Smollett Released

The guy manufactured a 'hate crime', then lied to authorities, and continues to lie. The situation he created denigrates real hate crimes, and those that are victims of such. He deserves his punishment, and needs to be held accountable.
The question is, why is it "good" that he is not serving his debt to
The guy manufactured a 'hate crime', then lied to authorities, and continues to lie. The situation he created denigrates real hate crimes, and those that are victims of such. He deserves his punishment, and needs to be held accountable.
The question is, why is it "good" that he is not serving his debt to society?
He believes if the liar is black, he should not be punished.
He was sentenced too harshly for a crime he may have committed.

May have committed? The cops found the clipped up magazines in his garbage that matched the words he cut out to make the threatening letter. I bet you think OJ is innocent too, don't cha?
He could have received 3 years on each of the 5 counts.

But instead he got probation, with 150 days in jail.

Seems like black privilege to me. Had that dude been white he'd be seen free again in 2030. And had he walked out the courtroom making a "white power" motion with his hand you liberal pussies would have been talking about it for months.

But he's black, so he gets away with it.
The typical sentence for such crimes is typically a fine.
Describe "race relations" and how did Juicy "damage" it.

As you know, it was all over the national news that Jussie claimed a couple of White guys wearing MAGA hats committed a hate crime against him.

This leads to some significant fraction of the population thinking that White MAGA folks are racist. I don't feel the need to have to back that up with links, as I have experienced it first hand on multiple occasions (called racist simply for supporting Trump). I think it is obvious that the media had propelled a false narrative that there are White Supremacists all over America, and they are emboldened by Trump.

As a Trump supporter myself, I strongly disagree with that narrative.

Countless powerful politicians made statements about this hate crime being factual, even though it should have been obvious to anyone with a brain that Jussie made the ridiculous story up.


Police lie on official documents all the time, particularly and especially the Chicago police. I don't see you bootlicks getting your panties in a wad over it.

If true, it's irrelevant. Two wrongs do not make a right.

But of course, since you are familiar with this subject, I am willing to bet that the officers you speak of were punished as a result.
Now you want to play dumb, wait a minute maybe not.

No, I just don't want to do any extra work to have a conversation with you. I do enough work already posting stuff everybody else already knows about. If you want to talk about somebody else outside the OP, then post a link to the person you wish to change subjects to.
So, what is going to be going on with him now that he has been released? Is he under house arrest for the remainder of his sentence or what?

God bless you and him and his family always!!!

No, I just don't want to do any extra work to have a conversation with you. I do enough work already posting stuff everybody else already knows about. If you want to talk about somebody else outside the OP, then post a link to the person you wish to change subjects to.
It's not about changing the subject, it is just showing the hypocrisy of right wing, racist.
Served 6 days. Just like little people. Little black people.

Disgraced 'Empire' actor Jussie Smollett will be released from jail after just six days behind bars.
Judges ruled that he should go free while his lawyers work on the appeal of his conviction on five felony counts of lying to police about a racist and homophobic attack.

He will be released from the Cook County Jail on a $150,000 personal recognizance bond.

Smollett, who has been serving his time in psychiatric care, was sentenced to 150 days behind bars.

The actor's lawyers had argued to the panel of judges that his sentence would be fully served by the time the appeals process was completed.

Sounds reasonable to me.

This conviction was so questionable it probably won't stand up to appeal. An All-White Jury inflicts a maximum sentence for a class 4 Felony (which usually gets no jail time) after a judge orders a private prosecution?

Point is, this trial and conviction violated Smollett's right to avoid double jeopardy. This matter had already been disposed of legally.
There is no white privilege in America.

There is class privilege, and there is ideological privilege. So naturally Smollett goes free.

It's exactly the opposite of that Dave. The same week that Smollett staged his fake attack, a white woman claimed a black man stabbed her in Grant Park. Kim Foxx declined to prosecute her because what she did was minor, and because she had mental health issues. Smollett was only signaled out for extraordinary punishment -empaneling a Special Prosecutor because a State's Attorney refused to prosecute a minor crime - because of his fame.

You have a date to suck his dick or something?
I now know what you're all about,you love faggots that make fake racism claims.
Unless of course you actually believe two white guy were out and about in Chicago in sub zero temps at 2 in the morning wearing MAGA hats waiting to jump some unsuspecting black faggot.
Which of course makes you a complete idiot.
This black guy gets it,why dont you?

Because at the end of the day, it isn't about what happened. It was about using an extraordinary method to prosecute a minor offense.

As long as the lying fuck, who staged a hate crime that could easily have led to a race riot, lands back in prison once he's exhausted his whiney little appeals.

Actually, I kind of doubt the conviction will survive the appeals process. First, there is the Double Jeopardy Issue. Secondly, Smollett's lawyers were not allowed to challenge jury selection, which is why you ended up with a jury with only one black person on it.

Personally, I think the man needs mental health counselling.
It's one to keep in the backpack when all those lefties complain how the rich white guys always get away with it because of their money and social status. When one of theirs gets treated the same way, we get this:

Again, same week that Jussie made his false claim, a white woman claimed a black man stabbed her in Grant Park, and was caught lying. No one prosecuted her because it was minor. Making false police reports are almost never prosecuted, and when they are, it's usually just a fine of $10K, which Smollett already paid one.

What should terrify you is when a DA makes a call, like the ones in Cleveland and Furgeson did to not prosecute cops who shot black children, and someone decides, "Meh, we don't like that decision, we are going to get a special prosecutor appointed, accountable to no one, give them an unlimited budget to litigate this case, and then hand-select a jury hostile to the accused."

He's talking about the 1/6 prisoners at the Capital building who were trespassing who are mostly if not totally all white, unarmed, and did nothing more than enter a federal building. Some of them never had their day in court nor bond set. A portion were kept in solitary confinement.

They committed treason against the United States, trying to overturn a legal election. They all belong in jail, including the guy who instigated it.
No, he got special treatment because he has $$$.

Don't you know anything about our legal system?

He got special treatment, all right. Unlike all the Karens who never get arrested when they falsely accuse black people and make false police reports, the system took extra measures to go after this guy when a State's Attorney realized that a non-violent Class IV felony wasn't worth any more of her office's resources.

The real target here wasn't Smollett, it was Kim Foxx and her attempts to reform Cook County, which the old white boy Combine had no patience for.
I had this post mixed up with the one of a black worker who punched and killed a 70 year old white guy.

So at least learn how to spell his name genius. It's Jussie. You're black. You know how you people mangle names!

Yes, he was on trial. Yes, he was found guilty. Yes, he got a slap on the hand and is fighting that. Yes, he is getting a break by not serving time in jail for his crimes while awaiting an appeal.

Except he was put on trial by a system not accountable to the public, convened for political reasons.

Let's review.
Jussie pulled a hoax.
The State's Attorney - RIGHTFULLY - decided it wasn't a serious enough matter to merit more than a fine, which is how most such cases are diposed of.
The Old Boy Network in Illinois decided to appoint a special prosecutor to "investigate" her office, eventually admitting she acted well within her discretion, but not until AFTER the election where they smeared her with innuendo.
She easily won re-election because most of the people of Cook County are happy with the job she was doing.
The Old Boy network went ahead with a legally questionable prosecution that will almost certainly be overturned on appeal.

Right, because crime is so low in Chicago that the cops have nothing better to do than to figure out hoaxes. And they have so much money they can easily afford to waste the resources. And if people do, they should just pay a $100.00 fine and be done with it.

Oh, I don't know, maybe letting them solve a crime might get them used to doing actual investigations..... They might even find they ENJOY it.


Because in 2018, 87% of homicides go unsolved because the CPD doesn't give a shit.
Actually, it's worse. He slandered millions of Americans.

Millions of Americans weren't accused of attacking him, and if his story had any credibility, it was because it was proceeded by 3 years of the MAGAts acting like racists.

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