Snowden vs. Manning.

Name the top secret material Mr Snowden released. He only released a process.

It doesn't matter if it was "a process" or not - he leaked Top Secret documents and revealed a process that was not publically known.

Go back and read the Fourth Amendment I posted. It is written in clear and precise words that are not subject to interpretation. The government violated that with a generic order to seize the records of millions of people. Only a fool would think that the writers and signers of the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights would find this type of action acceptable.

I read it and stand by what I said - it remains to be seen.

Personally - I'm glad this is public. I've never liked the Patriot Act and am not surprised it has led to these type of "process".

I see no difference however between Snowden and Manning except I suspect Snowden learned from Mannings mistakes.
Does anyone believe The Guardian and Washington Post have released all the classified documents they received from Snowden?

Glenn Greenwald with The Guardian just confirmed to Lawrence O'Donnell that he has specific names of people spied upon by NSA, but sounded like he won't release those names.
Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.

Yo Swallow...I am conservative and I want them both hung. Don't be so quick with your inaccurate observations.
John Bolton says it's treason.

So I guess you think by quoting Bolton, you have somehow gained a shred of legitimacy. Lol. The federal govt is only concerned because their horrible track record of usurping the constitution is being exposed.....and you're cheering it on.

Bolton is a lunatic - but he's your lunatic.
While Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, Arne Duncan, Dianne Frankenstein, ad nausem, are your lunatics.

Both Manning and Snowden are heroes.

Both prove the strength of spirit that made America first among the great nations is not dead, contrary to what people of normal intelligence and emotional development have been thinking about US government since the late 1960s.

They are both criminals that violated the public trust given them in their positions. The signed agreements not to disclose classified information and they broke that agreement, which is a crime.
So I guess you think by quoting Bolton, you have somehow gained a shred of legitimacy. Lol. The federal govt is only concerned because their horrible track record of usurping the constitution is being exposed.....and you're cheering it on.

Bolton is a lunatic - but he's your lunatic.
While Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, Arne Duncan, Dianne Frankenstein, ad nausem, are your lunatics.


Kick Obama out of office and he'll be just as crazy as they are.
If Snowden (an American citizen) is so NOBLE, why is he on the run - to Hong Kong and now maybe to Iceland?

Edward Snowden and the Iceland Option | Mother Jones

Icelandic Legislator: I'm Ready To Help NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Seek Asylum - Forbes

You have to ask after seeing how the maker of the Islamic video was treated when he was made the Benghazi "squirrel"?

You mean one year in prison for "four charges of violating a probation sentence imposed on him in 2010 after a bank fraud conviction"? He received NO prison time for the anti-Islam video.

Man Behind Anti-Islam Video Gets Prison Term - The New York Times
Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.

Conservatives hail Manning as a hero?

Wait, the real problem here is that you are a wackadoodle.

:eusa_hand: That's the one they want dead. almost got it right! :eusa_shhh:
Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.

Yo Swallow...I am conservative and I want them both hung. Don't be so quick with your inaccurate observations.

Yo Delfag.

I think you are just interested in how well they are hung.


Maybe you can get a "swallow" from one of them.

But here?

You're barking up the wrong tree.
One is a criminal defendant, the other a potential fugitive.

Both are presumed innocent, neither are ‘heroes.’

Snowden and Manning not withstanding, such acts are nothing more than civil liberties vigilantism, one may not take the law into his own hands, regardless how ‘noble’ the act may be perceived.

“But no one in official ranks would listen to or believe them,” whine many conservatives and libertarians.

That’s completely irrelevant, and not justification for violating the law.

To date, the PA, the NDAA, and FISA, among other laws and policies, have been subject to extensive judicial review. Aspects of the laws deemed by the courts to be un-Constitutional have been rewritten, revised, or removed; what remains or has not been subject to review is presumed to be Constitutional.

Current intelligence gathering programs are conducted under judicial supervision, that some believe such oversight is somehow ‘deficient’ is also irrelevant.

Ultimately the resolution to this controversy lies in the political and legislative process, not in the courts or the press or in the hands of irresponsible vigilantes.
If Snowden (an American citizen) is so NOBLE, why is he on the run - to Hong Kong and now maybe to Iceland?

Edward Snowden and the Iceland Option | Mother Jones

Icelandic Legislator: I'm Ready To Help NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Seek Asylum - Forbes

You have to ask after seeing how the maker of the Islamic video was treated when he was made the Benghazi "squirrel"?

You mean one year in prison for "four charges of violating a probation sentence imposed on him in 2010 after a bank fraud conviction"? He receive NO prison time for the anti-Islam video.

Man Behind Anti-Islam Video Gets Prison Term - The New York Times

The full force of the Federal government was brought to bear on him for a parole violation. Extrapolate that to the vengeance Valerie Jarrett will want to exact on this "enemy".
If Snowden (an American citizen) is so NOBLE, why is he on the run - to Hong Kong and now maybe to Iceland?

Edward Snowden and the Iceland Option | Mother Jones

Icelandic Legislator: I'm Ready To Help NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Seek Asylum - Forbes

You have to ask after seeing how the maker of the Islamic video was treated when he was made the Benghazi "squirrel"?

How did you want him to be treated?

He broke the law.

I'd like to see the Obama administration go completely apeshit on him, smear him mercilessly in the press, and come out as the neocon shitbags they are.

GO team!

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