Smollett Released

It's exactly the opposite of that Dave. The same week that Smollett staged his fake attack, a white woman claimed a black man stabbed her in Grant Park. Kim Foxx declined to prosecute her because what she did was minor, and because she had mental health issues. Smollett was only signaled out for extraordinary punishment -empaneling a Special Prosecutor because a State's Attorney refused to prosecute a minor crime - because of his fame.
Remember, kids, giving a black criminal a slap on the wrist for faking a hate crime is, itself, racist.

It would have been tough to prosecute the white MAGA-hat-wearing criminals who tried to lynch Smollett, though, since they didn't exist.
No because as I stated it's apples and oranges. For one it had nothing to do with race. Two, it was resolved as the officer gave the woman her cell phone charger back. Three, she couldn't file a police report because there was no evidence a crime was committed against her; a person behind her picked up the charger that she dropped. Nothing criminal about it.

One case had zero to do with the other case.
Bullshit, it had everything to do with race are you really that slow.

After she finished a program about racial bias, the prosecution asked a judge to drop the case.

Still want to claim it wasn't about race.
I would say that facing six felony counts (five of which he was found guilty of by a jury) is more than a matter between him and his employer. He could have gotten up to three years in prison but was only sentenced to less than half of a year which is about right for a first time offender. He probably wouldn't have gotten that had he just come clean about the hoax once he was busted. Instead, he doubled down on his lies right until they hauled him out of court.

They were bullshit felony counts... He shouldn't have gotten ANY jail time.

As I explained to you many times, disparity in sentencing has a lot more to do with just the crime.

Nope, has to do everything with race. A white woman who made a claim that a black man stabbed her in Grant park, got no prosecution and no jail time.

Jason van Dyke shoots a kid 16 times, only gets 3 years.
This guy fibs about MAGAts beating him up, and he gets five months? That's fucked up and racist.

Judges want to know how the suspect interacted with police, their criminal record, how they acted with the jailer, how they present themselves in court, those kinds of things. Judges don't like throwing people in prison, especially for non-violent crimes. But when you appear in court and show no remorse for the crimes you committed, don't expect any breaks from a judge. Obviously everything you went through didn't teach you a lesson yet. So he was sentenced to 150 days in prison which was still a break considering how he refused to tell the truth even to the court and judge.


THe only thing that should matter is,
1) Was anyone harmed.
2) How much property was damaged.

Flipping off the judge in court should have ZERO effect on his sentence. Jails should ONLY be there to protect the public from dangerous people.

Bottom line is he brought everything on himself and should pay the price for doing so. Had he just manned up right from the beginning, he would have likely walked out with a fine and this matter long forgotten.

Except that's exactly what he did when he paid a 10K fine and did community service. Except that wasn't enough for the Good Old Boys in the Combine.

Once again apples and oranges. Making claims of a racial crime carries a lot more gravity to it than just making a false police report. As one news agency reported over a dozen investigators were on this case. An assault case involving race is different than somebody just telling another they were racist. I have no idea why Super bad breath brought this case into this conversation.

Actually, what Central Park Karen did was worse, given the propensity of cops to shoot "menacing" black men.

Minor offense?
Sorry, I dont see trying to start a race war a minor offense.

Except there was no evidence he was trying to start a race war. He was trying to get his employers to pay more attention to him. He wasn't even the one who reported this to the CPD, his friend insisted on doing that.
Remember, kids, giving a black criminal a slap on the wrist for faking a hate crime is, itself, racist.

It would have been tough to prosecute the white MAGA-hat-wearing criminals who tried to lynch Smollett, though, since they didn't exist.

People make fake claims to the police all the time, and usually they are ignored.
This was signalling out a celebrity because he made the city look bad.
As opposed to 700 murders a year, most of which the cops don't solve... but, man, they got Jussie on the fake hate crime!
People make fake claims to the police all the time, and usually they are ignored.
This was signalling out a celebrity because he made the city look bad.
As opposed to 700 murders a year, most of which the cops don't solve... but, man, they got Jussie on the fake hate crime!
You believed him. Immediately. Without any question at all.

You're a sucker, and you fell for it.
People make fake claims to the police all the time, and usually they are ignored.
This was signalling out a celebrity because he made the city look bad.
As opposed to 700 murders a year, most of which the cops don't solve... but, man, they got Jussie on the fake hate crime!

How are they supposed to solve anything if they are running around chasing false claims which apparently you support? You just said it yourself, people are doing this all the time.
They were bullshit felony counts... He shouldn't have gotten ANY jail time.

Nope, has to do everything with race. A white woman who made a claim that a black man stabbed her in Grant park, got no prosecution and no jail time.

Jason van Dyke shoots a kid 16 times, only gets 3 years.
This guy fibs about MAGAts beating him up, and he gets five months? That's fucked up and racist.


THe only thing that should matter is,
1) Was anyone harmed.
2) How much property was damaged.

Flipping off the judge in court should have ZERO effect on his sentence. Jails should ONLY be there to protect the public from dangerous people.

Except that's exactly what he did when he paid a 10K fine and did community service. Except that wasn't enough for the Good Old Boys in the Combine.

Actually, what Central Park Karen did was worse, given the propensity of cops to shoot "menacing" black men.

Except there was no evidence he was trying to start a race war. He was trying to get his employers to pay more attention to him. He wasn't even the one who reported this to the CPD, his friend insisted on doing that.

If you don't like our justice system, then move. Here we hire judges to hand out sentences based on more than just the crime. If we sentenced people ignoring all other circumstances, then we wouldn't need judges now would we. We would just type the offense into a computer and it would spit out the sentence.

The little faggots race had nothing to do with the case other than him making a false racial attack claim. Outside of that he probably would have ended up with just a fine BECAUSE OF his race. But it would have killed him to tell the truth after the overwhelming evidence against him. He brought it on himself and nobody else. That's the way judges treat anybody that lies to them and the court right in front of their face. He should have gotten all 3 years.
Bullshit, it had everything to do with race are you really that slow.

After she finished a program about racial bias, the prosecution asked a judge to drop the case.

Still want to claim it wasn't about race.

Then like I said, post a link to what you're talking about. If you are going to just drop names then I go by what the source I found told me. According to what I read she picked up a phone charger the black woman dropped. They argued about who's charger it was. The girl who picked up the charger is the one that called the cops. It had zero to do with her race so there is no comparison to this topic here.

The black woman complained because they wouldn't allow her to file a report which the police were correct on. There was no proven crime in this situation so you don't fill out a report of a crime that never happened.
I don’t want to be misunderstood, but I actually like the idea that a person can be out on bail instead of serving his sentence during an appeal. It has to be taken on a case by case basis, I figure. But if a person is convicted after trial and has some legit appellate issues which might yield a reversal of the conviction, it would be a shame to have to serve a full sentence to get appellate relief only after he gets out.

By contrast, if the verdict is upheld on appeal, the delayed start of the sentence doesn’t hurt society.
I don’t want to be misunderstood, but I actually like the idea that a person can be out on bail instead of serving his sentence during an appeal. It has to be taken on a case by case basis, I figure. But if a person is convicted after trial and has some legit appellate issues which might yield a reversal of the conviction, it would be a shame to have to serve a full sentence to get appellate relief only after he gets out.

By contrast, if the verdict is upheld on appeal, the delayed start of the sentence doesn’t hurt society.

The problem here is he's stalling this for as long as possible because he has the money to do so. Furthermore is using what little fame he has as leverage because that will attract media attention. These are things ordinary people wouldn't get. Eventually he keeps appealing until nobody cares anymore and gets out with barely a slap on the hand when no media is paying attention to the story any longer.
The problem here is he's stalling this for as long as possible because he has the money to do so. Furthermore is using what little fame he has as leverage because that will attract media attention. These are things ordinary people wouldn't get. Eventually he keeps appealing until nobody cares anymore and gets out with barely a slap on the hand when no media is paying attention to the story any longer.
It isn’t “fair” that he gets such a special privilege when others don’t. I agree with that!

But overall, some convictions are very well supported while others just are not. It is also unfair to have to remain in jail only to get a conviction reversed after you’ve spent a lot of time in jail or prison.
It isn’t “fair” that he gets such a special privilege when others don’t. I agree with that!

But overall, some convictions are very well supported while others just are not. It is also unfair to have to remain in jail only to get a conviction reversed after you’ve spent a lot of time in jail or prison.

Then he shouldn't have done it. I doubt with the evidence presented that he will have it reversed. He's just trying to wear the system out until it ends up in his favor. Like I said, you or I don't have the money to pay lawyers to stall it that long. Maybe we'd have the money for one appeals and that's it. And as I told Joe, all he really had to do is own up to his crimes once caught and this would probably be long behind him with no jail served.
Then he shouldn't have done it. I doubt with the evidence presented that he will have it reversed. He's just trying to wear the system out until it ends up in his favor. Like I said, you or I don't have the money to pay lawyers to stall it that long. Maybe we'd have the money for one appeals and that's it. And as I told Joe, all he really had to do is own up to his crimes once caught and this would probably be long behind him with no jail served.
I believe he did it too. And of course he shouldn’t have done it. But there is still a chance that the conviction will be reversed based on some (?) procedural error or the like. Again, I don’t care if he’s out awaiting sentence if his conviction doesn’t get overturned. I just think it’s unfair that so few people get that kind of preferential treatment.
You believed him. Immediately. Without any question at all.

You're a sucker, and you fell for it.
Actually, if you go back to posts I made at the time, I doubted his story from the Get, but that's because I live here and know you aren't going to actually encounter any MAGAts in Downtown Chicago. They'd get their asses kicked.

How are they supposed to solve anything if they are running around chasing false claims which apparently you support? You just said it yourself, people are doing this all the time.
Except most of the time, they don't investigate crimes, fake or real. They fill out a report, and they file it in the "I don't Give a Shit" docket. Then they go back to eating the donuts. The ONLY reason why this one got investigated was he was on TV and it was making national news.

If you don't like our justice system, then move. Here we hire judges to hand out sentences based on more than just the crime. If we sentenced people ignoring all other circumstances, then we wouldn't need judges now would we. We would just type the offense into a computer and it would spit out the sentence.

We don't have a "justice" system, and frankly, a little more equity in sentences would be fine. Factors that should not have ANY bearing on your sentence should be, how charismatic your lawyer is, how nicely you dress, how much you suck up to the judge, what race you are or what your sexual orientation is.

The little faggots race had nothing to do with the case other than him making a false racial attack claim. Outside of that he probably would have ended up with just a fine BECAUSE OF his race. But it would have killed him to tell the truth after the overwhelming evidence against him. He brought it on himself and nobody else. That's the way judges treat anybody that lies to them and the court right in front of their face. He should have gotten all 3 years.

Thanks for outing yourself as a homophobe, Ray. Maybe after a lifetime of being called a faggot and a n****r, he didn't feel like apologizing to a white racist judge that bent over backwards to persecute him for a prank that got out of hand.

The point is, that the jail cell he would have been occupying is a jail cell we aren't putting a rapist or a mugger in, because they acted all contrite in front of a judge. Which is why we have the stories of the guy who was caught with a gun after his fifth offense committing a violent crime.

The problem here is he's stalling this for as long as possible because he has the money to do so. Furthermore is using what little fame he has as leverage because that will attract media attention. These are things ordinary people wouldn't get. Eventually he keeps appealing until nobody cares anymore and gets out with barely a slap on the hand when no media is paying attention to the story any longer.

Ordinary people never would have been charged with this crime. Ordinary people would be like the lady in Grant Park who Kim Foxx decided not to prosecute after she claimed a black man stabbed her. His fame got him an investigation he wasn't expecting, and a prosecution that really wasn't warranted.

Then he shouldn't have done it. I doubt with the evidence presented that he will have it reversed. He's just trying to wear the system out until it ends up in his favor. Like I said, you or I don't have the money to pay lawyers to stall it that long. Maybe we'd have the money for one appeals and that's it. And as I told Joe, all he really had to do is own up to his crimes once caught and this would probably be long behind him with no jail served.

It should have been over a long time ago when Kim Foxx decided not to waste any more resources on it.

The reason why it will be overturned is the precedent of creating an unelected special prosecutor to go after someone for a class four felony that had already been adjudicated by the ELECTED authority is unconstitutional and violates protections against double jeopardy.
I don’t want to be misunderstood, but I actually like the idea that a person can be out on bail instead of serving his sentence during an appeal. It has to be taken on a case by case basis, I figure. But if a person is convicted after trial and has some legit appellate issues which might yield a reversal of the conviction, it would be a shame to have to serve a full sentence to get appellate relief only after he gets out.

By contrast, if the verdict is upheld on appeal, the delayed start of the sentence doesn’t hurt society.

Except of course, appeals take years. If we were talking about an actual crime, like Murder or Rape, where the person is likely to do it again, I have no problem locking them up. This isn't a real crime. He lied to the cops. Big whup. When the cops stop lying to us, I'll be worried about their feelings.

We had a case in IL where a man was railroaded to Death Row, TWICE, because cops lied on the stand about the evidence against him, even after DNA proved another guy did it. When they were prosecuted for lying by a special prosecutor, not only were they acquitted, but the mostly white jury went out and had drinks with them afterwards.

I believe he did it too. And of course he shouldn’t have done it. But there is still a chance that the conviction will be reversed based on some (?) procedural error or the like. Again, I don’t care if he’s out awaiting sentence if his conviction doesn’t get overturned. I just think it’s unfair that so few people get that kind of preferential treatment.

Uh, guy, this is America. The rich will ALWAYS get preferential treatment
Except most of the time, they don't investigate crimes, fake or real. They fill out a report, and they file it in the "I don't Give a Shit" docket. Then they go back to eating the donuts. The ONLY reason why this one got investigated was he was on TV and it was making national news.

No, the only reason was it was a racial crime and they investigate all those, especially in a commie city like yours.

We don't have a "justice" system, and frankly, a little more equity in sentences would be fine. Factors that should not have ANY bearing on your sentence should be, how charismatic your lawyer is, how nicely you dress, how much you suck up to the judge, what race you are or what your sexual orientation is.

It all matters. That's why we have judges in the first place. A human being understands other humans make mistakes, and that mistakes can be forgiven by society PROVIDED there is some remorse for committing the crime. But when a defendant approaches the court and spits in it's face, the judge understands this person did not learn their lesson yet and has zero respect for our laws much like you. They will always end up serving more time than somebody that made a mistake and tells them the honest to God truth.

Thanks for outing yourself as a homophobe, Ray. Maybe after a lifetime of being called a faggot and a n****r, he didn't feel like apologizing to a white racist judge that bent over backwards to persecute him for a prank that got out of hand.

The point is, that the jail cell he would have been occupying is a jail cell we aren't putting a rapist or a mugger in, because they acted all contrite in front of a judge. Which is why we have the stories of the guy who was caught with a gun after his fifth offense committing a violent crime.

We never let out rapists and muggers because the jails are full of non-violent offenders. We let out rapist and muggers when Democrats are running the show because as I've said so often, Democrats are nothing but the disciples of Satan. If they can support or expand evil, they do it.

Ordinary people never would have been charged with this crime. Ordinary people would be like the lady in Grant Park who Kim Foxx decided not to prosecute after she claimed a black man stabbed her. His fame got him an investigation he wasn't expecting, and a prosecution that really wasn't warranted.

I would say a six felony count warrants prison time. Thanks for supporting my point above.

It should have been over a long time ago when Kim Foxx decided not to waste any more resources on it.

The reason why it will be overturned is the precedent of creating an unelected special prosecutor to go after someone for a class four felony that had already been adjudicated by the ELECTED authority is unconstitutional and violates protections against double jeopardy.

Again with your ignorance of our laws. He was not found innocent and then retried, she decided since it was a famous brother, she's not going to prosecute. And the fact her office had ties with Hillary Clinton made it even more suspicious. In other words double jeopardy is not to protect the guilty if higher ups refuse to do their job. Double jeopardy means you can't try a person twice for the same crime which he never was.

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