Small Town Furor As Gay Negro Dance Team Marches In Christmas Parade Wearing.........

Aren't there mud wrestling matches between two or more women scantily clad in bars? Why is that not considered gross and nasty? Oh. Wait. I know. Because it is girl on girl. Which turns most guys on. So...that is ok. But if a family decides to play in mud..they are rednecks. Gotcha. Um hm. Not.

Lots of men love girl on girl stuff: girls kissing, girls wrestling, girl on girl porno. They consider it a turn on, not disgusting and repulsive. But when it comes to gay men, they are repulsed. It has nothing to do with their moral beliefs regarding homosexuality; it has to do with their personal fear of male homosexuality, their own lingering fear of being inadequate as men, their own male identity.

Where would we be without a little psycho-babble repeating stupd cliches about 'male fears'? It is, after all, quite possible that people find some things disgusting because evolution has wired their brains that way.
Because of all that dark "man skin" decorated in red felt and white faux fur? Ooh. Is it "revolted" or is it "mesmerized"? Republicans are so sensitive. Just a little "sumthin sumthin" makes them titter and drives them over the edge.
Only a racist would mention their race

Small Town Furor As Gay Negro Dance Team Marches In Christmas Parade Wearing.........

Hmmm.....I see.

OK denie here is the comment you were posting to show me were race was referenced?

So what is terrifying Republicans more? The fact they are "gay" or the fact they are "black"?
They're not 'terrifying' Republicans...

They're OFFENDING people of all political stripes who believe that homosexuality is unclean, creepy, repugnant, filthy and an aberration in the eyes of Man, Nature and God...

Nobody's 'terrified' of Froot Loops...

Repelled, revolted, disgusted, sickened, nauseated, contemptuous... well, mebbe...
I'm pretty sure I've seen the Rockettes where the same outfits for Macy's. Much ado about nothing. Happy Holidays ya'll.
Aren't there mud wrestling matches between two or more women scantily clad in bars? Why is that not considered gross and nasty? Oh. Wait. I know. Because it is girl on girl. Which turns most guys on. So...that is ok. But if a family decides to play in mud..they are rednecks. Gotcha. Um hm. Not.

Women doing things for hire in bars where there is an age limit is quite different from gyrating sexually-suggestive gay men appearing without prior notice or warning to parents at a Christmas parade IN PUBLIC for the obvious enjoyment and delight of CHILDREN.

And in related news, kids in California schools are required by gay activists there in high places, as a matter of law, to celebrate Harvey Milk as a "civil rights hero". His "civil rights" accomplishments were to come out openly gay and serve in a public office, while he simultaneously violated the civil rights of the homeless teen boys on drugs he lured to his home, park, bathhouse to after the other; all while officiating publicly as doing "outreach to youth programs".

This was a Christmas parade. Put on for the delight of children. Those lewd male dancers as a matter of law should not have been within a mile of that place. Children have legal rights in most states to be protected from lewd acts in public. Those male dancers and the people involved with booking them should be arrested, or at the very minimum, sued.
Too bad that's illegal in America, but then you little pencil necked, city slicker pussies wouldn't know that.

You calling ME a pussy?


OK tough guy!

Guess will never find out how tough I am, this being the Internet and all.

Pencil neck? Not at 18 and a half inches, but OK.

I actually hunt, fish, drink a lot of beer, fart, cuss and scrap on occasion. You're a hunter, eh? Where do you hunt? For me it's a mountain in western MD who's locality shall remain UN-named in order to prevent spot burning.

Here's a pick of my ugly ass with a northern snakehead, though.


Guess which one is the invasive species!


No really. Shouldn't you be ugly if you're gonna announce you're ugly? This is like a trick question or something. ;)
You love getting fucked up the ass, I don't have a problem with it.It's a sin. We'll work it out in the end. But you tell me that Phil prefers a vagina and that bothers you...........we're going to have a problem up and coming.

You want to get bum fucked you get off me man.


I know, right?!

You really want to have fun? Hear these words as you read some of the more shall we say 'colorful' posts.

"From the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks."
You love getting fucked up the ass, I don't have a problem with it.It's a sin. We'll work it out in the end. But you tell me that Phil prefers a vagina and that bothers you...........we're going to have a problem up and coming.

You want to get bum fucked you get off me man.


I know, right?!

You really want to have fun? Hear these words as you read some of the more shall we say 'colorful' posts.

"From the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks."

And on the internet, gays often pose as haters to milk sympathy for their cause. Works like a charm. Readers beware. Betty Boop could be talking to herself for all we know. IP addresses mods?
I'm pretty sure I've seen the Rockettes where the same outfits for Macy's. Much ado about nothing. Happy Holidays ya'll.

Yeah...the Macy's Parade....shown live to millions on Thanksgiving morning.

Come on Bod. You know as a parent this was wrong. Because it was making a statement in a Christmas Parade for children.

And btw I have seen the Rockettes live. Awesome. Just freaking awesome. I do love NYC!
I'm pretty sure I've seen the Rockettes where the same outfits for Macy's. Much ado about nothing. Happy Holidays ya'll.

Yeah...the Macy's Parade....shown live to millions on Thanksgiving morning.

Come on Bod. You know as a parent this was wrong. Because it was making a statement in a Christmas Parade for children.

And btw I have seen the Rockettes live. Awesome. Just freaking awesome. I do love NYC!

I have too for their Christmas special... they don't dress anything like those guys, they know people bring their children for their Christmas special
It's a shame these guys were only thinking of themselves
The pastor at mass said something really lovely tonight that I think many people on here who invoke Gods name have pretty clearly forgotten:

"Recently someone came up to me and, surprised, said "Father, you truly believe that God is love, don't you?" And I responded, "Of course I do, if God isn't love then this entire world is absurd"."

I believe that if God found anything repugnant, it would be the way in which you hate your fellow man. Because it is hate. And it will eat you alive inside.
Apparently, God DOES find homosexuality abhorrent...

Otherwise, He would not have allowed prohibitions to find their way into virtually all of the major religious belief-systems of the world, past and present...

Latter-day hocus-pocus sophistry (and your pastor's comments) to the contrary notwithstanding...

All of that is a little like having a law against sneaking across the border, but not enforcing it...

Canon law stands squarely against homosexuality; it's just that some modern-day revisionists are advocating to stop enforcing those laws...

To be clear, my pastor's sermon was not about gay people. It was simply about love. It was a beautiful message to hear on Christmas Eve. With all the hate some of you have in your hearts, I can see why a message of love on a holiday like this might bother you. If probably be mad too if I knew that hellfire was waiting for me in the afterlife.
Given that you inserted the reference to your pastor's sermon in the context of criticism of homosexuality, it was equally clear and reasonable to infer that you were holding that out as a counterweight to some of that criticism appearing here, prior to your post.

And now you serve-up a second comment that your pastor's sermon was only about love and not about homosexuality - which may very well be true, but in a criticism-of-homosexuality context that your pastor apparently did not have in mind when he delivered his sermon - and so attempt to play the innocent about context, and then proceed to utilize that as a cheap segue to throw-out accusations of hateful behaviors and everlasting damnation.


It's time that people begin rejecting and standing up to baseless charges of hate-mongering and hateful behaviors in connection with counterpointing and denouncing aspects of the so-called Gay Agenda, just because they are revolted by and criticize that most unnatural lifestyle and its attendant sexual practices, and hold it at arms' length as they would any despicable thing.
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Yeah...the Macy's Parade....shown live to millions on Thanksgiving morning.

Come on Bod. You know as a parent this was wrong. Because it was making a statement in a Christmas Parade for children.

And btw I have seen the Rockettes live. Awesome. Just freaking awesome. I do love NYC!

I have too for their Christmas special... they don't dress anything like those guys, they know people bring their children for their Christmas special
It's a shame these guys were only thinking of themselves

Hey yeah have you? Unreal just unreal talent. You're talking hard core dancers here. And so beautiful.

We'd get the night flight out of Buffalo (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper than out of Pearson in Toronto) and roll into the big apple. What an awesome city. I know many slag it because of politics but it's one of my favorite cities ever.

I'd put NYC and of course the one and only lady of cities New Orleans. Just behind there is this wonderously small town called Savannah.

I can't wait to hit the road again. I love exploring places.
I'm pretty sure I've seen the Rockettes where the same outfits for Macy's. Much ado about nothing. Happy Holidays ya'll.

Yeah...the Macy's Parade....shown live to millions on Thanksgiving morning.

Come on Bod. You know as a parent this was wrong. Because it was making a statement in a Christmas Parade for children.

And btw I have seen the Rockettes live. Awesome. Just freaking awesome. I do love NYC!

Question the town who booked them.
Yeah...the Macy's Parade....shown live to millions on Thanksgiving morning.

Come on Bod. You know as a parent this was wrong. Because it was making a statement in a Christmas Parade for children.

And btw I have seen the Rockettes live. Awesome. Just freaking awesome. I do love NYC!

Question the town who booked them.

Odds are dollars to donuts some dumb fuck white chick who's pissed off at her pastor in Baptist church #89 booked them.

I just wish they hadn't taken the bait. Do Mardi Gras. Party down. I just wish they hadn't taken the bait.
Steve_McGarrett, your kind are almost gone now in the good parts of East Texas and western Louisiana, and those towns are better off for it by far.
I see you've never been to a Gay Pride Parade. There are always several floats and groups that are heterosexual that march....churchs, organizations, businesses. My parents drove the Red Cross van in the Gay Pride parade back home for a few years.

Yes. If it's an interesting group or float it can join all the others. We like long parades with lots of diverse groups in it.

This nut was at the last San Francisco gay pride parade.



Take that kid to Mardi Gras instead.

If the little boy's expression at the grossness of the man's nudity doesn't tell you a story, nothing will.

Either choice is age inappropriate. It doesn't take a bigot to understand childhood and not making a child grow up before he is ready. :(

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