Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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So you thought it only had legal implications because this would be decided in court? That has to be the lamest excuse for not knowing what you are talking about I ever heard. :lol:
Asc, beating a dead horse is not going to allow you to be any more parasitic than you already are. Get a job and support yourself instead of trying to suck the blood of a society that has obviously given you far more than you're worth.

Btw, give up on the "great black civilization" bit. Anyone who doesn't believe in pixiedust is not buying.

Why would I get a job? You must be stupid if you think I would work for someone else. Why would I give up history? You dont have to believe it but then again facts seem to frighten you so I understand.

you dont have facts on you side; nobody aggrieved you; you want a judgement be made vicariously in your favor as if you suffered something

you're comical
Who should get reparations? Black people who can't show that they descended from slaves? Black people who descended from those who kidnapped the slaves and sold them to the British slave traders? Descendants of black people who owned slaves themselves? Black people who have enjoyed much above average prosperity? Those black people who have benefitted greatly because somebody dragged their ancestors over here on slave ships? Who?

And who should pay the reparations? Descendants of those who fought a civil war to free the slaves? Those or descendants of those who fought for civil rights and restitution for black people? Those who put their reputations and sometimes their fortunes on the line to end segregation?

. . . .First off, let me say that I agree with reparations advocates that slavery was a horrible, despicable violation of basic human rights. I'd also agree that were it possible slave owners should make reparations to those whom they enslaved. The problem, of course, is both slaves as well as their owners are all dead. Thus, punishing perpetrators and compensating victims is out of the hands of the living. Reparations advocates, however, want today's blacks to be compensated for the suffering of our ancestors.

If we acknowledge that government has no resources of its very own, and that to give one American a dollar government must first confiscate it from some other American, we might ask what moral principle justifies forcing a white of today to pay a black of today for what a white of yesteryear did to a black of yesteryear? We might also recognize that a large percentage of today's Americans, be they of European, Asian, African or Latin ancestry, don't even go back three or four generations. Are they to be held accountable and taxed for slavery and why?

Then there's the fact that white slave owners aren't the only villains in the piece. In Africa, Moslems dominated the slave trade in the 18th and 19th centuries. Africans also engaged in slave trade with Europeans. In fact, there was plantation slavery in some parts of Africa such as the Sudan, Zanzibar and Egypt. Thus, a natural question arises: Do reparations advocates hold those who sold blacks into slavery subject to reparations payments? After all slavery, of the scale seen in the western hemisphere, would have been all but impossible without the help of Africans and Arabs. Incidentally, President Clinton apologizing for slavery in Africa, of all places, is stupid - apologizing to descendants of slave traders for slavery in America.

Though it's not politically correct to say, today's blacks benefitted immensely from the horrors suffered by our ancestors. You say, "What do you mean, Williams? Would you run that by us?"

Most black Americans are in the solid middle class. In fact, if we totaled the income black Americans earned each year, and thought of ourselves as a separate nation, we'd be the 14th or 15th richest nation. Even the 34 percent of blacks considered to be poor are fairly well off by world standards. Had there not been slavery, and today's blacks were born in Africa instead of the U.S., we'd be living in the same poverty that today's Africans live in and under the same brutal regimes.

If reparations were to be made, then what? Would reparations payments accomplish what the six trillion dollars spent since 1965 on the War on Poverty didn't? Let's face the fact that there's not one thing anyone can do to change the past. There's a lot we can do about the future. Dwelling on the past comes at the expense of preparing for the future. . . .
--Walter Williams
Reparations for Slavery
the US government had nothing to do with your ancesters coming here. that is on your peeps.

glad you "cool with them" though

The point is that the US maintained the slave trade here in the US. You need to stay focused. Last warning

you need to admit you have no beef that would be payable by the US government

last warning


Well I warned you. I cant make you look at the facts if you are afraid to debate them. I understand your first attempt was a massive failure but you should keep trying with the other points or develop a better argument against the first one.
The point is that the US maintained the slave trade here in the US. You need to stay focused. Last warning

you need to admit you have no beef that would be payable by the US government

last warning


Well I warned you. I cant make you look at the facts if you are afraid to debate them. I understand your first attempt was a massive failure but you should keep trying with the other points or develop a better argument against the first one.

i'm afraid of nothing; excpet your ignorance. you're smugness, arrogance; and the self-deception that has you thinking you made your case dont bother me at all. At the end of the day your ignorance is yours to deal with
Who should get reparations? Black people who can't show that they descended from slaves? Black people who descended from those who kidnapped the slaves and sold them to the British slave traders? Descendants of black people who owned slaves themselves? Black people who have enjoyed much above average prosperity? Those black people who have benefitted greatly because somebody dragged their ancestors over here on slave ships? Who?

And who should pay the reparations? Descendants of those who fought a civil war to free the slaves? Those or descendants of those who fought for civil rights and restitution for black people? Those who put their reputations and sometimes their fortunes on the line to end segregation?

. . . .First off, let me say that I agree with reparations advocates that slavery was a horrible, despicable violation of basic human rights. I'd also agree that were it possible slave owners should make reparations to those whom they enslaved. The problem, of course, is both slaves as well as their owners are all dead. Thus, punishing perpetrators and compensating victims is out of the hands of the living. Reparations advocates, however, want today's blacks to be compensated for the suffering of our ancestors.

If we acknowledge that government has no resources of its very own, and that to give one American a dollar government must first confiscate it from some other American, we might ask what moral principle justifies forcing a white of today to pay a black of today for what a white of yesteryear did to a black of yesteryear? We might also recognize that a large percentage of today's Americans, be they of European, Asian, African or Latin ancestry, don't even go back three or four generations. Are they to be held accountable and taxed for slavery and why?

Then there's the fact that white slave owners aren't the only villains in the piece. In Africa, Moslems dominated the slave trade in the 18th and 19th centuries. Africans also engaged in slave trade with Europeans. In fact, there was plantation slavery in some parts of Africa such as the Sudan, Zanzibar and Egypt. Thus, a natural question arises: Do reparations advocates hold those who sold blacks into slavery subject to reparations payments? After all slavery, of the scale seen in the western hemisphere, would have been all but impossible without the help of Africans and Arabs. Incidentally, President Clinton apologizing for slavery in Africa, of all places, is stupid - apologizing to descendants of slave traders for slavery in America.

Though it's not politically correct to say, today's blacks benefitted immensely from the horrors suffered by our ancestors. You say, "What do you mean, Williams? Would you run that by us?"

Most black Americans are in the solid middle class. In fact, if we totaled the income black Americans earned each year, and thought of ourselves as a separate nation, we'd be the 14th or 15th richest nation. Even the 34 percent of blacks considered to be poor are fairly well off by world standards. Had there not been slavery, and today's blacks were born in Africa instead of the U.S., we'd be living in the same poverty that today's Africans live in and under the same brutal regimes.

If reparations were to be made, then what? Would reparations payments accomplish what the six trillion dollars spent since 1965 on the War on Poverty didn't? Let's face the fact that there's not one thing anyone can do to change the past. There's a lot we can do about the future. Dwelling on the past comes at the expense of preparing for the future. . . .
--Walter Williams
Reparations for Slavery

Black people that are descended from slaves should get reparations. If they cant prove it then they don't get reparations.

The US government will be paying the reparations just like they paid for the reparations for the Japanese. The money would come from taxes just like it does when we got to war.
So you thought it only had legal implications because this would be decided in court? That has to be the lamest excuse for not knowing what you are talking about I ever heard. :lol:
Asc, beating a dead horse is not going to allow you to be any more parasitic than you already are. Get a job and support yourself instead of trying to suck the blood of a society that has obviously given you far more than you're worth.

Btw, give up on the "great black civilization" bit. Anyone who doesn't believe in pixiedust is not buying.

Why would I get a job? You must be stupid if you think I would work for someone else. Why would I give up history? You dont have to believe it but then again facts seem to frighten you so I understand.
Why?, because it is obviously easier to be a parasite. As long as a liberal society decides that you can be a bloodsucker, why would you? Pride is certainly out of the question.
The point is that the US maintained the slave trade here in the US. You need to stay focused. Last warning

you need to admit you have no beef that would be payable by the US government

last warning


Well I warned you. I cant make you look at the facts if you are afraid to debate them. I understand your first attempt was a massive failure but you should keep trying with the other points or develop a better argument against the first one.

perpetually aggreived people like you are alll the same; you THINK people are "afraid" of some truth you're holding. In reality it's all in your head; a mechanism you use to assuage yourself
you need to admit you have no beef that would be payable by the US government

last warning


Well I warned you. I cant make you look at the facts if you are afraid to debate them. I understand your first attempt was a massive failure but you should keep trying with the other points or develop a better argument against the first one.

i'm afraid of nothing; excpet your ignorance. you're smugness, arrogance; and the self-deception that has you thinking you made your case dont bother me at all. At the end of the day your ignorance is yours to deal with

You are afraid. If you were not afraid why did you not debate the points instead of wandering off into outer space trying to tie in everything else? Your running from the points proves you were afraid. What else explains your behavior?
Asc, beating a dead horse is not going to allow you to be any more parasitic than you already are. Get a job and support yourself instead of trying to suck the blood of a society that has obviously given you far more than you're worth.

Btw, give up on the "great black civilization" bit. Anyone who doesn't believe in pixiedust is not buying.

Why would I get a job? You must be stupid if you think I would work for someone else. Why would I give up history? You dont have to believe it but then again facts seem to frighten you so I understand.
Why?, because it is obviously easier to be a parasite. As long as a liberal society decides that you can be a bloodsucker, why would you? Pride is certainly out of the question.

But I'm not a parasite. I make very good money. Why would i throw that away working for someone else?
Who should get reparations? Black people who can't show that they descended from slaves? Black people who descended from those who kidnapped the slaves and sold them to the British slave traders? Descendants of black people who owned slaves themselves? Black people who have enjoyed much above average prosperity? Those black people who have benefitted greatly because somebody dragged their ancestors over here on slave ships? Who?

And who should pay the reparations? Descendants of those who fought a civil war to free the slaves? Those or descendants of those who fought for civil rights and restitution for black people? Those who put their reputations and sometimes their fortunes on the line to end segregation?

. . . .First off, let me say that I agree with reparations advocates that slavery was a horrible, despicable violation of basic human rights. I'd also agree that were it possible slave owners should make reparations to those whom they enslaved. The problem, of course, is both slaves as well as their owners are all dead. Thus, punishing perpetrators and compensating victims is out of the hands of the living. Reparations advocates, however, want today's blacks to be compensated for the suffering of our ancestors.

If we acknowledge that government has no resources of its very own, and that to give one American a dollar government must first confiscate it from some other American, we might ask what moral principle justifies forcing a white of today to pay a black of today for what a white of yesteryear did to a black of yesteryear? We might also recognize that a large percentage of today's Americans, be they of European, Asian, African or Latin ancestry, don't even go back three or four generations. Are they to be held accountable and taxed for slavery and why?

Then there's the fact that white slave owners aren't the only villains in the piece. In Africa, Moslems dominated the slave trade in the 18th and 19th centuries. Africans also engaged in slave trade with Europeans. In fact, there was plantation slavery in some parts of Africa such as the Sudan, Zanzibar and Egypt. Thus, a natural question arises: Do reparations advocates hold those who sold blacks into slavery subject to reparations payments? After all slavery, of the scale seen in the western hemisphere, would have been all but impossible without the help of Africans and Arabs. Incidentally, President Clinton apologizing for slavery in Africa, of all places, is stupid - apologizing to descendants of slave traders for slavery in America.

Though it's not politically correct to say, today's blacks benefitted immensely from the horrors suffered by our ancestors. You say, "What do you mean, Williams? Would you run that by us?"

Most black Americans are in the solid middle class. In fact, if we totaled the income black Americans earned each year, and thought of ourselves as a separate nation, we'd be the 14th or 15th richest nation. Even the 34 percent of blacks considered to be poor are fairly well off by world standards. Had there not been slavery, and today's blacks were born in Africa instead of the U.S., we'd be living in the same poverty that today's Africans live in and under the same brutal regimes.

If reparations were to be made, then what? Would reparations payments accomplish what the six trillion dollars spent since 1965 on the War on Poverty didn't? Let's face the fact that there's not one thing anyone can do to change the past. There's a lot we can do about the future. Dwelling on the past comes at the expense of preparing for the future. . . .
--Walter Williams
Reparations for Slavery

Black people that are descended from slaves should get reparations. If they cant prove it then they don't get reparations.

The US government will be paying the reparations just like they paid for the reparations for the Japanese. The money would come from taxes just like it does when we got to war.

yawn. we paid reparations to the descendents of interred japanese? not the actual people?

are you sure? and of course; your own people enslaved your ancesters and brought them here; the US government had nothing to do with it
Well I warned you. I cant make you look at the facts if you are afraid to debate them. I understand your first attempt was a massive failure but you should keep trying with the other points or develop a better argument against the first one.

i'm afraid of nothing; excpet your ignorance. you're smugness, arrogance; and the self-deception that has you thinking you made your case dont bother me at all. At the end of the day your ignorance is yours to deal with

You are afraid. If you were not afraid why did you not debate the points instead of wandering off into outer space trying to tie in everything else? Your running from the points proves you were afraid. What else explains your behavior?

i addressed every non-point you made...........repeatedly

you cannot frighten me in any way
Who should get reparations? Black people who can't show that they descended from slaves? Black people who descended from those who kidnapped the slaves and sold them to the British slave traders? Descendants of black people who owned slaves themselves? Black people who have enjoyed much above average prosperity? Those black people who have benefitted greatly because somebody dragged their ancestors over here on slave ships? Who?

And who should pay the reparations? Descendants of those who fought a civil war to free the slaves? Those or descendants of those who fought for civil rights and restitution for black people? Those who put their reputations and sometimes their fortunes on the line to end segregation?

Black people that are descended from slaves should get reparations. If they cant prove it then they don't get reparations.

The US government will be paying the reparations just like they paid for the reparations for the Japanese. The money would come from taxes just like it does when we got to war.

yawn. we paid reparations to the descendents of interred japanese? not the actual people?

are you sure? and of course; your own people enslaved your ancesters and brought them here; the US government had nothing to do with it

Yes we paid reparations to some of the descendants. However thats not the point. You still havent gotten past the reparations being owed. Your latching onto this descendant thing tells me you have no confidence in your first point and looking for something else instead.
Well I warned you. I cant make you look at the facts if you are afraid to debate them. I understand your first attempt was a massive failure but you should keep trying with the other points or develop a better argument against the first one.

i'm afraid of nothing; excpet your ignorance. you're smugness, arrogance; and the self-deception that has you thinking you made your case dont bother me at all. At the end of the day your ignorance is yours to deal with

You are afraid. If you were not afraid why did you not debate the points instead of wandering off into outer space trying to tie in everything else? Your running from the points proves you were afraid. What else explains your behavior?

no outer space about it genius.

1. you havent been aggreived; which is the point that you are making; that since your ancesters didnt get reparations; your "legacy" lacks. unprovable in your own words. not outer space; try again

2. your ancesters brought your ANCESTERS here; the "sanctioning" by the US government had nothing to do with what brought them here. and AGAIN; you havent been harmed by it
Black people that are descended from slaves should get reparations. If they cant prove it then they don't get reparations.

The US government will be paying the reparations just like they paid for the reparations for the Japanese. The money would come from taxes just like it does when we got to war.

yawn. we paid reparations to the descendents of interred japanese? not the actual people?

are you sure? and of course; your own people enslaved your ancesters and brought them here; the US government had nothing to do with it

Yes we paid reparations to some of the descendants. However thats not the point. You still havent gotten past the reparations being owed. Your latching onto this descendant thing tells me you have no confidence in your first point and looking for something else instead.

not "latching on", you simply havent been aggreived. it's that simple
i'm afraid of nothing; excpet your ignorance. you're smugness, arrogance; and the self-deception that has you thinking you made your case dont bother me at all. At the end of the day your ignorance is yours to deal with

You are afraid. If you were not afraid why did you not debate the points instead of wandering off into outer space trying to tie in everything else? Your running from the points proves you were afraid. What else explains your behavior?

i addressed every non-point you made...........repeatedly

you cannot frighten me in any way

No. You are afraid. You only addressed one point and became enraged when I proved your logic wrong. You shouldn't get emotional if you have a valid point. You just look stupid.
yawn. we paid reparations to the descendents of interred japanese? not the actual people?

are you sure? and of course; your own people enslaved your ancesters and brought them here; the US government had nothing to do with it

Yes we paid reparations to some of the descendants. However thats not the point. You still havent gotten past the reparations being owed. Your latching onto this descendant thing tells me you have no confidence in your first point and looking for something else instead.

not "latching on", you simply havent been aggreived. it's that simple

I already told you your conjecture is not a fact.
Black people that are descended from slaves should get reparations. If they cant prove it then they don't get reparations.

The US government will be paying the reparations just like they paid for the reparations for the Japanese. The money would come from taxes just like it does when we got to war.

yawn. we paid reparations to the descendents of interred japanese? not the actual people?

are you sure? and of course; your own people enslaved your ancesters and brought them here; the US government had nothing to do with it

Yes we paid reparations to some of the descendants. However thats not the point. You still havent gotten past the reparations being owed. Your latching onto this descendant thing tells me you have no confidence in your first point and looking for something else instead.

you're afraid of the descendent point because you simply have no case for you receiving anything from the US government. it's that simple
You are afraid. If you were not afraid why did you not debate the points instead of wandering off into outer space trying to tie in everything else? Your running from the points proves you were afraid. What else explains your behavior?

i addressed every non-point you made...........repeatedly

you cannot frighten me in any way

No. You are afraid. You only addressed one point and became enraged when I proved your logic wrong. You shouldn't get emotional if you have a valid point. You just look stupid.

not "enraged" at all: dont flatter yourself; honestly you're a joke in my book
Yes we paid reparations to some of the descendants. However thats not the point. You still havent gotten past the reparations being owed. Your latching onto this descendant thing tells me you have no confidence in your first point and looking for something else instead.

not "latching on", you simply havent been aggreived. it's that simple

I already told you your conjecture is not a fact.


and i've already told you that you are provided more conjecture than i have; and less facts
i'm afraid of nothing; excpet your ignorance. you're smugness, arrogance; and the self-deception that has you thinking you made your case dont bother me at all. At the end of the day your ignorance is yours to deal with

You are afraid. If you were not afraid why did you not debate the points instead of wandering off into outer space trying to tie in everything else? Your running from the points proves you were afraid. What else explains your behavior?

no outer space about it genius.

1. you havent been aggreived; which is the point that you are making; that since your ancesters didnt get reparations; your "legacy" lacks. unprovable in your own words. not outer space; try again

2. your ancesters brought your ANCESTERS here; the "sanctioning" by the US government had nothing to do with what brought them here. and AGAIN; you havent been harmed by it

Look man. You are devolving at this point. Your spelling is getting worse. You are not making sense. You are all over the place. I know you are enraged and frightened but just take a breath and calm down. Present your case with facts not conjecture. Are you even a little embarrassed at yourself?
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