Snake Meat......source of chinese virus

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Note that Orf8b proteins in the Korean MERS study (post #501) can be compared with COVID-19 Orf8 serine-to-leucine mutation (post #313).
Avian Flu Talk: ' There are reports that some people are being cremated while still alive....The Chinese are buying the WHO, a useless, corrupt third-world UN agency....You can have a great American manufacturer of say, washing machines, but if you can't get one specific chip for the control panel that comes from Shanghai, you are screwed.'

Swindlers are Coming Out

25 Feb 2020
URL as found:

alternate URLs:
Coronavirus generates rash of swindlers in Italy
Coronavirus generates rash of swindlers in Italy
Alabama rednecks should be praised. There is a vaccine against the flu. This curious item will be further investigated, because the Chinese have no problem finding quercitin for themselves:

A Made-in-Canada Solution to the Coronavirus Outbreak?
URL as found:
'....The plan: send samples of quercitin to the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuhan.'

alternate URLs:
A made-in-Canada solution to the coronavirus outbreak?

A made-in-Canada solution to the coronavirus outbreak?
Pubmed search 'coronavirus quercitin' yields 9 refs. Starting from the earliest to the current study,

9. Pavia, Italy 1990

8. Shanghai 2006

7. Korea 2009

6. Korea 2010

5. Korea 2011

4. Korea 2012

3. Korea 2012

2. Singapore 2016

1. Korea, Dec 2019
China Bans Trade of Animals
URL as found:
'....severely punished....'

alternate URLs:
China bans trade, consumption of wild animals due to coronavirus
China bans trade, consumption of wild animals due to coronavirus
This morning an Asian News source I follow tweeted out an article saying China is now saying it started from animals from the lab that the lab sold to the meat markets; not from the release from the lab. Covering their asses perhaps?

(link already scrubbed from twitter so cannot provide it)
It is already in Mexico City too even if not being reported. A chinese family was in Mexico City on vacation when the dad got ill. He flew back to LA and was diagnose with corona virus on or about January 24, 2020.
Yes, astragalus (= Chinese 'Yellow Leader') and Glycyrrhiza uralensis were among the first used in a Chinese HIV-1 study with 8 Tanzanians that proved that HIV-1 is a reversible disease. Glycyrrhizic acid, glycyrrhretinic acid, etc, can be compared with quercitin. Iso-quercitin also links to anti-Alzheimer's activity:

Glycyrrhetinic Acid / Quercitin (as positive control) / Alzheimer's
Comparative study of selective in vitro and in silico BACE1 inhibitory potential of glycyrrhizin together with its metabolites, 18α- and 18β-glycyr... - PubMed - NCBI
See the keywords below in this abstract that links ACE2 (receptor for COVID-19):
Mar 2020 Quercetin / Quercitrin / ACE2, etc.
Tsantan Sumtang attenuated chronic hypoxia-induced right ventricular structure remodeling and fibrosis by equilibrating local ACE-AngII-AT1R/ACE2-A... - PubMed - NCBI
'....guaiacin....myristic acid....'

Reinfection with COVID-19 included heart failure, so as a preventive, some of this chemistry makes sense, much like the recommendation to gargle with salt water (the J.A.M.A. volume for 1918). Guaiacin is a link to poliovirus though we don't have the citation. Myristic acid links starter material for Thomas Duncan's experimental ebola meds via the African tree, Pycnanthus: brincidofovir.
Stat (a website) has a ridiculous URL to transcribe for this report, so just type in (www.) "CDC Expects 'Community Spread'
Clarifying the nomenclature for quercitin (quercetin) and quercitrin:

Quercetin - Wikipedia

Quercitrin - Wikipedia

Wiki: 'Chikungunya virus (genus Alphavirus) disease was first described from Makonde Plateau (modern-day Tanzania).'

The chikungunya outbreak near Lombardy (at Ravenna) is interesting in that the quercetin the Canadians mention in post # 505 links chikungunya, an alphavirus:

CHIKV / Quercetin
Antiviral activity of silymarin against chikungunya virus. - PubMed - NCBI
'....Chikungunya was first isolated from an outbreak in Tanzania....quercetin has antiviral activity against herpes simplex (HSV)-type 1 virus, respiratory synctial virus, pseudorabies virus, parainfluenza virus type 3 and Sindbis virus, an Alphavirus.....'

Quercetin / Failure of High Doses
Failure of high doses of potentially antiviral agents to prevent death in virus-infected mice. - PubMed - NCBI
Taking a closer look at host factors below, we find a link to post #450 (FOXP2-pangolin BATF), and we have already mentioned ACE2 in this thread:

Feb 2020 Heidelberg, Basel, Greifswald / Host Factors / SARS-CoV / Chikungunya
Host factor prioritization for pan-viral genetic perturbation screens using random intercept models and network propagation. - PubMed - NCBI
'....UBC, Plcg1, Dyrk1....and to predict novel pan-pathogen host factors....SARS-CoV, Stage: Early, Cell Type: 293/ACE2, Readout: GFP, Library: Dharmacon pool....For every host factor, virus and compound concentration, we tested if inhibition of a protein decreased viral replication....Ranking: #1: UBC, #2: Plk1, #3: Dyrk1....Note that Plk1 was discarded due to cytotoxicity of the inhibitor at higher compound concentrations. For that reason, we point out that Plk1 should possibly also be discarded in the analysis of primary screens.'

Though to not discard anything, because Plk1 links not only to a leucine zipper (previous posts) but also to FOXP2 and pangolin BATF (post #450):

Jan 2020 Plk1 / Leucine Zipper / FOXM1 / Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Maternal Embryonic Leucine Zipper Kinase Promotes Tumor Growth and Metastasis via Stimulating FOXM1 Signaling in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. - PubMed - NCBI

Badger2 will have surgery for squamous cell carcinoma, 17 Mar 2020.
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