Smith's patience has expired.

“Evidence of Trump’s innocence”? He doesn’t need to prove his innocence.
I already realize that's true in your eyes and in the eyes of the rest of The Following. But that doesn't hold up in a court of law. Unless it's a court control by one of his unqualified lackey appointees.
There are so many cases being thrown at Trump in the hope that a jury will convict him of at least one charge, on one of the cases, so they call call him a convicted felon and ignorant voters will fall for it.
BJ-Voters may be a lot sharper than they think.

A recent Rasmussen poll found that Trump holds an eight-point lead over President Joe Biden— whose campaign is like looking down a black hole of nothing.

Currently, Trump has secured 49 percent of support, while Biden sits at just 41 percent.

Recent polls are forcing Democrats to face reality, admitting that they are prepared to lose in the November election.

Democrat fundraiser John Morgan admitted that he is nervous voters won’t come through for Biden as Trump continues to gain steam in the race.

“I’m as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.’ Yes, hell yes,” Morgan told the Washington Post. “We all know this is a jump ball. In 2016, we were reading Nate Silver, and we weren’t worried at all. When we woke up, we realized we’ve never been to Wisconsin and we’ve never been to Michigan and then all the Monday-morning quarterbacks are out.”

Among varying demographics, Trump still holds the lead— even with those Biden secured in 2020.

Trump beats Biden 48 to 37 percent among Hispanics, while Biden’s support among Black voters dropped to 66 percent— a stark contrast from the 90 percent of black voters who supported him in 2020.
There are so many cases being thrown at Trump in the hope that a jury will convict him of at least one charge, on one of the cases, so they call call him a convicted felon and ignorant voters will fall for it.
Judge rejects Trump’s effort to dismiss Georgia charges on First Amendment grounds

The judge presiding over Donald Trump’s criminal case in Georgia denied his bid to throw out the case on First Amendment grounds, rejecting the former president’s longshot argument that the entire case is an attempt to criminalize his political speech.

“The State has alleged more than mere expressions of a political nature,” Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee wrote in a 14-page ruling on Thursday.

When does all the winning begin?
I'm familiar with Turley. He has succeeded in becoming the "go to" conservative when RWM needs an opinion from someone willing to prostitute himself for a little fame. He's become a caricature of an unscrupulous ambulance chaser eager to sell his services for a buck.
In other words, Turley is an accomplished, knowledgeable lawyer who doesn‘t kowtow to the liberal agenda, as opposed to the MSN puppets taking their leftist talking points from the White House.

Ever work in the PR Department of a liberal organization? Late-afternoon “consults” with their WH counterparts to get the phrasing in time for the evening news programs.
I already realize that's true in your eyes and in the eyes of the rest of The Following. But that doesn't hold up in a court of law. Unless it's a court control by one of his unqualified lackey appointees.
I realize that the Biden Cult members have forgotten that in America, one does not have to prove their innocence. They are ASSUMED TO BE innocent unless proven otherwise.
They are all simply cases of election interference.
Literally everyone but you understands that.
Try using that ineffectual talking point with the grand jurors who voted to indict him for 91 crimes based on the evidence presented to them.
I realize that the Biden Cult members have forgotten that in America, one does not have to prove their innocence. They are ASSUMED TO BE innocent unless proven otherwise.
Not a problem since the evidence of Don's guilt is overwhelming.
Try using that ineffectual talking point with the grand jurors who voted to indict him for 91 crimes based on the evidence presented to them.
The Trump-hating jurors? Wasn’t this DC, with 95% voting for Biden?

These “cases” should all have been moved to purple states.
The filing does not personally attack the judge. Unlike Benedict Donald's unhinged rambling statements to the press and in campaign statements.

For example.....

The Government must have the opportunity to consider appellate review well before jeopardy attaches. See, e.g., United States v.Wexler, 31 F.3d 117, 129 (3d Cir. 1994) (“[T]he adoption of a clearly erroneous jury instruction that entails a high probability of failure of a prosecution—a failure the government could not then seek to remedy by appeal or otherwise—constitutes the kind of extraordinary situation in which we are empowered to issue the writ of mandamus.”); In re United States, 397 F.3d 274, 283 (5thCir. 2005) (courts “have permitted the Government to obtain writs of mandamus when a proposed criminal jury instruction clearly violated the law, risked prejudicing the Government at trial with jeopardy attached, and provided the Government no other avenue of appeal”); United States v.Pabon-Cruz, 391 F.3d 86, 91-92 (2d Cir. 2004) (similar).


That means he says he knows he's going to lose and is trying a workaround to double jeopardy laws.

That means he says he knows he's going to lose and is trying a workaround to double jeopardy laws.
Not really. It means he knows the judge has shown herself to be a highly partisan jurist and is setting her up to have her removed from the case for her misapplication of the PRA.
In other words, Turley is an accomplished, knowledgeable lawyer who doesn‘t kowtow to the liberal agenda, as opposed to the MSN puppets taking their leftist talking points from the White House.
Well, no. He has succeeded in becoming the "go to" conservative when RWM needs an opinion from someone willing to prostitute himself for a little fame. He's become a caricature of an unscrupulous ambulance chaser eager to sell his services for a buck. This is exemplified by a willingness to suggest the overwhelming evidence of Trump's guilt, detailed in the indictments, can be wished away by publishing the kind of rubbish Trump's cult demands.
Special Counsel Jack Smith Is Done With Judge Aileen Cannon And Lets It Show

In a new filing that bluntly confronts U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, Special Counsel Jack Smith takes a new tone of incredulousness and disdain for her mishandling of the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case.

The issue at hand is her failure to have yet ruled on Donald Trump’s motion to dismiss based on his inane, unprecedented, and counterfactual reading of the Presidential Records Act. Instead of rejecting the argument out of hand, Cannon not only is entertaining it but ordered the two sides to propose jury instructions based on two different deeply flawed interpretations of the PRA.

That set up an nearly impossible challenge for Smith: How do you draft jury instructions that are so wrong on the law without looking like an idiot, undermining your own case, and pissing of the judge?

The answer: You can’t.

So Smith went all in, no longer trying to placate, educate, or hand-hold Cannon.

Smith ripped her interpretations of the PRA: “both of the Court’s scenarios are fundamentally flawed and any jury instructions that reflect those scenarios would be error.” He said her “legal premise is wrong” and her requested jury instructions “would distort the trial.”

Special Counsel Jack Smith Loses Patience With Judge Aileen Cannon

Not a great idea to antagonize a Trump toady but some things need to be done. She's made it clear she is unqualified to be on this case from the standpoint of experience, an understanding of the law, and a lack of impartiality. Good for Smith that he has called her out.
The temper tantrums of a the special persecutor are largely uninteresting.

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