Smollett Released

Why? His actions were very harmful to our society. His charges and conviction were a serious matter.

"Smollett, 39, was found guilty in December on five counts of felony disorderly conduct for making false reports about what he said was an anti-gay and anti-Black hate crime. The actor, who is Black and gay, told Chicago police that on a frigid night in January 2019 two unknown men attacked him, yelled racist and homophobic slurs at him, poured bleach on him and wrapped a noose around his neck."

Cook County Judge James Linn spoke for more than 30 minutes before announcing Smollett's sentence, telling the actor that he wrote the script and picked the actors for the hoax, and that his premeditation for the act was an "aggravating factor" in the case.

"There's a side of you that has this arrogance, and selfishness and narcissism that's just disgraceful," the judge said. "You're not a victim of a racial hate crime, you're not a victim of a homophobic hate crime. You're just a charlatan pretending to be a victim of a hate crime, and that's shameful."

And frankly, this sounds like a white judge trying to justify his abuse of power.

If anyone else had done this, they'd have been let off with a minor fine, not had the book thrown at them.

Otherwise, we'd be prosecuting every Karen who calls the cops on a black person who scares them.
Come on, you know the answer to this!
There's already this narrative out there, that when a poc makes a claim of a 'hate crime', that it's likely a made up story. Smollett is a high profile American, he should have known that his actions here would get a high rate of national exposure, and now that we know he made it up, it now makes it much harder for people who really have been victims of hate crimes to prove their case.
Now I know that's not what he was charged and convicted of, but the judge's words make it apparent that the sentence he rendered, was influenced by Smollett's phony claims.

Actually, most reports of Hate Crimes aren't investigated at all... that's part of the problem. They are just listed.

I don't know. Who is Amy Cooper? Keep with the topic, will ya?

Amy Cooper is the Central Park Karen who called the police on a black birdwatcher in Central Park. While she lost her job, no one prosecuted her for making a false police report.
Why do you believe this guy doesn't deserve punishment?

Because most people accused of this offense aren't punished. If they were, every Karen reporting a black person in her neighborhood would be facing charges.

May have committed? The cops found the clipped up magazines in his garbage that matched the words he cut out to make the threatening letter. I bet you think OJ is innocent too, don't cha?

That's an issue between him and his employer, not the police.

His employer fired him, as they should have.

What I have no problem with- His being fired, his being a national punch line, his being unable to get acting work ever again because of his toxic reputation.

What I have a problem with - a corrupt political machine deciding that they are going to overrule elected officials, arranged a kangaroo court, and impose an extraordinary punishment for a minor offense before an appeals court can hear the constitutional issues involved.

If Jason van Dyke only gets 3 years for shooting Laquan McDonald 16 times, then Jussie Smollett deserves no jail time for essentially beating himself up.
Because most people accused of this offense aren't punished. If they were, every Karen reporting a black person in her neighborhood would be facing charges.

That's an issue between him and his employer, not the police.

His employer fired him, as they should have.

What I have no problem with- His being fired, his being a national punch line, his being unable to get acting work ever again because of his toxic reputation.

What I have a problem with - a corrupt political machine deciding that they are going to overrule elected officials, arranged a kangaroo court, and impose an extraordinary punishment for a minor offense before an appeals court can hear the constitutional issues involved.

If Jason van Dyke only gets 3 years for shooting Laquan McDonald 16 times, then Jussie Smollett deserves no jail time for essentially beating himself up.

I would say that facing six felony counts (five of which he was found guilty of by a jury) is more than a matter between him and his employer. He could have gotten up to three years in prison but was only sentenced to less than half of a year which is about right for a first time offender. He probably wouldn't have gotten that had he just come clean about the hoax once he was busted. Instead, he doubled down on his lies right until they hauled him out of court.

As I explained to you many times, disparity in sentencing has a lot more to do with just the crime. Judges want to know how the suspect interacted with police, their criminal record, how they acted with the jailer, how they present themselves in court, those kinds of things. Judges don't like throwing people in prison, especially for non-violent crimes. But when you appear in court and show no remorse for the crimes you committed, don't expect any breaks from a judge. Obviously everything you went through didn't teach you a lesson yet. So he was sentenced to 150 days in prison which was still a break considering how he refused to tell the truth even to the court and judge.

Bottom line is he brought everything on himself and should pay the price for doing so. Had he just manned up right from the beginning, he would have likely walked out with a fine and this matter long forgotten.
Amy Cooper is the Central Park Karen who called the police on a black birdwatcher in Central Park. While she lost her job, no one prosecuted her for making a false police report.

Once again apples and oranges. Making claims of a racial crime carries a lot more gravity to it than just making a false police report. As one news agency reported over a dozen investigators were on this case. An assault case involving race is different than somebody just telling another they were racist. I have no idea why Super bad breath brought this case into this conversation.
Once again apples and oranges. Making claims of a racial crime carries a lot more gravity to it than just making a false police report. As one news agency reported over a dozen investigators were on this case. An assault case involving race is different than somebody just telling another they were racist. I have no idea why Super bad breath brought this case into this conversation.
Another thing to mention is that when a “Karen” calls the cops on someone for being black, you won’t find a lot of people on her side. Smollett instigated more hatred of whites thru his action and followers who believe him.
When you bring up a different case of course you are changing the subject. And if you're going to do that provide a link to WTF you're talking about.
Funny how everyone else knows who Amy Cooper is, but you are just totally in the dark or lying. I am making a comparison of how one is perceived and treated as compared to the other in similar situations. It is done everyday.
Funny how everyone else knows who Amy Cooper is, but you are just totally in the dark or lying. I am making a comparison of how one is perceived and treated as compared to the other in similar situations. It is done everyday.
Smollett did his best to tur this into a Broadway Play. He did not lie low after. For that the deserves time alone. The taxpayer is being reamed over and over.
It's exactly the opposite of that Dave. The same week that Smollett staged his fake attack, a white woman claimed a black man stabbed her in Grant Park. Kim Foxx declined to prosecute her because what she did was minor, and because she had mental health issues. Smollett was only signaled out for extraordinary punishment -empaneling a Special Prosecutor because a State's Attorney refused to prosecute a minor crime - because of his fame.

Because at the end of the day, it isn't about what happened. It was about using an extraordinary method to prosecute a minor offense.

Actually, I kind of doubt the conviction will survive the appeals process. First, there is the Double Jeopardy Issue. Secondly, Smollett's lawyers were not allowed to challenge jury selection, which is why you ended up with a jury with only one black person on it.

Personally, I think the man needs mental health counselling.

Minor offense?
Sorry, I dont see trying to start a race war a minor offense.
Funny how everyone else knows who Amy Cooper is, but you are just totally in the dark or lying. I am making a comparison of how one is perceived and treated as compared to the other in similar situations. It is done everyday.

No because as I stated it's apples and oranges. For one it had nothing to do with race. Two, it was resolved as the officer gave the woman her cell phone charger back. Three, she couldn't file a police report because there was no evidence a crime was committed against her; a person behind her picked up the charger that she dropped. Nothing criminal about it.

One case had zero to do with the other case.

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