white dude for some notable achievement while noting his race? If you answered "never" you are correct. When I go to my local grocery store they have posters and billboards celebrating "black history." Don't get me wrong ... I applaud anyone of any race for doing something beneficial or noteworthy but I'm not too fond of giving special notoriety based on his or her race. That's racism any way you cut the pie.

Yes. This country was founded for and by white people. That is reflected and shoved in the face of people of color daily to the point it becomes a part of the subconscious awareness. You as a white person of course would not be aware of this. People of color usually understand this but are used to and deal with it. Days where we celebrate people of color is a break from the relentless commercialization of white superiority. I'm glad you applaud people of any race and encourage you to keep doing that. Mentioning someones "race" is not racism. Racism is a system. In that system people are treated a certain way based on their racial characteristics. This is usually a negative treatment justified by those that believe this group of people to be inferior. Please show me a system developed by Black people that ever oppressed white people and held them back?
So how much dough are blacks asking per person?

How about sixty times what they get in welfare checks every year? Add to that the cost of keeping one of them in prison for ten years.

Add to that the lifetime salary of a police officer who is necessary to keep them under control.

When you think about it,we have been paying reparations for those people ever since at least the civil rights movement.
Yes. This country was founded for and by white people. That is reflected and shoved in the face of people of color daily to the point it becomes a part of the subconscious awareness. You as a white person of course would not be aware of this. People of color usually understand this but are used to and deal with it. Days where we celebrate people of color is a break from the relentless commercialization of white superiority. I'm glad you applaud people of any race and encourage you to keep doing that. Mentioning someones "race" is not racism. Racism is a system. In that system people are treated a certain way based on their racial characteristics. This is usually a negative treatment justified by those that believe this group of people to be inferior. Please show me a system developed by Black people that ever oppressed white people and held them back?

What is there to celebrate blacks for? All you are good for is popular songs and sports.

That does not begin to pay for the damage you cause with your crime, your moral depravity, and the way you ruin every neighborhood you move into.
The Washington Times Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Great Emancipator was almost the Great Colonizer: Newly released documents show that to a greater degree than historians had previously known, President Lincoln laid the groundwork to ship freed slaves overseas to help prevent racial strife in the U.S.

Just after he issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, Lincoln authorized plans to pursue a freedmen’s settlement in present-day Belize and another in Guyana, both colonial possessions of Great Britain at the time, said Phillip W. Magness, one of the researchers who uncovered the new documents.

Historians have debated how seriously Lincoln took colonization efforts, but Mr. Magness said the story he uncovered, to be published next week in a book, “Colonization After Emancipation: Lincoln and the Movement for Black Resettlement,” shows the president didn’t just flirt with the idea, as historians had previously known, but that he personally pursued it for some time.
Book: Lincoln sought to deport freed slaves - Washington Times
So how much dough are blacks asking per person?

Are you saying the argument has merit now? Before you seemed incensed at the very thought.

Just curious at what you folks are asking for. So do you even know?

I cant speak for everyone that is Black. I have a figure in mind but I have yet to see anyone not Black agree that the idea of reparations has merit. I dont discuss money until we have agreement on the principles.
I already told you I'm not answering anything until you address my points. You pussied out and avoided them for too long. Go kick rocks now pussy.

AssClap, you unmitigated pussy. AS you well know, I already addressed your invalid silly petty pointlesses. Long time since, beyotch.

You won't answer me or anybody else who puts a valid question to you only becsause you are a quivering dishonest hack pussy bitch and you have no ability to discuss anything logically.

Plain and simple.

Dont be mad you wasted time trying to avoid my questions. Like I said you are now regulated to the side lines pussy. Should have manned up from jump street like Steven R did. Go play on the freeway now.

I'm not mad at all, you dishonest hack pussy.

Everyone sees that I answered all the questions here. Some of those answers rejected your completely baseless and unsupported premises, of course.

What everyone sees is that you are a spineless gutless coward. You are a pure pussy. To afraid to answer any questions that would have you forced to reveal that you HAVE no support for your silly claims.

AssClapius is a a pussy. He runs from any and all questions; and we all can see why.

AssClapius, the gutless pussy, doesn't want to provide proof to all that he is nothing more than a racist pig shit hack bitch.

Psst. It's already quite clear my little bitch!

Are you saying the argument has merit now? Before you seemed incensed at the very thought.

Just curious at what you folks are asking for. So do you even know?

I cant speak for everyone that is Black. I have a figure in mind but I have yet to see anyone not Black agree that the idea of reparations has merit. I dont discuss money until we have agreement on the principles.

^ Which is a problem for you and your "cause," you petty little fraud.

Nobody WITH a brain is ever going to agree on what you laughably call your "principles."

Are you saying the argument has merit now? Before you seemed incensed at the very thought.

Just curious at what you folks are asking for. So do you even know?

I cant speak for everyone that is Black. I have a figure in mind but I have yet to see anyone not Black agree that the idea of reparations has merit. I dont discuss money until we have agreement on the principles.

"In 1999, the African World Reparations and Repatriation Truth Commission called for "the West" to pay $777 trillion to Africa within five years. Note that the gross domestic product of all countries in the world was somewhat more than 70 Trillion in 2011, in other words these claims amount to the value of over 10 years production of goods and services of the entire planet."

That's pretty laughable. So what's your number?
Sit on the sidewalk with your palm out at I'm sure someone will throw two bits in the tin cup.

Make sure you look as needy as you sound. That outta get the quarters rollin in!

Best of luck
Just curious at what you folks are asking for. So do you even know?

I cant speak for everyone that is Black. I have a figure in mind but I have yet to see anyone not Black agree that the idea of reparations has merit. I dont discuss money until we have agreement on the principles.

"In 1999, the African World Reparations and Repatriation Truth Commission called for "the West" to pay $777 trillion to Africa within five years. Note that the gross domestic product of all countries in the world was somewhat more than 70 Trillion in 2011, in other words these claims amount to the value of over 10 years production of goods and services of the entire planet."

That's pretty laughable. So what's your number?

Interesting bit of information. Sounds about right to me but what does that have to do with reparations being paid to the descendants of slaves here in the US? This is what i mean by the inability to focus. The issue is reparations for the descendents of slaves here in the US. Thats it. Thats all. If you agree it has merit we can throw around figures. If you dont then its a waste of both of our times.
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