Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Did not kidnap them, bought them from black slave dealers.

They've received their reparations in the billions of 'set asides'. Enough already!! You've got your 'affirmative action' President, it's over!!
Never said all whites. I know in your panic to not agree that Black people are owed reparations you keep missing that. i said the US. The US is not all white. How did you miss that important distinction? The US, which consists of different ethnicities, owes its position of power to unpaid Black labor just for starters.

Not to worry, there's no panic here, because you know you ain't getting shit. If you ever find real descendants of slave owners, that them to court and see what the courts say. Which is, that you have no case. Plus, the "US" has given blacks all kinds of handouts since then, and still does. And even sends money to Africa to help them.

There is a panic. The proof is in your harsh denial. I know I'm going to get it one way or another. Again slave owners are not who I am targeting. Its the US who allowed it to go on and passed laws to make it happen. The US has never given Black people a handout. Why do you think reparations is a issue? Name just one handout that Black people received that whites did not receive first, more of it, and complain about when Blacks were finally included. I'll wait for you to come up with something. My guess is that the best you can muster is "well you are not getting shit". Thats what you have to fall back to when you know your argument is weak.

YAWN. such boring stupidity. there can be no reparations as there are no former slaves alive and no former slave owners alilve.

RACIST people want all White People to be guilty as a group for eternity; that's a working definition of racism
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Did not kidnap them, bought them from black slave dealers.

They've received their reparations in the billions of 'set asides'. Enough already!! You've got your 'affirmative action' President, it's over!!

What set asides? Did someone set something aside and forget to tell Black people about it?
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Did not kidnap them, bought them from black slave dealers.

They've received their reparations in the billions of 'set asides'. Enough already!! You've got your 'affirmative action' President, it's over!!

What set asides? Did someone set something aside and forget to tell Black people about it?

Simply hilarious

yes Black people are a Protected Class under the SCOTUS; so is basically every other race and ethnic origin except Caucasion
Did not kidnap them, bought them from black slave dealers.

They've received their reparations in the billions of 'set asides'. Enough already!! You've got your 'affirmative action' President, it's over!!

What set asides? Did someone set something aside and forget to tell Black people about it?

Simply hilarious

yes Black people are a Protected Class under the SCOTUS; so is basically every other race and ethnic origin except Caucasion

Stop whining. All that means is that a special declaration and consideration had to be made just so all people that were not white could have a legal means to protect themselves from white people. That only provides more evidence of wrong doing on the US part in setting up this nation to cater to white people. Its not a set aside. Its a barely sufficient protection. One should not have to have a different law to protect rights granted in the constitution.
I dont live in Africa. If you feel like that then why are you offering anything? You must be angry that the debt is owed but have no way to validate your position. Luckily what you think doesnt really mean anything so feel free to kick rocks as well. I only will talk to people that want to debate the issue. "You are not going to get it so there!" is not a valid nor an adult response. Try to debate like an adult not a child.
I don't owe anyone anything, our family never had slaves. In fact, my ancestors left the old country because they were basically serfs at the time. So generalizing that all whites owe you something is false. Please try again.

Never said all whites. I know in your panic to not agree that Black people are owed reparations you keep missing that. i said the US. The US is not all white. How did you miss that important distinction? The US, which consists of different ethnicities, owes its position of power to unpaid Black labor just for starters.

Where will the U.S. get that money from?
Why should taxpayers pay for something that no longer exists?
Why should taxpayers whose family came to America after the Civil War pay for anything?
Why should people pay for something they had nothing to do with ?
What unpaid Black Labor?
They had housing, clothing, furniture &,food they got money for personal needs, as well as doctoring when they were sick. Some got their own land to farm.
Many got land to farm after the war.
The vast majority of owners was not cruel to their slaves because each one that was bought cost plenty of money at the time.
The Plantation owners got what they dissevered which was;
Many large plantations were hard hit as the Civil War went on. Even the wealthiest land baron had little purchasing power when all he had in the bank were worthless Confederate notes, and many planters found themselves scrimping to survive toward the end of the war. Plantation owners also faced the wrath of invading Union forces, many of whom saw the Southern plantation as the embodiment of Southern evil. It wasn't uncommon for Union forces to vandalize and even destroy plantation homes, steal personal belongings, set free the slaves, and harass or attack the owners if they were home.
How about the Northern Families who lost sons and fathers to free them.

Of course what I said is not to infer that the life of a slave was pleasant. Even under the best circumstances, slaves were still considered nothing more than property, and even the best-treated slave still dreamed of freedom.

Slavery was abhorrent but the wealthy plantation owners were punished greatly for it and people today should not have to pay anything to blacks now because of what happened 150 or so years ago.
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I don't owe anyone anything, our family never had slaves. In fact, my ancestors left the old country because they were basically serfs at the time. So generalizing that all whites owe you something is false. Please try again.

Never said all whites. I know in your panic to not agree that Black people are owed reparations you keep missing that. i said the US. The US is not all white. How did you miss that important distinction? The US, which consists of different ethnicities, owes its position of power to unpaid Black labor just for starters.

Where will the U.S. get that money from?
Why should taxpayers pay for something that no longer exists?
Why should taxpayers whose family came to America after the Civil War pay for anything?
Why should people pay for something they had nothing to do with ?
What unpaid Black Labor?
They had housing, clothing, furniture &,food they got money for personal needs, as well as doctoring when they were sick. Some got their own land to farm.
Many got land to farm after the war.
The vast majority of owners was not cruel to their slaves because each one that was bought cost plenty of money at the time.
The Plantation owners got what they dissevered which was;
Many large plantations were hard hit as the Civil War went on. Even the wealthiest land baron had little purchasing power when all he had in the bank were worthless Confederate notes, and many planters found themselves scrimping to survive toward the end of the war. Plantation owners also faced the wrath of invading Union forces, many of whom saw the Southern plantation as the embodiment of Southern evil. It wasn't uncommon for Union forces to vandalize and even destroy plantation homes, steal personal belongings, set free the slaves, and harass or attack the owners if they were home.
How about the Northern Families who lost sons and fathers to free them.

Of course what I said is not to infer that the life of a slave was pleasant. Even under the best circumstances, slaves were still considered nothing more than property, and even the best-treated slave still dreamed of freedom.

Slavery was abhorrent but the wealthy plantation owners were punished greatly for it and people today should not have to pay anything to blacks now because of what happened 150 or so years ago.

1. The US will get the money the same place they get money for wars and other things it deems important enough to tax people for.

2. Reparations exist to repair a wrong. The US allowed slavery and made laws to accommodate it.

3. Immigrants after the civil war take on the debt of all Americans.

4. See #2

5. The Black labor that went into building this nation for generations. some and many is not reflect of all Black slaves. Many is laughable to say the least. Unless you meant the land given back to the southern slave owners after reconstruction was destroyed.

6. I cant believe you even used this but then again a white person has no point of reference about what cruel is.

7. Dont really care what happened to the plantations owners nor do I feel sorry for them as they got their land back and were allowed to recreate their system of racial oppression by the US government. Look up the Black Codes and read up on Jim Crow before you shed a tear for white southern plantation owners. Besides what does that have to do with reparations.

8. Northern families fought to keep the Union intact. it was not to free slaves. They got paid with their checks from the US government and again it has nothing to do with reparations for Black people. Bringing that up is a diversion from the point that anything given extra to white union soldiers does nothing to repair the damage done by the US to Black people.

9. Please explain why the US should not have to pay when they failed to pay before? Please explain why Black people should not reap the benefits conferred on this country that they have been left out of. Its a consist pattern of fuckups starting with the founding fathers. The least one can do is atone for your mistakes. People with no morals are the only people that dont get that.
Never said all whites. I know in your panic to not agree that Black people are owed reparations you keep missing that. i said the US. The US is not all white. How did you miss that important distinction? The US, which consists of different ethnicities, owes its position of power to unpaid Black labor just for starters.

Not to worry, there's no panic here, because you know you ain't getting shit. If you ever find real descendants of slave owners, that them to court and see what the courts say. Which is, that you have no case. Plus, the "US" has given blacks all kinds of handouts since then, and still does. And even sends money to Africa to help them.

There is a panic. The proof is in your harsh denial. I know I'm going to get it one way or another. Again slave owners are not who I am targeting. Its the US who allowed it to go on and passed laws to make it happen. The US has never given Black people a handout. Why do you think reparations is a issue? Name just one handout that Black people received that whites did not receive first, more of it, and complain about when Blacks were finally included. I'll wait for you to come up with something. My guess is that the best you can muster is "well you are not getting shit". Thats what you have to fall back to when you know your argument is weak.
One way or the other? Really? How? Where are you at now? :popcorn:
The entire US benefited from Black slavery regardless of whether they owned slaves or not. The US is the world power it is today because Black labor built it into one. If there were no Black slaves then there would have been no King Cotton. No cotton no power. That type of work killed off the whites and the NA's. Black people were the only ones that could survive the physical toil. You would not be better off without Black people because history has shown you cannot build anything without help from outside civilizations. We taught you civilization when you were eating each other. You would still be doing so in Europe had we not taught you not only once but twice. Black Africans built the worlds first civilizations and founded the sciences, medicine, philosophies, and math you use today. Of the original wonders of the world only the one from a Black civilization remains. Wake up cave ape. There is a good reason you have a simian as your avatar. Without Black people teaching you thats exactly who you would be trying to compete with.

Southern whites should have grown their own cotton and tobacco. The fact that they are obviously able to do so means that black slaves were unnecessary to the U.S. economy.

The worst mistake white in the United States and in the pre Revolutionary colonies made was the slave trade.

Without blacks there would be a much lower crime rate. Consequently we would need to spend much less money on the criminal justice system. The downtown areas of our once proud cities would be centers of civilization. They would be known for atmospheric restaurants and taverns, book stores, used book stores, theaters, art galleries, museums, and so on.

Instead the inner cities are asphalt jungles, known for crime and moral depravity. The term "asphalt jungle" is appropriate. Wherever blacks go they carry with them the barbarism of the African jungle.

The earliest civilizations were Caucasian and Oriental. The Nubians and the Ethiopians maintained urban civilization, but these were learned from whites.
Not to worry, there's no panic here, because you know you ain't getting shit. If you ever find real descendants of slave owners, that them to court and see what the courts say. Which is, that you have no case. Plus, the "US" has given blacks all kinds of handouts since then, and still does. And even sends money to Africa to help them.

There is a panic. The proof is in your harsh denial. I know I'm going to get it one way or another. Again slave owners are not who I am targeting. Its the US who allowed it to go on and passed laws to make it happen. The US has never given Black people a handout. Why do you think reparations is a issue? Name just one handout that Black people received that whites did not receive first, more of it, and complain about when Blacks were finally included. I'll wait for you to come up with something. My guess is that the best you can muster is "well you are not getting shit". Thats what you have to fall back to when you know your argument is weak.
One way or the other? Really? How? Where are you at now? :popcorn:

Yes one way or another. It can be protracted or it can be quick.


How? You'll figure it out.

In my home.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Every once in awhile someone brings this up again.
It is a tired subject that has been hashed out 10,000 times.
Congratulations for rediscovering it again. :doubt:

The only thing that would be "fair" - would be for blacks to get reparations for what the liberals did to them in the 1960's-70's. (And wanting to do again)
The liberal social programs of this period did more damage to the race, and segregated them like nothing else could have possibly done (which is certainly a valid argument that this was done on purpose to accomplish just that)
Welfare/free housing/free food stamps etc. etc. for 20 years have done infinite more damage than slavery did 10 generations ago.:cuckoo:

9. Please explain why the US should not have to pay when they failed to pay before? Please explain why Black people should not reap the benefits conferred on this country that they have been left out of. Its a consist pattern of fuckups starting with the founding fathers. The least one can do is atone for your mistakes. People with no morals are the only people that dont get that.

The mistake we made was bringing you people to our country.

Blacks have benefited from living in a civilization vastly superior to anything they have ever created on their own. They have a much higher standard of living than blacks in Africa or Haiti.

You have nerve complaining about "People with no morals."

Whites do not benefit from the presence of blacks. We suffer from a much higher crime rate. Our tax money supports the illegitimate children created by black fly by night lovers who have no sense of responsibility and shame.

Whites should have the confidence to point our fingers at blacks and say, "You should be ashamed. You should be ashamed of all the crimes you commit, all the illegitimate children you give birth to, and your low intelligence."

We owe you people nothing Asclepias. You owe us plenty.
The entire US benefited from Black slavery regardless of whether they owned slaves or not. The US is the world power it is today because Black labor built it into one. If there were no Black slaves then there would have been no King Cotton. No cotton no power. That type of work killed off the whites and the NA's. Black people were the only ones that could survive the physical toil. You would not be better off without Black people because history has shown you cannot build anything without help from outside civilizations. We taught you civilization when you were eating each other. You would still be doing so in Europe had we not taught you not only once but twice. Black Africans built the worlds first civilizations and founded the sciences, medicine, philosophies, and math you use today. Of the original wonders of the world only the one from a Black civilization remains. Wake up cave ape. There is a good reason you have a simian as your avatar. Without Black people teaching you thats exactly who you would be trying to compete with.

Southern whites should have grown their own cotton and tobacco. The fact that they are obviously able to do so means that black slaves were unnecessary to the U.S. economy.

The worst mistake white in the United States and in the pre Revolutionary colonies made was the slave trade.

Without blacks there would be a much lower crime rate. Consequently we would need to spend much less money on the criminal justice system. The downtown areas of our once proud cities would be centers of civilization. They would be known for atmospheric restaurants and taverns, book stores, used book stores, theaters, art galleries, museums, and so on.

Instead the inner cities are asphalt jungles, known for crime and moral depravity. The term "asphalt jungle" is appropriate. Wherever blacks go they carry with them the barbarism of the African jungle.

The earliest civilizations were Caucasian and Oriental. The Nubians and the Ethiopians maintained urban civilization, but these were learned from whites.

Southern whites tried that but died from being too weak to handle the conditions. If they had been up to the task they would have never created the slave trade nor the silly notion of white superiority.

White people never created a civilization until Greece. The African continent has the earliest examples of civilization in Kush and Kemet and the foundation of all sciences, math, philosophy, and medicine. This is documented. Without Black people you would not even exist because you are only Black people that adapted to the ice age and turned white as a survival adaptation to the lack of sun.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

I love Jews and Israel Delta, so don't get me wrong. Nevertheless it is clear to me that the Palestinians would be better off if Jews had not migrated to Palestine and created the state of Israel.

Blacks are better off in the United States than in any country they manage. We white folks are not pushing them down. We are holding them up. The burden is getting hard to bear.
Never said all whites. I know in your panic to not agree that Black people are owed reparations you keep missing that. i said the US. The US is not all white. How did you miss that important distinction? The US, which consists of different ethnicities, owes its position of power to unpaid Black labor just for starters.

Where will the U.S. get that money from?
Why should taxpayers pay for something that no longer exists?
Why should taxpayers whose family came to America after the Civil War pay for anything?
Why should people pay for something they had nothing to do with ?
What unpaid Black Labor?
They had housing, clothing, furniture &,food they got money for personal needs, as well as doctoring when they were sick. Some got their own land to farm.
Many got land to farm after the war.
The vast majority of owners was not cruel to their slaves because each one that was bought cost plenty of money at the time.
The Plantation owners got what they dissevered which was;
Many large plantations were hard hit as the Civil War went on. Even the wealthiest land baron had little purchasing power when all he had in the bank were worthless Confederate notes, and many planters found themselves scrimping to survive toward the end of the war. Plantation owners also faced the wrath of invading Union forces, many of whom saw the Southern plantation as the embodiment of Southern evil. It wasn't uncommon for Union forces to vandalize and even destroy plantation homes, steal personal belongings, set free the slaves, and harass or attack the owners if they were home.
How about the Northern Families who lost sons and fathers to free them.

Of course what I said is not to infer that the life of a slave was pleasant. Even under the best circumstances, slaves were still considered nothing more than property, and even the best-treated slave still dreamed of freedom.

Slavery was abhorrent but the wealthy plantation owners were punished greatly for it and people today should not have to pay anything to blacks now because of what happened 150 or so years ago.

1. The US will get the money the same place they get money for wars and other things it deems important enough to tax people for.

2. Reparations exist to repair a wrong. The US allowed slavery and made laws to accommodate it.

3. Immigrants after the civil war take on the debt of all Americans.

4. See #2

5. The Black labor that went into building this nation for generations. some and many is not reflect of all Black slaves. Many is laughable to say the least. Unless you meant the land given back to the southern slave owners after reconstruction was destroyed.

6. I cant believe you even used this but then again a white person has no point of reference about what cruel is.

7. Dont really care what happened to the plantations owners nor do I feel sorry for them as they got their land back and were allowed to recreate their system of racial oppression by the US government. Look up the Black Codes and read up on Jim Crow before you shed a tear for white southern plantation owners. Besides what does that have to do with reparations.

8. Northern families fought to keep the Union intact. it was not to free slaves. They got paid with their checks from the US government and again it has nothing to do with reparations for Black people. Bringing that up is a diversion from the point that anything given extra to white union soldiers does nothing to repair the damage done by the US to Black people.

9. Please explain why the US should not have to pay when they failed to pay before? Please explain why Black people should not reap the benefits conferred on this country that they have been left out of. Its a consist pattern of fuckups starting with the founding fathers. The least one can do is atone for your mistakes. People with no morals are the only people that dont get that.

Regarding #1, ah, I see you must be a politician! You want to strap our great-great-great-great grandchildren with more debt to make yourself richer.

Why didn't you just say so? I'm certain that if you had and you told everyone you were a Democrat, you could easily get 50% of the vote without even trying.
The entire US benefited from Black slavery regardless of whether they owned slaves or not. The US is the world power it is today because Black labor built it into one. If there were no Black slaves then there would have been no King Cotton. No cotton no power. That type of work killed off the whites and the NA's. Black people were the only ones that could survive the physical toil. You would not be better off without Black people because history has shown you cannot build anything without help from outside civilizations. We taught you civilization when you were eating each other. You would still be doing so in Europe had we not taught you not only once but twice. Black Africans built the worlds first civilizations and founded the sciences, medicine, philosophies, and math you use today. Of the original wonders of the world only the one from a Black civilization remains. Wake up cave ape. There is a good reason you have a simian as your avatar. Without Black people teaching you thats exactly who you would be trying to compete with.

Southern whites should have grown their own cotton and tobacco. The fact that they are obviously able to do so means that black slaves were unnecessary to the U.S. economy.

The worst mistake white in the United States and in the pre Revolutionary colonies made was the slave trade.

Without blacks there would be a much lower crime rate. Consequently we would need to spend much less money on the criminal justice system. The downtown areas of our once proud cities would be centers of civilization. They would be known for atmospheric restaurants and taverns, book stores, used book stores, theaters, art galleries, museums, and so on.

Instead the inner cities are asphalt jungles, known for crime and moral depravity. The term "asphalt jungle" is appropriate. Wherever blacks go they carry with them the barbarism of the African jungle.

The earliest civilizations were Caucasian and Oriental. The Nubians and the Ethiopians maintained urban civilization, but these were learned from whites.

Southern whites tried that but died from being too weak to handle the conditions. If they had been up to the task they would have never created the slave trade nor the silly notion of white superiority.

White people never created a civilization until Greece. The African continent has the earliest examples of civilization in Kush and Kemet and the foundation of all sciences, math, philosophy, and medicine. This is documented. Without Black people you would not even exist because you are only Black people that adapted to the ice age and turned white as a survival adaptation to the lack of sun.

Haven't you ever heard of white share croppers. They managed fine.

The ancient Egyptians were Caucasians. This is clear both from the paintings they left of themselves and Nubians, and from DNA taken from their mummies.
9. Please explain why the US should not have to pay when they failed to pay before? Please explain why Black people should not reap the benefits conferred on this country that they have been left out of. Its a consist pattern of fuckups starting with the founding fathers. The least one can do is atone for your mistakes. People with no morals are the only people that dont get that.

The mistake we made was bringing you people to our country.

Blacks have benefited from living in a civilization vastly superior to anything they have ever created on their own. They have a much higher standard of living than blacks in Africa or Haiti.

You have nerve complaining about "People with no morals."

Whites do not benefit from the presence of blacks. We suffer from a much higher crime rate. Our tax money supports the illegitimate children created by black fly by night lovers who have no sense of responsibility and shame.

Whites should have the confidence to point our fingers at blacks and say, "You should be ashamed. You should be ashamed of all the crimes you commit, all the illegitimate children you give birth to, and your low intelligence."

We owe you people nothing Asclepias. You owe us plenty.

Yes whites made a mistake in bringing Blacks to enslave in this country. Its a mistake because they look like hypocrites creating a nation where all men are created equal but they have slaves. That was the mistake. Blacks have not benefitted in anyway by being oppressed. its stupid and an example of your lack of intelligence to suggest so.

I dont need nerve to speak the truth. To whine and cry about righting a wrong is a low class action and showing a lack of morals. No way around that.

Whites benefit immensely from Black people. You get to feel superior for one based on the social and economic structure created by the few wealthy whites that use Blacks to keep you pointing at Black people as the reason for your personal failure in an ongoing cycle. This country would not be the economic power it is without Black people. Black people fought in wars so cave apes such as yourself could spew your feelings of inferiority.

Whites should have the confidence to point at themselves and say I am a fool for falling for the myth of white superiority and not recognizing instead white privilege.

Black people dont owe you shit. You dont owe anything yourself because you are powerless and insignificant. The US owes Black people. Face it this country probably wouldnt exist if it were not for Black people.
What would happen if blacks actually got reparations? Most would quit the low skill jobs they have. They would spend the money on drugs, alcohol, flashy clothes, and flashy cars.

Soon most would be poor again.
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