Small Hands Rump went after Elizabeth Warren Big Big Mistake. He did the old ugly and dumb routine

So she responded in kind---"We get it, @realDonaldTrump: When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly." , "Do you think you're going to shut us up, @realDonaldTrump? Think again. It's time to answer for your dangerous ideas."--"You care so much about struggling American workers, @realDonaldTrump, that you want to abolish the federal minimum wage?"---"ou feel so much for people with college debt, @realDonaldTrump, that you raked in millions scamming students with Trump University?" "You're so concerned about Wall Street, @realDonaldTrump, that you say you’d “absolutely” repeal Dodd-Frank?" Then Psychopath responded "When asked what gov should stop doing, @realDonaldTrump said overseeing banks! How can you be tough on Wall Street by letting them off?" "@realDonaldTrump: Your policies are dangerous. Your words are reckless. Your record is embarrassing. And your free ride is over." The show just got started , he will be frothing at the mouth and drooling when His little power trip is dumped on by all good Progressives. Thin skin and all, Yup the show just begun.

Lying about being Native American to get special treatment opens you up to criticism.

Fuck her.
"Lying about being Native American".....of course you can prove she lied, right?

Are you contending that Elizabeth Warren never falsely claimed she has Native American ancestry?

Are you contending these were issues affecting society in the last election? Get real man.

Are you contending that Elizabeth Warren never misrepresented her ancestry as Native American? Get real, man.
Got to say you did a great job NOW you'll get the fruits of your labor and I for one can't wait

After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
If you were like trump and not paying your taxes for 20 years while complaining
Got to say you did a great job NOW you'll get the fruits of your labor and I for one can't wait

After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
You think trump not paying his taxes for 20 years was paying his fair share And many of our ultra rich find ways out of paying Who t f do you think makes those laws??
Come April are you going to pay more taxes than the law says you owe?
Lets not get silly here Willow Of course I'm not BUT I don't have the capital to hire law firms and accounting firms to look thru those 1000 pages of tax law and we know all those laws are made by the wealthy for the wealthy
After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
If you were like trump and not paying your taxes for 20 years while complaining
After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
You think trump not paying his taxes for 20 years was paying his fair share And many of our ultra rich find ways out of paying Who t f do you think makes those laws??
Come April are you going to pay more taxes than the law says you owe?
Lets not get silly here Willow Of course I'm not BUT I don't have the capital to hire law firms and accounting firms to look thru those 1000 pages of tax law and we know all those laws are made by the wealthy for the wealthy
Dosen't the legislative branch make laws? Why won't you do what you expect Trump to do? Pay more than the law allows? Are you not being a bit of a hypocrite?
So she responded in kind---"We get it, @realDonaldTrump: When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly." , "Do you think you're going to shut us up, @realDonaldTrump? Think again. It's time to answer for your dangerous ideas."--"You care so much about struggling American workers, @realDonaldTrump, that you want to abolish the federal minimum wage?"---"ou feel so much for people with college debt, @realDonaldTrump, that you raked in millions scamming students with Trump University?" "You're so concerned about Wall Street, @realDonaldTrump, that you say you’d “absolutely” repeal Dodd-Frank?" Then Psychopath responded "When asked what gov should stop doing, @realDonaldTrump said overseeing banks! How can you be tough on Wall Street by letting them off?" "@realDonaldTrump: Your policies are dangerous. Your words are reckless. Your record is embarrassing. And your free ride is over." The show just got started , he will be frothing at the mouth and drooling when His little power trip is dumped on by all good Progressives. Thin skin and all, Yup the show just begun.

Lying about being Native American to get special treatment opens you up to criticism.

Fuck her.
"Lying about being Native American".....of course you can prove she lied, right?

Are you contending that Elizabeth Warren never falsely claimed she has Native American ancestry?

Are you contending these were issues affecting society in the last election? Get real man.

Are you contending that Elizabeth Warren never misrepresented her ancestry as Native American? Get real, man.

I don't really care. But this is all we got last election cycle. No issues, just personality hissyfits. I don't much think that was an accident.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
If you were like trump and not paying your taxes for 20 years while complaining
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
You think trump not paying his taxes for 20 years was paying his fair share And many of our ultra rich find ways out of paying Who t f do you think makes those laws??
Come April are you going to pay more taxes than the law says you owe?
Lets not get silly here Willow Of course I'm not BUT I don't have the capital to hire law firms and accounting firms to look thru those 1000 pages of tax law and we know all those laws are made by the wealthy for the wealthy
Dosen't the legislative branch make laws? Why won't you do what you expect Trump to do? Pay more than the law allows? Are you not being a bit of a hypocrite?

Isn't the entire system hypocritical?
Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
If you were like trump and not paying your taxes for 20 years while complaining
Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
You think trump not paying his taxes for 20 years was paying his fair share And many of our ultra rich find ways out of paying Who t f do you think makes those laws??
Come April are you going to pay more taxes than the law says you owe?
Lets not get silly here Willow Of course I'm not BUT I don't have the capital to hire law firms and accounting firms to look thru those 1000 pages of tax law and we know all those laws are made by the wealthy for the wealthy
Dosen't the legislative branch make laws? Why won't you do what you expect Trump to do? Pay more than the law allows? Are you not being a bit of a hypocrite?

Isn't the entire system hypocritical?
Calling trump supporters full of hate while Clinton Sanders supporters got thuggish and beat the shit out of people is hypocritical.
Don't be a cry baby. We were happy to ally with Putin and Comey and anyone else who could help us defeat Hillary. Pretty cool how Comey swift boated her ass. Your side has the entire MSM on your side, can you really fault us for fighting back by any means possible?
Got to say you did a great job NOW you'll get the fruits of your labor and I for one can't wait

After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
If you were like trump and not paying your taxes for 20 years while complaining
Don't be a cry baby. We were happy to ally with Putin and Comey and anyone else who could help us defeat Hillary. Pretty cool how Comey swift boated her ass. Your side has the entire MSM on your side, can you really fault us for fighting back by any means possible?
Got to say you did a great job NOW you'll get the fruits of your labor and I for one can't wait

After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
You think trump not paying his taxes for 20 years was paying his fair share And many of our ultra rich find ways out of paying Who t f do you think makes those laws??

Bill deducted used underwear to pay as little in taxes as possible.

If you don't use the tax code to your advantage, you're a fucking dipshit.
Look at these asshole snowflakes who refuse to condem Hillary supporters physically assaulting a female Trump supporter attending a Trump rally.

They are fucking cowards and utter snowflake pussies.


Is this hateful?
For supporters of either candidate to claim bad behavior only exists on the other side is really really fucking stupid.

There are very good people on both sides, and there are useless assholes on both sides.

Here we see a bunch of snowflakes physically assaulting a female Trump supporter at a Trump rally.


Is this hate?
We lost, the supreme court will be controlled by hate but it isn't over it just begun. First step get in the way of the thin skinned psychopath and push him over the edge as much as possible and as many times as possible. we may be able to get rid of him that way, a drooling zombie president might want to quit or the party may want the drooler to quit. look how he reacts to simple charges., that will bring more and more back to reality.

Did you think Hilary's "basket of deplorables" comment was hateful?

Your entire election process was hateful, by design, and you bought in.
As opposed to your supporters rioting in the streets? Attacking Trump voters by thugs? Really?


Is it hateful to physically attack a woman because she supports Trump?

Did this bother snowflakes at all, or is it ok to physically assault her because she supports Trump.
No, that is not ok to physically assault someone....when have I ever advocated physical violence REGARDLESS of someone gender, race, etc.?

You seem to advocate rather vehemently that Trump
supporters are universally bad people and Hillary supporters are universally good people.
Did you think Hilary's "basket of deplorables" comment was hateful?

Your entire election process was hateful, by design, and you bought in.
As opposed to your supporters rioting in the streets? Attacking Trump voters by thugs? Really?


Is it hateful to physically attack a woman because she supports Trump?

Did this bother snowflakes at all, or is it ok to physically assault her because she supports Trump.
No, that is not ok to physically assault someone....when have I ever advocated physical violence REGARDLESS of someone gender, race, etc.?

You seem to advocate rather vehemently that Trump
supporters are universally bad people and Hillary supporters are universally good people.

That would be just as silly as the other way 'round.
Cold War is over. Trump knows it. Hillary does not.

No need to imagine blackmail, simply that the two men see reality and they are happy to not have needless conflict.
So we just let MANY years of hacking our system go unpunished? Wonder how Repubs would feel if it was their RNC that was hacked?
Do ewe believe the US does not hack other countries?
I believe we do,,,,,,,,for purposes more noble than what russia and china do to us
Noble lol

Disgruntled Sanders staffers leak emails and you all shit yourselves during the blame game. Please tell me more about nobility lol
Watch as the haters of Russia and Putin just months ago , now support Russia and Putin because the hate party leader tells them to. We can out think these half minds. so we could be the opponents with 1/4 the numbers that the hate party has and we will still win. It won't happen soon but every day every good American Patriot has to take a piece out of the Jig saw puzzle until they total unravel, Small Hands Rump will be easy to take down this way, you know thin skinned and all.
Small hands rump?

What are you ten years old? Juvenile bullshit
Did the DNC do anything illegal while actively fucking over Bernie Sanders?

SuperDelgates :badgrin:

Snowflakes are hilarious.
So we just let MANY years of hacking our system go unpunished? Wonder how Repubs would feel if it was their RNC that was hacked?
Do ewe believe the US does not hack other countries?
I believe we do,,,,,,,,for purposes more noble than what russia and china do to us
Noble lol

Disgruntled Sanders staffers leak emails and you all shit yourselves during the blame game. Please tell me more about nobility lol
Watch as the haters of Russia and Putin just months ago , now support Russia and Putin because the hate party leader tells them to. We can out think these half minds. so we could be the opponents with 1/4 the numbers that the hate party has and we will still win. It won't happen soon but every day every good American Patriot has to take a piece out of the Jig saw puzzle until they total unravel, Small Hands Rump will be easy to take down this way, you know thin skinned and all.
Small hands rump?

What are you ten years old? Juvenile bullshit
Don't be a cry baby. We were happy to ally with Putin and Comey and anyone else who could help us defeat Hillary. Pretty cool how Comey swift boated her ass. Your side has the entire MSM on your side, can you really fault us for fighting back by any means possible?
Got to say you did a great job NOW you'll get the fruits of your labor and I for one can't wait

After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
If you were like trump and not paying your taxes for 20 years while complaining
Don't be a cry baby. We were happy to ally with Putin and Comey and anyone else who could help us defeat Hillary. Pretty cool how Comey swift boated her ass. Your side has the entire MSM on your side, can you really fault us for fighting back by any means possible?
Got to say you did a great job NOW you'll get the fruits of your labor and I for one can't wait

After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
You think trump not paying his taxes for 20 years was paying his fair share And many of our ultra rich find ways out of paying Who t f do you think makes those laws??

You think Trump didn't pay his taxes, are you insane? He's audited by the IRS every year, God we need to get some higher quality libs around here this one's IQ is in single digits.
Got to say you did a great job NOW you'll get the fruits of your labor and I for one can't wait

After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
If you were like trump and not paying your taxes for 20 years while complaining
Got to say you did a great job NOW you'll get the fruits of your labor and I for one can't wait

After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
You think trump not paying his taxes for 20 years was paying his fair share And many of our ultra rich find ways out of paying Who t f do you think makes those laws??

You think Trump didn't pay his taxes, are you insane? He's audited by the IRS every year, God we need to get some higher quality libs around here this one's IQ is in single digits.

You want a lib, but you want him to be smart?


Got to say you did a great job NOW you'll get the fruits of your labor and I for one can't wait

After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
If you were like trump and not paying your taxes for 20 years while complaining
Got to say you did a great job NOW you'll get the fruits of your labor and I for one can't wait

After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
You think trump not paying his taxes for 20 years was paying his fair share And many of our ultra rich find ways out of paying Who t f do you think makes those laws??

You think Trump didn't pay his taxes, are you insane? He's audited by the IRS every year, God we need to get some higher quality libs around here this one's IQ is in single digits.
The last time his taxes were public he paid none NOW he's afraid to showm them ?? Can you really blame anyone for thinking he's afraid of showing them ??? that being the first candidate in many years not to show them?? Even your lying dishonest lol hillary showed hers
After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
If you were like trump and not paying your taxes for 20 years while complaining
After waiting 8 long years to get rid of Obama every anti Trump post is like a delicious desert to me bathed in chocolate and strawberries.
My only retort to you blues is all your hate was severely missplaced

Doubtful, every time I turned around Obama was telling me I'm not paying my fair share, fucker. He can go straight to hell where he belongs.
You think trump not paying his taxes for 20 years was paying his fair share And many of our ultra rich find ways out of paying Who t f do you think makes those laws??

You think Trump didn't pay his taxes, are you insane? He's audited by the IRS every year, God we need to get some higher quality libs around here this one's IQ is in single digits.
The last time his taxes were public he paid none NOW he's afraid to showm them ?? Can you really blame anyone for thinking he's afraid of showing them ??? that being the first candidate in many years not to show them?? Even your lying dishonest lol hillary showed hers

And the $2 billion dollars Hillary's foundation amassed I don't see you demanding a full accounting of that money, shocker.
So we just let MANY years of hacking our system go unpunished? Wonder how Repubs would feel if it was their RNC that was hacked?
Do ewe believe the US does not hack other countries?
I believe we do,,,,,,,,for purposes more noble than what russia and china do to us
Noble lol

Disgruntled Sanders staffers leak emails and you all shit yourselves during the blame game. Please tell me more about nobility lol
Watch as the haters of Russia and Putin just months ago , now support Russia and Putin because the hate party leader tells them to. We can out think these half minds. so we could be the opponents with 1/4 the numbers that the hate party has and we will still win. It won't happen soon but every day every good American Patriot has to take a piece out of the Jig saw puzzle until they total unravel, Small Hands Rump will be easy to take down this way, you know thin skinned and all.

You are delusional.

You might find some partisans who flipped based on slamming Obama/supporting Trump.

But I have been against fucking with Russia since the Wall Fell.
Your a small little puppet.

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