Sleepy Joe Biden will be our next President

The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

You just needed to keep filling out ballots for days and days after the election.

No one is "filling" anything out. They are counting. Big difference.

Never in the history of America has such rampant and blatant fraud been engaged in.

10 States are under investigation - two mandatory recounts - the Pennsylvania cesspool where the Communists were stuffing the ballot boxes pretty much out in the open and in Georgia.

Biden took this election by blatant fraud - will America let him and the Communist party get away with it? That remains to be seen.
Roflol. You bozos don’t seem able to comprehend that out of over twenty some people the best you had just barely Squeaked into office over a candidate that the left called a monster, dictator, traitor and everything else under the sun. If he was so great and Trump was so bad it should have been a blow out

Trump bragged about his margin of victory over Hillary and called it historic.

Biden will get more Electoral Votes
Biden reversed Trumps victories in five states
Biden received over 75 million votes
Biden got over 50 percent of the vote, something Trump never dreamed of.
Lol. Is it any wonder that people look at you with that he’s crazy look.
Lol. Hope you still feel that way in a year.
Me, too!
Have no doubt you can hardly wait to pay more for everything. I just hope we can have half the nation back to work by then
Trumps Trade Wars made us pay more for everything and destroyed the markets for our farmers
Lol. If you had a clue on economics you would understand just how crazy you sound right now.
Lol. Hope you still feel that way in a year.
Me, too!
Have no doubt you can hardly wait to pay more for everything. I just hope we can have half the nation back to work by then
Trumps Trade Wars made us pay more for everything and destroyed the markets for our farmers
Lol. If you had a clue on economics you would understand just how crazy you sound right now.

You must be one of those morons who thinks China pays the tariffs
no. I understand that a federally mandated minimum wage will mean higher prices. That a raise on taxes will mean higher prices since companies will pass that on to consumers. I realize that healthcare costs will rise and those will be passed on to consumers. Soon the so called minimum wage will be just as minimum as it is now.
I realize that you don’t understand the whole fair trade thing. All you understand is cheap junk that you need to replace all the time at cheap prices.

You may want to explain that to 3,500 US companies that sued Trump’s Trade Wars with China. At the same time $40+ billions we already spent bailing out US farmers and 20% of farmers filed for bankruptcies.

Some 3,500 U.S. companies sue over Trump-imposed Chinese tariffs

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - About 3,500 U.S. companies, including Tesla Inc (TSLA.O), Ford Motor Co (F.N), Target Corp (TGT.N), Walgreen Co (WBA.O) and Home Depot (HD.N) have sued the Trump administration in the last two weeks over the imposition of tariffs on more than $300 billion (£235.35 billion) in Chinese-made goods.
Of course they don’t like the tarries. If you are making money hand over fist would you want to have someone want to throw a monkey wrench into it? Hell no! The problem that so many seem to not understand is we are making China rich, while we loose. China is not nor ever will be our friend. If they decide that they want us to stop backing South Korea or any other country all they have to do is stop exporting to our dumb asses. They can stop even letting stuff from Ford Motor out. Stop it at the docks. Eventually we will cave because we have become so dependent on cheap junk made by cheap labor.
The only person that believe tariffs paid by the Chinese is Trump. We the consumers pay for the tariffs not the Chinese that is why he got sued by US companies.
Not a single US companies or any categories or technologies or retailers or manufacturers supports trade wars with China. Nobody. Trump is alone.

Trump started this TW 3 years ago and he said it’s very easy. Results China is just jerking us around with no end in sight unless Biden will do something.

You are right China is not a friend and we made them rich but China is a customer and a supplier at the same time. And one of the primary reasons we had a good economy is good trade relations with our trading partners. So it goes both ways.

It is very hard or close to impossible to compete world wide if US products we made here in US then sell it overseas. Example Tesla made in China sell it in Asian markets profits made comes back to mama here in US.

The only way out is totally cut off all trade relationships business with China and that will be catastrophic for both countries especially to poor Americans that depends on cheap products.

I don’t see any solution to this.
Lol. I like how you think it is such a good thing to have more money flowing to China then to the U.S.
You really think that those profits of Teslas will be coming to the US if we increase taxes? Man are you delusional.
sure cheap is good for the left. They buy cheap then replace it again and again. Spend the money and don’t replace it that often. An investment that costs up front but saves in the end.
The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

You just needed to keep filling out ballots for days and days after the election.

No one is "filling" anything out. They are counting. Big difference.

Never in the history of America has such rampant and blatant fraud been engaged in.

10 States are under investigation - two mandatory recounts - the Pennsylvania cesspool where the Communists were stuffing the ballot boxes pretty much out in the open and in Georgia.

Biden took this election by blatant fraud - will America let him and the Communist party get away with it? That remains to be seen.

The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

You just needed to keep filling out ballots for days and days after the election.

No one is "filling" anything out. They are counting. Big difference.

Never in the history of America has such rampant and blatant fraud been engaged in.

10 States are under investigation - two mandatory recounts - the Pennsylvania cesspool where the Communists were stuffing the ballot boxes pretty much out in the open and in Georgia.

Biden took this election by blatant fraud - will America let him and the Communist party get away with it? That remains to be seen.
You can pretty well be sure that no one in power will allow anything to change. If they do then they have to admit voter fraud is a thing and then have to fix it or no one will trust voting nor the results ever again. As it is it is an easy manipulation for those in power to stay in power.
The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

You just needed to keep filling out ballots for days and days after the election.

No one is "filling" anything out. They are counting. Big difference.

Never in the history of America has such rampant and blatant fraud been engaged in.

10 States are under investigation - two mandatory recounts - the Pennsylvania cesspool where the Communists were stuffing the ballot boxes pretty much out in the open and in Georgia.

Biden took this election by blatant fraud - will America let him and the Communist party get away with it? That remains to be seen.

A) You have to prove it. can't.
B) So far, GA and WI will be the only recounts.
C) The longer you drag this out, the worse it looks for Republicans.
The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

You just needed to keep filling out ballots for days and days after the election.

No one is "filling" anything out. They are counting. Big difference.

Never in the history of America has such rampant and blatant fraud been engaged in.

10 States are under investigation - two mandatory recounts - the Pennsylvania cesspool where the Communists were stuffing the ballot boxes pretty much out in the open and in Georgia.

Biden took this election by blatant fraud - will America let him and the Communist party get away with it? That remains to be seen.
Don't kid yourself that this was some kind of mandate because the margin of the popular vote was less than 3%. Hardly a landslide

306 Electoral Votes is a Landslide
That is what Trump declared when he won 306

...and he lost the popular vote.

How would you know? With all the ballot box stuffing how can you tell how many votes he got? :dunno:

In 2016? Geez you guys are nuts.
The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

You just needed to keep filling out ballots for days and days after the election.

No one is "filling" anything out. They are counting. Big difference.

Never in the history of America has such rampant and blatant fraud been engaged in.

10 States are under investigation - two mandatory recounts - the Pennsylvania cesspool where the Communists were stuffing the ballot boxes pretty much out in the open and in Georgia.

Biden took this election by blatant fraud - will America let him and the Communist party get away with it? That remains to be seen.

A) You have to prove it. can't.
B) So far, GA and WI will be the only recounts.
C) The longer you drag this out, the worse it looks for Republicans.

Recounts are unlikely to change anything. Even with Gore, Florida was only a difference of a few hundred, these are thousands.
The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

The polls were grossly off, even more so than in 2016. Yes, they successfully predicted the trend that Trump would lose, but they vastly underestimated his performance in several states and completely flubbed the down ballot. What credibility they did have is pretty much shot at this point.
Even though Biden will win Bigly, he will not win by the 8-10 percent the polls predicted.

Polls failed badly in Florida, Ohio and Texas.
They also were way off the mark in key Senate races
Don’t be silly! Here’s a picture of our new leaders, riding in comfort, being pulled by unidentified lackey.

A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Sure helps that all those ballots that suddenly appeared have his name on them.

Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

I will agree about Trump being bright. He surely is. He did a lot of good for this country and Biden will undo it all. The next four years sure won't be fun for the tax payers in this country.

Oh and if not for the Chinese virus Trump would have won in a landslide and you know it.

Those mail in ballots have Biden’s name on them because Trump told his followers not to use vote by mail

Not hard to figure out is it?

Sure but how many all of a sudden just showed up?

1. Take Detroit. They had 130,000 show up at the end of the day the other day. Every one of them had Biden's name on it. How odd is that??

2. They threw the GOP people who were there to watch out of the office but let he Dem watcher stay.

They then covered all the windows with paper so no one could see in. The GOP watcher who reported this is a lawyer and it was all over Fox the other day. Does sound kind of shady don't you think??

Lots of shady stuff in this election and now we all know why the Dems were pushing the mail in shit so hard.

All of those has been debunked.

1. That depends on what you mean by 130,000 just showed up. Is that mean you just turn on your tv? Did you watch how many mail in ballots was received in Detroit county?

2. WHY is it that the bitchin and complaints come from an unknown people and outsiders. But we don’t hear from the Republicans election committee by itself that are in charge of assigning those poll watchers. Not a single Republican poll watchers assigned that came out they were thrown out or being mistreated. WHY is that? That includes these fraud fraud fraud.

Do you honestly believe that the Republicans that are in charge in those area are so dumb and stupid to let those happened? Those watchers were recruited, oriented, manage long before the election process. That’s always been the process from a long time ago and still the process today. They don’t just show up that day during the process.

The paper board up. That is because it was a general area where people and news media can see the names of the ballots. Those area was not the place for the poll watchers but a general public

LMAO You forgot the fact that they threw the GOP watchers out and left the Dem watchers in. Kinda funny don't you think??
Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

Kind of proves that Democrats didn’t fix the election doesn’t it?If they did, Dems would have won more House and Senate seats

Also proves that voters did not want Trump, doesn’t prove they did not want Republicans
Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

Kind of proves that Democrats didn’t fix the election doesn’t it?If they did, Dems would have won more House and Senate seats

Also proves that voters did not want Trump, doesn’t prove they did not want Republicans

With the amount of votes Biden got Congress should be blue. That's what should have happened and one has to wonder why it didn't happen.
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Sure helps that all those ballots that suddenly appeared have his name on them.

Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

I will agree about Trump being bright. He surely is. He did a lot of good for this country and Biden will undo it all. The next four years sure won't be fun for the tax payers in this country.

Oh and if not for the Chinese virus Trump would have won in a landslide and you know it.
"One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why"

The vast majority of Democrats likely did. Trump is about to lose this election because so many on the right, while still voting for Republican Congressmen/women, voted to kick Trump to the curb.

Wonder no more, that's why.

Well I'm sure after the next four years they will regret that decision. I'd bet the next four years won't be good for the tax payers in this country and that includes your stupid ass.

Hope you enjoy your victory because I doubt anyone else will.

Sorry to disappoint you, loser, but Clinton raised taxes and Obama raised taxes and those were some of the best years for me financially. I'm not concerned in the least if Biden raises taxes.

So you aren't doing well right now?? You want your taxes raised??

You are probably the only one in America that wants that.
No, I'm doing just fine now.

So am I but I doubt America will be doing fine under Biden. Hope you enjoy your taxes getting raised. You will be the only one.

Biden can't raise taxes without the senate. I seriously doubt they'll steal that in Georgia.

They won't get to pack the court.

And PR can suck on their desire to become a state.

PR has been trying for a while but they have to much debt which is why the answer is NO.

Biden has to get by the Senate for anything he wants to do but don't forget. He can write EO's just like Trump and Barry did. He can't write an EO to raise taxes but he sure as hell can write EO's to undo all the good Trump did for this country.

Forgive my ignorance but can you tell me what Trump EO that you called good or help the country.

Sure. He got rid of Barry's business killer EO's and wrote his own that let business expand and hire.

I guess you don't like UE the lowest it had been in 50 years. Jobs all across the country and a great economy. All of which we had before this Chines virus hit.

Looks to me like Trump knew what he was doing. How bout you??
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Sure helps that all those ballots that suddenly appeared have his name on them.

Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

I will agree about Trump being bright. He surely is. He did a lot of good for this country and Biden will undo it all. The next four years sure won't be fun for the tax payers in this country.

Oh and if not for the Chinese virus Trump would have won in a landslide and you know it.

Those mail in ballots have Biden’s name on them because Trump told his followers not to use vote by mail

Not hard to figure out is it?

Sure but how many all of a sudden just showed up?

1. Take Detroit. They had 130,000 show up at the end of the day the other day. Every one of them had Biden's name on it. How odd is that??

2. They threw the GOP people who were there to watch out of the office but let he Dem watcher stay.

They then covered all the windows with paper so no one could see in. The GOP watcher who reported this is a lawyer and it was all over Fox the other day. Does sound kind of shady don't you think??

Lots of shady stuff in this election and now we all know why the Dems were pushing the mail in shit so hard.

All of those has been debunked.

1. That depends on what you mean by 130,000 just showed up. Is that mean you just turn on your tv? Did you watch how many mail in ballots was received in Detroit county?

2. WHY is it that the bitchin and complaints come from an unknown people and outsiders. But we don’t hear from the Republicans election committee by itself that are in charge of assigning those poll watchers. Not a single Republican poll watchers assigned that came out they were thrown out or being mistreated. WHY is that? That includes these fraud fraud fraud.

Do you honestly believe that the Republicans that are in charge in those area are so dumb and stupid to let those happened? Those watchers were recruited, oriented, manage long before the election process. That’s always been the process from a long time ago and still the process today. They don’t just show up that day during the process.

The paper board up. That is because it was a general area where people and news media can see the names of the ballots. Those area was not the place for the poll watchers but a general public

LMAO You forgot the fact that they threw the GOP watchers out and left the Dem watchers in. Kinda funny don't you think??
Never happened
But keep spreading the lie
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Sure helps that all those ballots that suddenly appeared have his name on them.

Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

I will agree about Trump being bright. He surely is. He did a lot of good for this country and Biden will undo it all. The next four years sure won't be fun for the tax payers in this country.

Oh and if not for the Chinese virus Trump would have won in a landslide and you know it.

Those mail in ballots have Biden’s name on them because Trump told his followers not to use vote by mail

Not hard to figure out is it?

Sure but how many all of a sudden just showed up?

1. Take Detroit. They had 130,000 show up at the end of the day the other day. Every one of them had Biden's name on it. How odd is that??

2. They threw the GOP people who were there to watch out of the office but let he Dem watcher stay.

They then covered all the windows with paper so no one could see in. The GOP watcher who reported this is a lawyer and it was all over Fox the other day. Does sound kind of shady don't you think??

Lots of shady stuff in this election and now we all know why the Dems were pushing the mail in shit so hard.

All of those has been debunked.

1. That depends on what you mean by 130,000 just showed up. Is that mean you just turn on your tv? Did you watch how many mail in ballots was received in Detroit county?

2. WHY is it that the bitchin and complaints come from an unknown people and outsiders. But we don’t hear from the Republicans election committee by itself that are in charge of assigning those poll watchers. Not a single Republican poll watchers assigned that came out they were thrown out or being mistreated. WHY is that? That includes these fraud fraud fraud.

Do you honestly believe that the Republicans that are in charge in those area are so dumb and stupid to let those happened? Those watchers were recruited, oriented, manage long before the election process. That’s always been the process from a long time ago and still the process today. They don’t just show up that day during the process.

The paper board up. That is because it was a general area where people and news media can see the names of the ballots. Those area was not the place for the poll watchers but a general public

LMAO You forgot the fact that they threw the GOP watchers out and left the Dem watchers in. Kinda funny don't you think??
Never happened
But keep spreading the lie

Sorry but it did happen. Even though you wish it didn't.

One of the GOP watchers is a lawyer and she was one of the ones who got kicked out. She was on Fox last week. Look around. I'm sure you can find it.
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Sure helps that all those ballots that suddenly appeared have his name on them.

Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

I will agree about Trump being bright. He surely is. He did a lot of good for this country and Biden will undo it all. The next four years sure won't be fun for the tax payers in this country.

Oh and if not for the Chinese virus Trump would have won in a landslide and you know it.

Those mail in ballots have Biden’s name on them because Trump told his followers not to use vote by mail

Not hard to figure out is it?

Sure but how many all of a sudden just showed up?

1. Take Detroit. They had 130,000 show up at the end of the day the other day. Every one of them had Biden's name on it. How odd is that??

2. They threw the GOP people who were there to watch out of the office but let he Dem watcher stay.

They then covered all the windows with paper so no one could see in. The GOP watcher who reported this is a lawyer and it was all over Fox the other day. Does sound kind of shady don't you think??

Lots of shady stuff in this election and now we all know why the Dems were pushing the mail in shit so hard.

All of those has been debunked.

1. That depends on what you mean by 130,000 just showed up. Is that mean you just turn on your tv? Did you watch how many mail in ballots was received in Detroit county?

2. WHY is it that the bitchin and complaints come from an unknown people and outsiders. But we don’t hear from the Republicans election committee by itself that are in charge of assigning those poll watchers. Not a single Republican poll watchers assigned that came out they were thrown out or being mistreated. WHY is that? That includes these fraud fraud fraud.

Do you honestly believe that the Republicans that are in charge in those area are so dumb and stupid to let those happened? Those watchers were recruited, oriented, manage long before the election process. That’s always been the process from a long time ago and still the process today. They don’t just show up that day during the process.

The paper board up. That is because it was a general area where people and news media can see the names of the ballots. Those area was not the place for the poll watchers but a general public

LMAO You forgot the fact that they threw the GOP watchers out and left the Dem watchers in. Kinda funny don't you think??
Never happened
But keep spreading the lie

Sorry but it did happen. Even though you wish it didn't.

One of the GOP watchers is a lawyer and she was one of the ones who got kicked out. She was on Fox last week. Look around. I'm sure you can find it.
Even Republicans backed away from that lie when they were challenged in court
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Sure helps that all those ballots that suddenly appeared have his name on them.

Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

I will agree about Trump being bright. He surely is. He did a lot of good for this country and Biden will undo it all. The next four years sure won't be fun for the tax payers in this country.

Oh and if not for the Chinese virus Trump would have won in a landslide and you know it.

Those mail in ballots have Biden’s name on them because Trump told his followers not to use vote by mail

Not hard to figure out is it?

Sure but how many all of a sudden just showed up?

1. Take Detroit. They had 130,000 show up at the end of the day the other day. Every one of them had Biden's name on it. How odd is that??

2. They threw the GOP people who were there to watch out of the office but let he Dem watcher stay.

They then covered all the windows with paper so no one could see in. The GOP watcher who reported this is a lawyer and it was all over Fox the other day. Does sound kind of shady don't you think??

Lots of shady stuff in this election and now we all know why the Dems were pushing the mail in shit so hard.

All of those has been debunked.

1. That depends on what you mean by 130,000 just showed up. Is that mean you just turn on your tv? Did you watch how many mail in ballots was received in Detroit county?

2. WHY is it that the bitchin and complaints come from an unknown people and outsiders. But we don’t hear from the Republicans election committee by itself that are in charge of assigning those poll watchers. Not a single Republican poll watchers assigned that came out they were thrown out or being mistreated. WHY is that? That includes these fraud fraud fraud.

Do you honestly believe that the Republicans that are in charge in those area are so dumb and stupid to let those happened? Those watchers were recruited, oriented, manage long before the election process. That’s always been the process from a long time ago and still the process today. They don’t just show up that day during the process.

The paper board up. That is because it was a general area where people and news media can see the names of the ballots. Those area was not the place for the poll watchers but a general public

LMAO You forgot the fact that they threw the GOP watchers out and left the Dem watchers in. Kinda funny don't you think??
Never happened
But keep spreading the lie

Sorry but it did happen. Even though you wish it didn't.

One of the GOP watchers is a lawyer and she was one of the ones who got kicked out. She was on Fox last week. Look around. I'm sure you can find it.
Even Republicans backed away from that lie when they were challenged in court

You think all charges of fraud are lies. If Biden were the victim you'd be screaming fraud at the top of your lungs. Since its Trump, everything is a lie.

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