SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

i cook from scratch and to do so...i need a full kitchen of equipment and spices....i would be fine with free breakfast and lunches for kids in school...and if they need it free dinners after school is it a great country cannot feed it kids..regardless of race or religion....

It is the right thing to do...No child should starve.
It is the logical and pragmatic thing to do. Poorly nourished kids end up sick and in need of expensive medical attention. It is far more economical to feed them than to cure them after they become ill. Same can be said for old folks.
Nothing like healthy food they prepare then......
i cook from scratch and to do so...i need a full kitchen of equipment and spices....i would be fine with free breakfast and lunches for kids in school...and if they need it free dinners after school is it a great country cannot feed it kids..regardless of race or religion....

It is the right thing to do...No child should starve.
Too bad their parents failed to think of that before spawning them in the first place.
It's cheaper to eat frozen processed foods than to cook from scratch.

How pathetic the number of people on here that want to be dicks to poor hungry people, while giving tax breaks to the rich.
I contest your comment about frozen processed foods be cheaper than cooking from scratch.
i cook from scratch and to do so...i need a full kitchen of equipment and spices....i would be fine with free breakfast and lunches for kids in school...and if they need it free dinners after school is it a great country cannot feed it kids..regardless of race or religion....

It is the right thing to do...No child should starve.
Too bad their parents failed to think of that before spawning them in the first place.
It's not spawn on the plantation, it's a check.....
It's cheaper to eat frozen process foods than to cook from scratch.

How pathetic the number of people on here that want to be dicks to poor hungry people, while giving tax breaks to the rich.

WE'd be better off feeding the poor, providing a skill based education and providing housing for them over tax breaks for the bastards that have hurt this nation. The bastards that outsourced, brought in third world labor and take billions from the tax payers while sticking the knife in our backs.

I'm just so tired of this fucks picking on poor people...seriously, give it a rest.
i cook from scratch and to do so...i need a full kitchen of equipment and spices....i would be fine with free breakfast and lunches for kids in school...and if they need it free dinners after school is it a great country cannot feed it kids..regardless of race or religion....

HAHAHA. You don't cook from scratch. If you did, you'd know that cooking rice means just bringing water to a boil and letting it simmer for 15 minutes.

Parents should feed their kids. Why do you libs hate doing that.?

Wrong, it's more difficult than that too cook rice properly.

50 lb bag of rice $40 at asian store. Put in rice cooker, rinse well.......cover with water, turn on. 30min later, great rice. Cooker cost $30.
It's cheaper to eat frozen process foods than to cook from scratch.

How pathetic the number of people on here that want to be dicks to poor hungry people, while giving tax breaks to the rich.

WE'd be better off feeding the poor, providing a skill based education and providing housing for them over tax breaks for the bastards that have hurt this nation. The bastards that outsourced, brought in third world labor and take billions from the tax payers while sticking the knife in our backs.

I'm just so tired of this fucks picking on poor people...seriously, give it a rest.
I agree...democrats must be stopped....
HAHAHA. You don't cook from scratch. If you did, you'd know that cooking rice means just bringing water to a boil and letting it simmer for 15 minutes.

Wrong, it's more difficult than that too cook rice properly.

You're lying and any bag of rice will have directions on it that prove you're lying.

Wrong, it takes a specific amount of water to rice ration, and you need to make sure that lower the heat at the right time and keep it covered the right amount of time. You don't know what you are talking about.
Don't gimme any crap about how poor people need a balanced diet. As it is these snappers spend all this money on junk food. A diet of staples will be better for them. And MUCH cheaper for the taxpayers. Eating just those 4 staples, a person can live on a dollar a day.

Yeah, keep the poor sedated and then they can't rise up.
i cook from scratch and to do so...i need a full kitchen of equipment and spices....i would be fine with free breakfast and lunches for kids in school...and if they need it free dinners after school is it a great country cannot feed it kids..regardless of race or religion....

HAHAHA. You don't cook from scratch. If you did, you'd know that cooking rice means just bringing water to a boil and letting it simmer for 15 minutes.

Parents should feed their kids. Why do you libs hate doing that.?

Wrong, it's more difficult than that too cook rice properly.

50 lb bag of rice $40 at asian store. Put in rice cooker, rinse well.......cover with water, turn on. 30min later, great rice. Cooker cost $30.

$30 to a poor family could mean a week's worth of meals. Get over yourself.
i cook from scratch and to do so...i need a full kitchen of equipment and spices....i would be fine with free breakfast and lunches for kids in school...and if they need it free dinners after school is it a great country cannot feed it kids..regardless of race or religion....

HAHAHA. You don't cook from scratch. If you did, you'd know that cooking rice means just bringing water to a boil and letting it simmer for 15 minutes.

Parents should feed their kids. Why do you libs hate doing that.?

Wrong, it's more difficult than that too cook rice properly.

50 lb bag of rice $40 at asian store. Put in rice cooker, rinse well.......cover with water, turn on. 30min later, great rice. Cooker cost $30.
If they can't afford a rice cooker, a decent sauce pan will do just as well, it only takes a little more effort to pay attention to cooking.
50 lb bag of rice $40 at asian store. Put in rice cooker, rinse well.......cover with water, turn on. 30min later, great rice. Cooker cost $30.

You don't need a rice cooker. Just boil the water on a stove or a hot-plate. And your price quote for rice is too high. Walmart sells their 5 pound bags for under $3.
It's cheaper to eat frozen process foods than to cook from scratch.

How pathetic the number of people on here that want to be dicks to poor hungry people, while giving tax breaks to the rich.

WE'd be better off feeding the poor, providing a skill based education and providing housing for them over tax breaks for the bastards that have hurt this nation. The bastards that outsourced, brought in third world labor and take billions from the tax payers while sticking the knife in our backs.

I'm just so tired of this fucks picking on poor people...seriously, give it a rest.

we don't like mofo having kids, starving them with our money to buy lapdance or tattoo. Gig is up! No more cash payments for dope.
HAHAHA. You don't cook from scratch. If you did, you'd know that cooking rice means just bringing water to a boil and letting it simmer for 15 minutes.

Wrong, it's more difficult than that too cook rice properly.

You're lying and any bag of rice will have directions on it that prove you're lying.

Wrong, it takes a specific amount of water to rice ration, and you need to make sure that lower the heat at the right time and keep it covered the right amount of time. You don't know what you are talking about.
So, you know the poor are stupid just because......
i cook from scratch and to do so...i need a full kitchen of equipment and spices....i would be fine with free breakfast and lunches for kids in school...and if they need it free dinners after school is it a great country cannot feed it kids..regardless of race or religion....

HAHAHA. You don't cook from scratch. If you did, you'd know that cooking rice means just bringing water to a boil and letting it simmer for 15 minutes.

Parents should feed their kids. Why do you libs hate doing that.?

Wrong, it's more difficult than that too cook rice properly.

50 lb bag of rice $40 at asian store. Put in rice cooker, rinse well.......cover with water, turn on. 30min later, great rice. Cooker cost $30.

$30 to a poor family could mean a week's worth of meals. Get over yourself.

Mine is on all the time. Panasonic, last forever. Give it to them. Teach them. Or pick up your cooked ration at jail, no more cash.
I'm just so tired of this fucks picking on poor people...seriously, give it a rest.

And us working white people are sick of you insisting i feed your kids.

I don't have kids... quit trying to build a strawman argument. Fucking people act like poor people are living the high life, going on vacations, playing X Box One on big screen HD tvs and driving new cars. They just fucking want to be able to eat... why don't you fucking go pick on someone else once in awhile. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Oh... you religious God loving, and caring people... yeah get the fuck out of here. You don't give two shits about other living humans or creatures.

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