Slime cockkfighter R senate candidate

Yep. [MENTION=19381]Lonestar_logic[/MENTION]

You got me there.

There is no way you can make me believe that torturing animals for fun and profit is a good thing and yes, I will work against you (and Michael Vick, for example) doing it.

Both are illegal in your state, btw so apparently, others there disagree with you. Fact is, people send chickens to do what they don't have the balls to do themselves. You talk big about your guns but you're just another gutless wonder.

Why don't you have the same passion for saving the millions of innocent human life that's aborted as you do for a few chickens?

Why don't you not the change the subject and explain your grotesque view in favor of animal cruelty?

I see nothing wrong with fighting roosters. That's what they are bred to do and it's their purpose in life. Some animals purpose is to feed us, some to entertain, some to be companions. etc....
Dogs no, chickens yes.

Luckily, you're wrong and the people know it.

Only a chicken-shit coward would use chickens to fight for them. Have the balls to fight for yourself.

My opinions are never wrong and in my opinion you are one stupid fuck.

Why don't you have the same passion for saving the millions of innocent human life that's aborted as you do for a few chickens?

You just stated that a chicken is the same as a human fetus. Disgusting and yes, your opinion is wrong and you're a sick SOB.

If you do go to an illegal cockfight, I hope you're caught and go to jail.
Luckily, you're wrong and the people know it.

Only a chicken-shit coward would use chickens to fight for them. Have the balls to fight for yourself.

My opinions are never wrong and in my opinion you are one stupid fuck.

Why don't you have the same passion for saving the millions of innocent human life that's aborted as you do for a few chickens?

You just stated that a chicken is the same as a human fetus. Disgusting and yes, your opinion is wrong and you're a sick SOB.

If you do go to an illegal cockfight, I hope you're caught and go to jail.

You value a chicken more than a human fetus. How many threads have you started about the inhumane act of killing unborn children, and the politicians that support it?

Oh yea, none.
Luckily, you're wrong and the people know it.

Only a chicken-shit coward would use chickens to fight for them. Have the balls to fight for yourself.

My opinions are never wrong and in my opinion you are one stupid fuck.

Why don't you have the same passion for saving the millions of innocent human life that's aborted as you do for a few chickens?

You just stated that a chicken is the same as a human fetus. Disgusting and yes, your opinion is wrong and you're a sick SOB.

If you do go to an illegal cockfight, I hope you're caught and go to jail.

No I stated your passion over one is greater than you passion over the other. I wasn't comparing the two or even suggesting there were equal.

Cockfighting is still legal in New Mexico, Louisiana and Oklahoma.
My opinions are never wrong and in my opinion you are one stupid fuck.

Why don't you have the same passion for saving the millions of innocent human life that's aborted as you do for a few chickens?

You just stated that a chicken is the same as a human fetus. Disgusting and yes, your opinion is wrong and you're a sick SOB.

If you do go to an illegal cockfight, I hope you're caught and go to jail.

No I stated your passion over one is greater than you passion over the other. I wasn't comparing the two or even suggesting there were equal.

Cockfighting is still legal in New Mexico, Louisiana and Oklahoma.

Its not legal in the state you say you can attend cockfights.

Its also not legal in the state this Republican is in.

As for abortion, I will not discuss them as though they are the same or related. If you want to "discuss" abortion, start a different thread but do yourself a favor and stop saying they're the same issue.

I'll reiterate - to compare the two is vile, disgusting and flat out wrong. Its only rw's who would say such a thing and other rw's here have compared non-human animal issues with abortion. Sick, sick, sick.
For the simple fact that I prefer to watch roosters fighting than dogs and I place a higher value on a dog's life than that of a chicken.

Some people put a lower value on the lives of retarded human beings than normal ones. Can we brutally kill them too?

So now you're comparing human life to that of an animal?

Human beings are animals. We're just more intelligent and thus, more self aware than the rest of them. Severely retarded people are neither of those things. They are essentially basic animals. In fact, they may be less than that because animals instinctually know how to survive. A severely retarded human being cannot. They also add nothing to the circle of life; they only consume resources.

So it is okay to kill retarded people for pleasure since their lives are worth less than a rooster?
Some people put a lower value on the lives of retarded human beings than normal ones. Can we brutally kill them too?

So now you're comparing human life to that of an animal?

Human beings are animals. We're just more intelligent and thus, more self aware than the rest of them. Severely retarded people are neither of those things. They are essentially basic animals. In fact, they may be less than that because animals instinctually know how to survive. A severely retarded human being cannot. They also add nothing to the circle of life; they only consume resources.

So it is okay to kill retarded people for pleasure since their lives are worth less than a rooster?

You make a strong argument for the termination of severely retarded "people". I put people in quotes because they are essentially animals by your own reasoning. Throw in a family's right to privacy and you have essentially carried the argument for prochoice to the next level. Why shouldn't a mother and father have the right to euthanize a severely retard child that has an extremely low quality of life and no hope? (note: I am being the devil's advocate in writing this.)
I want to see Congressmen put in a ring like gladiators and go at it.

At least they would have entertainment value. It's better than no value.
Animals are cruel! Ever watch lions attack and kill a zebra (on TV)?

Animals kill other animals for food. That is nature. Lions don't pit zebras against other zebras to watch them kill one another out of some twisted pleasure. Lion's simply hungry. Ya gotta eat, man. There's a difference between killing to eat, and torturing for pleasure.

It's better than spending trillions in deficit spending and then refusing to pass a budget mandated by law.

Making two animals kill each other until they're both screaming, bloody messes is worse than any nonviolent political situation. When blood spills it's worse than any political squawking out there. Do you think what you perceive as bad in the debt debate is worse than the horrors of animal cruelty?
Some people put a lower value on the lives of retarded human beings than normal ones. Can we brutally kill them too?

So now you're comparing human life to that of an animal?

Human beings are animals. We're just more intelligent and thus, more self aware than the rest of them. Severely retarded people are neither of those things. They are essentially basic animals. In fact, they may be less than that because animals instinctually know how to survive. A severely retarded human being cannot. They also add nothing to the circle of life; they only consume resources.

So it is okay to kill retarded people for pleasure since their lives are worth less than a rooster?

I've actually read where people disagree that human beings are animals.

Go figure.
Animals are cruel! Ever watch lions attack and kill a zebra (on TV)?

Animals kill other animals for food. That is nature. Lions don't pit zebras against other zebras to watch them kill one another out of some twisted pleasure. Lion's simply hungry. Ya gotta eat, man. There's a difference between killing to eat, and torturing for pleasure.

It's better than spending trillions in deficit spending and then refusing to pass a budget mandated by law.

Making two animals kill each other until they're both screaming, bloody messes is worse than any nonviolent political situation. When blood spills it's worse than any political squawking out there. Do you think what you perceive as bad in the debt debate is worse than the horrors of animal cruelty?

Yet I've sedan a zebra eaten alive by lions. You are right the the motivation was different. However, the zebra didn't care about the motivation. I am not trying to justify cock fighting. I'm just saying that animals are cruel to other animals in nature.
Animals are cruel! Ever watch lions attack and kill a zebra (on TV)?

Animals kill other animals for food. That is nature. Lions don't pit zebras against other zebras to watch them kill one another out of some twisted pleasure. Lion's simply hungry. Ya gotta eat, man. There's a difference between killing to eat, and torturing for pleasure.

It's better than spending trillions in deficit spending and then refusing to pass a budget mandated by law.

Making two animals kill each other until they're both screaming, bloody messes is worse than any nonviolent political situation. When blood spills it's worse than any political squawking out there. Do you think what you perceive as bad in the debt debate is worse than the horrors of animal cruelty?

Yet I've sedan a zebra eaten alive by lions. You are right the the motivation was different. However, the zebra didn't care about the motivation. I am not trying to justify cock fighting. I'm just saying that animals are cruel to other animals in nature.

Humans have choices.

Non-human animals do not.

I'm vegetarian by choice. The lion doesn't have that choice.
Animals are cruel! Ever watch lions attack and kill a zebra (on TV)?

Animals kill other animals for food. That is nature. Lions don't pit zebras against other zebras to watch them kill one another out of some twisted pleasure. Lion's simply hungry. Ya gotta eat, man. There's a difference between killing to eat, and torturing for pleasure.

It's better than spending trillions in deficit spending and then refusing to pass a budget mandated by law.

Making two animals kill each other until they're both screaming, bloody messes is worse than any nonviolent political situation. When blood spills it's worse than any political squawking out there. Do you think what you perceive as bad in the debt debate is worse than the horrors of animal cruelty?

Yet I've sedan a zebra eaten alive by lions. You are right the the motivation was different. However, the zebra didn't care about the motivation. I am not trying to justify cock fighting. I'm just saying that animals are cruel to other animals in nature.

The lions don't particularly care about whether their food is dead or alive before eating. They want the good stuff, and it's in the thingy they're chasing. Lions don't eat the zebra while it's still alive on purpose. They just hongry. It's Africa, man. Everything's hungry.

The lioness isn't going to saunter up to the gazelle and say "Why hello good sir. I'm quite hungry, and my cubs are, too. May I please have a piece of you thigh and neck for dinner? I'll be most gentle."

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