Sleepy Joe Biden will be our next President

The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

In the end, thumped.

And yet, even without all the votes counted, Trump is 4 million above what Hillary 'won' the election with in 2016.

Most importantly, he is 4.5 million votes behind future President Biden

And let’s not forget Electoral Votes........Biden will get 306 compared to the 304 Trump got when he claimed to kick Hillary’s ass
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Your assertion in the first paragraph is being celebrated by you, or is it a caution?

Biden won't be president by Christmas 2021. What that will mean for America and the West is anyones guess.

That is the man Republicans created.
They now must admit that he kicked their ass and never even left his basement

Biden is too busy slurring and drooling to kick anybody’s ass. Lol His supposed victory was engineered by Silicon Valley billionaires & the corporate media.
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The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

You just needed to keep filling out ballots for days and days after the election.

No one is "filling" anything out. They are counting. Big difference.

Trump leading in Pennsylvania UNTIL they start counting in the dead of night with no one watching. democrats needed Wednesday and Thursday to know HOW MANY ballots they needed to add.

Your CCP bosses win no matter who takes the presidency - NO ONE will EVER trust American elections again.
The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

In the end, thumped.

And yet, even without all the votes counted, Trump is 4 million above what Hillary 'won' the election with in 2016.

So? Now the popular vote matters? :)
Biden is running almost 1.5 million more votes ahead of what Hillary got in 2016.

Biden is running almost 1.5 million more votes ahead of what Hillary got in 2016.

I just posted that Trump has already received 4 million more votes than Hillary got in 2016, he's several million behind Joe, and you think he's only got 1.5 more than Hillary had?

Try real coffee, not that unleaded stuff Joe recommends, and wake up.
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Your assertion in the first paragraph is being celebrated by you, or is it a caution?

Biden won't be president by Christmas 2021. What that will mean for America and the West is anyones guess.

That is the man Republicans created.
They now must admit that he kicked their ass and never even left his basement

I'm still confused and I don't mean to be disrespectful, but how does this situation benefit the United States?

You must understand, the world watched Biden/Harris on the trail, in the Primaries and debates. We all saw him and listened. You disliked Trump so much because of "mean words", even as his policies have worked in the vast number of cases, including U.S full energy dependence, massive wage growth and jobs, and instead voted to replace him with two career politicians. One of which, you yourself are stating is suffering from age related decline, the second of whom couldn't achieve 2% support in her Primary.

I'm sorry, I don't see how this is a positive outcome. The level of foreign recruitment of U.S military and intel is going to go through the roof. The economic advantage you've rebuilt gingerly, is about to be taken down again if policies are enacted.

I think the American Establishment thinks the carbon credits against China are going to slow them down. This is why the Paris Accord is artificially promoted as some winning idea.

I'd ask these same intel agencies the following, "what have you seen from communist China that tells you that they are good on their word"? You would have thought they'd wake up by now, especially after the ripping up of the H.K Agreement.
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Your assertion in the first paragraph is being celebrated by you, or is it a caution?

Biden won't be president by Christmas 2021. What that will mean for America and the West is anyones guess.

That is the man Republicans created.
They now must admit that he kicked their ass and never even left his basement
.... and this is something to celebrate?
To your point, although I realize you are trolling... a man who clearly is at the least - senile, who chose a running mate that is popular by no one... not even her own side... won the election.
This truly is a sad testament to what America has become. An illogically divided nation, that has resulted in people digging into their believed ideology - completely ignoring glaring problems within their own side, always without hesitation blaming everything on the other side. And this has resulted in rampant corruption, deplorable people getting elected etc. etc.
It is hard to believe we will get worse before better.
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Sure helps that all those ballots that suddenly appeared have his name on them.

Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

I will agree about Trump being bright. He surely is. He did a lot of good for this country and Biden will undo it all. The next four years sure won't be fun for the tax payers in this country.

Oh and if not for the Chinese virus Trump would have won in a landslide and you know it.
The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

You just needed to keep filling out ballots for days and days after the election.

No one is "filling" anything out. They are counting. Big difference.
Yes that’s it they really started counting only for Biden when Trump had a big lead.


Republican legislatures blocked votes from being counted BEFORE the election and now complain they are being counted after.

Trump told his followers NOT to vote by mail and now complains that mail in votes favor Biden
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Sure helps that all those ballots that suddenly appeared have his name on them.

Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

I will agree about Trump being bright. He surely is. He did a lot of good for this country and Biden will undo it all. The next four years sure won't be fun for the tax payers in this country.

Oh and if not for the Chinese virus Trump would have won in a landslide and you know it.

A pickup in on Pennsylvania district was unloading a few hundred thousand ballots just discovered and they were for Al Franken. Poll workers quickly fixed them to reflect votes for Xiden.
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.

Sure helps that all those ballots that suddenly appeared have his name on them.

Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

I will agree about Trump being bright. He surely is. He did a lot of good for this country and Biden will undo it all. The next four years sure won't be fun for the tax payers in this country.

Oh and if not for the Chinese virus Trump would have won in a landslide and you know it.

Those mail in ballots have Biden’s name on them because Trump told his followers not to use vote by mail

Not hard to figure out is it?
A man who is addled by advanced dementia, a man who can’t string two sentences together, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as President, a man who has never accomplished anything in life.

Is soundly thrashing the man who is the brightest man we have ever elected President.
I can’t help but laugh at stupid leftists. All you fools thought Harris was a shoe in, touting polls that were again proven nothing but propaganda.
IF Harris does win I will certainly get my laughs when the fools finally realize just how much they screwed themselves over.
IF Harris wins I hope republicans treat them just as well as the democrats treated the president. Calling for his impeachment before one day in office. Calling for the administration to be harassed and all the other things. They should start an investigation immediately after the election is called.
The funny part about it in the end...the polls weren't that far off. :)
In the end, thumped.

The polls were grossly off, even more so than in 2016. Yes, they successfully predicted the trend that Trump would lose, but they vastly underestimated his performance in several states and completely flubbed the down ballot. What credibility they did have is pretty much shot at this point.
Note that the House is still blue, though they lost quite a few seats but the Senate is still Red. Kinda funny that. One would think those voting for Biden would also vote Dems across the board. Didn't happen and one has to wonder why.

Kind of proves that Democrats didn’t fix the election doesn’t it?If they did, Dems would have won more House and Senate seats

Also proves that voters did not want Trump, doesn’t prove they did not want Republicans

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