Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Your math is way off

Let's see your math.
How much reparations should they have received?
Show all your work.

Right after you address the points and we come to an agreement. Do you really think I'm going to jump through hoops for you and we arent even on the same page? :lol:

You want Billion$ and can't show your math?


You cant debate the points and reach an agreement on the merit before discussing numbers? That was an amateurish fail!
Dont be mad you wasted time trying to avoid my questions. Like I said you are now regulated to the side lines pussy. Should have manned up from jump street like Steven R did. Go play on the freeway now.

So do Blacks owe Reparations to the Civil Soldiers??

My Great-Great Grandfather was wounded freeing his Great-Great Grandfather. Where's my check?

Did he lose it when the Army paid him or something? How would anyone know what he did with his check?
I already told you I'm not answering anything until you address my points. You pussied out and avoided them for too long. Go kick rocks now pussy.

AssClap, you unmitigated pussy. AS you well know, I already addressed your invalid silly petty pointlesses. Long time since, beyotch.

You won't answer me or anybody else who puts a valid question to you only becsause you are a quivering dishonest hack pussy bitch and you have no ability to discuss anything logically.

Plain and simple.

Dont be mad you wasted time trying to avoid my questions. Like I said you are now regulated to the side lines pussy. Should have manned up from jump street like Steven R did. Go play on the freeway now.
It's "relegated", not "regulated", moron. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: What a fucking idiot.
Right after you address the points and we come to an agreement. Do you really think I'm going to jump through hoops for you and we arent even on the same page? :lol:

You want Billion$ and can't show your math?


You cant debate the points and reach an agreement on the merit before discussing numbers? That was an amateurish fail!

You're arguing for reparations, and can't even explain how much each slave should receive?
I know you're bad at math, but that's ridiculous, even for a stupid lib like you.
How about if extend food stamps, welfare and AA for another generation? That should cover it.

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How about if extend food stamps, welfare and AA for another generation? That should cover it.


None of those programs were initially created for the sole benefit of the black population, and dismantling of them would be detrimental to all racial groups in America.

The fact is that at its inception welfare excluded the black population in America.

Blacks and the History of Welfare
How about if extend food stamps, welfare and AA for another generation? That should cover it.


None of those programs were initially created for the sole benefit of the black population, and dismantling of them would be detrimental to all racial groups in America.

The fact is that at its inception welfare excluded the black population in America.

Blacks and the History of Welfare

I never said to cease the programs altogether, but just for blacks, until they accept it as reparations.
There is no statute of limitations on reparations. If you have a link i would be most interested in seeing it. The difference in white slavery and Black slavery is that whites were not enslaved for multiple generations and did turn the US into the economic power that cotton afforded it. Howerver, we are speaking specifically about Black slavery and so far no one wants to concentrate on that. Instead I see a lot of people talking about other things instead of the point.

You are aware that there were free blacks who owned black slaves back then ... aren't you? Slavery is a bad thing but I'm not guilty of owning any slaves nor are any of my ancestors (that I know of). If I commit a crime I should pay for it. If I do NOT commit a crime I should not pay for it. Simple math!

I see you missed the points I outlined as well. Since you are new I will repeat them. This is not a hunt down the descendents of slave owners like the guys would have you believe. This is the US paying the tab for Black Africans being enslaved and making the US an economic world power without compensation.

Slavery was wrong.
The US allowed slavery (to address your point)
Reparations are used to right a wrong.
Ex-slaves were never paid reparations.
There has never been a system in the US that benefited only the descendants of slaves.
Japanese were paid reparations via tax money by the US government setting a precedent.
Presidents have announced slavery was wrong fulfilling the criteria of the first point.
There is no expiration period for reparations.
There is nothing that says reparations has to be paid to someone living.

See if you can intelligently argue these points since so many have failed to address them.

But blacks are "compensated" every day. They enjoy very special privileges that the rest of us don't. Black History Month; all black colleges and universities; black entertainment television (BET); black Miss America pageants; NAACP; reverse discrimination at the work place; and the list goes on. Could you imagine the screeching outcry if there was a "White History Month?" Blacks are more "free" in America than any other ethnic group.
Your math is way off

Let's see your math.
How much reparations should they have reeived?
Show all your work.

They've done calculations that include the property plus property value. Plus valuation of work performed after adjusting for inflation comes up to A shit load of money.

Thats all you need to know.

All ANYONE needs to know is that the whole ridiculous idea is a non starter in the real world.

But no one cares what you think. Thars the rub
Your math is way off

Let's see your math.
How much reparations should they have reeived?
Show all your work.

They've done calculations that include the property plus property value. Plus valuation of work performed after adjusting for inflation comes up to A shit load of money.

Thats all you need to know.

They've done calculations

Great. Show me.

When I said a shit ton did you not realize that was a punchline?
You want Billion$ and can't show your math?


You cant debate the points and reach an agreement on the merit before discussing numbers? That was an amateurish fail!

You're arguing for reparations, and can't even explain how much each slave should receive?
I know you're bad at math, but that's ridiculous, even for a stupid lib like you.

You have to establish the fact they are indeed owed before you start talking about money. You guys are crying about that. I see you have no experience at all in these matters. Your approach is amateurish.
You are aware that there were free blacks who owned black slaves back then ... aren't you? Slavery is a bad thing but I'm not guilty of owning any slaves nor are any of my ancestors (that I know of). If I commit a crime I should pay for it. If I do NOT commit a crime I should not pay for it. Simple math!

I see you missed the points I outlined as well. Since you are new I will repeat them. This is not a hunt down the descendents of slave owners like the guys would have you believe. This is the US paying the tab for Black Africans being enslaved and making the US an economic world power without compensation.

Slavery was wrong.
The US allowed slavery (to address your point)
Reparations are used to right a wrong.
Ex-slaves were never paid reparations.
There has never been a system in the US that benefited only the descendants of slaves.
Japanese were paid reparations via tax money by the US government setting a precedent.
Presidents have announced slavery was wrong fulfilling the criteria of the first point.
There is no expiration period for reparations.
There is nothing that says reparations has to be paid to someone living.

See if you can intelligently argue these points since so many have failed to address them.

But blacks are "compensated" every day. They enjoy very special privileges that the rest of us don't. Black History Month; all black colleges and universities; black entertainment television (BET); black Miss America pageants; NAACP; reverse discrimination at the work place; and the list goes on. Could you imagine the screeching outcry if there was a "White History Month?" Blacks are more "free" in America than any other ethnic group.

Whites have White history day everyday. There are no Black colleges that exclude white students. TV consists of WET the majority of the time ect. If you want to make it offical and name it White whatever I could care less. It already exists. There is no special privileges for Black people that we don't take and white people like you complain about. Privileges are not the issue because you are not in a position to grant me privileges. Besides what does that have to do with monetary compensation?
How about if extend food stamps, welfare and AA for another generation? That should cover it.


None of those programs were initially created for the sole benefit of the black population, and dismantling of them would be detrimental to all racial groups in America.

The fact is that at its inception welfare excluded the black population in America.

Blacks and the History of Welfare

I never said to cease the programs altogether, but just for blacks, until they accept it as reparations.

We don't need fake handouts to accept as reparations. We need the US to pay up and white people like you to get the fuck out of the way. Welfare should exist only to help all people down on their luck. Its not a lifestyle nor something that should be described as a benefit. AA benefits whites more than any other demographic. It never was intended for just Black people. Even MLK recognized the need for something that was a benefit to only Black people. Thats why I laugh at clowns trying to claim he would be against it.
None of those programs were initially created for the sole benefit of the black population, and dismantling of them would be detrimental to all racial groups in America.

The fact is that at its inception welfare excluded the black population in America.

Blacks and the History of Welfare

I never said to cease the programs altogether, but just for blacks, until they accept it as reparations.

We don't need fake handouts to accept as reparations. We need the US to pay up and white people like you to get the fuck out of the way. Welfare should exist only to help all people down on their luck. Its not a lifestyle nor something that should be described as a benefit. AA benefits whites more than any other demographic. It never was intended for just Black people. Even MLK recognized the need for something that was a benefit to only Black people. Thats why I laugh at clowns trying to claim he would be against it.

The US and other countries give billions in aid/reparations every year to Africa. You should be back there getting your share. Because you ain't getting shit here, EVEN UNDER A (semi-) BLACK PRESIDENT you won't get shit. :lol:
I never said to cease the programs altogether, but just for blacks, until they accept it as reparations.

We don't need fake handouts to accept as reparations. We need the US to pay up and white people like you to get the fuck out of the way. Welfare should exist only to help all people down on their luck. Its not a lifestyle nor something that should be described as a benefit. AA benefits whites more than any other demographic. It never was intended for just Black people. Even MLK recognized the need for something that was a benefit to only Black people. Thats why I laugh at clowns trying to claim he would be against it.

The US and other countries give billions in aid/reparations every year to Africa. You should be back there getting your share. Because you ain't getting shit here, EVEN UNDER A (semi-) BLACK PRESIDENT you won't get shit. :lol:

I dont live in Africa. If you feel like that then why are you offering anything? You must be angry that the debt is owed but have no way to validate your position. Luckily what you think doesnt really mean anything so feel free to kick rocks as well. I only will talk to people that want to debate the issue. "You are not going to get it so there!" is not a valid nor an adult response. Try to debate like an adult not a child.
We don't need fake handouts to accept as reparations. We need the US to pay up and white people like you to get the fuck out of the way. Welfare should exist only to help all people down on their luck. Its not a lifestyle nor something that should be described as a benefit. AA benefits whites more than any other demographic. It never was intended for just Black people. Even MLK recognized the need for something that was a benefit to only Black people. Thats why I laugh at clowns trying to claim he would be against it.

The US and other countries give billions in aid/reparations every year to Africa. You should be back there getting your share. Because you ain't getting shit here, EVEN UNDER A (semi-) BLACK PRESIDENT you won't get shit. :lol:

I dont live in Africa. If you feel like that then why are you offering anything? You must be angry that the debt is owed but have no way to validate your position. Luckily what you think doesnt really mean anything so feel free to kick rocks as well. I only will talk to people that want to debate the issue. "You are not going to get it so there!" is not a valid nor an adult response. Try to debate like an adult not a child.
I don't owe anyone anything, our family never had slaves. In fact, my ancestors left the old country because they were basically serfs at the time. So generalizing that all whites owe you something is false. Please try again.
The US and other countries give billions in aid/reparations every year to Africa. You should be back there getting your share. Because you ain't getting shit here, EVEN UNDER A (semi-) BLACK PRESIDENT you won't get shit. :lol:

I dont live in Africa. If you feel like that then why are you offering anything? You must be angry that the debt is owed but have no way to validate your position. Luckily what you think doesnt really mean anything so feel free to kick rocks as well. I only will talk to people that want to debate the issue. "You are not going to get it so there!" is not a valid nor an adult response. Try to debate like an adult not a child.
I don't owe anyone anything, our family never had slaves. In fact, my ancestors left the old country because they were basically serfs at the time. So generalizing that all whites owe you something is false. Please try again.

Never said all whites. I know in your panic to not agree that Black people are owed reparations you keep missing that. i said the US. The US is not all white. How did you miss that important distinction? The US, which consists of different ethnicities, owes its position of power to unpaid Black labor just for starters.
I dont live in Africa. If you feel like that then why are you offering anything? You must be angry that the debt is owed but have no way to validate your position. Luckily what you think doesnt really mean anything so feel free to kick rocks as well. I only will talk to people that want to debate the issue. "You are not going to get it so there!" is not a valid nor an adult response. Try to debate like an adult not a child.
I don't owe anyone anything, our family never had slaves. In fact, my ancestors left the old country because they were basically serfs at the time. So generalizing that all whites owe you something is false. Please try again.

Never said all whites. I know in your panic to not agree that Black people are owed reparations you keep missing that. i said the US. The US is not all white. How did you miss that important distinction? The US, which consists of different ethnicities, owes its position of power to unpaid Black labor just for starters.

Not to worry, there's no panic here, because you know you ain't getting shit. If you ever find real descendants of slave owners, that them to court and see what the courts say. Which is, that you have no case. Plus, the "US" has given blacks all kinds of handouts since then, and still does. And even sends money to Africa to help them.
I don't owe anyone anything, our family never had slaves. In fact, my ancestors left the old country because they were basically serfs at the time. So generalizing that all whites owe you something is false. Please try again.

Never said all whites. I know in your panic to not agree that Black people are owed reparations you keep missing that. i said the US. The US is not all white. How did you miss that important distinction? The US, which consists of different ethnicities, owes its position of power to unpaid Black labor just for starters.

Not to worry, there's no panic here, because you know you ain't getting shit. If you ever find real descendants of slave owners, that them to court and see what the courts say. Which is, that you have no case. Plus, the "US" has given blacks all kinds of handouts since then, and still does. And even sends money to Africa to help them.

There is a panic. The proof is in your harsh denial. I know I'm going to get it one way or another. Again slave owners are not who I am targeting. Its the US who allowed it to go on and passed laws to make it happen. The US has never given Black people a handout. Why do you think reparations is a issue? Name just one handout that Black people received that whites did not receive first, more of it, and complain about when Blacks were finally included. I'll wait for you to come up with something. My guess is that the best you can muster is "well you are not getting shit". Thats what you have to fall back to when you know your argument is weak.
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