Small Town Furor As Gay Negro Dance Team Marches In Christmas Parade Wearing.........

Aren't there mud wrestling matches between two or more women scantily clad in bars? Why is that not considered gross and nasty? Oh. Wait. I know. Because it is girl on girl. Which turns most guys on. So...that is ok. But if a family decides to play in mud..they are rednecks. Gotcha. Um hm. Not.

Lots of men love girl on girl stuff: girls kissing, girls wrestling, girl on girl porno. They consider it a turn on, not disgusting and repulsive. But when it comes to gay men, they are repulsed. It has nothing to do with their moral beliefs regarding homosexuality; it has to do with their personal fear of male homosexuality, their own lingering fear of being inadequate as men, their own male identity.

Only a degenerate would conflate parents opposing their children being exposed to degenerate male homosexual acts to wanting to watch female degenerate acts instead. Take your crap elsewhere you disgusting troll.

I have to admit, I never met a straight guy who didn't mind watching a little "girl on girl". Hmmm, yum. Now that I think about it.
Lots of men love girl on girl stuff: girls kissing, girls wrestling, girl on girl porno. They consider it a turn on, not disgusting and repulsive. But when it comes to gay men, they are repulsed. It has nothing to do with their moral beliefs regarding homosexuality; it has to do with their personal fear of male homosexuality, their own lingering fear of being inadequate as men, their own male identity.

Only a degenerate would conflate parents opposing their children being exposed to degenerate male homosexual acts to wanting to watch female degenerate acts instead. Take your crap elsewhere you disgusting troll.

I have to admit, I never met a straight guy who didn't mind watching a little "girl on girl". Hmmm, yum. Now that I think about it.

At a Christmas Parade? Leave that for your internet searches son...
And, since you rw's are so intent on trying to force people to think all southerners are racist, homophobic, anti-Christian, anti-America like the Robertsons ...

Last Gay Standing - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 10/29/13 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

I read your post and said too myself, what the fuck is this turd talking about?

Southerns are anti christian anti America? Racist?

Homophobic? ok you got me their yes just because I hate sick perverted acts and that makes me Homophobic I guess that's just something I can live with.

Hell there's anti christian every where even here in this forum
Anti America? even in liberal heartland Massachusetts the boston bombers lived at Cambridge, Mass. They spewed their hate for America in the open and most people their played no attention too their rants because it was said t be an everyday thing thing because someone was spewing the same old shit.

oh and yes their are racist every where whites, blacks Indians Latinos

Nope. What I said is the you rw's are trying to say that all southerners are backward, racist bigoted trailer trash like the Robertsons. They're not. Too bad you didn't watch the evidence of that in the video.

Yes, I've said it several ties that racism is, imo, an almost natural state for human beings. So? Doesn't mean I have to accept it or that I should not fight against it in myself or as the sicko right manifests it.

I didn't see any thing sick or perverted but if you did and if you don't like it, go home, click off the page, thump on your bible while you pretend to be a christian.
Well, that is obvious enough. They are freakish trolls.

Yuppers. I think they made it clear enough. But what could be in the heart of any man or woman to want to piss in a kids cornflakes?

Let alone anyone else on this board to cheer them on for being mean.

There are some weird people on this board.

Even though I am an opponent of homosexual marriage, I have no problem with homosexuality behind closed doors. I don't even mind a debate on this issue of homosexual marriage. But any decent person should oppose this display. This just shows the radical, disruptive, agitating and insidious nature of many of the gay advocates on this board.

"decent people"

What a laugh.
This nut was at the last San Francisco gay pride parade.



Take that kid to Mardi Gras instead.

If the little boy's expression at the grossness of the man's nudity doesn't tell you a story, nothing will.

Either choice is age inappropriate. It doesn't take a bigot to understand childhood and not making a child grow up before he is ready.


Somebody should have kicked that sick old f--ker's ass long before he got near that kid...

Sick and unnatural f--ks...
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So what is terrifying Republicans more? The fact they are "gay" or the fact they are "black"? Or is it all that dark "man skin" decorated in red felt and white faux fur?

Most terrifying is that it turns them on. Just read this thread and others.

Me thinks they doth protest just a bit too much.

Yuppers. I think they made it clear enough. But what could be in the heart of any man or woman to want to piss in a kids cornflakes?

Let alone anyone else on this board to cheer them on for being mean.

There are some weird people on this board.

Even though I am an opponent of homosexual marriage, I have no problem with homosexuality behind closed doors. I don't even mind a debate on this issue of homosexual marriage. But any decent person should oppose this display. This just shows the radical, disruptive, agitating and insidious nature of many of the gay advocates on this board.

"decent people"

What a laugh.

I don't know any decent person that thinks this is acceptable behavior.

You aren't a decent person. You are a degenerate.
So offended they didn't look away..

Why should they have to look away and shield their children from a part of the Christmas parade? That's stupid.

The gays did this crap on purpose as a "shock and awe" attempt to mainstream their perversions.

If they tried a stunt like that at one of our Christmas parades the result would NOT have been pretty.

Bunch of half naked, prancing pajama boys won't fly where I live thank God.

I consider myself fortunate that I live where it's too cold for "Elites" to prance around like that.
Abomination….flaunting themselves….evil….disgusting…vile….
perversion…immoral…lack of common decency….
parading themselves in front of children…


Big difference. One expects these performers to be part of the game program. People have the option of exposing their kids to cheerleaders at a game. So, you trot the kiddies out for some holiday cheer and traditional entertainment. Who expects to see a bunch of "prancing", provocative, half-naked performers at the annual Christmas parade? If the program was not clearly announced prior to the parade, parents had no opt-out.
Abomination….flaunting themselves….evil….disgusting…vile….
perversion…immoral…lack of common decency….
parading themselves in front of children…


Big difference. One expects these performers to be part of the game program. People have the option of exposing their kids to cheerleaders at a game. So, you trot the kiddies out for some holiday cheer and traditional entertainment. Who expects to see a bunch of "prancing", provocative, half-naked performers at the annual Christmas parade? If the program was not clearly announced prior to the parade, parents had no opt-out.

Normally, it's bigots like you who attempt to hid their children from the realities of life and find out years later that child was homosexual.
Yes, yet another example of moral decay in the Nation.

2 wrongs don't make a right.

And a man that would wear a costume like that is simply bizarre.


Would like to see your posts complaining about such cheerleaders. TIA

People pay to go see a football game. Personally I have never appreciated the fact that they wear such skimpy costumes. But, people are buying tickets and selling out the stadiums.

A far cry from having some queers flaunt their transvestite package on some small town's main street during a family Christmas parade.

Next you'll be seeing them bungholing each other in public.

I'm just guessing, but I suspect the primary reason people buy tickets is not the cheer squad. I strongly suspect that most people are paying to see the football game. I.e. to watch a bunch of big, burly, sweaty, buff guys beat the hell out of each other trying to move a ball to a goal. Hhhmmm, makes football sound a little...never mind.
lol, everyone's a bigot if you don't accept men wearing lipstick, eye shadow, hardly any clothes and prancing around like deers on LSD

I swear, some people have nothing if they aren't calling people names

Yet, they can be a bigot and racist to a family on A&E just for something he says

two faced hypocrites at their finest and a newbie to boot

I've heard enough already
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If The Big Book of Myths and Fables says it's wrong, then it must be wrong.

No questioning allowed.

No Christian forces the Holy Bible on you. You're not forced to go to church or penalized or ostracized if you don't.

You're not forced to believe anything at all except what you want to believe.

It's so hard for you to believe in God and Jesus the Savior but you'll line right up with the other lemmings lapping up every word that liar you freaks put into the highest office in the land has to say.


I can't figure out what upset the people more...the belly buttons, or the blacks......

Semmes didn't seem to know their own citizens well, did they?

I don't care to see half naked men dancing together. That's why i don't attend a gay pride parade. This was a small town christmas parade, and they had no buisness trying to ruin it for everyone. This is pure hatred, if a strait males tried to ruin a gay pride parade liberals would be talking about hater, racist, red neck, bigots. Also cheerleaders are at sporting events and you can chose to attend one.

Gays have already been permitted to reject those they deem "not gay enough" and to prohibit the "not gay enough" from participating in "gay" events.

Bisexual men sue gay softball event after being disqualifying for 'not being gay enough' | Mail Online
Normally, it's bigots like you who attempt to hid their children from the realities of life and find out years later that child was homosexual.

Let's not talk about other peoples children, OK? It's beyond mean-spirited. If you have kids yourself, you should understand that.

Just asking in a friendly, non-confrontational way, thanks and merry Christmas.

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