Snowden - the movie

I think Snowden should come back and stand trial for what he did until he does that I will have no respect for him never been a fan of Oliver Stone that said glad you enjoyed the movie.
Snowden - The Movie

The Movie. I thought it was really good.

What I loved the most was the way it humanized the man.

He is more than someone who should be simply labeled a traitor or be called to be summarily executed (as if anyone should be) There is also a sound bite from Hillary calling him a traitor.

This is, in my opinion, Stone's best.
He is a traitor. Why are we doing a revision of history on this man? You really believe everything the movies tell you?

And you are a socialist, a fascist, a stupid government supremacist.

Snowden - The Movie

The Movie. I thought it was really good.

What I loved the most was the way it humanized the man.

He is more than someone who should be simply labeled a traitor or be called to be summarily executed (as if anyone should be) There is also a sound bite from Hillary calling him a traitor.

This is, in my opinion, Stone's best.
He is a traitor. Why are we doing a revision of history on this man? You really believe everything the movies tell you?

And you are a socialist, a fascist, a stupid government supremacist.

Isn't it amazing the far left siding with "the man". It just goes to show that the far left is not the rebellion any more and probably hasn't been for over one hundred years.
Out of curiosity. If you believe that Snowden is simply exposing the governments spying on its citizens (and they are, no question).....Why does he have to release ANY OTHER information not related to that activity?

If it is not related to the activity of the government spying on the citizens, then he is releasing classified information that actively harms this nation and puts peoples lives in jeopardy.

How do you reconcile that with "he had to do this" worship mentality?
Snowden - The Movie

The Movie. I thought it was really good.

What I loved the most was the way it humanized the man.

He is more than someone who should be simply labeled a traitor or be called to be summarily executed (as if anyone should be) There is also a sound bite from Hillary calling him a traitor.

This is, in my opinion, Stone's best.
He is a traitor. Why are we doing a revision of history on this man? You really believe everything the movies tell you?

That's what being told your Constitutional rights are being violated means to you, huh? Anyone who does that is a "traitor?"

I don't have real opinion of him personally, but what he did was clearly the right thing.

Here's how you get what he did. Imagine the Republicans spying on you without a warrant. Starting to get it now?
It's strange that the left calls him a traitor...

Calling Hillary "the left" is like suggesting the current Republicans are like Abraham Lincoln. Sure, they shared the same party, but back in those days, it was the Republicans rather than the Democrats who were more progressive on a whole host of issues. For me, those on the -real- left are only voting for Hillary because Trump is so much worse. Some, like myself, don't even support voting for Hillary as the 'lesser of evils' option; it's Jill Stein and damn the likelihood of her actually winning, atleast I can support her with a clean conscience. As to Snowden, I like what Susan Sarandon, who most people know is on the left, had to say on the matter:
Ed Snowden did this country a great service. Here was a man who had a well-paying job and a good life in Hawaii yet tore it all up so that he could reveal to all of us what the NSA was doing to us in the name of national security. He did so for no personal gain, and at massive personal cost, because he cared about a basic principle: that governments should not lie to their people.

I think President Obama should do the right thing: pardon Ed and let him come home to his family and his people.

Susan Sarandon
I don’t think a person like that should be exiled from their country. I don’t think a person like that deserves to be locked away for decades like Chelsea Manning. I think President Obama should do the right thing: pardon Ed and let him come home to his family and his people.

Source: 'Edward Snowden did this country a great service. Let him come home'
It's strange that the left calls him a traitor...

Calling Hillary "the left" is like suggesting the current Republicans are like Abraham Lincoln. Sure, they shared the same party, but back in those days, it was the Republicans rather than the Democrats who were more progressive on a whole host of issues. For me, those on the -real- left are only voting for Hillary because Trump is so much worse. Some, like myself, don't even support voting for Hillary as the 'lesser of evils' option; it's Jill Stein and damn the likelihood of her actually winning, atleast I can support her with a clean conscience. As to Snowden, I like what Susan Sarandon, who most people know is on the left, had to say on the matter:
Ed Snowden did this country a great service. Here was a man who had a well-paying job and a good life in Hawaii yet tore it all up so that he could reveal to all of us what the NSA was doing to us in the name of national security. He did so for no personal gain, and at massive personal cost, because he cared about a basic principle: that governments should not lie to their people.

I think President Obama should do the right thing: pardon Ed and let him come home to his family and his people.

Susan Sarandon
I don’t think a person like that should be exiled from their country. I don’t think a person like that deserves to be locked away for decades like Chelsea Manning. I think President Obama should do the right thing: pardon Ed and let him come home to his family and his people.

Source: 'Edward Snowden did this country a great service. Let him come home'

Unfortunately, all American politicians support the gargantuan bankrupt FASCISTIC welfare/warfare police state.

Unlike socialism , the degree of authority exercised by fascists vary by degrees.

So we are forced to elect the lesser of evils.


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