Small Town Furor As Gay Negro Dance Team Marches In Christmas Parade Wearing.........

Do you ever think that they do it just to freak you people out?

Well, that is obvious enough. They are freakish trolls.

Yuppers. I think they made it clear enough. But what could be in the heart of any man or woman to want to piss in a kids cornflakes?

Let alone anyone else on this board to cheer them on for being mean.

There are some weird people on this board.

Even though I am an opponent of homosexual marriage, I have no problem with homosexuality behind closed doors. I don't even mind a debate on this issue of homosexual marriage. But any decent person should oppose this display. This just shows the radical, disruptive, agitating and insidious nature of many of the gay advocates on this board.

So what is terrifying Republicans more? The fact they are "gay" or the fact they are "black"?
They're not 'terrifying' Republicans...

They're OFFENDING people of all political stripes who believe that homosexuality is unclean, creepy, repugnant, filthy and an aberration in the eyes of Man, Nature and God...

Nobody's 'terrified' of Froot Loops...

Repelled, revolted, disgusted, sickened, nauseated, contemptuous... well, mebbe...

The pastor at mass said something really lovely tonight that I think many people on here who invoke Gods name have pretty clearly forgotten:

"Recently someone came up to me and, surprised, said "Father, you truly believe that God is love, don't you?" And I responded, "Of course I do, if God isn't love then this entire world is absurd"."

I believe that if God found anything repugnant, it would be the way in which you hate your fellow man. Because it is hate. And it will eat you alive inside.
Apparently, God DOES find homosexuality abhorrent...

Otherwise, He would not have allowed prohibitions to find their way into virtually all of the major religious belief-systems of the world, past and present...

Latter-day hocus-pocus sophistry (and your pastor's comments) to the contrary notwithstanding...

All of that is a little like having a law against sneaking across the border, but not enforcing it...

Canon law stands squarely against homosexuality; it's just that some modern-day revisionists are advocating to stop enforcing those laws...
Can't blame those good, decent townfolk for not wanting that Gay Shit paraded in front of their kids...

Just normal parents trying to protect their children from some of the filth of the world...

Look at Phyllis Schlafly, considered the mother of the Conservative Movement in the United States.


She homeschooled her children. Had a strong father for her children, a husband she was completely subservient too. Did everything "right".

And still had a gay son.

Or Allen Keyes. Did everything right. Followed the Bible faithfully. A conservative's conservative.

And still had a gay daughter.

Keyes disowned his daughter, Schlafly didn't disown her son.

There is a name for children who are protected from the world. It's "victim". Because they haven't developed the ability to "cope". They were too sheltered.

Don't you understand that we struggle with this?

You seem to really not get it. If you really knew me in my rock and roll days everyone was gay around me :lol:

Picture it. Toronto. I'm working with Rough Trade. Carol Pope for heavens sakes. I was straight. Kevin and her came into Le Chateau and even though she knew I wasn't fair game she helped me get a place on Isabella when I was just a poor soul single mom.

All my buddies were gay. I was perfectly safe. No one hit on me. :eusa_angel: And I danced at the best clubs. David's was to die for.

So I struggle with this. They were my best friends. It's a real deal. It hurts.

You had gay friends and it "hurt"? Sorry, that makes no sense to me. Where is the "hurt"?
Well, that is obvious enough. They are freakish trolls.

Yuppers. I think they made it clear enough. But what could be in the heart of any man or woman to want to piss in a kids cornflakes?

Let alone anyone else on this board to cheer them on for being mean.

There are some weird people on this board.

Even though I am an opponent of homosexual marriage, I have no problem with homosexuality behind closed doors. I don't even mind a debate on this issue of homosexual marriage. But any decent person should oppose this display. This just shows the radical, disruptive, agitating and insidious nature of many of the gay advocates on this board.

To me, Rednecks decorated in anti American secessionist symbols while rolling around in what appears to be pigshit is terribly disgusting. People exposing their children to possible parasite infestation or who knows what disease or sickness? Whatever that brown stuff is, it's not clean. This looks like a clear case of child abuse.


Getting muddy is child abuse? When I was young(not that long ago, the 90s), we used to play outside, get scrapped up, stung by bees, get dirty(mud, dirt, grass stains). Did your parents(or legal guardian more likely) keep you in a bubble?

Your support for feminization of boys seems to go hate in hand with your advocacy for degenerate displays of homosexuality
Getting muddy is child abuse? When I was young(not that long ago, the 90s), we used to play outside, get scrapped up, stung by bees, get dirty(mud, dirt, grass stains). Did your parents(or legal guardian more likely) keep you in a bubble?

Your support for feminization of boys seems to go hate in hand with your advocacy for degenerate displays of homosexuality

Did your parents(or legal guardian more likely) keep you in a bubble?

That's the point I was making. There are all kinds of people. How is a few gays dancing in a parade be a degenerate display of homosexuality.


I was going to post a few "straight" pictures from Mardi Gras, but the problem is, they are simply too dirty. And there are children there. Way worse than anything from that parade.

And there is a difference between getting muddy and wallowing in mud people have probably pissed in.
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Yes I know they were invited, but they could have toned it down but they did not, they used it has a means to spread their agenda.

We will just have to agree to disagree then because I see it as them being USED for someone elses agenda.

They alone were in control of their act and how they would portray what they were doing.

And they are KNOWN as gay of course they did their act. It IS their act. That is why they were "invited" by someone in charge of the parade.
Remember when Elvis was told not to gyrate his hips while on Ed Sullivan and he did anyway? Sullivan had a hissy and had him filmed from the waist up. Gyrating was what Elvis did. It was his schtick. Those guys dress as women, dance as women, and their act is feminine. Again, they were INVITED, and had no clue they were supposed to "tone down" their act...which they do all over the place AS an act. And they were surprised at the reaction, and apologized. What part of that do you not understand?

If you are a sword swallower and are hired or invited to participate in some kind of talent show...don't you do what you DO in order to be invited in the first place? Of course you do. They did what they are KNOWN to do. Geez.

People and children at the parade were expecting a PARADE. You know..floats, bands, wagons full of people, etc. They were not expecting gay guys prancing in those outfits. Who did expect it? WHOMEVER INVITED THEM, that's who. Who gets the fallout for that? Certainly not the schmuck that set them up. Certainly not the crowd of onlookers. So who? We all know, don't we?

And the next question is...WHY? This was in Mobile Alabama, right? Put all these clues together and what do you get? Tinder on a flame nobody wants to see die, that's what. Paybacks. Civil war between gays and straights. And who had the match to light that tinder? GLAAD. So now it's time to "show them". Kinda like a "bring it" and "in yer face" crap that this is just the start of what is to come.

What little forward gays had has now been rammed back to the last ice age and they have to start all over because GLAAD decided to start shit. And now shit is going to be flung back. Who is in the middle? Gays. Those who just want to be treated like human beings, love their partner, have some rights to protect themselves and are stuck with a group of idiots that supposedly represent ALL gays. Kinda like blacks are stuck with schmucks like Sharpton and Jackson speaking for them. Kinda like we are stuck with Obama being our spokesperson for the rest of the world. You know...STUCK.
Aren't there mud wrestling matches between two or more women scantily clad in bars? Why is that not considered gross and nasty? Oh. Wait. I know. Because it is girl on girl. Which turns most guys on. So...that is ok. But if a family decides to play in mud..they are rednecks. Gotcha. Um hm. Not.

So a family Christmas Parade should be a gay version of Mardi Gras now Rdean? Gotcha...

You aren't making yourself look any better here. Quit before you dig yourself a digger hole...

Go back to crying about Saint Skittles or something.
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So a family Christmas Parade should be a gay version of Mardi Gras now Rdean? Gotcha...

You aren't making yourself look any better here. Quit before you dig yourself a digger hole...

Go back to crying about Saint Skittles or something.

Sorry to burst your bubble. But gays have families too. In fact, every gay person I ever knew came from a straight family. I've never met kids from a gay marriage, like Liz Cheney's kids. Only from straight families.
Aren't there mud wrestling matches between two or more women scantily clad in bars? Why is that not considered gross and nasty? Oh. Wait. I know. Because it is girl on girl. Which turns most guys on. So...that is ok. But if a family decides to play in mud..they are rednecks. Gotcha. Um hm. Not.

Girls wrestling in a bar with no kids around.

But, those pictures are from the redneck games. They are most definitely rednecks. And wearing confederate secessionist symbols.

So a family Christmas Parade should be a gay version of Mardi Gras now Rdean? Gotcha...

You aren't making yourself look any better here. Quit before you dig yourself a digger hole...

Go back to crying about Saint Skittles or something.

Sorry to burst your bubble. But gays have families too.

Yup, those gay dancers, one big happy family!

You are a funny guy, or gal, or thing, not really sure. But thanks for the laughs.

So a family Christmas Parade should be a gay version of Mardi Gras now Rdean? Gotcha...

You aren't making yourself look any better here. Quit before you dig yourself a digger hole...

Go back to crying about Saint Skittles or something.

Sorry to burst your bubble. But gays have families too.

Yup, those gay dancers, one big happy family!

You are a funny guy, or gal, or thing, not really sure. But thanks for the laughs.

So you are saying parents should be ashamed of their kids. OK, got it!
They're not 'terrifying' Republicans...

They're OFFENDING people of all political stripes who believe that homosexuality is unclean, creepy, repugnant, filthy and an aberration in the eyes of Man, Nature and God...

Nobody's 'terrified' of Froot Loops...

Repelled, revolted, disgusted, sickened, nauseated, contemptuous... well, mebbe...

The pastor at mass said something really lovely tonight that I think many people on here who invoke Gods name have pretty clearly forgotten:

"Recently someone came up to me and, surprised, said "Father, you truly believe that God is love, don't you?" And I responded, "Of course I do, if God isn't love then this entire world is absurd"."

I believe that if God found anything repugnant, it would be the way in which you hate your fellow man. Because it is hate. And it will eat you alive inside.
Apparently, God DOES find homosexuality abhorrent...

Otherwise, He would not have allowed prohibitions to find their way into virtually all of the major religious belief-systems of the world, past and present...

Latter-day hocus-pocus sophistry (and your pastor's comments) to the contrary notwithstanding...

All of that is a little like having a law against sneaking across the border, but not enforcing it...

Canon law stands squarely against homosexuality; it's just that some modern-day revisionists are advocating to stop enforcing those laws...

To be clear, my pastor's sermon was not about gay people. It was simply about love. It was a beautiful message to hear on Christmas Eve. With all the hate some of you have in your hearts, I can see why a message of love on a holiday like this might bother you. If probably be mad too if I knew that hellfire was waiting for me in the afterlife.
Aren't there mud wrestling matches between two or more women scantily clad in bars? Why is that not considered gross and nasty? Oh. Wait. I know. Because it is girl on girl. Which turns most guys on. So...that is ok. But if a family decides to play in mud..they are rednecks. Gotcha. Um hm. Not.

Lots of men love girl on girl stuff: girls kissing, girls wrestling, girl on girl porno. They consider it a turn on, not disgusting and repulsive. But when it comes to gay men, they are repulsed. It has nothing to do with their moral beliefs regarding homosexuality; it has to do with their personal fear of male homosexuality, their own lingering fear of being inadequate as men, their own male identity.
Aren't there mud wrestling matches between two or more women scantily clad in bars? Why is that not considered gross and nasty? Oh. Wait. I know. Because it is girl on girl. Which turns most guys on. So...that is ok. But if a family decides to play in mud..they are rednecks. Gotcha. Um hm. Not.

Lots of men love girl on girl stuff: girls kissing, girls wrestling, girl on girl porno. They consider it a turn on, not disgusting and repulsive. But when it comes to gay men, they are repulsed. It has nothing to do with their moral beliefs regarding homosexuality; it has to do with their personal fear of male homosexuality, their own lingering fear of being inadequate as men, their own male identity.

Only a degenerate would conflate parents opposing their children being exposed to degenerate male homosexual acts to wanting to watch female degenerate acts instead. Take your crap elsewhere you disgusting troll.

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