Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Amistad-like accomodations. You would actually get to feel what slaves felt, not your present pompous-doofus act of fake suffering.

No thanks. I wouldnt subject anyone to that sort of experience. it does show the savagery inherent in some of you white people.

No, it was just to have you experience what they felt, because you've never suffered and complain NON-FUCKING-STOP about getting paid for nothing!!!! :lol:

Who asked to experience it? That suggestion came from you. I'm not complaining about anything. Me pointing out the merits of reparations bothers you. I get it. Dont call it complaining though.
Who should get reparations? Black people who can't show that they descended from slaves? Black people who descended from those who kidnapped the slaves and sold them to the British slave traders? Descendants of black people who owned slaves themselves? Black people who have enjoyed much above average prosperity? Those black people who have benefitted greatly because somebody dragged their ancestors over here on slave ships? Who?

And who should pay the reparations? Descendants of those who fought a civil war to free the slaves? Those or descendants of those who fought for civil rights and restitution for black people? Those who put their reputations and sometimes their fortunes on the line to end segregation?

. . . .First off, let me say that I agree with reparations advocates that slavery was a horrible, despicable violation of basic human rights. I'd also agree that were it possible slave owners should make reparations to those whom they enslaved. The problem, of course, is both slaves as well as their owners are all dead. Thus, punishing perpetrators and compensating victims is out of the hands of the living. Reparations advocates, however, want today's blacks to be compensated for the suffering of our ancestors.

If we acknowledge that government has no resources of its very own, and that to give one American a dollar government must first confiscate it from some other American, we might ask what moral principle justifies forcing a white of today to pay a black of today for what a white of yesteryear did to a black of yesteryear? We might also recognize that a large percentage of today's Americans, be they of European, Asian, African or Latin ancestry, don't even go back three or four generations. Are they to be held accountable and taxed for slavery and why?

Then there's the fact that white slave owners aren't the only villains in the piece. In Africa, Moslems dominated the slave trade in the 18th and 19th centuries. Africans also engaged in slave trade with Europeans. In fact, there was plantation slavery in some parts of Africa such as the Sudan, Zanzibar and Egypt. Thus, a natural question arises: Do reparations advocates hold those who sold blacks into slavery subject to reparations payments? After all slavery, of the scale seen in the western hemisphere, would have been all but impossible without the help of Africans and Arabs. Incidentally, President Clinton apologizing for slavery in Africa, of all places, is stupid - apologizing to descendants of slave traders for slavery in America.

Though it's not politically correct to say, today's blacks benefitted immensely from the horrors suffered by our ancestors. You say, "What do you mean, Williams? Would you run that by us?"

Most black Americans are in the solid middle class. In fact, if we totaled the income black Americans earned each year, and thought of ourselves as a separate nation, we'd be the 14th or 15th richest nation. Even the 34 percent of blacks considered to be poor are fairly well off by world standards. Had there not been slavery, and today's blacks were born in Africa instead of the U.S., we'd be living in the same poverty that today's Africans live in and under the same brutal regimes.

If reparations were to be made, then what? Would reparations payments accomplish what the six trillion dollars spent since 1965 on the War on Poverty didn't? Let's face the fact that there's not one thing anyone can do to change the past. There's a lot we can do about the future. Dwelling on the past comes at the expense of preparing for the future. . . .
--Walter Williams
Reparations for Slavery

Black people that are descended from slaves should get reparations. If they cant prove it then they don't get reparations.

The US government will be paying the reparations just like they paid for the reparations for the Japanese. The money would come from taxes just like it does when we got to war.

So even though you were never a slave, if you can prove that an ancester was a slave, you get reparations. And even though I nor anybody in my ancestry had anything to do with slavery--even if my ancesters were among those who spilled their blood and lost fortunes to free yours, I should have to pay you reparations?

You don't see a problem with that? Why shouldn't you have to pay me reparations?
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Nope, can't come back. But with all your talent and the 50 bucks you'll be given when you get there, I'm sure you'll be happy. I'll even throw in some ribs, a case of Colt 45, and your choice of rap cd's. Deal?


No deal. I know that seems like a lot to you but its really not up to my standards. You are pretty low class but then again you have proven that on numerous occasions. Also if you insist on not coming back I need a buyout of my business interests and real estate I have here in the US. If you cant afford that then i understand.
Well, I don't want your crack business (don't care for the clientele) but it can't be worth that much. And your real estate? I doubt if cardboard boxes are that expensive, so yeah, you've got a deal.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

If we have to repay them, then whoever takes money also has to go back to where their ancestors came from.
The Washington Times Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Great Emancipator was almost the Great Colonizer: Newly released documents show that to a greater degree than historians had previously known, President Lincoln laid the groundwork to ship freed slaves overseas to help prevent racial strife in the U.S.

Just after he issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, Lincoln authorized plans to pursue a freedmen’s settlement in present-day Belize and another in Guyana, both colonial possessions of Great Britain at the time, said Phillip W. Magness, one of the researchers who uncovered the new documents.

Historians have debated how seriously Lincoln took colonization efforts, but Mr. Magness said the story he uncovered, to be published next week in a book, “Colonization After Emancipation: Lincoln and the Movement for Black Resettlement,” shows the president didn’t just flirt with the idea, as historians had previously known, but that he personally pursued it for some time.
Book: Lincoln sought to deport freed slaves - Washington Times

This is common knowledge to anyone who rejects or quesions the notion of Lincoln being romanticized as some great humanitarian and "emancipator", and searched for the truth.

This truth should be written into history books and taught in all primary and secondary school curriculums.
Dave Chappelle already covered this topic:

[ame=]Dave chappelle slavery reperations - YouTube[/ame]
Nope, can't come back. But with all your talent and the 50 bucks you'll be given when you get there, I'm sure you'll be happy. I'll even throw in some ribs, a case of Colt 45, and your choice of rap cd's. Deal?


No deal. I know that seems like a lot to you but its really not up to my standards. You are pretty low class but then again you have proven that on numerous occasions. Also if you insist on not coming back I need a buyout of my business interests and real estate I have here in the US. If you cant afford that then i understand.
Well, I don't want your crack business (don't care for the clientele) but it can't be worth that much. And your real estate? I doubt if cardboard boxes are that expensive, so yeah, you've got a deal.

I dont engage in anything that harms people. Besides being white you know how meth is messing your life up so I understand why you would be reluctant to take on a crack enterprise. Cardboard boxes are not real estate. Did you live in one before and someone told you it was? I want you to understand the full monetary implications of agreement before you commit. We are talking 7 single family homes and a apartment complex right across the street from UC Berkeley. How do you feel about that so far?
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Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

If we have to repay them, then whoever takes money also has to go back to where their ancestors came from.

I haven't kidnapped anybody, nor did any of my ancestors so far as I know. I haven't enslaved anybody nor did any of my ancestors so far as I know. According to the family lore, I do have some ancestors who bought a farm that included the slaves on it. They freed the slaves who opted to stay on as paid servants. A win win proposition for all.

Also some of my ancestors were burned out and lost everything in the Civil War and others died in the war. Had that not happened, I might not have gone without many things I have had to go without over a lifetime. Maybe I would be richer or more powerful or something. Where are my reparations for that?

Okay I am being intentionally silly here, but there is some cold, hard logic behind the silliness. For people now who are privileged to live in the greatest country in the world that offers them unlimited opportunity and prosperity beyond anything they could have expected in their ancestral countries to expect somebody to pay them because their ancestors were mistreated. . . .there is probably nobody living on Earth who couldn't go back to a time their ancestors were mistreated by somebody. The whole concept is absurd on the face of it.
Hey stupid, slavery wasn't sanctioned by the US government. They have no culpability. If you think you have a claim then you need to go after the idiot that made you that promise. Good luck!

Asclapus is a lazy ass punk that wants something for nothing.

Hey Asclapius, prove you're a descendant of slaves!!

Thanks liar. I knew you could be counted on to provide some examples of how stupid you are and actually help my case.

By washing their hands of the issue and letting the states decide, the US government sanctioned it. They made no laws to forbid it like they later did by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.

Who should get reparations? Black people who can't show that they descended from slaves? Black people who descended from those who kidnapped the slaves and sold them to the British slave traders? Descendants of black people who owned slaves themselves? Black people who have enjoyed much above average prosperity? Those black people who have benefitted greatly because somebody dragged their ancestors over here on slave ships? Who?

And who should pay the reparations? Descendants of those who fought a civil war to free the slaves? Those or descendants of those who fought for civil rights and restitution for black people? Those who put their reputations and sometimes their fortunes on the line to end segregation?

. . . .First off, let me say that I agree with reparations advocates that slavery was a horrible, despicable violation of basic human rights. I'd also agree that were it possible slave owners should make reparations to those whom they enslaved. The problem, of course, is both slaves as well as their owners are all dead. Thus, punishing perpetrators and compensating victims is out of the hands of the living. Reparations advocates, however, want today's blacks to be compensated for the suffering of our ancestors.

If we acknowledge that government has no resources of its very own, and that to give one American a dollar government must first confiscate it from some other American, we might ask what moral principle justifies forcing a white of today to pay a black of today for what a white of yesteryear did to a black of yesteryear? We might also recognize that a large percentage of today's Americans, be they of European, Asian, African or Latin ancestry, don't even go back three or four generations. Are they to be held accountable and taxed for slavery and why?

Then there's the fact that white slave owners aren't the only villains in the piece. In Africa, Moslems dominated the slave trade in the 18th and 19th centuries. Africans also engaged in slave trade with Europeans. In fact, there was plantation slavery in some parts of Africa such as the Sudan, Zanzibar and Egypt. Thus, a natural question arises: Do reparations advocates hold those who sold blacks into slavery subject to reparations payments? After all slavery, of the scale seen in the western hemisphere, would have been all but impossible without the help of Africans and Arabs. Incidentally, President Clinton apologizing for slavery in Africa, of all places, is stupid - apologizing to descendants of slave traders for slavery in America.

Though it's not politically correct to say, today's blacks benefitted immensely from the horrors suffered by our ancestors. You say, "What do you mean, Williams? Would you run that by us?"

Most black Americans are in the solid middle class. In fact, if we totaled the income black Americans earned each year, and thought of ourselves as a separate nation, we'd be the 14th or 15th richest nation. Even the 34 percent of blacks considered to be poor are fairly well off by world standards. Had there not been slavery, and today's blacks were born in Africa instead of the U.S., we'd be living in the same poverty that today's Africans live in and under the same brutal regimes.

If reparations were to be made, then what? Would reparations payments accomplish what the six trillion dollars spent since 1965 on the War on Poverty didn't? Let's face the fact that there's not one thing anyone can do to change the past. There's a lot we can do about the future. Dwelling on the past comes at the expense of preparing for the future. . . .
--Walter Williams
Reparations for Slavery

Black people that are descended from slaves should get reparations. If they cant prove it then they don't get reparations.

The US government will be paying the reparations just like they paid for the reparations for the Japanese. The money would come from taxes just like it does when we got to war.

Prove you're a descendant from slaves!!

The Japanese were never slaves you moron!!!

Apples and oranges!!
No deal. I know that seems like a lot to you but its really not up to my standards. You are pretty low class but then again you have proven that on numerous occasions. Also if you insist on not coming back I need a buyout of my business interests and real estate I have here in the US. If you cant afford that then i understand.
Well, I don't want your crack business (don't care for the clientele) but it can't be worth that much. And your real estate? I doubt if cardboard boxes are that expensive, so yeah, you've got a deal.

I dont engage in anything that harms people. Besides being white you know how meth is messing your life up so I understand why you would be reluctant to take on a crack enterprise. Cardboard boxes are not real estate. Did you live in one before and someone told you it was? I want you to understand the full monetary implications of agreement before you commit. We are talking 7 single family homes and a apartment complex right across the street from UC Berkeley. How do you feel about that so far?
I think it's pretty funny. The term "delusions of grandeur" comes to mind. Yell ya what, I'll throw in a case of Ripple, plus you can keep the crack, and that's my final offer but you have to take all your criminal friends with you. That has to be part of the deal. I'm not worried about the cost because there are about 300 million law abiding American citizens who would be happy to kick in a buck or two to clean up their neighborhoods. The whole country will be like Beverly Hills and it'll be safe for old people to come out of their houses once you're gone.
Well, I don't want your crack business (don't care for the clientele) but it can't be worth that much. And your real estate? I doubt if cardboard boxes are that expensive, so yeah, you've got a deal.

I dont engage in anything that harms people. Besides being white you know how meth is messing your life up so I understand why you would be reluctant to take on a crack enterprise. Cardboard boxes are not real estate. Did you live in one before and someone told you it was? I want you to understand the full monetary implications of agreement before you commit. We are talking 7 single family homes and a apartment complex right across the street from UC Berkeley. How do you feel about that so far?
I think it's pretty funny. The term "delusions of grandeur" comes to mind. Yell ya what, I'll throw in a case of Ripple, plus you can keep the crack, and that's my final offer but you have to take all your criminal friends with you. That has to be part of the deal. I'm not worried about the cost because there are about 300 million law abiding American citizens who would be happy to kick in a buck or two to clean up their neighborhoods. The whole country will be like Beverly Hills and it'll be safe for old people to come out of their houses once you're gone.

I think its pretty funny you dont understand that a case of Ripple wouldnt qualify as a door mat on my property. Well you had your chance. I'm taking my agreement off the table. I cant deal with low budget, low class people when talking business. It never works out.
I dont engage in anything that harms people. Besides being white you know how meth is messing your life up so I understand why you would be reluctant to take on a crack enterprise. Cardboard boxes are not real estate. Did you live in one before and someone told you it was? I want you to understand the full monetary implications of agreement before you commit. We are talking 7 single family homes and a apartment complex right across the street from UC Berkeley. How do you feel about that so far?
I think it's pretty funny. The term "delusions of grandeur" comes to mind. Yell ya what, I'll throw in a case of Ripple, plus you can keep the crack, and that's my final offer but you have to take all your criminal friends with you. That has to be part of the deal. I'm not worried about the cost because there are about 300 million law abiding American citizens who would be happy to kick in a buck or two to clean up their neighborhoods. The whole country will be like Beverly Hills and it'll be safe for old people to come out of their houses once you're gone.

I think its pretty funny you dont understand that a case of Ripple wouldnt qualify as a door mat on my property. Well you had your chance. I'm taking my agreement off the table. I cant deal with low budget, low class people when talking business. It never works out.

all the money and all the schooling in the world couldnt make you anything more than the low-rent, perpetually-aggrieved bigot you are

mommy mommy!! it offends my sense of racial pride that my ancesters were abused by people of another race!! and i just cant handle the fact my own people put them in that position!!1

i want somebody to pay me!!!
I dont engage in anything that harms people. Besides being white you know how meth is messing your life up so I understand why you would be reluctant to take on a crack enterprise. Cardboard boxes are not real estate. Did you live in one before and someone told you it was? I want you to understand the full monetary implications of agreement before you commit. We are talking 7 single family homes and a apartment complex right across the street from UC Berkeley. How do you feel about that so far?
I think it's pretty funny. The term "delusions of grandeur" comes to mind. Yell ya what, I'll throw in a case of Ripple, plus you can keep the crack, and that's my final offer but you have to take all your criminal friends with you. That has to be part of the deal. I'm not worried about the cost because there are about 300 million law abiding American citizens who would be happy to kick in a buck or two to clean up their neighborhoods. The whole country will be like Beverly Hills and it'll be safe for old people to come out of their houses once you're gone.

I think its pretty funny you dont understand that a case of Ripple wouldnt qualify as a door mat on my property. Well you had your chance. I'm taking my agreement off the table. I cant deal with low budget, low class people when talking business. It never works out.

^^^^^^^says the man who comes a begging^^^^^^^^^

Tooooooo funny
but mommy mommy!!!

the US government didnt do anything to stop it then; so if my ancesters couldnt collect some reparations i want it now to soothe this inner rage!!!
things will never be "right" until the US government pays ME money for stuff that happened to other people!!!!!!

I think it's pretty funny. The term "delusions of grandeur" comes to mind. Yell ya what, I'll throw in a case of Ripple, plus you can keep the crack, and that's my final offer but you have to take all your criminal friends with you. That has to be part of the deal. I'm not worried about the cost because there are about 300 million law abiding American citizens who would be happy to kick in a buck or two to clean up their neighborhoods. The whole country will be like Beverly Hills and it'll be safe for old people to come out of their houses once you're gone.

I think its pretty funny you dont understand that a case of Ripple wouldnt qualify as a door mat on my property. Well you had your chance. I'm taking my agreement off the table. I cant deal with low budget, low class people when talking business. It never works out.

^^^^^^^says the man who comes a begging^^^^^^^^^

Tooooooo funny

Who is begging? Debt collection is not begging. Are you accusing your cable provider of begging when you pay your monthly bill?
I think its pretty funny you dont understand that a case of Ripple wouldnt qualify as a door mat on my property. Well you had your chance. I'm taking my agreement off the table. I cant deal with low budget, low class people when talking business. It never works out.

^^^^^^^says the man who comes a begging^^^^^^^^^

Tooooooo funny

Who is begging? Debt collection is not begging. Are you accusing your cable provider of begging when you pay your monthly bill?

Just curious, do you even have any real proof that your ancestors were slaves? Or is being black all you have?
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