Snake Meat......source of chinese virus

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Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.

I agree, but pigs are just as smart or even smarter than dogs, and just as social. Just sayin.

Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.

I agree, but pigs are just as smart or even smarter than dogs, and just as social. Just sayin.

Id be just as angry about someone skinning a pig while its still alive. If you have evidence that is happening, id want to know about it.
Avian Flu Talk forum is just now getting around to mentioning the bat from Yunnan, Rhinolophus affinis, though do they mention Yunnan? This 'expert' does not comment on the geographical distance to suspect pangolins and snakes (for example, Xishuangbanna)?

URL as found:
'....compared to its most closely related virus, RaTG13 sampled from a Rhinolophus affinis bat....'

alternate URLs:
Going to Defcon 6 & Declaring Pandemic

Going to Defcon 6 & Declaring Pandemic

We mentioned Rhinolophus affinis in posts #383, 425, 468, 441, and 467. We mentioned RaTG13 in posts #366, 373, 375, 383, 419 and 435.
If one knows another person who has had squamous cell carcinoma surgery, is it the responsible thing to do to inform them of the Plk1 gene/leucine zipper and possible susceptibility links to COVID-19? Is ignorance really an option? The anti-HIV-1 drugs used to treat COVID-19 come into question due to the leucine zipper-like sequence in gp41. Leucine zipper was mentioned in posts #450, #452 and #454.
This is a 13 Feb 2020 report, though we make a geographical link to the many-banded krait subspecies, Bungarus multicinctus wanghaotingi and Eco Health Alliance, New York:

13 Feb 2020 Scientists Try to Pinpoint Animal Origins of COVID-19
URL as found:
'....Disease ecologist and president of Eco Health Alliance, Peter Daszak....'

alternate URLs:
Scientists Try To Pinpoint Animal Origins Of COVID-19
Scientists Try To Pinpoint Animal Origins Of COVID-19

In post #467, we linked Eco Health Alliance (New York) to Yunnan Institute for Endemic Diseases, which is located in Dali City, China.

Dali City
Dali City - Wikipedia

Using The Book of the World, Macmillan, 1995, on page 236 one can see that Dali City is about 40 miles north of Midu. Midu is the origin of the Yuan Jiang (river), which flows into Hanoi (post #398). Along the way, a highway crosses the river and heads in a south-easterly direction, arriving at the municipality of Yuanjiang. We believe that Yuanjiang is the Type Locality for Bungarus multicinctus wanghaotingi, and that RaTG13 bat Rhinolophus affinis (post #523), the closest thus far to COVID-19, came from the Dali-Yuan Jiang (river) region.
Why Aren't They Sampling at Yuanjiang?

This is from 31 Jan 2020, when Daszak talks about RaTG13 from Yunnan:

Mining Coronavirus Genomes
URL as found:
'....Bedford's analysis of RaTG13 and 2019-nCoV suggest that the two viruses shared a common ancestor 25 to 65 years it likely took decades for RaTG13-like viruses to mutate into 2019-nCoV....THere are at least 25 years of evolutionary distance between RaTG13 - the virus held in the Wuhan Virology Institute - and 2019-nCoV, arguing that the mutation rate may have been different as it passed through different hosts before humans....consistent with entry into the human population as either a natural accident of a laboratory accident....Daszak says. "It's a shame. There's this incredible diversity in wildlife and we've just scratched the surface....We cannot assume that just because this virus from Yunnan has a high sequence identity with the new one that that's the origin," Daszak says.'
Nov 2019 CPV-2 Italy
'....The evolution of the new CPV-2 in Italy, pointing out notable differences at the local level in distribution of variants.'

Jan 2019 Italy/Hungary Cat Parvovirus / CPV-2
Identification of a novel parvovirus in domestic cats. - PubMed - NCBI
'....The carnivore bufaviruses were phylogenetically related to primate bufaviruses.'

Japan/Indonesia / Divergent Bufaviruses Harboured in Megabats Represents a New Lineage of Parvoviruses
Divergent bufavirus harboured in megabats represents a new lineage of parvoviruses. - PubMed - NCBI
'....Megabats are a potential reservoir of emerging zoonotic viruses, including Nipah, Hendra, SARS Coronavirus and Ebola.'
From the same journal issue (Journal of Medical Virology), though dated 27 Feb 2020: '....Therefore, we concluded that human SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is responsible for the recent outbreak of COVID-19, did not come directly from pangolins....a unique peptide insertion (PRRA) in COVID-19 which may be involved in proteolytic cleavage of the spike protein....'
They eat bats....uncooked bat will be years before I go to a Chinese restaurant again....
The article (post # 536) states: '....The temporal tree showed the divergence time of Spike sequence between bat SARS-like RaTG13 and SARS-CoV-2 is 0.18, while it is 1.50 from bat SARS-like RaTG13 to SARS-CoV-2 cluster....Based on a report accord, the selective pressure analysis showed that genes (ORF10 and ORF7a) have a greater selective pressure, and Spike has an average pressure relative to the whole genome. The spike RBD-receptor interaction is a key factor determining host range of coronaviruses.
Interestingly, the SARS-CoV-2 RBD sequence from 320-521 possesses 93% identity with pangolin SARS-like CoV RaTG13. Pangolin SARS-like CoV SRR 10168377 has a higher probability to cross host barriers and infect humans. Pangolin SARS-like CoV SRR 10168377 seems to point the host range of SARS-CoV expanded from pangolin....It does not exclude that bat SARS-like CoV RaTG13 or other SARS-like CoV infects turtle and expanded to humans after the evolution. The turtles C. picta bellii, C. mydas and P. sinensis, may also act as potential intermediate hosts to transmit SARS-CoV-2 to humans, although much more needs to be confirmed.'
They did not name the genus. Scientific protocol is that the genus abbreviation can only be used after the full genus name has been stated. We think that they are referring to Chrysemys picta bellii (Painted Turtle), and Pelodiscus sinensis (Soft-Shelled Turtle).
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