Small Businesses in NYC Struggling with $15 Minimum Wage

It wasn't consumers. Not all that long ago Wal-Mart had their "made in the USA" posters and placards everywhere. Then they demanded lower and lower and lower supplier costs and the only way to meet this was with foreign manufacturing. The "consumers," were not left with a choice.

First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

They have jobs. They don't pay enough to live on.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

No you're changing the subject. You asked about jobs and I said go to any industrial area and hit all the businesses with the HELP WANTED signs on their building.

They aren't paying any more than Wal Mart or they wouldn't have to put out a sign.

WTF, you've got an excuse for everything. No wonder you're whining for free shit.

Facts aren't excuses and if you had an argument you wouldn't have to try and make every reply about me.
It wasn't consumers. Not all that long ago Wal-Mart had their "made in the USA" posters and placards everywhere. Then they demanded lower and lower and lower supplier costs and the only way to meet this was with foreign manufacturing. The "consumers," were not left with a choice.

First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

They have jobs. They don't pay enough to live on.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

No you're changing the subject. You asked about jobs and I said go to any industrial area and hit all the businesses with the HELP WANTED signs on their building.

They aren't paying any more than Wal Mart or they wouldn't have to put out a sign.

Wrong as always. Some of those places are our customers, and I inquire about the kind of jobs and what they have to offer. Most don't pay too badly, it's just that the company can't find people that can pass the drug test.

I've seen this or I've seen that is not an argument. It's a simply unproveable statement.
It wasn't consumers. Not all that long ago Wal-Mart had their "made in the USA" posters and placards everywhere. Then they demanded lower and lower and lower supplier costs and the only way to meet this was with foreign manufacturing. The "consumers," were not left with a choice.

First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

They have jobs. They don't pay enough to live on.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance
Gotta wonder what they would cost us if there was no Walmart to subsidize them, eh Comrade?

We can wonder what they would have cost us if the practices of places like Wal Mart hadn't run manufacturing to places like China, Thailand etc. Is that what you want to discuss?
Good thing Obama saved you $2500/year.

Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare (the ACA) with a less expensive and more comprehensive health care system years ago. What happened to the replace?

How about the tax "reform" signed by trump and written by ryan? Have you studied that?

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class
john McCain voted no on it and killed it because he was dying and fell on the sword for the cause. You know who I’m talking about right? The guy from Arizona that ran his campaigns on repealing obamacare and then double crossed his voters as his last act?

Should be noted again. McCain allowed his hatred for one person allow himself to go back on his word and promises to the people that elected him.

He's not the only one to do this.
It’s not an individual thing it’s the establishment at work. Obamacare was never going to be repealed. The gop passed it like 100 times while Obama was in office so they could have empty promises to make that appeared real, knowing full well Obama would obviously never sign it. It was theater. When there was a president in office that would clearly have signed it all the sudden they couldn’t get the votes. If that doesn’t tell you this shit is all theater then I don’t know what does.

All McCain had to do was vote yes and it's repealed. That was what he promised and what he ran on.
Right. But why didn’t he? It wasn’t a change of heart it’s because he’s a shill and always has been and he did what a good little shill does for the establishment because he didn’t have to worry about anymore elections. Literally his last act before dying was fucking his constituents and fellow Americans right in their asses. He’s one of the least patriotic men to ever exist in this world.
It wasn't consumers. Not all that long ago Wal-Mart had their "made in the USA" posters and placards everywhere. Then they demanded lower and lower and lower supplier costs and the only way to meet this was with foreign manufacturing. The "consumers," were not left with a choice.

First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

They have jobs. They don't pay enough to live on.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

No you're changing the subject. You asked about jobs and I said go to any industrial area and hit all the businesses with the HELP WANTED signs on their building.

They aren't paying any more than Wal Mart or they wouldn't have to put out a sign.

Wrong as always. Some of those places are our customers, and I inquire about the kind of jobs and what they have to offer. Most don't pay too badly, it's just that the company can't find people that can pass the drug test.
It wasn't consumers. Not all that long ago Wal-Mart had their "made in the USA" posters and placards everywhere. Then they demanded lower and lower and lower supplier costs and the only way to meet this was with foreign manufacturing. The "consumers," were not left with a choice.

First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

They have jobs. They don't pay enough to live on.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

No you're changing the subject. You asked about jobs and I said go to any industrial area and hit all the businesses with the HELP WANTED signs on their building.

They aren't paying any more than Wal Mart or they wouldn't have to put out a sign.

Wrong as always. Some of those places are our customers, and I inquire about the kind of jobs and what they have to offer. Most don't pay too badly, it's just that the company can't find people that can pass the drug test.

When you say "Most don't pay too badly", what is your definition of a decent wage for a low skill worker, because you don't seem to have much of a grasp on what things cost. You think a big flat screen is a sign of wealth. The flat screen I Sony I bought in 2009, sold for $2,500. The RCA Smart TV I'm buying to replace it costs $400. And it's a bigger screen.
So WTF are you suggesting, minimum wage should be based on gas prices/new car prices/movie prices?

I think we should set a minimum wage and have increases automatically linked to the consumer price index

We can’t trust Congress to raise it. They have kicked that can down the road for over ten years

Gee, how about learning a marketable skill...dumbass.

You are applying a solution for a single person to 35 million low skilled workers. Do you have 35 million higher paying jobs available if they ALL learn a more marketable skill?

Who is going to perform low skilled jobs in our workforce?

College Students are learning marketable skills but must work low wage jobs while they learn them

take the illegals out of the equation and the average wage will go up. but you don't support that because you see them as potential dem voters-----------right?
Like hell it will

We can’t count on employers voluntarily raising the wages of low skilled workers

nor should we "count on it".
What your labor is worth is based on your skills, talents, and experience, not some government dictate.
Lets try a liberal myth. OK? if $15/hour is good, why isn't $100/hour better? or $500? Lets make every working person in America a millionaire by making the minimum wage $500/hour. Why wouldn't that work?

Stupid question, to which you already know the answer. Companies were capable of paying a minimum wage equivalent to $25 per hour in terms of today's buying power, in the 1950's, when teenagers truly did make up the majority of the minimum wage work force. As America became richer and richer, less and less of that wealth went to the American workers and more and more to the investor classes.

Successive Republican governments have offloaded the costs of social programs welfare onto the middle class, while the investor classes continue to increase their share of nations' wealth and income. Amazon, which currently pays no taxes whatsoever, is now the most profitable company in America, and New York City was prepared to make the working people of New York pay for the infrastructure and increased transportation costs for their new headquarters. Corporations need to pay their own way - both in infrastructure, and wages.

$1.25 in the 1950s was equivalent to $ 25 today ??? in what universe.
Sounds about right

Workers in the 1950s earned $30-$40 a week. They supported families on that wage with one salary.

$1.25 bought you a lot

not as much as $25 today. NOPE no one could support a FAMILY back then on $40 per week except in real poverty----like no car----probably no phone, ---
maybe a three room apartment ---low end. $25 per hour-----at 40 hours is
$1000 per week for a teenager slinging burgers. why bother to stay in school? anyone got a job for me?

The problem is that very few teenage boys are slinging burgers. It's mostly young single moms with children to support. The average age of minimum wage workers is 27. $1000 per week translates to $750 per week take home, less $200 per week for child care, taking it down to $550 per week, net, after expenses, and our worker still doesn't have healthcare insurance for him/herself or any children they may be supporting. I don't know what rents are like where you live, but where I live, you can't find any apartment much under $800 per month, plus utilities, Much one big enough for a parent and child. Anything family size is over $1000 plus utilities, unless you can get into goverment owned, geared to income housing. The waiting list is currently two years here.

So really, by the time a single mother pays for withholding and taxes, child care, and rent, exactly how much of that glorious $1000 per week, is he or she going to have left, to cover food, clothing, school supplies, transportation, health care, and we're not talking luxury living here Rosie.

Every dollar this worker gets from government income supports costs taxpayers at least $1.25 to collect, process and pay out. Each dollar this employer gives their workers costs the employer $0.78, and the taxpayers $0.22, So, it's a whole lot cheaper for taxpayers to pay a slightly higher price for their goods and services, and lower taxes overall, with the added benefit that it cuts the size of government overall. Since, as you pointed out, the rich pay most of the taxes, they'll get most of the tax savings, thereby further reducing their net cost on the raises. Increasing the money going into the pockets of working Americans will enable them to spend and save, as they were able to do before Reagan changed the tax code, while providing stimulus to the economy by putting more money in the pockets of hard working Americans.

It's time for the rising tide of American prosperity to lift the dinghys as well as the yachts, because these people cannot bail fast enough right now.

totally wrong, what we need are people with the incentive to better themselves, either by getting more education or training, taking on a second job, working harder than the next guy, and taking responsibility for their own lives-----------------THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT YOUR MOMMA, GROW UP!
It wasn't consumers. Not all that long ago Wal-Mart had their "made in the USA" posters and placards everywhere. Then they demanded lower and lower and lower supplier costs and the only way to meet this was with foreign manufacturing. The "consumers," were not left with a choice.

First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

They have jobs. They don't pay enough to live on.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

No you're changing the subject. You asked about jobs and I said go to any industrial area and hit all the businesses with the HELP WANTED signs on their building.

They aren't paying any more than Wal Mart or they wouldn't have to put out a sign.

Wrong as always. Some of those places are our customers, and I inquire about the kind of jobs and what they have to offer. Most don't pay too badly, it's just that the company can't find people that can pass the drug test.

Perhaps they should move on and quit unless drug testing.
First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

No you're changing the subject. You asked about jobs and I said go to any industrial area and hit all the businesses with the HELP WANTED signs on their building.

They aren't paying any more than Wal Mart or they wouldn't have to put out a sign.

Wrong as always. Some of those places are our customers, and I inquire about the kind of jobs and what they have to offer. Most don't pay too badly, it's just that the company can't find people that can pass the drug test.

Perhaps they should move on and quit unless drug testing.

They could, but then their workman's comp insurance increases. I'm against testing myself, but it is the way businesses try to reduce work related injuries. Now there is an increasing number of employers that won't hire you if you smoke legal cigarettes.
First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

No you're changing the subject. You asked about jobs and I said go to any industrial area and hit all the businesses with the HELP WANTED signs on their building.

They aren't paying any more than Wal Mart or they wouldn't have to put out a sign.

Wrong as always. Some of those places are our customers, and I inquire about the kind of jobs and what they have to offer. Most don't pay too badly, it's just that the company can't find people that can pass the drug test.
First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

No you're changing the subject. You asked about jobs and I said go to any industrial area and hit all the businesses with the HELP WANTED signs on their building.

They aren't paying any more than Wal Mart or they wouldn't have to put out a sign.

Wrong as always. Some of those places are our customers, and I inquire about the kind of jobs and what they have to offer. Most don't pay too badly, it's just that the company can't find people that can pass the drug test.

When you say "Most don't pay too badly", what is your definition of a decent wage for a low skill worker, because you don't seem to have much of a grasp on what things cost. You think a big flat screen is a sign of wealth. The flat screen I Sony I bought in 2009, sold for $2,500. The RCA Smart TV I'm buying to replace it costs $400. And it's a bigger screen.

My big screen cost me $3,400 five years ago. Of course it's an 80" HD screen with 3D. I bought it at Sam's Club, but at the time, comparable units were selling closer to 5K. Today they are about half that price.

I would say the starting rate for non-skilled labor was about $15.00 an hour, some a little lower or a little higher. One place repaired old pallets and paid piece work. Workers were paid four bucks per pallet. The guy loading my truck said you don't even break a sweat repairing six pallets an hour. The places that paid $18.00 an hour area only went through temp services. That why they could try out the worker for a few months to see how good they work and if they'll stay. Businesses waste a lot of time training people who leave the company in a couple of months. During that time, I don't know what the temp agency pays.
First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

No you're changing the subject. You asked about jobs and I said go to any industrial area and hit all the businesses with the HELP WANTED signs on their building.

They aren't paying any more than Wal Mart or they wouldn't have to put out a sign.

Wrong as always. Some of those places are our customers, and I inquire about the kind of jobs and what they have to offer. Most don't pay too badly, it's just that the company can't find people that can pass the drug test.

I've seen this or I've seen that is not an argument. It's a simply unproveable statement.

A business cannot have a company with workers that are all on welfare. So people are supporting themselves with these jobs. If you don't have physical or mental issues and can't find a decent paying job in this economy, you never will. But as I stated, I think drug usage in our country is what's holding most people back from getting these jobs. If we didn't rob taxpayers to subsidize these people, they just may give up the dope and do something to better themselves and their future. Increase minimum wage, they never will.

I was renting to a couple in their early 20's. They both worked fast food places and didn't have much of anything, but I never had a problem collecting rent the seven years they lived here. Good kids, and it was always my hope they'd crave a better lifestyle and give up the dope to pursue better employment and perhaps a career or trade of some sort. The more minimum wage increases, the less likelihood of that happening.
It wasn't consumers. Not all that long ago Wal-Mart had their "made in the USA" posters and placards everywhere. Then they demanded lower and lower and lower supplier costs and the only way to meet this was with foreign manufacturing. The "consumers," were not left with a choice.

First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

They have jobs. They don't pay enough to live on.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance
Gotta wonder what they would cost us if there was no Walmart to subsidize them, eh Comrade?

We can wonder what they would have cost us if the practices of places like Wal Mart hadn't run manufacturing to places like China, Thailand etc. Is that what you want to discuss?

In addition to the 1.5 US employees, millions of Walmart stakeholders all benefit as well as those whose harned-earned cash goes further thanks to Walmart.

In other words, in the US we get to take the bad with the good and most adults understand that is life. Under socialism one only gets the bad.

You seem to have serious issues with capitalism, Comrade. Allow me to suggest that your life would be far more enjoyable if wasted in some "Worker's Paradise" rather than America.
It wasn't consumers. Not all that long ago Wal-Mart had their "made in the USA" posters and placards everywhere. Then they demanded lower and lower and lower supplier costs and the only way to meet this was with foreign manufacturing. The "consumers," were not left with a choice.

First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

They have jobs. They don't pay enough to live on.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance
Gotta wonder what they would cost us if there was no Walmart to subsidize them, eh Comrade?

We can wonder what they would have cost us if the practices of places like Wal Mart hadn't run manufacturing to places like China, Thailand etc. Is that what you want to discuss?

In addition to the 1.5 US employees, millions of Walmart stakeholders all benefit as well as those whose harned-earned cash goes further thanks to Walmart.

In other words, in the US we get to take the bad with the good and most adults understand that is life. Under socialism one only gets the bad.

Employee's make enough to get off public assistance. Who is being harmed there? An employee can afford to take time off work and see a doctor when they get sick. Who exactly is being harmed there?

You seem to have serious issues with capitalism, Comrade. Allow me to suggest that your life would be far more enjoyable if wasted in some "Worker's Paradise" rather than America.

I support Capitalism. We do not operate under Capitalism. Where in Capitalism do we find bail outs, tariffs and quantitative easing?
First you say it was the consumers and now you say it isn't. Make up your mind.

I haven't seen any Walmart made in American signs, but then I again I seldom shop there. As for supplier costs, yes they do try to get their products lower. I know because we have customers that supply Walmart. In fact my last stop today was from an American company that make products for another customer of ours that supplies Walmart. And I'll probably be heading back there on Monday because we have a different customer that also supplies them.

Other people are living on them, why can't these people you are talking about?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance
Gotta wonder what they would cost us if there was no Walmart to subsidize them, eh Comrade?

We can wonder what they would have cost us if the practices of places like Wal Mart hadn't run manufacturing to places like China, Thailand etc. Is that what you want to discuss?

In addition to the 1.5 US employees, millions of Walmart stakeholders all benefit as well as those whose harned-earned cash goes further thanks to Walmart.

In other words, in the US we get to take the bad with the good and most adults understand that is life. Under socialism one only gets the bad.

Employee's make enough to get off public assistance. Who is being harmed there? An employee can afford to take time off work and see a doctor when they get sick. Who exactly is being harmed there?

You seem to have serious issues with capitalism, Comrade. Allow me to suggest that your life would be far more enjoyable if wasted in some "Worker's Paradise" rather than America.

I support Capitalism. We do not operate under Capitalism. Where in Capitalism do we find bail outs, tariffs and quantitative easing?
Try to remember that without those low-skill Walmart jobs the employees would have no jobs. Do you actually believe that to be the better outcome?

And you do not support capitalism but rather have a childish view that it must be 100% perfect, 100% of the time. Life is messy and people are imperfect and capitalism sucks except when compared to any other economic system.

Grow up.
Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance
Gotta wonder what they would cost us if there was no Walmart to subsidize them, eh Comrade?

We can wonder what they would have cost us if the practices of places like Wal Mart hadn't run manufacturing to places like China, Thailand etc. Is that what you want to discuss?

In addition to the 1.5 US employees, millions of Walmart stakeholders all benefit as well as those whose harned-earned cash goes further thanks to Walmart.

In other words, in the US we get to take the bad with the good and most adults understand that is life. Under socialism one only gets the bad.

Employee's make enough to get off public assistance. Who is being harmed there? An employee can afford to take time off work and see a doctor when they get sick. Who exactly is being harmed there?

You seem to have serious issues with capitalism, Comrade. Allow me to suggest that your life would be far more enjoyable if wasted in some "Worker's Paradise" rather than America.

I support Capitalism. We do not operate under Capitalism. Where in Capitalism do we find bail outs, tariffs and quantitative easing?
Try to remember that without those low-skill Walmart jobs the employees would have no jobs. Do you actually believe that to be the better outcome?

Doesn't matter to me. Help them out because the pay isn't high enough or pay them to stay home. Not my call.

And you do not support capitalism but rather have a childish view that it must be 100% perfect, 100% of the time. Life is messy and people are imperfect and capitalism sucks except when compared to any other economic system.

Grow up.

Everyone supports Socialism when they are the ones benefiting. When we do things that are not Capitalistic it's not because it's not 100% perfect it's because it's not what we are doing.

You condemn a program that helps people when they get sick as Socialism. You say bailing out a business is simply things not being perfect.
Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance
Gotta wonder what they would cost us if there was no Walmart to subsidize them, eh Comrade?

We can wonder what they would have cost us if the practices of places like Wal Mart hadn't run manufacturing to places like China, Thailand etc. Is that what you want to discuss?

In addition to the 1.5 US employees, millions of Walmart stakeholders all benefit as well as those whose harned-earned cash goes further thanks to Walmart.

In other words, in the US we get to take the bad with the good and most adults understand that is life. Under socialism one only gets the bad.

Employee's make enough to get off public assistance. Who is being harmed there? An employee can afford to take time off work and see a doctor when they get sick. Who exactly is being harmed there?

You seem to have serious issues with capitalism, Comrade. Allow me to suggest that your life would be far more enjoyable if wasted in some "Worker's Paradise" rather than America.

I support Capitalism. We do not operate under Capitalism. Where in Capitalism do we find bail outs, tariffs and quantitative easing?
Try to remember that without those low-skill Walmart jobs the employees would have no jobs. Do you actually believe that to be the better outcome?

And you do not support capitalism but rather have a childish view that it must be 100% perfect, 100% of the time. Life is messy and people are imperfect and capitalism sucks except when compared to any other economic system.

Grow up.

The left likes to focus on the lowly self stocking people. Walmart has the best opportunity to move up the ladder. Their managers and assistant managers are doing okay. Their warehouses and office personnel are doing well. I know their truck drivers are doing great. They are offering a starting salary of nearly 90K a year.

Wallmart (like any business) pays people according to their value to the company.
Gotta wonder what they would cost us if there was no Walmart to subsidize them, eh Comrade?

We can wonder what they would have cost us if the practices of places like Wal Mart hadn't run manufacturing to places like China, Thailand etc. Is that what you want to discuss?

In addition to the 1.5 US employees, millions of Walmart stakeholders all benefit as well as those whose harned-earned cash goes further thanks to Walmart.

In other words, in the US we get to take the bad with the good and most adults understand that is life. Under socialism one only gets the bad.

Employee's make enough to get off public assistance. Who is being harmed there? An employee can afford to take time off work and see a doctor when they get sick. Who exactly is being harmed there?

You seem to have serious issues with capitalism, Comrade. Allow me to suggest that your life would be far more enjoyable if wasted in some "Worker's Paradise" rather than America.

I support Capitalism. We do not operate under Capitalism. Where in Capitalism do we find bail outs, tariffs and quantitative easing?
Try to remember that without those low-skill Walmart jobs the employees would have no jobs. Do you actually believe that to be the better outcome?

And you do not support capitalism but rather have a childish view that it must be 100% perfect, 100% of the time. Life is messy and people are imperfect and capitalism sucks except when compared to any other economic system.

Grow up.

The left likes to focus on the lowly self stocking people. Walmart has the best opportunity to move up the ladder. Their managers and assistant managers are doing okay. Their warehouses and office personnel are doing well. I know their truck drivers are doing great. They are offering a starting salary of nearly 90K a year.

Wallmart (like any business) pays people according to their value to the company.

We have covered this many times. Despite that you insist on the same covered argument. Moving up works for a few. It does not work for tens of millions.
Try to remember that without those low-skill Walmart jobs the employees would have no jobs. Do you actually believe that to be the better outcome?
Doesn't matter to me. Help them out because the pay isn't high enough or pay them to stay home. Not my call.
And you do not support capitalism but rather have a childish view that it must be 100% perfect, 100% of the time. Life is messy and people are imperfect and capitalism sucks except when compared to any other economic system. Grow up.
Everyone supports Socialism when they are the ones benefiting. When we do things that are not Capitalistic it's not because it's not 100% perfect it's because it's not what we are doing. You condemn a program that helps people when they get sick as Socialism. You say bailing out a business is simply things not being perfect.
Yes, gov't action is - under extreme circumstances - necessary to save jobs and accumulated wealth from being lost. That isn't socialism, Comrade, nor is it a rational response to capitalism's failures. The Great Depression was caused in part by President Coolidge's failure to act.

And I don't condemn any program that "helps people when they get sick" but I adamantly reject socialism as the answer to the imperfections of capitalism.

BTW, that Walmart Myth you promote is just a myth.

Myth Busted: Taxpayers Are Not Subsidizing Wal-Mart's Low Wages | Investor's Business Daily
We can wonder what they would have cost us if the practices of places like Wal Mart hadn't run manufacturing to places like China, Thailand etc. Is that what you want to discuss?

In addition to the 1.5 US employees, millions of Walmart stakeholders all benefit as well as those whose harned-earned cash goes further thanks to Walmart.

In other words, in the US we get to take the bad with the good and most adults understand that is life. Under socialism one only gets the bad.

Employee's make enough to get off public assistance. Who is being harmed there? An employee can afford to take time off work and see a doctor when they get sick. Who exactly is being harmed there?

You seem to have serious issues with capitalism, Comrade. Allow me to suggest that your life would be far more enjoyable if wasted in some "Worker's Paradise" rather than America.

I support Capitalism. We do not operate under Capitalism. Where in Capitalism do we find bail outs, tariffs and quantitative easing?
Try to remember that without those low-skill Walmart jobs the employees would have no jobs. Do you actually believe that to be the better outcome?

And you do not support capitalism but rather have a childish view that it must be 100% perfect, 100% of the time. Life is messy and people are imperfect and capitalism sucks except when compared to any other economic system.

Grow up.

The left likes to focus on the lowly self stocking people. Walmart has the best opportunity to move up the ladder. Their managers and assistant managers are doing okay. Their warehouses and office personnel are doing well. I know their truck drivers are doing great. They are offering a starting salary of nearly 90K a year.

Wallmart (like any business) pays people according to their value to the company.

We have covered this many times. Despite that you insist on the same covered argument. Moving up works for a few. It does not work for tens of millions.

It works for those who bust their ass to move up. If you are pushing a broom like you're pushing a cart of concrete, of course you're not going places. I have worked at places where there was nowhere to go. I simply found jobs where I could move up in pay or position.
We can wonder what they would have cost us if the practices of places like Wal Mart hadn't run manufacturing to places like China, Thailand etc. Is that what you want to discuss?

In addition to the 1.5 US employees, millions of Walmart stakeholders all benefit as well as those whose harned-earned cash goes further thanks to Walmart.

In other words, in the US we get to take the bad with the good and most adults understand that is life. Under socialism one only gets the bad.

Employee's make enough to get off public assistance. Who is being harmed there? An employee can afford to take time off work and see a doctor when they get sick. Who exactly is being harmed there?

You seem to have serious issues with capitalism, Comrade. Allow me to suggest that your life would be far more enjoyable if wasted in some "Worker's Paradise" rather than America.

I support Capitalism. We do not operate under Capitalism. Where in Capitalism do we find bail outs, tariffs and quantitative easing?
Try to remember that without those low-skill Walmart jobs the employees would have no jobs. Do you actually believe that to be the better outcome?

And you do not support capitalism but rather have a childish view that it must be 100% perfect, 100% of the time. Life is messy and people are imperfect and capitalism sucks except when compared to any other economic system.

Grow up.

The left likes to focus on the lowly self stocking people. Walmart has the best opportunity to move up the ladder. Their managers and assistant managers are doing okay. Their warehouses and office personnel are doing well. I know their truck drivers are doing great. They are offering a starting salary of nearly 90K a year.

Wallmart (like any business) pays people according to their value to the company.

We have covered this many times. Despite that you insist on the same covered argument. Moving up works for a few. It does not work for tens of millions.
Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment through compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, would mean a more productive labor force.

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